Breaking: Obama To Address Nation Tonight. Will Bypass Congress & Invoke 14th Amendmt

And here's the proof of the insane hypocrisy, hutzpah, and self-serving leadership of our fearless President. He has nothing down on paper. Nothing that can be handed to the media with the bullet points of what the President proposes and is willing to support. Carney said he has spelled it out lots of times including last Friday night. (I listened to the President on Friday night and the President provided NO SPECIFICS.) The White House Press Corp. is finally calling him on it.

And it went by quickly but he actually said, "You can tell the American people that there is nothing to worry about." (You can't make this stuff up.)

The link here take you to the video of the actual exchange at the White House this morning:

Carney Gets Hit for Ten Minutes on The Obama Plan
July 26, 2011 2:34 P.M. By Daniel Foster
Or the lack thereof. After bobbing-and-weaving for nine minutes, Carney finally says what everybody knows: the president won’t put his plan on paper because he doesn’t want it to become “politically charged” before a compromise can be reached. In other words, you’ve got to pass it to find out what’s in it:

Carney Gets Hit for Ten Minutes on The Obama Plan - By Daniel Foster - The Corner - National Review Online

The question is if there are significant savings to be had in defense, in medicare/social security fraud, etc. etc. etc., why haven't they already done that?
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I truly and sincerely wish all those who do not believe in free enterprise would move to some other country more to their liking. I personally will NEVER support any other economic system because to do so would dismantle the very Constitution that has been the fundamental principle upon which the greatest nation the world has ever known was founded.

Please cite in the Constitution where ‘free enterprise’ is the mandated economic system. It must be in the same clause where the Constitution refers to ‘small government.’

And those who don’t ‘believe’ in free enterprise are welcome and entitled and have a right to remain in America, in spite of your wishes, and per the Constitution.

And until there is a balanced budget amendment in place and ratified, that is one point I very much agreed with Speaker Boehner last night. Congress is not going to use any new taxes to balance anything. They haven't done that for more than fifty years now. They will use it to justify more money funneled to their constituencies because it sounds so noble and right to fuzzy mush headed people to do that.

A ‘balanced budget’ amendment is a political contrivance, meaningless nonsense advocated by the lazy and the ignorant. If you’re unhappy with the actions of your representatives in Congress, compel them to do otherwise with your petition and your vote, do the necessary research and work to manifest the governance you advocate – don’t lay it off to an ill-conceived political scheme to the detriment of the Nation.

There is already an Amendment in place to compel Congress to balance the budget, one simply need not be too lazy or ignorant to use it:

Amendment 1: …or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
I truly and sincerely wish all those who do not believe in free enterprise would move to some other country more to their liking. I personally will NEVER support any other economic system because to do so would dismantle the very Constitution that has been the fundamental principle upon which the greatest nation the world has ever known was founded.

Please cite in the Constitution where ‘free enterprise’ is the mandated economic system. It must be in the same clause where the Constitution refers to ‘small government.’

And those who don’t ‘believe’ in free enterprise are welcome and entitled and have a right to remain in America, in spite of your wishes, and per the Constitution.

And until there is a balanced budget amendment in place and ratified, that is one point I very much agreed with Speaker Boehner last night. Congress is not going to use any new taxes to balance anything. They haven't done that for more than fifty years now. They will use it to justify more money funneled to their constituencies because it sounds so noble and right to fuzzy mush headed people to do that.

A ‘balanced budget’ amendment is a political contrivance, meaningless nonsense advocated by the lazy and the ignorant. If you’re unhappy with the actions of your representatives in Congress, compel them to do otherwise with your petition and your vote, do the necessary research and work to manifest the governance you advocate – don’t lay it off to an ill-conceived political scheme to the detriment of the Nation.

There is already an Amendment in place to compel Congress to balance the budget, one simply need not be too lazy or ignorant to use it:

Amendment 1: …or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Everything in the Constitution is designed to recognize the unalienable rights of the people to govern themselves, to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness unfettered by a monarch or king or dictator or socialist or totalitarian government. The purpose of the federal government was to secure those rights and then leave the people alone to form the society they wished to have.

To a leftist such a concept is gibberish as they look to government to have the power to create and provide the society they want.

To a constitutionalist or freedom loving person, it is truth as they know government with power enough to order society will use that power to further its own ambitions.
I truly and sincerely wish all those who do not believe in free enterprise would move to some other country more to their liking. I personally will NEVER support any other economic system because to do so would dismantle the very Constitution that has been the fundamental principle upon which the greatest nation the world has ever known was founded.

Please cite in the Constitution where ‘free enterprise’ is the mandated economic system. It must be in the same clause where the Constitution refers to ‘small government.’

And those who don’t ‘believe’ in free enterprise are welcome and entitled and have a right to remain in America, in spite of your wishes, and per the Constitution.

And until there is a balanced budget amendment in place and ratified, that is one point I very much agreed with Speaker Boehner last night. Congress is not going to use any new taxes to balance anything. They haven't done that for more than fifty years now. They will use it to justify more money funneled to their constituencies because it sounds so noble and right to fuzzy mush headed people to do that.

A ‘balanced budget’ amendment is a political contrivance, meaningless nonsense advocated by the lazy and the ignorant. If you’re unhappy with the actions of your representatives in Congress, compel them to do otherwise with your petition and your vote, do the necessary research and work to manifest the governance you advocate – don’t lay it off to an ill-conceived political scheme to the detriment of the Nation.

There is already an Amendment in place to compel Congress to balance the budget, one simply need not be too lazy or ignorant to use it:

Amendment 1: …or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Everything in the Constitution is designed to recognize the unalienable rights of the people to govern themselves, to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness unfettered by a monarch or king or dictator or socialist or totalitarian government. The purpose of the federal government was to secure those rights and then leave the people alone to form the society they wished to have.

To a leftist such a concept is gibberish as they look to government to have the power to create and provide the society they want.

To a constitutionalist or freedom loving person, it is truth as they know government with power enough to order society will use that power to further its own ambitions.

You are an anti-federalist, Foxfyre, and that is certainly your right. We the People use Government to order society, and it has been so since 1787. Nothing has changed.
First, I notice all of you ignored Willow's suggestion, repeated several times in this thread, that everybody should actually listen to the video. This could be a historic event as it might be the first and last time that Willow will be defending this President. :)

To my fellow rightwingers, please cool the rhetoric about Obama threatening to evoke anything illegal in that speech. He didn't. All he said was that after dealing with Congress over this, he wished he could do it on his own. But he followed that comment immediately with a statement that such is not the way things get done.

In short, in that particular sequence of his speech, he said noting whatsoever to criticize.

What he will say tonight if that speech happens is anybody's guess. But as he has been steadily moving closer and closer to the GOP position on all of this, I am guessing that he will offer a suggestion at least most Republicans will come off looking lame if they criticize it. They're sooo close in the White House and House of Representatives. All that we have to do is table the issue of higher taxes on the rich for at least a little while and get the Senate to agree.

Like Obama, I wish so much I could be undisputed dictator for just a little while.

But that's not the way we get things done.

I think most of us are very tired of the grandstanding, the gaming, the so obvious political posturing with a major election cycle just over the horizon. Since it's now the following day and we all know what both Obama and Boehner had to say, my opinion is that nobody wants to hear any more ideological positioning from either camp. Just get busy and do something.
Genius....The framers set up the federal government to prevent the legislature and executive branches from operating unilaterally. The idea was to keep government from "just doing something".
The worst thing that could occur here is the very thing you suggested. That is "just get something done"....NO!!!!!
Spending needs to be slashed. That is that!
Spending overwhelmingly needs to be cut and revenue, particularly on the wealthy, has to be increased.

No surrender to the whacky far left or the crazy far right.

And here's the proof of the insane hypocrisy, hutzpah, and self-serving leadership of our fearless President. He has nothing down on paper. Nothing that can be handed to the media with the bullet points of what the President proposes and is willing to support. Carney said he has spelled it out lots of times including last Friday night. (I listened to the President on Friday night and the President provided NO SPECIFICS.) The White House Press Corp. is finally calling him on it.

And it went by quickly but he actually said, "You can tell the American people that there is nothing to worry about." (You can't make this stuff up.)

The link here take you to the video of the actual exchange at the White House this morning:

Carney Gets Hit for Ten Minutes on The Obama Plan
July 26, 2011 2:34 P.M. By Daniel Foster
Or the lack thereof. After bobbing-and-weaving for nine minutes, Carney finally says what everybody knows: the president won’t put his plan on paper because he doesn’t want it to become “politically charged” before a compromise can be reached. In other words, you’ve got to pass it to find out what’s in it:

Carney Gets Hit for Ten Minutes on The Obama Plan - By Daniel Foster - The Corner - National Review Online

The question is if there are significant savings to be had in defense, in medicare/social security fraud, etc. etc. etc., why haven't they already done that?

The Chief Executive position is one of leadership. That requires a plan and understanding of the issue. Obama continuously demonstrates neither. The do nothing President should resign from the 2012 contest and let potential leaders step up.
Is it true Obama quoted Ronnie?

Somebody pasted a page of Reagan into Our Kenyan President's copy of Das Kapital and he wasn't sharp enough to notice the paper was different, the page size was different and the font was different.
HenryBHough was not born in America, so I want him to post his birth certificate. I want no forgeries I want the real thing.

The fact the above statement by Henry is so goofy is a good start as to why he is not a naturally born American citizen.
Watching the news right now. Boehner just laid out a plan about 40 minutes ago. Now Obama has decided before the nation tonight at 9 eastern (8 Central time) and aids are saying he will go ahead and bypass congress and invoke the 14th amendment which experts say will increase the crisis because the Constitution states that he can't do it without the lawful approval of Congress. Does this mean that SS checks will not go out for seniors and veterans? We will find out I guess. The word is that he can be impeached if he allows us to default. The sign that hints to Obama stating he will invoke the 14th Amendment was this in his La Raza speech earlier today which is in this link.

Obama: I'd Like 'to Bypass Congress and Change the Rules on My Own' - George E. Condon Jr. -

President Obama let his frustration over the stalled debt talks seep into an address on Latino issues on Monday, confessing that he’d like to “bypass Congress and change the laws on my own.”

What does sound like he wants to be? That's right, a dictator. I guess we will find out tonight.
Will that be before or after Corsi reveals the name of the forger of Obama's birth certificate.

And without even seeing the transcript of the out of context quote that was cobbled on to the highlighted part that Obama DIDN'T say, you can be sure Obama said nothing that can be manipulated into him "confessing" that he would bypass Congress and change the laws on his own. I would bet he was not talking about the debt and since it was Latino issues, he was probably talking about immigration, and he probably said that bypassing Congress is not what should be done. The dead givaway is the fact that the author had to put his own words as part of an "Obama quote."
Well, since no CON$ervative has challenged my suspicion that Obama never confessed that he would bypass Congress, I became very curious what the CON$ knew Obama actually said. So I searched out the transcript to see just how the CON$ervative "National Journal" perverted what Obama actually said. Here's the full sentence that the “bypass Congress and change the laws on my own.” part came from:

"Now, I know some people want me to bypass Congress and change the laws on my own."

That quote was later followed by this exchange with the audience:

"THE PRESIDENT: But that's not how -- that's not how our system works.


THE PRESIDENT: That's not how our democracy functions. That's not how our Constitution is written.

So let's be honest. I need a dance partner here -- and the floor is empty."

Hardly a confession that he intends to bypass Congress, which is why I have learned never to trust any quote or statistic from any CON$ervative source!!!!!
The more important address came from Standard & Poors. They say any plan that doesn't cut (that means less spending) at least $4T could result in a lower bond rating. Traditionally, that has meant higher interest charged on new debt. This will further cause financial problems...for everyone. Its called inflation.
HenryBHough was not born in America, so I want him to post his birth certificate. I want no forgeries I want the real thing.

The fact the above statement by Henry is so goofy is a good start as to why he is not a naturally born American citizen.

A perfectly reasonable request. Were I to decide to run for President I'd immediately make a certified copy of my U.S. Birth Certificate available to all who would like to see. I do not, however, intend to run as did your annointed messiah. Surely since you'd like to see my birth certificate, in the absence of any intent to seek office, you must feel quite queasy about your BOY having none.

Oh, yes, since some sort of "goofy" factor rule proves, in what passes for your mind, that one is not a natural born U.S. native then I feel compelled to ask from what country you fled and ahead of what?
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The more important address came from Standard & Poors. They say any plan that doesn't cut (that means less spending) at least $4T could result in a lower bond rating. Traditionally, that has meant higher interest charged on new debt. This will further cause financial problems...for everyone. Its called inflation.

This is the problem. Our fearless leaders have been so addicted to having unlimited access to the people's money and almost unlimited power to distribute or promise it, even if they have to borrow against 'unlimited' future revenues, in order to buy power, prestige, influence, and increase their own personal fortunes. It is heady stuff and they are terrified at the thought of giving it up.

So we have leadership that are behind closed doors--forget Obama's pledge to have the most transpaprent government in history--trying to concoct something that enough of the great unwashed will believe that they actually did something constructive. Boehner's plan has already been shot down by the CBO. It would have produced $1 billion - that's $1 billion with a 'b' - in debt reduction in 2012. Reid's plan and what Obama has proposed, as nearly as we can tell, would add significantly to the debt.

They are trying to tell us that raising the debt ceiling is not a license to spend more money. Well if they don't plan to spend more money, why does the debt ceiling need to be raised.

Unless they do deal with the spending end, the prediction from knowledgeable economists is that we will have our credit rating downgraded and that is not going to be good for any of us. Neither the President nor the Democrats nor the Republicans seem to have the will to deal with that, however.
HenryBHough was not born in America, so I want him to post his birth certificate. I want no forgeries I want the real thing.

The fact the above statement by Henry is so goofy is a good start as to why he is not a naturally born American citizen.

A perfectly reasonable request. Were I to decide to run for President I'd immediately make a certified copy of my U.S. Birth Certificate available to all who would like to see. I do not, however, intend to run as did your annointed messiah. Surely since you'd like to see my birth certificate, in the absence of any intent to seek office, you must feel quite queasy about your BOY having none.

Oh, yes, since some sort of "goofy" factor rule proves, in what passes for your mind, that one is not a natural born U.S. native then I feel compelled to ask from what country you fled and ahead of what?

You are the "goofy" factor. The birth certificate "non issue" has been satisfactorily resolved for the overwhelming majority of Americans. Henry, no one cares what you think.
You are the "goofy" factor. The birth certificate "non issue" has been satisfactorily resolved for the overwhelming majority of Americans. Henry, no one cares what you think.

Perhaps you're right. Nobody cares what I think except you. You wouldn't be replying unless you (1) cared and (2) believe, deep down, that I have it exactly right.
You are the "goofy" factor. The birth certificate "non issue" has been satisfactorily resolved for the overwhelming majority of Americans. Henry, no one cares what you think.

Perhaps you're right. Nobody cares what I think except you. You wouldn't be replying unless you (1) cared and (2) believe, deep down, that I have it exactly right.

Henry, hang in there. Alas, Jake will say all manner of goofy things to 'shoot down' any position you take and will accuse you of all manner of things, of saying what you haven't said, of believing what you don't believe, of wanting to do what you don't want to do, of thinking what you don't think, until you take a different position at which time he will argue the opposite side. That's if he follows his usual M.O. I think he actually almost likes me, and he does it to me. :)

Passed by Congress June 13, 1866. Ratified July 9, 1868.

Note: Article I, section 2, of the Constitution was modified by section 2 of the 14th amendment.

Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Section 2.
Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age,* and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.

Section 3.
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Section 4.
The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

Section 5.
The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

*Changed by section 1 of the 26th amendment.
You are the "goofy" factor. The birth certificate "non issue" has been satisfactorily resolved for the overwhelming majority of Americans. Henry, no one cares what you think.

Perhaps you're right. Nobody cares what I think except you. You wouldn't be replying unless you (1) cared and (2) believe, deep down, that I have it exactly right.

Henry, hang in there. Alas, Jake will say all manner of goofy things to 'shoot down' any position you take and will accuse you of all manner of things, of saying what you haven't said, of believing what you don't believe, of wanting to do what you don't want to do, of thinking what you don't think, until you take a different position at which time he will argue the opposite side. That's if he follows his usual M.O. I think he actually almost likes me, and he does it to me. :)

And Foxfyre will talk of things she knows not. Not to worry, Harry, it's all good.
HenryBHough was not born in America, so I want him to post his birth certificate. I want no forgeries I want the real thing.

The fact the above statement by Henry is so goofy is a good start as to why he is not a naturally born American citizen.

A perfectly reasonable request. Were I to decide to run for President I'd immediately make a certified copy of my U.S. Birth Certificate available to all who would like to see. I do not, however, intend to run as did your annointed messiah. Surely since you'd like to see my birth certificate, in the absence of any intent to seek office, you must feel quite queasy about your BOY having none.

Oh, yes, since some sort of "goofy" factor rule proves, in what passes for your mind, that one is not a natural born U.S. native then I feel compelled to ask from what country you fled and ahead of what?

Oh. So you are among the ranks fo the "birther retards".

Thanks for clearing that up.

It's always nice to know who the mentally challenged are. It saves bandwidth.
HenryBHough was not born in America, so I want him to post his birth certificate. I want no forgeries I want the real thing.

The fact the above statement by Henry is so goofy is a good start as to why he is not a naturally born American citizen.

A perfectly reasonable request. Were I to decide to run for President I'd immediately make a certified copy of my U.S. Birth Certificate available to all who would like to see. I do not, however, intend to run as did your annointed messiah. Surely since you'd like to see my birth certificate, in the absence of any intent to seek office, you must feel quite queasy about your BOY having none.

Oh, yes, since some sort of "goofy" factor rule proves, in what passes for your mind, that one is not a natural born U.S. native then I feel compelled to ask from what country you fled and ahead of what?

Oh. So you are among the ranks fo the "birther retards".

Thanks for clearing that up.

It's always nice to know who the mentally challenged are. It saves bandwidth.

The Teabots who argue the birther nonsense are nonsensbots.

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