Breaking: NYTimes -- Trump asked Comey to shut down Flynn Investigation.

Trump reportedly made the request during a February meeting with the then-FBI director.

President Donald Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey to end his agency’s investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, The New York Times reported Tuesday.

According to the bombshell report, Trump made the request of Comey during a February meeting in the Oval Office. Comey reportedly detailed the meeting in a memo, which an FBI official later shared with the Times.

Reuters and NBC News later confirmed the Times’ report.

Donald Trump Reportedly Asked James Comey To Stop Michael Flynn Investigation

Holy shit, how much worse can it get before Trump is impeached?

Holy Shit, I am watching it all right now too--it's on CNN and it's going to be on every media outlet tonight.

I knew Comey was going to be sitting at the New York times as soon as he was fired. You have two Titan ego's going after one another--and this one is OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE--reason for Impeachment.

Comey is very well known for keeping records and memo's with dates and exact times.


This is just the first report, Comey will be releasing more to the New York times, and it's going to be death by waterboarding.

The GOOD news is this is moving a lot faster than Watergate.

I agree! Not even Fox News can bury this story.
No....that's what CNN and MSNBC do.

I think if you turn the channel off of FOX News you'll note this is EVERYWHERE!


btw This is coming from a New York Times article--and that's where I said when Comey was fired---that was where he was headed.

And here is the Ass Clown on video admitting that he fired James Comey because "he" believed the Russian investigation was a ruse--which is also OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE.

NYTimes Trump asked Comey to shut down Flynn investigation

Mod Edit of the Title for merged threads.


1- James Comey told me that Trump never discussed the Flynn case with him

2- James Comey told me that he was going to protect Hillary from prosecution

Remember folks the NY times consider memos to self to be gospel truth .100 truth

Contumacious L. Freeman

Anyone seen a link for this? I wonder if this is more unnamed sources they seem to be very popular nowadays.
Do you people not understand the idea of not identifying themselves out of fear of retaliation? That's how it has ALWAYS worked. You people of course weren't at all skeptical of unnamed sources making claims about Hillary's scandals.
Actually I was I always view unnamed sources with skepticism as anyone would. Without knowing the source or anything about them you can't accurately judge how reliable or accurate they are or what their motivation might be they might be telling the truth they could be lying or they could just be something made up by the writer. I would not have to explain this if so many on both sides weren't so willing to accept unnamed sources as fact as long as it backs up what they want to believe.
Even if you didn't, the rightwing in general has selective skepticism about unnamed sources. Something that's common in ANY scandal.
Trump reportedly made the request during a February meeting with the then-FBI director.

President Donald Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey to end his agency’s investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, The New York Times reported Tuesday.

According to the bombshell report, Trump made the request of Comey during a February meeting in the Oval Office. Comey reportedly detailed the meeting in a memo, which an FBI official later shared with the Times.

Reuters and NBC News later confirmed the Times’ report.

Donald Trump Reportedly Asked James Comey To Stop Michael Flynn Investigation

Holy shit, how much worse can it get before Trump is impeached?

Holy Shit, I am watching it all right now too--it's on CNN and it's going to be on every media outlet tonight.

I knew Comey was going to be sitting at the New York times as soon as he was fired. You have two Titan ego's going after one another--and this one is OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE--reason for Impeachment.

Comey is very well known for keeping records and memo's with dates and exact times.


This is just the first report, Comey will be releasing more to the New York times, and it's going to be death by waterboarding.

The GOOD news is this is moving a lot faster than Watergate.

I agree! Not even Fox News can bury this story.
No....that's what CNN and MSNBC do.

I think if you turn the channel off of FOX News you'll note this is EVERYWHERE!


btw This is coming from a New York Times article--and that's where I said when Comey was fired that was where he was headed.

Funny and agree! Fox News is probably ignoring this story - or at least the facts of it.

Breaking! We got jack shit but it's breaking! Pay attention to us! Pleeeeeaaaase!
we have comeys word vs trumps word are you stupid enough to believe trump?
Obviously you're stupid enough to believe Comey.

It's clear that Comey has animus because of his firing.
A rational person would discount anything he has to say right now.
Yeah mud Believe the fucking liar in our WH and not a guy like comey with a great rep
Comey had a chance to testify to Congress last week and declined.
Instead he supposedly released this story to the NYTimes.
Why did he do that? Because he's lying.

Except Comey didn't release this
Trump reportedly made the request during a February meeting with the then-FBI director.

President Donald Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey to end his agency’s investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, The New York Times reported Tuesday.

According to the bombshell report, Trump made the request of Comey during a February meeting in the Oval Office. Comey reportedly detailed the meeting in a memo, which an FBI official later shared with the Times.

Reuters and NBC News later confirmed the Times’ report.

Donald Trump Reportedly Asked James Comey To Stop Michael Flynn Investigation

Holy shit, how much worse can it get before Trump is impeached?

Holy Shit, I am watching it all right now too--it's on CNN and it's going to be on every media outlet tonight.

I knew Comey was going to be sitting at the New York times as soon as he was fired. You have two Titan ego's going after one another--and this one is OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE--reason for Impeachment.

Comey is very well known for keeping records and memo's with dates and exact times.


This is just the first report, Comey will be releasing more to the New York times, and it's going to be death by waterboarding.

The GOOD news is this is moving a lot faster than Watergate.

I agree! Not even Fox News can bury this story.
No....that's what CNN and MSNBC do.

I think if you turn the channel off of FOX News you'll note this is EVERYWHERE!


btw This is coming from a New York Times article--and that's where I said when Comey was fired that was where he was headed.

Funny and agree! Fox News is probably ignoring this story - or at least the facts of it.


They have to keep defending Trump--they were the ones that gave him an unprecendented 2 BILLION in free news coverage during the primary--while ignoring all other GOP candidates. They OWN him now--LOL

But their viewership has collapsed at the same time.
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings?

I would love to hear what all the Reich wing talk show hosts who spoon fed their audiences regurgitated information are saying about all this right now--LOL

Breaking! We got jack shit but it's breaking! Pay attention to us! Pleeeeeaaaase!
we have comeys word vs trumps word are you stupid enough to believe trump?
Obviously you're stupid enough to believe Comey.

It's clear that Comey has animus because of his firing.
A rational person would discount anything he has to say right now.
Yeah mud Believe the fucking liar in our WH and not a guy like comey with a great rep
Comey had a chance to testify to Congress last week and declined.
Instead he supposedly released this story to the NYTimes.
Why did he do that? Because he's lying.

Except Comey didn't release this

You have a battle of the Ego titans going on--and I imagine as soon as Comey was fired he made an appointment with the New York Times.

There's more coming--he isn't going to leak everything right now.
The Democrats have been trying to get an independent investigation going.
They are using this to try to get Trump to appoint one.
He's not going to do it.

The difference between this and Nixon is a crime was committed by the WH. Now the Democrats are committing crimes.
The Democrats are trying this time to invent an imaginary crime and invent an imaginary coverup.

It's not going to work.
it's not up to trump
Breaking! We got jack shit but it's breaking! Pay attention to us! Pleeeeeaaaase!
we have comeys word vs trumps word are you stupid enough to believe trump?
Obviously you're stupid enough to believe Comey.

It's clear that Comey has animus because of his firing.
A rational person would discount anything he has to say right now.
Yeah mud Believe the fucking liar in our WH and not a guy like comey with a great rep
Comey had a chance to testify to Congress last week and declined.
Instead he supposedly released this story to the NYTimes.
Why did he do that? Because he's lying.

Except Comey didn't release this
Coming soon my friend with I HOPE impeachment coming soon after
Trump reportedly made the request during a February meeting with the then-FBI director.

President Donald Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey to end his agency’s investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, The New York Times reported Tuesday.

According to the bombshell report, Trump made the request of Comey during a February meeting in the Oval Office. Comey reportedly detailed the meeting in a memo, which an FBI official later shared with the Times.

Reuters and NBC News later confirmed the Times’ report.

Donald Trump Reportedly Asked James Comey To Stop Michael Flynn Investigation

Holy shit, how much worse can it get before Trump is impeached?

Holy Shit, I am watching it all right now too--it's on CNN and it's going to be on every media outlet tonight.

I knew Comey was going to be sitting at the New York times as soon as he was fired. You have two Titan ego's going after one another--and this one is OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE--reason for Impeachment.

Comey is very well known for keeping records and memo's with dates and exact times.


This is just the first report, Comey will be releasing more to the New York times, and it's going to be death by waterboarding.

The GOOD news is this is moving a lot faster than Watergate.

I agree! Not even Fox News can bury this story.
No....that's what CNN and MSNBC do.

I think if you turn the channel off of FOX News you'll note this is EVERYWHERE!


btw This is coming from a New York Times article--and that's where I said when Comey was fired that was where he was headed.

Funny and agree! Fox News is probably ignoring this story - or at least the facts of it.

Fox is covering the shit out of it.
  • Right now they're asking why James Comey, Mr Straight-Arrow Lawdog, never said a word about Obstruction Of Justice by the President way back in February to anyone.
  • The first thing he would have done is told Trump he wanted to quit if Trump had insisted on stopping the investigation.
  • The fact that Comey had several opportunities to reveal this in front of Congress and put it on the record yet didn't.
  • This was released by an unknown source yet again and the memo was never seen by anyone.
NYTimes Trump asked Comey to shut down Flynn investigation
Is Comey finally speaking publicly?
Nope. The NYT heard a rumor from "anonymous sources" that Comey wrote a memo mentioning that Trump supposedly asked him to stop the investigation. But nobody has seen the memo, except "witnesses" who conveniently won't give their names. Even when Comey had a chance to testify to Congress, for some reason he never mentioned any such memo.
comes from notes Comey made after meetings with President Trump...

the investigative committees will subpoena them....

As well they should, but unless there is more than this it isn't obstruction
I agree, if it was simply a suggestion and not an order....

but what looks bad is Trump asking Sessions and others to leave so he could be alone with Comey could be a sign that he knew what he was going to ask Comey was illegal and wanted no witnesses?

Plus he fired Comey....

All of those things appear like something's up in the obstruction area, as of now...
This is beyond obstruction.

Then you clearly haven't read the statute

Funny. Well, it didn't work out so well for Nixon, did it?

Nixon is irrelevant. He did far more than ask for an investigation to be dropped.

Do you know how many prosecutors ask subordinates to stop investigations or drop cases? We would be setting up almost every prosecutor or police chiefs for obstruction charges. That's absurd
The Democrats have been trying to get an independent investigation going.
They are using this to try to get Trump to appoint one.
He's not going to do it.

The difference between this and Nixon is a crime was committed by the WH. Now the Democrats are committing crimes.
The Democrats are trying this time to invent an imaginary crime and invent an imaginary coverup.

It's not going to work.
it's not up to trump
Actually it is.
But the difference between Democrats and Republicans is Republicans don't do this sort of thing and make up stories like a video was the cause of Benghazi.
comes from notes Comey made after meetings with President Trump...

the investigative committees will subpoena them....

As well they should, but unless there is more than this it isn't obstruction
I agree, if it was simply a suggestion and not an order....

but what looks bad is Trump asking Sessions and others to leave so he could be alone with Comey could be a sign that he knew what he was going to ask Comey was illegal and wanted no witnesses?

Plus he fired Comey....

All of those things appear like something's up in the obstruction area, as of now...
In all honesty, you don't even know if it ever even happened.

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