Breaking The (Bad) News....

Poor, poor, Democrat hopefuls.......

I began this thread.....breaking the bad news, a month and a half ago.

You poor must be like a death of a thousand cuts.

"....developments are tilting in Trump’s favor. Top among them is that the Justice Department finally seems to be getting serious about misconduct by government officials during the presidential campaign.

The news that Inspector General Michael Horowitz is probing whether former FBI director James Comey mishandled classified information with memos he wrote and leaked is the second bombshell in two days. It follows the IG recommendation of criminal prosecution against Comey’s former top deputy, Andrew McCabe, on charges that he lied repeatedly to investigators." the saying goes.....'It couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch."

Passing the antacids around?
after Cohen buries trump you'll be playing another tune
How do you reckon they'll convey the message that there is no obstruction either...Cartoon Network?

There are a limited number of choices, as, in Coulter's words:

"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."
But Trump has the most beautiful hookers of all,,,,,,and russia has it on film ,,,,,,Golden showers anyone?? lol
Poor, poor, Democrat hopefuls.......

I began this thread.....breaking the bad news, a month and a half ago.

You poor must be like a death of a thousand cuts.

"....developments are tilting in Trump’s favor. Top among them is that the Justice Department finally seems to be getting serious about misconduct by government officials during the presidential campaign.

The news that Inspector General Michael Horowitz is probing whether former FBI director James Comey mishandled classified information with memos he wrote and leaked is the second bombshell in two days. It follows the IG recommendation of criminal prosecution against Comey’s former top deputy, Andrew McCabe, on charges that he lied repeatedly to investigators." the saying goes.....'It couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch."

Passing the antacids around?
after Cohen buries trump you'll be playing another tune

And when he doesn't......and yet another of your pipe dreams dissolves????
How do you reckon they'll convey the message that there is no obstruction either...Cartoon Network?

There are a limited number of choices, as, in Coulter's words:

"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."
But Trump has the most beautiful hookers of all,,,,,,and russia has it on film ,,,,,,Golden showers anyone?? lol

Earlier I recommended this change in logo for the Democrats.....from the donkey to this:


In a year or so Trump has done more for the American voter than Obama did in eight....

.....and his foreign policy may have saved the world.

The Obama Legacy:

1. The largest number of refugees in the history of the world were wandering around the planet as a direct result of Barack Obama’s incompetence in the Middle East and North Africa, ….some 65 million refugees….more than during or after WWII….due to Barack Obama’s blithering idiocy.

2. Obama ... the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and he gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in our young people.....
....with the proceeds paying for IEDs that they use on our soldiers.

And all you grouse about is some fake story of his private life????

Really, eddie......grow up.
Last edited:
With Jon Stewart out of the picture, Democrats/Liberals had to find a new 'news' source.....and, for many, it is SNL.

Sooo.....the Democrats, needing away to let their faithful....(read that as 'true believers') down gently, sent the memo via the largely un-funny SNL.

That's right: the Democrats pulled the rug out from under their drones via Saturday Night Live....

"....special counsel Robert Mueller. Kate McKinnon essentially impersonates Arie in Mueller makeup while breaking the news.

“So, uh, you know that I’ve been struggling a little bit over the last few months just trying to figure this whole thing out and just grasp everything,” McKinnon’s Mueller says. “The reality is I don’t think I can give you everything that you want right now, and I think you sense that.”

Strong’s Becca replies: “So … what? You don’t have Trump on collusion?”

“I think I need to explore the possibility that I have a stronger case with some other stuff,” the fake Mueller replies. “I’m just trying to be honest with you in telling you I can’t commit to collusion right now.”

“you indicted like 13 Russians and like everything that happened at Seychelles, that means nothing?”

“No, I mean the Seychelles were amazing and it’s definitely something,” he responds. “It’s just the more time that goes by, the more that I keep thinking about obstruction.”

The fake Becca can’t handle the embarrassment. “Collusion is literally the only thing that I’ve been looking forward to the past year.”
SNL’s disastrous ‘Bachelor’ finale stars Robert Mueller, who can’t commit to collusion

The only funny thing here is that SNL became the vehicle by which the Democrats warned their shock troops that the bottom just fell out of the lies they've been advancing for a year or more.

The punch line?
There's no collusion.


I'm struggling wth the concept that anybody actually watches SNL anymore.
With Jon Stewart out of the picture, Democrats/Liberals had to find a new 'news' source.....and, for many, it is SNL.

Sooo.....the Democrats, needing away to let their faithful....(read that as 'true believers') down gently, sent the memo via the largely un-funny SNL.

That's right: the Democrats pulled the rug out from under their drones via Saturday Night Live....

"....special counsel Robert Mueller. Kate McKinnon essentially impersonates Arie in Mueller makeup while breaking the news.

“So, uh, you know that I’ve been struggling a little bit over the last few months just trying to figure this whole thing out and just grasp everything,” McKinnon’s Mueller says. “The reality is I don’t think I can give you everything that you want right now, and I think you sense that.”

Strong’s Becca replies: “So … what? You don’t have Trump on collusion?”

“I think I need to explore the possibility that I have a stronger case with some other stuff,” the fake Mueller replies. “I’m just trying to be honest with you in telling you I can’t commit to collusion right now.”

“you indicted like 13 Russians and like everything that happened at Seychelles, that means nothing?”

“No, I mean the Seychelles were amazing and it’s definitely something,” he responds. “It’s just the more time that goes by, the more that I keep thinking about obstruction.”

The fake Becca can’t handle the embarrassment. “Collusion is literally the only thing that I’ve been looking forward to the past year.”
SNL’s disastrous ‘Bachelor’ finale stars Robert Mueller, who can’t commit to collusion

The only funny thing here is that SNL became the vehicle by which the Democrats warned their shock troops that the bottom just fell out of the lies they've been advancing for a year or more.

The punch line?
There's no collusion.


I'm struggling wth the concept that anybody actually watches SNL anymore.

As the DNC used SNL as a conduit to lower the expectations of their faithful, it's clear who is watching it.
I'm struggling wth the concept that anybody actually watches SNL anymore.

Like politicalchick is incestuous. The elites in new York and San Francisco watch it...and then write about it as if we all do. To them it is normal to sit with their mouths sagging open in front of a TV watching Trump get bashed. Then SNL writers read the articles and think everyone hates Trump so they attack again. And the circle jerk continues.
I'm struggling wth the concept that anybody actually watches SNL anymore.

Like politicalchick is incestuous. The elites in new York and San Francisco watch it...and then write about it as if we all do. To them it is normal to sit with their mouths sagging open in front of a TV watching Trump get bashed. Then SNL writers read the articles and think everyone hates Trump so they attack again. And the circle jerk continues.


I'm struggling wth the concept that anybody actually watches SNL anymore.

Like politicalchick is incestuous. The elites in new York and San Francisco watch it...and then write about it as if we all do. To them it is normal to sit with their mouths sagging open in front of a TV watching Trump get bashed. Then SNL writers read the articles and think everyone hates Trump so they attack again. And the circle jerk continues.

I don't think the elites watch it. But it it definitely aimed at what remains of the Dem base.
I don't think the elites watch it. But it it definitely aimed at what remains of the Dem base.

You may be right..but they cant be seen to not know what is trendy on SNL. So they have to familiarize themselves with it. And they have to know who is in and who is Weinstein still the hero of the Hillary donors and feminist icon this week or has he been purged as anti-woman?
Liberal elites write and perform for each other. Then the liberal dupes in America ape what they see on TV...from sexual mores to fashion to shallow political slogans.
Sounds like a lotta sour grapes from Trumpsters getting their noses rubbed in the 1st amendment.

Well Trump wanted fake news, and now he's got it, boo frickin' whooo



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