Breaking: NYTimes -- Trump asked Comey to shut down Flynn Investigation.

Trump reportedly made the request during a February meeting with the then-FBI director.

President Donald Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey to end his agency’s investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, The New York Times reported Tuesday.

According to the bombshell report, Trump made the request of Comey during a February meeting in the Oval Office. Comey reportedly detailed the meeting in a memo, which an FBI official later shared with the Times.

Reuters and NBC News later confirmed the Times’ report.

Donald Trump Reportedly Asked James Comey To Stop Michael Flynn Investigation

Holy shit, how much worse can it get before Trump is impeached?
Of course it's a pack of lies from a disgruntled former employee.
Of course Comey refused to come in front of Congress and instead leaks this story to the press.
Comey was not a former employee at the time he wrote the alleged memo. You really should have read the first line of the OP before splooging all over your face.
Show us the memos, or simply STFU.
More COWBELL!!!!

Trump got elected because of all the free media attention he created while on the campaign trail... now it is going to tear him down.

"Live by the sword, die by the sword." - Aeschylus's Agamemnon

As the ^^^ RWNJ Pootarian traitors see it getting worse and worse, they know they can't keep lying so they make fun of the story.

If you ever thought they actually care about their country, this is PROOF they do not.

They are on the side of Russia.


HAHA. Pay for Play Clinton was your women. More to do with Russia than Trump. Proof you care more about politics than America. Congrats loser.
Trump reportedly made the request during a February meeting with the then-FBI director.

President Donald Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey to end his agency’s investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, The New York Times reported Tuesday.

According to the bombshell report, Trump made the request of Comey during a February meeting in the Oval Office. Comey reportedly detailed the meeting in a memo, which an FBI official later shared with the Times.

Reuters and NBC News later confirmed the Times’ report.

Donald Trump Reportedly Asked James Comey To Stop Michael Flynn Investigation

Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation - The New York Times

Trump asked Comey to close Flynn probe -NY Times, citing Comey memo | Daily Mail Online

Holy shit, how much worse can it get before Trump is impeached?

Read all this very carefully,

Mr. Comey shared the existence of the memo with senior F.B.I. officials and close associates. The New York Times has not viewed a copy of the memo, which is unclassified, but one of Mr. Comey’s associates read parts of the memo to a Times reporter.

“I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,” Mr. Trump told Mr. Comey, according to the memo. “He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

So then, no one actually HAS this memo? And you retards fall for this shit? The Birffer crap had more traction. Man you guys really are stupid.
Yet another anonymous source that cannot be verified.

Good luck trying that in court.

This is so funny, I've been laughing my butt off all day over the lefty histrionics.
First, you subpoena the small fish who installed the recording system...

Trump's in front of the fireplace in the residence, listening to recordings right now. Deleting 18 minutes at a stretch.
I seriously doubt that.

Why didn't they release the memos?

Because they aren't authentic.
Comey will speak up if memos are not real...
I don't think so........he's an Obama stooge.
He doesn't want to get 6 bullets in the back while being robbed.
Every day - another disaster from dump.

There will be more denial but then he'll tweet the truth and then blame the media and on and on and on.

This is just the beginning. Sooner or later Comey is going to testify in front of Congress again.
Comeys Firewall came down so the media and uniparty are in hyperdrive-hair-on-fire mode with one fake news after another to take Trump down . Looks like they're releasing all their salvos at once in a final act of desperation.
Anyone seen a link for this? I wonder if this is more unnamed sources they seem to be very popular nowadays.
Do you people not understand the idea of not identifying themselves out of fear of retaliation? That's how it has ALWAYS worked. You people of course weren't at all skeptical of unnamed sources making claims about Hillary's scandals.
Actually I was I always view unnamed sources with skepticism as anyone would. Without knowing the source or anything about them you can't accurately judge how reliable or accurate they are or what their motivation might be they might be telling the truth they could be lying or they could just be something made up by the writer. I would not have to explain this if so many on both sides weren't so willing to accept unnamed sources as fact as long as it backs up what they want to believe.
Trump reportedly made the request during a February meeting with the then-FBI director.

President Donald Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey to end his agency’s investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, The New York Times reported Tuesday.

According to the bombshell report, Trump made the request of Comey during a February meeting in the Oval Office. Comey reportedly detailed the meeting in a memo, which an FBI official later shared with the Times.

Reuters and NBC News later confirmed the Times’ report.

Donald Trump Reportedly Asked James Comey To Stop Michael Flynn Investigation

Holy shit, how much worse can it get before Trump is impeached?
Of course it's a pack of lies from a disgruntled former employee.
Of course Comey refused to come in front of Congress and instead leaks this story to the press.
Comey was not a former employee at the time he wrote the alleged memo. You really should have read the first line of the OP before splooging all over your face.
Show us the memos, or simply STFU.
As I said way back in post 43, "Let's wait to see the actual memo before being certain about anything."

But if and when the memo is made public, you will be the FIRST person I show it to, mmmmm-kaaaayyyy?

You better cross your fingers AND your toes.
Polling data yesterday shows zero fucks are being given regarding the media death throes.

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