BREAKING: Steven Sotloff beheaded

I don't remember Bush getting blamed for the death of Daniel Pearl. Nor should he. Once in awhile you people should dial back your hatred of Obama just enough to realize that no president has the supernatural power of life and death over every person on the planet.

The ones to blame are the Islamic nutjobs. Period !
I don't remember Bush getting blamed for the death of Daniel Pearl. Nor should he. Once in awhile you people should dial back your hatred of Obama just enough to realize that no president has the supernatural power of life and death over every person on the planet.
Agreed, but if Bush had not gone into the middle east, none of this mass death would have happened. Bush and Cheney did the PNAC plan of invading the Middle East. It was preplanned prior to 9/11. I also think they were in on 9/11 but that is for a different day. Point is, they had the plan for invasion. All the blood and millions of people displaced is because they adopted the Yinon Plan, written prior to 1982.

I was making a point about the partisan hypocrisy here. Yes, the Iraq War was unnecessary, unjust, uncalled for, and the biggest foreign policy disaster since Vietnam,

but now the perpetrators are attempting to rewrite history by claiming that all would have been brilliant and well had Obama not screwed it up.

It's a lie so big that it would leave the Nazis dumbstruck and mouth agape by its arrogant majesty.
People, more intervention and war only begets more intervention and war. The man shouldn't have been there. It wasn't his war. We need to stop the meddling and killing around the world. These are not our wars people.

Up until the Korean War, the United States had a VERY different view of what war is. War is terrible, brutal, people die. In World War I, 9 million soldiers died - 17 million civilians died. War was not a game, it was brutal. The goal was not to arrest the infantry and try them in court for following the orders of their superiors, as the fucking moron Obama seeks, war was waged to end the DESIRE of the enemy to fight. It was not limited, and collateral damage was an intended consequence of war. Basically the USA took the position that if you fuck with us, we will kill you, and kill your families. War was not intended to be nice.

IF we wish to win the war we are in now, we need to do several things,

  1. Acknowledge that we are in a war
  2. Recognize who are enemy is
  3. Be willing to do what is needed to win
  4. Draw a clear line between war and peace

Americans don't want war, and there is a delusion that if we pretend there is no war, it will go away. But whether we acknowledge reality or not, Islam is at war with us. Not "radical Islam," or some other bullshit modifier, just Islam. Islam and civilization are not compatible. Either Islam must change to accommodate civilization, as both Christianity and Judaism have, or it must fight the civilized world, For years, Turkey stood as testament that Islam could change, could evolve into a religion that exist among decent people. But that was the past, even Turkey is pulled into the cesspool that is Islam.

The United States has to power to win this war. Our weapons are great and terrible, our fighting men the best trained and equipped in the history of the world. What we lack is will.

To win, we must make the price of engaging us too great for the Muslims to be willing to pay - we must break their will - just as we did with the Axis, just as we did with the Triple Alliance. This means exacting a toll on Muslims that will create fear in their hearts. Strategic bombing of ISIS with robot drones does nothing to break the will on the enemy, in fact it strengthens their will by creating martyrs to be cherished by their sick and primitive religion. To break their will means utterly annihilating them. Unleashing the full wrath of America, leaving every inch of territory held by ISIS in a condition the Dresden never dreamed of in the worst nightmare of PTSD victims that somehow crawled out of that rubble. Civilians will die - many of them, just as they did in Dresden, and Hiroshima, and Nagasaki.I mean that we carpet bomb with MOAB's so that the thought of harboring or supporting ISIS and the other Muslims will create a fear in the hearts of people from Damascus to Tehran. That the price of engaging America will be one that Islam is unwilling to pay.

No boots on the ground, no nation building, no help with the aftermath. Just a flurry of death for those who fail to grasp that America is not to be fucked with.

This leads to my final point - we live in a state of limbo, neither war nor peace. We must return to the sanity that war and peace are mutually exclusive.

We started it. When Cheney did not get his pipeline to the Caspian Sea, the Taliban became the enemy. Al Qaida was brought in to deflect on the invasion of Afghanistan for oil. Then oil shale came along and after all these deaths, Cheney didn't care anymore. He is already invested in oil shale in the Golan Heights with Rothschild, in a company called Genie Energy.
yeah..this shit happens all the time......
No big deal eh? Only an innocent American being beheaded. It's not like he robbed a store or assaulted a cop first. Now that would be an outrage huh?

do you need a history of the world there gramps? People die all the time. The Khans wiped out whole Cities of people. ISIS has wiped out numerous people. Our firebombing of japan in WWII killed more people than the atomic bombs. We created meat grinders in WWI where tens of thousands of troops died for 10 feet of land.

One guy gets his head cut off and you want me to outrage? Look i get it, anything and everything to attack an Administration you don't like. Its a cheap move to make, but its expected in this sort of game of politics.

People die daily for bullshit reasons. You want me to start posting some news?

Fucking retards
yeah..this shit happens all the time......
No big deal eh? Only an innocent American being beheaded. It's not like he robbed a store or assaulted a cop first. Now that would be an outrage huh?

do you need a history of the world there gramps? People die all the time. The Khans wiped out whole Cities of people. ISIS has wiped out numerous people. Our firebombing of japan in WWII killed more people than the atomic bombs. We created meat grinders in WWI where tens of thousands of troops died for 10 feet of land.

One guy gets his head cut off and you want me to outrage? Look i get it, anything and everything to attack an Administration you don't like. Its a cheap move to make, but its expected in this sort of game of politics.

People die daily for bullshit reasons. You want me to start posting some news?

Fucking retards
I didn't comment of "the administration" dumbass.
Here's the real nutty center of this stinking candy bar of terrorism and how Obama reacts-

He does not realize that doing the Alinsky tactic of insulting your enemy does not work outside of campaign rallies. He thinks if he can find just the right juvenile attack, his enemy will cower and skulk away because he put them down.

This is why Putin is running rampant and ISIS is accelerating their invasion. Little Barrack is too stupid to understand his petty childish little word games don't work on real men.
We armed them because Israel wanted Syria pulverized into a nation of tribes. Yinon Plan fortold this decades ago. I am sorry for the family who must be undone. But America had something to do with all this regime change and the beheadings in Iraq as well, as regime change was at work there too. America is responsible for most of the wars in the world and we broke Iraq and Syria. We are responsible for the death and destruction.


America responsible for beheadings?
Of course. Yinon Zionism on a plate: 8220 Greater Israel 8221 The Zionist Plan for the Middle East Global Research

Oded Yinon’s
“A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties”
Published by the
Association of Arab-American University Graduates, Inc.


Hilarious, ya moron.
We have no business anywhere in the M.E. Time to pull up the stakes, take down the tents and leave Israel to stand or fall on their own.

How many tens of thousands more American dead and maimed before we learn? How many more trillions of dollars pumped into military, oil, and corrupt regimes before we wise the fuck up?

I agree with most of this..

But ISIL has to be dealt with.
Here's the real nutty center of this stinking candy bar of terrorism and how Obama reacts-

He does not realize that doing the Alinsky tactic of insulting your enemy does not work outside of campaign rallies. He thinks if he can find just the right juvenile attack, his enemy will cower and skulk away because he put them down.

This is why Putin is running rampant and ISIS is accelerating their invasion. Little Barrack is too stupid to understand his petty childish little word games don't work on real men.
Nice try, but Nuland, married to PNAC co founder Robert Kagan, is secretary of State. She said the US spent billions interfering with Ukraine politics. The blood of that regime change is on our hands too. It is all on the hands of the neocons and the Israelis. This is Yinon regime change, and we make most of the war, now.
We armed them because Israel wanted Syria pulverized into a nation of tribes. Yinon Plan fortold this decades ago. I am sorry for the family who must be undone. But America had something to do with all this regime change and the beheadings in Iraq as well, as regime change was at work there too. America is responsible for most of the wars in the world and we broke Iraq and Syria. We are responsible for the death and destruction.


America responsible for beheadings?
Of course. Yinon Zionism on a plate: 8220 Greater Israel 8221 The Zionist Plan for the Middle East Global Research

Oded Yinon’s
“A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties”
Published by the
Association of Arab-American University Graduates, Inc.


Hilarious, ya moron.

Others have published it. Shahak, the translator, believed Zionism would come after the US and control the USA as well. That is pretty much true. Shahak was a professor of chemistry at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He worked with Ben-Gurion. He knows the Zionists and he interpreted Oded Yinon's work to warn the USA.

You, on the other hand, are probably one of the most morally dishonest people I have ever come across.
I don't remember Bush getting blamed for the death of Daniel Pearl. Nor should he. Once in awhile you people should dial back your hatred of Obama just enough to realize that no president has the supernatural power of life and death over every person on the planet.
Agreed, but if Bush had not gone into the middle east, none of this mass death would have happened. Bush and Cheney did the PNAC plan of invading the Middle East. It was preplanned prior to 9/11. I also think they were in on 9/11 but that is for a different day. Point is, they had the plan for invasion. All the blood and millions of people displaced is because they adopted the Yinon Plan, written prior to 1982.

I was making a point about the partisan hypocrisy here. Yes, the Iraq War was unnecessary, unjust, uncalled for, and the biggest foreign policy disaster since Vietnam,

but now the perpetrators are attempting to rewrite history by claiming that all would have been brilliant and well had Obama not screwed it up.

It's a lie so big that it would leave the Nazis dumbstruck and mouth agape by its arrogant majesty.

If we combine Vietnam + Nazis in as many posts as possible it still won't = Post-Bush Iraq.

Obama needs to put the big boy pants on. While we all know that he had nothing but experience as a community organizer 6 years ago; he's now had enough experience to be responsible for what's happening in the past 6 days.
We armed them because Israel wanted Syria pulverized into a nation of tribes. Yinon Plan fortold this decades ago. I am sorry for the family who must be undone. But America had something to do with all this regime change and the beheadings in Iraq as well, as regime change was at work there too. America is responsible for most of the wars in the world and we broke Iraq and Syria. We are responsible for the death and destruction.


America responsible for beheadings?
Of course. Yinon Zionism on a plate: 8220 Greater Israel 8221 The Zionist Plan for the Middle East Global Research

Oded Yinon’s
“A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties”
Published by the
Association of Arab-American University Graduates, Inc.


Hilarious, ya moron.

Others have published it. Shahak, the translator, believed Zionism would come after the US and control the USA as well. That is pretty much true. Shahak was a professor of chemistry at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He worked with Ben-Gurion. He knows the Zionists and he interpreted Oded Yinon's work to warn the USA.

You, on the other hand, are probably one of the most morally dishonest people I have ever come across.

Written in 1982....34 YEARS AGO.

There's still Palestinians in Gaza......

Start your own thread about your stupid conspiracy theories. Sane people want to discuss the topic.
We have no business anywhere in the M.E. Time to pull up the stakes, take down the tents and leave Israel to stand or fall on their own.

How many tens of thousands more American dead and maimed before we learn? How many more trillions of dollars pumped into military, oil, and corrupt regimes before we wise the fuck up?

I agree with most of this..

But ISIL has to be dealt with.

Perhaps the Germans, or Great Britain will have a strategy we can follow.
yeah..this shit happens all the time......
No big deal eh? Only an innocent American being beheaded. It's not like he robbed a store or assaulted a cop first. Now that would be an outrage huh?

do you need a history of the world there gramps? People die all the time. The Khans wiped out whole Cities of people. ISIS has wiped out numerous people. Our firebombing of japan in WWII killed more people than the atomic bombs. We created meat grinders in WWI where tens of thousands of troops died for 10 feet of land.

One guy gets his head cut off and you want me to outrage? Look i get it, anything and everything to attack an Administration you don't like. Its a cheap move to make, but its expected in this sort of game of politics.

People die daily for bullshit reasons. You want me to start posting some news?

Fucking retards
I didn't comment of "the administration" dumbass.
yeah i got ahead of you
We have no business anywhere in the M.E. Time to pull up the stakes, take down the tents and leave Israel to stand or fall on their own.

How many tens of thousands more American dead and maimed before we learn? How many more trillions of dollars pumped into military, oil, and corrupt regimes before we wise the fuck up?

I agree with most of this..

But ISIL has to be dealt with.

Perhaps the Germans, or Great Britain will have a strategy we can follow.

I like bombing from the air and hitting them with drones.

Like, you know, the successful campaign in the Balkans.
I suspect Mr. Anderson is an educator, and that all the people he knows have the exact same opinion, which insulates him from the real world. He's going to be shocked that people disagree. Watch.
Yinon Zionism is not Kosher, Kosher Girl: 8220 Greater Israel 8221 The Zionist Plan for the Middle East Global Research

I'm Baptist, so I don't care, you anti-American extremist.
You didn't read it did you. I didn't think so. if you had the guts whatever you believe, you would read it and see that America is not acting in our own national interest. When are you going to realize that, as the retired Italian president said, the CIA and Mossad did 9/11. My natural father was Jewish, but Israel is like a curse around the neck of America and this plan proves it, Koshergirl.

So you're one of those "explosives-brought-the-WTC's-down-and-a-missle-was-fired-into-the-Pentagon" nutcakes ?

Anyway, did you miss the part where this man was beheaded ?

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