Breaking News: "Trump's a Pussy" - Gary Johnson

Why? Hillary isn't crying, and I don't see you leaving.

Grizz, you are suspiciously getting close to the old hard right "we can't take what we dish" routine.

Be a grown bear, bear up, and bear on.

Projection Mr. Starkey.
You are on the run here and everyone can see it.
Why? Hillary isn't crying, and I don't see you leaving.

Grizz, you are suspiciously getting close to the old hard right "we can't take what we dish" routine.

Be a grown bear, bear up, and bear on.

Projection Mr. Starkey.
You are on the run here and everyone can see it.
As you run away. :) You are projecting and can barely bear it. heh
Or to put it another way, Trump's a winner and Johnson is an angry loser.
Yeah, that would be the wrong way, tmt. The truth is Trump is a pussy, and the entire Press will gang up on him until he caves. And he will cave.
Jake, I feel your pain.
The pain will be all Trump's tomorrow.

You Hitlarettes are going to let us all have it, huh, Jake the Snake?
:) I am for Johnson. The press tomorrow and every day after that will crucify Trump until he gets right with them for today. I saw Dobbs beat the crap verbally out of Giulani, and little Katie Turik make Stephen Cortes almost cry for trying to defend Trump's enormous gaffe.

You're a libertarian who adores Lou Dobbs and Katie Couric, I couldn't make that ridiculous up ...
Yeah, that would be the wrong way, tmt. The truth is Trump is a pussy, and the entire Press will gang up on him until he caves. And he will cave.
Jake, I feel your pain.
The pain will be all Trump's tomorrow.

You Hitlarettes are going to let us all have it, huh, Jake the Snake?
:) I am for Johnson. The press tomorrow and every day after that will crucify Trump until he gets right with them for today. I saw Dobbs beat the crap verbally out of Giulani, and little Katie Turik make Stephen Cortes almost cry for trying to defend Trump's enormous gaffe.
You're a libertarian who adores Lou Dobbs and Katie Couric, I couldn't make that ridiculous up ...
Those are your silly words, but you adore Trump.

kaz, those two centrist journalists beat the living shit metaphorically out of those two Trump supporters. There were a half dozen other instances on the cable.

Trump's surrogates are going to get hammered tomorrow. And every reporter from responsible right to responsible left will go after Trump tomorrow and every day after.

What a Trumpian fiasco.
Jake, I feel your pain.
The pain will be all Trump's tomorrow.

You Hitlarettes are going to let us all have it, huh, Jake the Snake?
:) I am for Johnson. The press tomorrow and every day after that will crucify Trump until he gets right with them for today. I saw Dobbs beat the crap verbally out of Giulani, and little Katie Turik make Stephen Cortes almost cry for trying to defend Trump's enormous gaffe.
You're a libertarian who adores Lou Dobbs and Katie Couric, I couldn't make that ridiculous up ...
Those are your silly words, but you adore Trump.

kaz, those two centrist journalists beat the living shit metaphorically out of those two Trump supporters. There were a half dozen other instances on the cable.

Trump's surrogates are going to get hammered tomorrow. And every reporter from responsible right to responsible left will go after Trump tomorrow and every day after.

What a Trumpian fiasco.

Couric and Dobbs are "centrists?" ... and you're a Republican? ... Jesus, guy, you're more bizarre than I even knew ...
Couric and Dobbs are "centrists?" ... and you're a Republican? ... Jesus, guy, you're more bizarre than I even knew ...
You can't read it? Little Turik made Stephen Cortes look like a pussy. That's what Dobbs did to Giuliani. And that is going to happen to every Trump surrogate tomorrow.
Open Borders Gary Loony who says he most relates to Socialist Bernie.. You fucking dupes following around a literal dopehead who owns a marijuana company..

All YOU got is a loon trying to outpander Bernie Sanders with new entitlements and a fetish for adding $TRILLS to the Federal debt. And yet you're gonna ride that horse right into the sunset of America....

Dopehead never OWNED a marijuana company.. He took a leadership position to help make public policy and assure that the states that ARE decriminalizing it can keep up with the task. Takes experience to avoid it being a disaster after 18 more states vote this Fall on decriminalization. Paid $1/yr for the task..

If you know so much about "his company" I'm sure you can tell everyone which straight laced Republican former Senator took his job after he left to run.. It's not about condoning pot. It's about getting the govt to KEEP UP with the will of the voters..
Breaking news, Gary Johnson can put Presidential candidate on his resume and go home,,,,,,.....
Title is fair because it's the title of the news story.

Johnson doesn't just insult Trump, he actually explains why Trump is actually a pussy.

Or to put it another way, Trump's a winner and Johnson is an angry loser.

Yeah, that would be the wrong way, tmt. The truth is Trump is a pussy, and the entire Press will gang up on him until he caves. And he will cave.

I doubt he will, hey but look at the bright can show Johnson where Aleppo is and why it matters.

All you need to know about Aleppo is that the LParty was the ONLY political with the absolute correct MEast policy for past 20 years. And your guys --- screwed the pooch, and wrecked the place. And both the Dems and Reps are SO ENTIRELY dense -- that they had to wreck 4 or 5 countries and watch them fill with terrorists before YOUR retards learned what we knew 20 years ago.. . Class dismissed. Go praise Hillary on how much IMPROVED Libya and Syria are today due to her efforts.
This explains it all really:

Not much truth in any of that. It's sour grapes from some ill-informed hack with a Brit accent. Polls CONSISTENTLY show that including Johnson/Weld strips about 2 points from Hillary, MAYBE 1 point from Trump and the other 8% are people who piss on both your dysfunctional parties.

Polling ABOVE 15% in 15 states right now. Above 19% in three. And above 10% in 42 states. Fuck the national average. We're gonna throw this into the House of Representatives so you partisan animals can battle to the death. Be a GREAT demonstration of the juvenile behavior that's replaced our American political system.

America NEEDS a mediation team to come in and get this partisan shit feast shut the fuck down for 4 years.
This explains it all really:

Not much truth in any of that. It's sour grapes from some ill-informed hack with a Brit accent. Polls CONSISTENTLY show that including Johnson/Weld strips about 2 points from Hillary, MAYBE 1 point from Trump and the other 8% are people who piss on both your dysfunctional parties.

Polling ABOVE 15% in 15 states right now. Above 19% in three. And above 10% in 42 states. Fuck the national average. We're gonna throw this into the House of Representatives so you partisan animals can battle to the death. Be a GREAT demonstration of the juvenile behavior that's replaced our American political system.

America NEEDS a mediation team to come in and get this partisan shit feast shut the fuck down for 4 years.

Are you saying that Gary Johnson has a chance? Because, if that's the case I have some bad news for you.
Gary Johnson got his denial letter today, he won't be included in the first debate. The reason given was the American people think he's a loser.
This explains it all really:

Not much truth in any of that. It's sour grapes from some ill-informed hack with a Brit accent. Polls CONSISTENTLY show that including Johnson/Weld strips about 2 points from Hillary, MAYBE 1 point from Trump and the other 8% are people who piss on both your dysfunctional parties.

Polling ABOVE 15% in 15 states right now. Above 19% in three. And above 10% in 42 states. Fuck the national average. We're gonna throw this into the House of Representatives so you partisan animals can battle to the death. Be a GREAT demonstration of the juvenile behavior that's replaced our American political system.

America NEEDS a mediation team to come in and get this partisan shit feast shut the fuck down for 4 years.

Are you saying that Gary Johnson has a chance? Because, if that's the case I have some bad news for you.

The question really is ----- Will America vote out of sheer panic and fear? Because the parties fucked up and gave them retarded candidates. Or will people realize that this "Brand Name" duopoly is gasping for air and about to ignite civil unrest no matter which of the ClinTrump egomaniacs is elected?

Even IF we don't win --- WE get to keep to keep our record of not wavering on principles AND we get the benefit of not having to CLAW our way onto ballots in the next elections cycles if we pull even 5% nationally.

It's not about winning.. It's about CHOICE ON THE BALLOT. And ASKING to serve rather than EXPECTING the fear and loathing to drive people to vote against the "other". Winning is highly over-rated if this country TANKS because Americans are too stupid to see the coming crisis that your Dem/Rep death match is bringing us..
This explains it all really:

Not much truth in any of that. It's sour grapes from some ill-informed hack with a Brit accent. Polls CONSISTENTLY show that including Johnson/Weld strips about 2 points from Hillary, MAYBE 1 point from Trump and the other 8% are people who piss on both your dysfunctional parties.

Polling ABOVE 15% in 15 states right now. Above 19% in three. And above 10% in 42 states. Fuck the national average. We're gonna throw this into the House of Representatives so you partisan animals can battle to the death. Be a GREAT demonstration of the juvenile behavior that's replaced our American political system.

America NEEDS a mediation team to come in and get this partisan shit feast shut the fuck down for 4 years.

Are you saying that Gary Johnson has a chance? Because, if that's the case I have some bad news for you.

The question really is ----- Will America vote out of sheer panic and fear? Because the parties fucked up and gave them retarded candidates. Or will people realize that this "Brand Name" duopoly is gasping for air and about to ignite civil unrest no matter which of the ClinTrump egomaniacs is elected?

Even IF we don't win --- WE get to keep to keep our record of not wavering on principles AND we get the benefit of not having to CLAW our way onto ballots in the next elections cycles if we pull even 5% nationally.

It's not about winning.. It's about CHOICE ON THE BALLOT. And ASKING to serve rather than EXPECTING the fear and loathing to drive people to vote against the "other". Winning is highly over-rated if this country TANKS because Americans are too stupid to see the coming crisis that your Dem/Rep death match is bringing us..

Not wavering on principles... cause that's exactly what Johnson is doing. Not...
Title is fair because it's the title of the news story.

Johnson doesn't just insult Trump, he actually explains why Trump is actually a pussy.

I can imagine Trump supporters demand that Johnson be politically correct. How dare he not be politically correct?
This explains it all really:

Not much truth in any of that. It's sour grapes from some ill-informed hack with a Brit accent. Polls CONSISTENTLY show that including Johnson/Weld strips about 2 points from Hillary, MAYBE 1 point from Trump and the other 8% are people who piss on both your dysfunctional parties.

Polling ABOVE 15% in 15 states right now. Above 19% in three. And above 10% in 42 states. Fuck the national average. We're gonna throw this into the House of Representatives so you partisan animals can battle to the death. Be a GREAT demonstration of the juvenile behavior that's replaced our American political system.

America NEEDS a mediation team to come in and get this partisan shit feast shut the fuck down for 4 years.

Are you saying that Gary Johnson has a chance? Because, if that's the case I have some bad news for you.

The question really is ----- Will America vote out of sheer panic and fear? Because the parties fucked up and gave them retarded candidates. Or will people realize that this "Brand Name" duopoly is gasping for air and about to ignite civil unrest no matter which of the ClinTrump egomaniacs is elected?

Even IF we don't win --- WE get to keep to keep our record of not wavering on principles AND we get the benefit of not having to CLAW our way onto ballots in the next elections cycles if we pull even 5% nationally.

It's not about winning.. It's about CHOICE ON THE BALLOT. And ASKING to serve rather than EXPECTING the fear and loathing to drive people to vote against the "other". Winning is highly over-rated if this country TANKS because Americans are too stupid to see the coming crisis that your Dem/Rep death match is bringing us..

Not wavering on principles... cause that's exactly what Johnson is doing. Not...

At this point, the leadership crisis and scandals and lurid media fun is too serious to worry about "PURITY" in libertarian thought. After all -- we'd have to start governing from the half-socialist half-cronycapitalist crap that your guys have created. Just stopping the bombing of 5 or 6 Arab nations a year would be a good start.

If Johnson/Weld confuse being libertarian with progressive ideas -- I assure you, WE will primary them out and RISK LOSING re-election to fix that problem.. Right now -- we need you partisan a-holes to STFU for 4 years so that the ADULTS can assess the damage from your hissy fits.

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