Breaking: NY Times Busted Selectively Editing Version Of Bundy's Truthful Comments

In what world is he not racist?

I would love to hear your explanation about why "they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton" is not racist.

Please enlighten me :rolleyes:
I can tell you are a low-information voter.
He commented because he was asked and basically he is saying slavery to someone where you can have a family life and work might be better than being a slave to one's government with nothing to do. It applies to all of us, not just blacks. Do we want to become slaves to our government? It seems to be what is happening with tens of millions of Americans. People of every race on welfare are dependent on it for their food, their medical care, their money, their place to live, their heat and utilities and they even control the children's education. Again, Bundy is saying slavery is bad and that welfare is bad ... MSM did a hatchet job and it is clear in the video's in the OP.

Bundy is saying ... that welfare is bad.

... all while being a recipient of enormous welfare fraud himself.

I really don't remember how much he has stolen but he's the last one who should be saying "welfare is bad".


What are your thoughts of the Jew York Slimes editing his comments out of context in order to deceive the public?
I am guessing that 'picking cotton' is another way of saying learning a skill and working. He managed to get the left's attention on the subject, but as usual they cherry picked what words to listen to. The left looks for certain code words and makes assumptions. Apparently, too many aren't capable of listening to the comments in their entirety and actually comprehending the message, so some just stick to the simple minded assumptions. I would ask for some here to listen again with an open mind but that is asking too much. Don't strain yourselves.

It's the Dems who have shown themselves to be racist over the years. They claim that blacks aren't smart enough to get an ID and that Obama was the first clean and articulate black candidate. Those things are racist to the extreme, as are the actions they take with all their bullshit policies. There is an assumption on the left that no minority can possibly succeed without big brother taking them by the hand and leading the way. Most of the time, they just try to lead them to the nearest welfare office and promise to rob the mean white rich people. They think that is all any minority wants to hear, which is sad and shows a tremendous lack of compassion and understanding on the left. They have managed to indoctrinate millions and get them comfortable on the liberal plantation. And, no, there is no cotton picking going on there. There is nothing going on there except people waiting for years for the left to make good on promises of elevating the poor. The left has pushed the entitlement and victim mentality for decades and we are seeing the results of their efforts. Too many minority youths are turning to crime and fewer are graduating from high school. High teen pregnancy rates, gang activity and street violence are a direct result of years of 'help' from liberal politicians. But, as long as they get votes they don't care what damage is done to minority families and society. Anyone who dares to tell the truth and address the root of the problem is labeled and ridiculed.

As always, the libs here aren't discussing the message itself in detail. They get hung up on a few words and draw conclusions without looking at the whole picture. They hope for words from the ever-growing list of supposed racist words or even a typo to focus on. Anything to distract from the subject at hand.
Bundy definitely doesn't sound hateful. He sounds like someone who still uses language from another generation, but he does not sound hateful. He sounds caring.

Contrast him to Harry Reid who called Bundy a hateful racist. Harry Reid shows us what it means to be hateful.

Harry Reid is older than Bundy.

Just language from another generation I suppose :dunno:
Bundy definitely doesn't sound hateful. He sounds like someone who still uses language from another generation, but he does not sound hateful. He sounds caring.

Contrast him to Harry Reid who called Bundy a hateful racist. Harry Reid shows us what it means to be hateful.

Harry Reid is older than Bundy.

Just language from another generation I suppose :dunno:

Harry Reid lies about people from the Senate floor, calls private citizens unAmerican and hateful and other ugly things.

This is even worse for Bundy.

What a slime bucket he is. He's just a common criminal. He signed a contract, then reneged, got away with free welfare for twenty years and now is hoping to cover that up with this racist shit.

He had his day in court - twice. Time for him to go to jail. Time for him to pay for his own actions.

So welfare makes people a "slime bucket?" I think the Dem party should run on this!
His comments are no less racist in context.
No they weren't at all. This is no different when NBC edited Zimmerman's 911 tape. They removed the dispatcher asking Martin's race. A lot of the networks used what was damned near a “baby” picture of Martin and bleached out Zimmerman's picture to make him look “whiter.” These guys are very deceptive just like what the NY Times did here.
Bundy definitely doesn't sound hateful. He sounds like someone who still uses language from another generation, but he does not sound hateful. He sounds caring.

Contrast him to Harry Reid who called Bundy a hateful racist. Harry Reid shows us what it means to be hateful.

The worst kind of racists are the ones who have no idea they're racist.

Like you.
Bundy definitely doesn't sound hateful. He sounds like someone who still uses language from another generation, but he does not sound hateful. He sounds caring.

Contrast him to Harry Reid who called Bundy a hateful racist. Harry Reid shows us what it means to be hateful.

The worst kind of racists are the ones who have no idea they're racist.

Like you.

Quoted for posterity.

Thank you for saying that I'm worse than people who drag blacks to their death on chains behind trucks. I know who I am. And you're showing who you are. :thup:
That fat racist got his 15 seconds in the sun and royally shat all over it. What a dunce :cuckoo:

What he stated wasn't racist. Why are you so politically correct and hyper-sensitive for someone speaking the truth?

Why are you up in arms over a tax-dodging drunkard? :dunno:

Al Sharpton is a drunk? I knew he owed something like a couple of million in back taxes and that he was a fat racist. BUT a drunk too?

I never knew.
Saying that you have to help poor black people by teaching them a trade like picking cotton again is not racist. Not at all. Just look at those poor black people sitting on their front porch. Doesn't anyone remember the good ol' days when those black people were a-singin' and havin' the best o' times pickin' cotton down yonder? Why can't we have them good ol' days back?

If you don't know what's racist about that line of thinking then it's pretty safe to say that you're a racist.

Not a direct quote as I don't have a full transcript.

I remember the Watts riots from the first fire to the last, we don't want to go back to that.

It's amazing to me you two idiots are saying a rancher, not some guy working in a corner office but a RANCHER who works out in the fields all day is disparaging someone else by suggesting maybe they would be happier doing the same type of work he does.
Yes, let's hire all of those poor inner-city black people to herd cattle. Why didn't anyone think of it before? Bundy/Palin 2016!
I am guessing that 'picking cotton' is another way of saying learning a skill and working. He managed to get the left's attention on the subject, but as usual they cherry picked what words to listen to. The left looks for certain code words and makes assumptions. Apparently, too many aren't capable of listening to the comments in their entirety and actually comprehending the message, so some just stick to the simple minded assumptions. I would ask for some here to listen again with an open mind but that is asking too much. Don't strain yourselves.

It's the Dems who have shown themselves to be racist over the years. They claim that blacks aren't smart enough to get an ID and that Obama was the first clean and articulate black candidate. Those things are racist to the extreme, as are the actions they take with all their bullshit policies. There is an assumption on the left that no minority can possibly succeed without big brother taking them by the hand and leading the way. Most of the time, they just try to lead them to the nearest welfare office and promise to rob the mean white rich people. They think that is all any minority wants to hear, which is sad and shows a tremendous lack of compassion and understanding on the left. They have managed to indoctrinate millions and get them comfortable on the liberal plantation. And, no, there is no cotton picking going on there. There is nothing going on there except people waiting for years for the left to make good on promises of elevating the poor. The left has pushed the entitlement and victim mentality for decades and we are seeing the results of their efforts. Too many minority youths are turning to crime and fewer are graduating from high school. High teen pregnancy rates, gang activity and street violence are a direct result of years of 'help' from liberal politicians. But, as long as they get votes they don't care what damage is done to minority families and society. Anyone who dares to tell the truth and address the root of the problem is labeled and ridiculed.

As always, the libs here aren't discussing the message itself in detail. They get hung up on a few words and draw conclusions without looking at the whole picture. They hope for words from the ever-growing list of supposed racist words or even a typo to focus on. Anything to distract from the subject at hand.

75% of Americans in poverty are NOT black. Funny how you can't fit them into your crackpot theories.
Bundy definitely doesn't sound hateful. He sounds like someone who still uses language from another generation, but he does not sound hateful. He sounds caring.

Contrast him to Harry Reid who called Bundy a hateful racist. Harry Reid shows us what it means to be hateful.

Harry Reid is older than Bundy.

Just language from another generation I suppose :dunno:

Harry Reid lies about people from the Senate floor, calls private citizens unAmerican and hateful and other ugly things.


Reid is truly an ugly soul.
Right-wing redneck Republicans forced an armed standoff by hiding behind unarmed human shields to stop Federal agents from enforcing a legal court order against a rich racist criminal.

There is nothing right about the right-wing. Learn that.
Right-wing redneck Republicans forced an armed standoff by hiding behind unarmed human shields to stop Federal agents from enforcing a legal court order against a rich racist criminal.

There is nothing right about the right-wing. Learn that.

Hey, here's a question for you:

Wouldn't calling us "rednecks" be just as bad as Bundy calling black people "Negroes?"

Right-wing redneck Republicans forced an armed standoff by hiding behind unarmed human shields to stop Federal agents from enforcing a legal court order against a rich racist criminal.

There is nothing right about the right-wing. Learn that.

Hey, here's a question for you:

Wouldn't calling us "rednecks" be just as bad as Bundy calling black people "Negroes?"


It's worse after you take intent into account.
Saying that you have to help poor black people by teaching them a trade like picking cotton again is not racist. Not at all. Just look at those poor black people sitting on their front porch. Doesn't anyone remember the good ol' days when those black people were a-singin' and havin' the best o' times pickin' cotton down yonder? Why can't we have them good ol' days back?

If you don't know what's racist about that line of thinking then it's pretty safe to say that you're a racist.

Not a direct quote as I don't have a full transcript.

I remember the Watts riots from the first fire to the last, we don't want to go back to that.

It's amazing to me you two idiots are saying a rancher, not some guy working in a corner office but a RANCHER who works out in the fields all day is disparaging someone else by suggesting maybe they would be happier doing the same type of work he does.
Yes, let's hire all of those poor inner-city black people to herd cattle. Why didn't anyone think of it before? Bundy/Palin 2016!

Yep, now you're a racist, just like the rest of us.
Who cares? He could believe Bette Midler is the 12th Imam, it doesn't change the fact that the government has sent SWAT teams to collect a tax bill from a free citizen. Thoughts of a BLACK woman!

[ame=]I Don't Care if Cliven Bundy is a Racist - YouTube[/ame]
They took a serious issue that did NOT involve race --- and still doesn't involve race --- and played the race card. the feds can steal his property and the Militias will have to sit it out due to the politically fabricated landscape.


Everyone loses --- except the Government --- who has never maintained or fertilized or any in way managed that land.

Seriously, if every human being on the planet disappeared, the cattle would keep grazing on those lands and turtles would continue to live in harmony with them, the feds contribute absolutely nothing to Bundy's cattle grazing, why the FUCK does he have to pay them?

Congrats, everyone lost.

The Race Card:
When revealed, everyone loses...every time.

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