Breaking: Trump Campaign Exposes Hillary's Heath Condition----A Rare Brain Symptom Called Dysphasia

The Trump campaign knows something. Trump’s spokeswoman would say this without authorization and knowledge of Hitlery’s actual condition.

Expect a media meltdown today.

Trump spokeswoman claims Clinton has rare brain disease

You are so afraid of her winning that I can smell the fear here!

Yes, a Clinton win would be the end of the USA as a free representative republic. We would become a large copy of failed European socialism with radical muslim ideology given a equal standing with Christianity, Jewish, and atheism. We would be overrun with illegals of every stripe and crime would soar in every city.

If you want to see the downfall of the USA, vote Clinton. The liberal philosophy that has destroyed Detroit, Philly, Cleveland, LA, DC, and Chicago and would destroy the rest of the country.
Surely you need to wait for all of the predictions about Obama's destruction of the US to happen first.
The Trump campaign knows something. Trump’s spokeswoman would say this without authorization and knowledge of Hitlery’s actual condition.

Expect a media meltdown today.

Trump spokeswoman claims Clinton has rare brain disease

You are so afraid of her winning that I can smell the fear here!

Yes, a Clinton win would be the end of the USA as a free representative republic. We would become a large copy of failed European socialism with radical muslim ideology given a equal standing with Christianity, Jewish, and atheism. We would be overrun with illegals of every stripe and crime would soar in every city.

If you want to see the downfall of the USA, vote Clinton. The liberal philosophy that has destroyed Detroit, Philly, Cleveland, LA, DC, and Chicago and would destroy the rest of the country.
Surely you need to wait for all of the predictions about Obama's destruction of the US to happen first.
It's about time for the Obama coup myth to surface again!
The Trump campaign knows something. Trump’s spokeswoman would say this without authorization and knowledge of Hitlery’s actual condition.

Expect a media meltdown today.

Trump spokeswoman claims Clinton has rare brain disease

You are so afraid of her winning that I can smell the fear here!

Yes, a Clinton win would be the end of the USA as a free representative republic. We would become a large copy of failed European socialism with radical muslim ideology given a equal standing with Christianity, Jewish, and atheism. We would be overrun with illegals of every stripe and crime would soar in every city.

If you want to see the downfall of the USA, vote Clinton. The liberal philosophy that has destroyed Detroit, Philly, Cleveland, LA, DC, and Chicago and would destroy the rest of the country.
Would you be so kind as to list the exact policies and legislative initiatives that she is pushing that would bring all of this about?
The Trump campaign knows something. Trump’s spokeswoman would say this without authorization and knowledge of Hitlery’s actual condition.

Expect a media meltdown today.

Trump spokeswoman claims Clinton has rare brain disease

don't expect any of our liberal and dem posters to address this. They refuse to accept or deal with the truth about their very flawed candidate.

remember, liberalism is a mental disease, it is caused by a defective gene identified as DRD 4. It blocks the ability to think logically and is present in all liberals.
This is funny as hell!
If she can still bark the libs will not abandon her.

And if any candidate says " Build that wall and deport all non-whites " those like you will vote for him!

no one has called for the deportation of non-whites. Where to you get this shit?
Don't you mean not yet ?

No, but I am sure that many on your side will call for the deportation of whites, republicans, Christians, Jews, and southerners.

the left is the ideology of hate and exclusion.
Of comes the projection.
Actually, the Trump camp now need to pony up all that evidence and no their word is not good enough. They need someone that has actually evaluated Hillary Clinton and has a degree in the Medical World and not some partisan whore that is just saying the dumbest thing at the moment...

The OP'er applauds this nonsense but let be factual of the two Donald Trump has more mental illness than Nixon!
Exactly. The Trump campaign formally declared her to be stricken with dysphasia. That's a serious accusation and one they will pay a heavy price for if they can't back it up with an actual diagnosis from a qualified professional physician.
Is one of Drumpf ' s alter egos a doctor?
The Trump campaign knows something. Trump’s spokeswoman would say this without authorization and knowledge of Hitlery’s actual condition.

Expect a media meltdown today.

Trump spokeswoman claims Clinton has rare brain disease

Are you kidding? They accuse her of murder. There is no accusation that they won't make if they think their crazy base will believe it, and they will believe anything. Those health claims have already been disproved and now you are just pushing another obvious lie,
I got a Facebook post today blaming Hillary Clinton for JFK Jr's death...lololol
The Trump campaign knows something. Trump’s spokeswoman would say this without authorization and knowledge of Hitlery’s actual condition.

Expect a media meltdown today.

Trump spokeswoman claims Clinton has rare brain disease

don't expect any of our liberal and dem posters to address this. They refuse to accept or deal with the truth about their very flawed candidate.

remember, liberalism is a mental disease, it is caused by a defective gene identified as DRD 4. It blocks the ability to think logically and is present in all liberals.
This is funny as hell!
It's stupid, despicable and reeks of desperation,
Fact Check is left leaning. They are not a trustworthy website. They are known for obfuscating the truth.
You morons will stop at nothing! You are finished and this kind of crap is you death ratt
The Trump campaign knows something. Trump’s spokeswoman would say this without authorization and knowledge of Hitlery’s actual condition.

Expect a media meltdown today.

Trump spokeswoman claims Clinton has rare brain disease

You despicable morons will stop at nothing. You can't even comprehend how stupid you sound. This is your death rattle of desperation because you know that you are FINISHED! This is beyond the bizarre idiocy of birtherism. Get the fuck over it!'

Hillary Health Trutherism, Misogyny, And The Media
Submitted by Ari Rabin-Havt on Sunday, 8/21/2016 1:00 pm Hillary Health Trutherism, Misogyny, And The Media

Conservatives sure are worried about Hillary Clinton’s health. Not that they are actually concerned with her well-being. Instead, they have created a new blend of trutherism that uses exaggerations and even outright forgeries to construct a false narrative that a medical disorder disqualifies Clinton from the presidency.

Eight years ago, the fever swamps of the far-right were obsessed with proving that Barack Obama was constitutionally ineligible to be president because he was born in Kenya. Based on racism, birtherism was designed to depict Obama as not fully American. Proselytizers of this lie were far too often granted a platform by the media, sometimes lending undeserved credibility to their claims.

At the time, Republican nominee John McCain refused to engage in these bigoted attacks and actively dissuaded his supporters from doing so. The same cannot be said for Donald Trump. His birtherism helped elevate him from reality TV star to presidential contender and now he is actively engaged in promoting this new lie about Clinton’s health.

In an interview this week, Trump campaign spokeswoman Katrina Pierson diagnosed Clinton as suffering from “dysphasia.” Trump himself has declared that Clinton “doesn’t have that strength and stamina” to be president. The Trump campaign has been joined in this smear by its partners at, Sean Hannity’s radio and television programs, and the birthers at World Net Daily.

On Fox News Sunday Trump surrogate and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani claimed one of the reasons Hillary Clinton leads in national and state polls is because the media refuses to cover conservative conspiracies about her health.

Ignoring the standard physician's letter that Clinton’s campaign, like most presidential campaigns, has released, they are convinced that the candidate making a joke about rapid-fire questions from reporters in a Washington, D.C., coffee shop in June is evidence that she had a seizure. (Oddly, these truthers must believe that journalists next to Clinton reacted to her apparent seizure by laughing). They also point to a single picture of Clinton slipping on icy stairs as proof of her poor health, while there are literally hundreds of pictures in existence of her climbing steps unaided. The Drudge Report splashed across the top of its page a link to a conservative blog pointing to the fact that a pillow is often found on the seats upon which Hillary Clinton sits, because apparently desiring lumbar support is somehow evidence of a major medical malady. (Unlike Trump, her physician has not declared that she “will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.”)

Hillary health truthers have also released fake letters, fake medical records claiming to be from Clinton’s doctor and even a fake MRI.

Just as racism drove birtherism, heath trutherism is undoubtedly driven by misogyny. There is an extensive history of demeaning women by calling them “crazy,” not to mention undercutting their ability to serve in positions of prominence and power.

Accusing the first female presidential nominee of a major political party of being brain damaged is simply an attempt to use fake medicine and outright lies to elevate this sexist trope into the mainstream political discourse.
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The Trump campaign knows something. Trump’s spokeswoman would say this without authorization and knowledge of Hitlery’s actual condition.

Expect a media meltdown today.

Trump spokeswoman claims Clinton has rare brain disease

You are so afraid of her winning that I can smell the fear here!

Yes, a Clinton win would be the end of the USA as a free representative republic. We would become a large copy of failed European socialism with radical muslim ideology given a equal standing with Christianity, Jewish, and atheism. We would be overrun with illegals of every stripe and crime would soar in every city.

If you want to see the downfall of the USA, vote Clinton. The liberal philosophy that has destroyed Detroit, Philly, Cleveland, LA, DC, and Chicago and would destroy the rest of the country.
Surely you need to wait for all of the predictions about Obama's destruction of the US to happen first.

Do you watch the news? Racial unrest, muslim terrorists murdering americans in America, cops being murdered, BLM demanding reparations and part of the US for blacks only, 19 trillion in debt, a weakened military, the predictions are coming true, fool.
The Trump campaign knows something. Trump’s spokeswoman would say this without authorization and knowledge of Hitlery’s actual condition.

Expect a media meltdown today.

Trump spokeswoman claims Clinton has rare brain disease

You are so afraid of her winning that I can smell the fear here!

Yes, a Clinton win would be the end of the USA as a free representative republic. We would become a large copy of failed European socialism with radical muslim ideology given a equal standing with Christianity, Jewish, and atheism. We would be overrun with illegals of every stripe and crime would soar in every city.

If you want to see the downfall of the USA, vote Clinton. The liberal philosophy that has destroyed Detroit, Philly, Cleveland, LA, DC, and Chicago and would destroy the rest of the country.
Surely you need to wait for all of the predictions about Obama's destruction of the US to happen first.

Do you watch the news? Racial unrest, muslim terrorists murdering americans in America, cops being murdered, BLM demanding reparations and part of the US for blacks only, 19 trillion in debt, a weakened military, the predictions are coming true, fool.
You could be describing any day in the last 50 years.
The Trump campaign knows something. Trump’s spokeswoman would say this without authorization and knowledge of Hitlery’s actual condition.

Expect a media meltdown today.

Trump spokeswoman claims Clinton has rare brain disease

You are so afraid of her winning that I can smell the fear here!

Yes, a Clinton win would be the end of the USA as a free representative republic. We would become a large copy of failed European socialism with radical muslim ideology given a equal standing with Christianity, Jewish, and atheism. We would be overrun with illegals of every stripe and crime would soar in every city.

If you want to see the downfall of the USA, vote Clinton. The liberal philosophy that has destroyed Detroit, Philly, Cleveland, LA, DC, and Chicago and would destroy the rest of the country.
Surely you need to wait for all of the predictions about Obama's destruction of the US to happen first.

Do you watch the news? Racial unrest, muslim terrorists murdering americans in America, cops being murdered, BLM demanding reparations and part of the US for blacks only, 19 trillion in debt, a weakened military, the predictions are coming true, fool.
You could be describing any day in the last 50 years.

nope, not even close.

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