BREAKING: Steven Sotloff beheaded

You are an asshole for exploiting the vicious killing of an American

Go fuck yourself

Comrade, you said they would never murder Sotloff, because they feared Dear Leader.

What the Muzzie Beasts did is horrific, barbaric. They are savages who cannot interact with civilized people - Islam is not compatible with civilization.

Still, it is painfully clear that rather than fear Obama, the Islamic world views him as an impotent, flaccid little queer. That is to say, they've got his number.
I guess they thought the same of Bush since they killed 3,000 people in one fell swoop.

We all know you are cheering the terrorists on.
I guess they thought the same of Bush since they killed 3,000 people in one fell swoop.

We all know you are cheering the terrorists on.

Rati, you're not the brightest person on the board - to put it mildly. This act is the deliberate pissing in Obama's face by ISIS. The weakness and incompetence of Obama is emboldening those who wish us harm.
I guess they thought the same of Bush since they killed 3,000 people in one fell swoop.

We all know you are cheering the terrorists on.

Rati, you're not the brightest person on the board - to put it mildly. This act is the deliberate pissing in Obama's face by ISIS. The weakness and incompetence of Obama is emboldening those who wish us harm.
Isn't it amazing that you 'know' exactly why terrorists beheaded this guy. I think Homeland Security should have a talk with you.
People, more intervention and war only begets more intervention and war. The man shouldn't have been there. It wasn't his war. We need to stop the meddling and killing around the world. These are not our wars people.
Seems to me these journalists need to get the hell out. Hell. The news ain't worth a life.

We all know what monsters ISIS is made up of and we sure don't need some dumbass journalist risking his life to tell us what we already know.

Nuke the bastards from orbit.
We armed them because Israel wanted Syria pulverized into a nation of tribes. Yinon Plan fortold this decades ago. I am sorry for the family who must be undone. But America had something to do with all this regime change and the beheadings in Iraq as well, as regime change was at work there too. America is responsible for most of the wars in the world and we broke Iraq and Syria. We are responsible for the death and destruction.

You are just being sarcastic and trying to get a laugh out of us, right?
I wish I was. Here is the Yinon Plan for regime change in the middle east. On the behalf of Israel, US neocons adopted the plan, or a similar one and did the regime change wanted by Zionism: 8220 Greater Israel 8221 The Zionist Plan for the Middle East Global Research
We armed them because Israel wanted Syria pulverized into a nation of tribes. Yinon Plan fortold this decades ago. I am sorry for the family who must be undone. But America had something to do with all this regime change and the beheadings in Iraq as well, as regime change was at work there too. America is responsible for most of the wars in the world and we broke Iraq and Syria. We are responsible for the death and destruction.


America responsible for beheadings?
Of course. Yinon Zionism on a plate: 8220 Greater Israel 8221 The Zionist Plan for the Middle East Global Research
He just shouldn't have been there. 'Activist Journalists' have to be more careful in these war zones. I'm not saying this particular man was an 'Activist Journalist, but there are many of them in the Media. They are clearly in these places to stir shit up. But in this case, he was captured by the other side. And he paid the heaviest price possible for it. Personally, i don't feel 'Activist Journalists' are Journalists at all. They're just Activists. They just shouldn't be there.
yeah..this shit happens all the time......
No big deal eh? Only an innocent American being beheaded. It's not like he robbed a store or assaulted a cop first. Now that would be an outrage huh?

We missed your outrage over these journalists killed in Iraq...

Journalists Killed in Iraq - Committee to Protect Journalists

...although I'm sure you can direct us to all your fits of rage posted over their deaths...

I dunno...did Obama sneeringly claim that those head hackers were "the JV team"?
yeah..this shit happens all the time......
No big deal eh? Only an innocent American being beheaded. It's not like he robbed a store or assaulted a cop first. Now that would be an outrage huh?

We missed your outrage over these journalists killed in Iraq...

Journalists Killed in Iraq - Committee to Protect Journalists

...although I'm sure you can direct us to all your fits of rage posted over their deaths...

I dunno...did Obama sneeringly claim that those head hackers were "the JV team"?

"I dunno". You should make that your sigline.
yeah..this shit happens all the time......
No big deal eh? Only an innocent American being beheaded. It's not like he robbed a store or assaulted a cop first. Now that would be an outrage huh?

We missed your outrage over these journalists killed in Iraq...

Journalists Killed in Iraq - Committee to Protect Journalists

...although I'm sure you can direct us to all your fits of rage posted over their deaths...

I dunno...did Obama sneeringly claim that those head hackers were "the JV team"?

"I dunno". You should make that your sigline.

I prefer the sig line I have, thanks.

So did Obama sneeringly claim that the head hackers who killed Sheehan's kid were "the JV team" in order to explain his inertia?

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