Breaking News: "Trump's a Pussy" - Gary Johnson

Well Trump sure acted like a pussy yesterday...
After pushing the birther thing for 5 years Trump flips then runs
off the stage....

Probably a good idea since part of the stage collapsed....

The stage collapsed?

Are you sure that you aren't talking about Hillary... or the twin towers? It seems to me like you are confused.

Was the collapse of the twin towers a good day for you...'
funny was it?....

Where did you get that from? Same place as most your info - out of the butt, or Clinton News Network perhaps?
Gary just learned he ain't allowed in the debates. Lost his temper...poor retard.
Why are you afraid to allow presidential candidates into the debates?
Why should this fucking dopehead with less than 10% support be allowed in the debate? Because you fucking WeedWorms crowned him KingPot?

Because anyone who makes it onto the ballot should be able to debate you anti-American, pro 2 party supporting loon.
If Trump and Hillary had balls, they wouldn't have any problem having Johnson and even Jill Stein as part of the debates. It would be nice to hear more points of view than just the usual rhetoric.
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Title is fair because it's the title of the news story.

Johnson doesn't just insult Trump, he actually explains why Trump is actually a pussy.

Trump's worse than a pussy!! He's a pussy with an attitude and a bankroll.
Bullshit bitch.
Title is fair because it's the title of the news story.

Johnson doesn't just insult Trump, he actually explains why Trump is actually a pussy.

Or to put it another way, Trump's a winner and Johnson is an angry loser.

Yeah, that would be the wrong way, tmt. The truth is Trump is a pussy, and the entire Press will gang up on him until he caves. And he will cave.

I doubt he will, hey but look at the bright can show Johnson where Aleppo is and why it matters.

All you need to know about Aleppo is that the LParty was the ONLY political with the absolute correct MEast policy for past 20 years. And your guys --- screwed the pooch, and wrecked the place. And both the Dems and Reps are SO ENTIRELY dense -- that they had to wreck 4 or 5 countries and watch them fill with terrorists before YOUR retards learned what we knew 20 years ago.. . Class dismissed. Go praise Hillary on how much IMPROVED Libya and Syria are today due to her efforts.

Bullshit. The Hildabitch killed thousands. She will need to prove how her dick is against Putin's.
Bullshit bitch.
Title is fair because it's the title of the news story.

Johnson doesn't just insult Trump, he actually explains why Trump is actually a pussy.

Or to put it another way, Trump's a winner and Johnson is an angry loser.

Yeah, that would be the wrong way, tmt. The truth is Trump is a pussy, and the entire Press will gang up on him until he caves. And he will cave.

I doubt he will, hey but look at the bright can show Johnson where Aleppo is and why it matters.

All you need to know about Aleppo is that the LParty was the ONLY political with the absolute correct MEast policy for past 20 years. And your guys --- screwed the pooch, and wrecked the place. And both the Dems and Reps are SO ENTIRELY dense -- that they had to wreck 4 or 5 countries and watch them fill with terrorists before YOUR retards learned what we knew 20 years ago.. . Class dismissed. Go praise Hillary on how much IMPROVED Libya and Syria are today due to her efforts.

Bullshit. The Hildabitch killed thousands. She will need to prove how her dick is against Putin's.

Your head is hurting. Johnson is a cut above and Trump three steps below.
Coming from an OPEN BORDERS, TPP, BLM supporting femi biatch who sounds like he's been ODing on estrogen, who cares?!
So if he doesn't "cry" you'll leave the board.
I made you cry last night, and you overstepped. Trump is a pussy as are you.

You aren't intelligent enough to make me "cry" sissy boy....over stepped? ;)
And I am. You'd be better off ignoring me Mr. Starkey, I seem to be able to get under your skin at will.
The facts are simple: Trump is a pussy, and so are you. :lol:
You have me confused with you. Gary simply isn't Presidential material. Sorry.
You have me confused with you. Gary simply isn't Presidential material. Sorry.
You are a goofy bear, for sure. Trump is not presidential material, neither is Hillary, and you and I would go to New Zealand if Stein were elected President. Johnson is our best bet of an awful lot.

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