BREAKING: Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) announces he will not run again...

Ah but with all due respect I disagree. Conservatives aren't eating conservatives. They've declared political jihad on RINO's. It's really quite that simple.

The post you responded to does not contain the word "conservative".

Republicans are eating republicans. They are making the "big tent" smaller, and excluding more and more people.

Is shrinking your base a winning election strategy?

Oh, I don't know? Has it been working? Let's see....Republicans control:

The House
The Senate
The Executive branch
Majority of State houses
31 of 50 Governors.

Yeah, it's working.

You mean it USED to work. But that was when you had Obama to scare and upset your base with.

Hate to tell you..............but Obama is no longer there to point to as a bogeyman. And, because the GOP hasn't figured out how to do anything other than blow out more and more flaming rhetoric, they don't know how to work with anybody any more, and as a result, they are now turning on themselves.

Sure...............lets see what 2018 brings.

Hate to break your fantasy, but It worked in 2016 AND It worked for every single special elections since Trump was elected.



You're misreading those special elections, if you think they give you a reason for optimism.

I don't need optimism. I have reality. The facts are the facts. Democrats were destroyed in 2016 and went on to lose 5 straight special elections.

The post you responded to does not contain the word "conservative".

Republicans are eating republicans. They are making the "big tent" smaller, and excluding more and more people.

Is shrinking your base a winning election strategy?

Oh, I don't know? Has it been working? Let's see....Republicans control:

The House
The Senate
The Executive branch
Majority of State houses
31 of 50 Governors.

Yeah, it's working.

You mean it USED to work. But that was when you had Obama to scare and upset your base with.

Hate to tell you..............but Obama is no longer there to point to as a bogeyman. And, because the GOP hasn't figured out how to do anything other than blow out more and more flaming rhetoric, they don't know how to work with anybody any more, and as a result, they are now turning on themselves.

Sure...............lets see what 2018 brings.

Hate to break your fantasy, but It worked in 2016 AND It worked for every single special elections since Trump was elected.



You're misreading those special elections, if you think they give you a reason for optimism.

I don't need optimism. I have reality. The facts are the facts. Democrats were destroyed in 2016 and went on to lose 5 straight special elections.



You keep that faith alive.
Oh, I don't know? Has it been working? Let's see....Republicans control:

The House
The Senate
The Executive branch
Majority of State houses
31 of 50 Governors.

Yeah, it's working.

You mean it USED to work. But that was when you had Obama to scare and upset your base with.

Hate to tell you..............but Obama is no longer there to point to as a bogeyman. And, because the GOP hasn't figured out how to do anything other than blow out more and more flaming rhetoric, they don't know how to work with anybody any more, and as a result, they are now turning on themselves.

Sure...............lets see what 2018 brings.

Hate to break your fantasy, but It worked in 2016 AND It worked for every single special elections since Trump was elected.



You're misreading those special elections, if you think they give you a reason for optimism.

I don't need optimism. I have reality. The facts are the facts. Democrats were destroyed in 2016 and went on to lose 5 straight special elections.



You keep that faith alive.

I don't need faith. I have the present moment.
Right now, on all 3 cable news channels, Sen. Jeff Flake is announcing that he will not run again for office.

Apparently, he's not happy about serving in a screwed up Congress under a president with no leadership qualities. And, he's not just talking about Trump, he's talking about the whole government, from the backbiting and fighting in Congress between the members all the way up to Trump and the way he's doing things.

He really doesn't sound happy about the way Congress and the government has divided itself.

Arizona's Jeff Flake announces he will not seek re-election to U.S. Senate

The bombshell, which Flake, R-Ariz., intended to detail Tuesday afternoon on the Senate floor, will further roil Republican hopes of keeping the party's 52-seat Senate majority in the midterm elections of Trump's first term, when the president's party historically loses seats in Congress.

It also likely will upend the race for Flake's seat.

Flake, one of the Senate's more prominent critics of President Donald Trump, has been struggling in the polls.

He told The Arizona Republic ahead of his announcement that he has become convinced "there may not be a place for a Republican like me in the current Republican climate or the current Republican Party."

'Here's the bottom line ...'
Flake said he has not "soured on the Senate" and loves the institution, but that as a traditional, libertarian-leaning conservative Republican he is out of step with today's Trump-dominated GOP.

"This spell will pass, but not by next year," Flake said.

Among Republican primary voters, there's overwhelming support for Trump's positions and "behavior," Flake said, and one of their top concerns is whether a candidate is with the president or against him. While Flake said he is with Trump on some issues, on other issues he is not. And Trump definitely views him as a foe, having denounced Flake publicly and called him "toxic" on Twitter.

"Here's the bottom line: The path that I would have to travel to get the Republican nomination is a path I'm not willing to take, and that I can't in good conscience take," Flake told The Republic in a telephone interview. "It would require me to believe in positions I don't hold on such issues as trade and immigration and it would require me to condone behavior that I cannot condone."

Sob. Sob. Sob. We could just see the tears flowing down his cheeks at the thought of all that lobbyist money he's gonna get.
You mean it USED to work. But that was when you had Obama to scare and upset your base with.

Hate to tell you..............but Obama is no longer there to point to as a bogeyman. And, because the GOP hasn't figured out how to do anything other than blow out more and more flaming rhetoric, they don't know how to work with anybody any more, and as a result, they are now turning on themselves.

Sure...............lets see what 2018 brings.

Hate to break your fantasy, but It worked in 2016 AND It worked for every single special elections since Trump was elected.



You're misreading those special elections, if you think they give you a reason for optimism.

I don't need optimism. I have reality. The facts are the facts. Democrats were destroyed in 2016 and went on to lose 5 straight special elections.



You keep that faith alive.

I don't need faith. I have the present moment.

What else would you call your belief that the future will reflect the present (or, more accurately, the past), if not faith?
I'm all in for Dr. Kelly Ward to take Flake's seat! She's the real deal, unlike Flake the Fake.

She's going to lose, and she'll do it badly.

But who cares, right?

Ideological purity above all!

Just like Trump was going to lose.....:rofl:

Get a new Crystal ball Doc, the one you are using is full of baloney!


As I said, you keep that faith alive.

Trump's election was a perfect storm, not a change in the tides.
Hate to break your fantasy, but It worked in 2016 AND It worked for every single special elections since Trump was elected.



You're misreading those special elections, if you think they give you a reason for optimism.

I don't need optimism. I have reality. The facts are the facts. Democrats were destroyed in 2016 and went on to lose 5 straight special elections.



You keep that faith alive.

I don't need faith. I have the present moment.

What else would you call your belief that the future will reflect the present (or, more accurately, the past), if not faith?

Where did I say the future would reflect the present or past? The future will be different. I don't need faith to know that.

You're misreading those special elections, if you think they give you a reason for optimism.

I don't need optimism. I have reality. The facts are the facts. Democrats were destroyed in 2016 and went on to lose 5 straight special elections.



You keep that faith alive.

I don't need faith. I have the present moment.

What else would you call your belief that the future will reflect the present (or, more accurately, the past), if not faith?

Where did I say the future would reflect the present or past? The future will be different. I don't need faith to know that.

This thread is about the future. Did you not understand that?
One less flake in the swamp

I see what you did there....................funny..................

BTW, how do you feel about a Republican jumping ship and leaving because there is no leadership in Washington?

He's leaving because Team Bannon is head hunting. Make no mistake about it.
Liar. He’s leaving because of what the new guy is going to the country.

“It is time for our complicity and our accommodation of the unacceptable to end,” he said.

He acknowledged that "our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication."

You know jack shit about the man. Bannon was coming for him full boar with the backing of Mercer. Flake's head was going to be on the wall baby. Just like old Luther's.
Bannon taking credit is like ISIS taking credit for the Las Vegas shooter.
I'm all in for Dr. Kelly Ward to take Flake's seat! She's the real deal, unlike Flake the Fake.

She's going to lose, and she'll do it badly.

But who cares, right?

Ideological purity above all!

Just like Trump was going to lose.....:rofl:

Get a new Crystal ball Doc, the one you are using is full of baloney!


As I said, you keep that faith alive.

Trump's election was a perfect storm, not a change in the tides.

You keep that faith alive. The faith that Trump's election was not a change in tides.... :lol:
I don't need optimism. I have reality. The facts are the facts. Democrats were destroyed in 2016 and went on to lose 5 straight special elections.



You keep that faith alive.

I don't need faith. I have the present moment.

What else would you call your belief that the future will reflect the present (or, more accurately, the past), if not faith?

Where did I say the future would reflect the present or past? The future will be different. I don't need faith to know that.

This thread is about the future. Did you not understand that?

This thread is about Jeff Flake being forced out of the Senate. Did you not understand that?
I'm all in for Dr. Kelly Ward to take Flake's seat! She's the real deal, unlike Flake the Fake.

She's going to lose, and she'll do it badly.

But who cares, right?

Ideological purity above all!

Just like Trump was going to lose.....:rofl:

Get a new Crystal ball Doc, the one you are using is full of baloney!


As I said, you keep that faith alive.

Trump's election was a perfect storm, not a change in the tides.

You keep that faith alive. The faith that Trump's election was not a change in tides.... :lol:


I don't need faith, I have numbers.
So browbeating is not in fashion for elected officials?

Dunno, but apparently Flake thinks there is too much petty infighting in Congress and they don't want to work together.

Guess he's tired of not being able to do his job because of all the gridlock and infighting.
I thought that was normal operation...

Actually, if you were to look at how DC has worked in the past, all the way up to about halfway through Jr.'s presidency, they actually DID work together to get things done.

Then..............under Jr. DC became infected with the "us or them" mentality because of 9/11 and the ensuing wars, and then when Obama was elected, half of Congress said that we needed to take our country back from the "liberal left", which resulted in even more division.

Trump saw the division and capitalized on it, which is why he got elected. He has no interest in uniting the country, because it's easier for him to demagogue if he can keep them divided.
Yes but past presidents and vice presidents negotiated with Congress, yet Trump is stumped on how to do that effectively by any other means than browbeating..But it's still has an atmosphere of dizzying proportions in D.C.
Obama negotiated with Congress? When was that, when he said he had a pen and a phone if Congress didn't do what he wanted?
Who is this "you" you're speaking of?

Do you believe that the President is owed the support of his party, no matter what?

Flake has voted with the Republican majority on essentially every vote he's ever made in the Senate - and he's voted with Trump 90% of the time since 2016.

But you're willing to trade him for a Democrat, just because he said mean things about Trump?

The proof is in the pudding Doc. Just look at this thread. There is an ideological divide in the Republican party and there is one in the Democratic party as well. One side is going to prevail. The optics of Trump triumphing over the Flakes and the Corkers is another victory over the old guard. You're seeing the same thing in with the Democrats...Feinstein being primaried, calls for Pelosi to step down, Sanders giving Clinton a run for her money...such a threat the DNC had to cheat to quell his insurgency. Things are changing on both sides. Dems are moving farther left and Republicans are moving farther right.

We unexpectedly have all three branches of government, and we aren't getting it done. Time to separate the wheat from the chaff. Flake and Corker are chaff.

You keep that faith alive.

I don't need faith. I have the present moment.

What else would you call your belief that the future will reflect the present (or, more accurately, the past), if not faith?

Where did I say the future would reflect the present or past? The future will be different. I don't need faith to know that.

This thread is about the future. Did you not understand that?

This thread is about Jeff Flake being forced out of the Senate. Did you not understand that?

Actually, it's about the next election cycle.

And what the result of Flake's decision will be.
Who is this "you" you're speaking of?

Do you believe that the President is owed the support of his party, no matter what?

Flake has voted with the Republican majority on essentially every vote he's ever made in the Senate - and he's voted with Trump 90% of the time since 2016.

But you're willing to trade him for a Democrat, just because he said mean things about Trump?

The proof is in the pudding Doc. Just look at this thread. There is an ideological divide in the Republican party and there is one in the Democratic party as well. One side is going to prevail. The optics of Trump triumphing over the Flakes and the Corkers is another victory over the old guard. You're seeing the same thing in with the Democrats...Feinstein being primaries, calls for Pelosi to step down, Sanders giving Clinton a run for her money...such a threat the DNC had to cheat to quell his insurgency. Things are changing on both sides. Dems are moving farther left and Republicans are moving farther right.

We unexpectedly have all three branches of government, and we aren't getting it done. Time to separate the wheat from the chaff. Flake and Corker are chaff.

If the Democratic party plays it's cards right (which is by no means a guarantee), I think you'll see that any "ideological divide" in the Democratic party is negligible, compared to the damage the Republican party has been dealt by it's own members.
I'm all in for Dr. Kelly Ward to take Flake's seat! She's the real deal, unlike Flake the Fake.

She's going to lose, and she'll do it badly.

But who cares, right?

Ideological purity above all!

Just like Trump was going to lose.....:rofl:

Get a new Crystal ball Doc, the one you are using is full of baloney!


As I said, you keep that faith alive.

Trump's election was a perfect storm, not a change in the tides.

You keep that faith alive. The faith that Trump's election was not a change in tides.... :lol:


I don't need faith, I have numbers.

I have numbers too.

34- The number of GOP governorships
26- states where the GOP control both the state legislatures and the governors’ mansions (compared with total Democratic control in six states)
She's going to lose, and she'll do it badly.

But who cares, right?

Ideological purity above all!

Just like Trump was going to lose.....:rofl:

Get a new Crystal ball Doc, the one you are using is full of baloney!


As I said, you keep that faith alive.

Trump's election was a perfect storm, not a change in the tides.

You keep that faith alive. The faith that Trump's election was not a change in tides.... :lol:


I don't need faith, I have numbers.

I have numbers too.

34- The number of GOP governorships
26- states where the GOP control both the state legislatures and the governors’ mansions (compared with total Democratic control in six states)


You're not getting it.

But that's ok. As I said, let that faith keep you warm.

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