Breaking: Trump CFO Granted Immunity

Trump's CFO was granted immunity in the Cohen probe specifically. The very same case where Cohen directly implicated Trump in the commission of multiple federal felonies.

This from the Wall Street Journal:

But you can't see how this connects with Trump?

Well bless your heart!

What felonies did Comey implicate Trump in again?

Obstruction of Justice, most likely. But since the Mueller investigation has yet to released their interviews with Comey (or Flynn, or Gates, or Papodopolous, or McGahn, or Weiselberg, or Pecker), we don't know the extent of that implication.

What we do the statements of Cohen, under oath, admitting that Trump coordinated and directed his actions in the illegal campaign contributions.

Cohen admitted that "in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office," he kept information that would have harmed Trump from becoming public during the 2016 election cycle.

Michael Cohen implicates Trump in hush money scheme - CNNPolitics

But you still can't see how this connects to Trump, huh?

Well, you can't fix stupid.

So you can't connect it to Trump, but I'm stupid for not seeing how it connects to Trump. Gotcha.

Laughing.....other than Cohen directly implicating Trump in court, with documents to back it up?

The faked invoices, audio recordings of the conversations, records from shell companies, an entire paper trail.

And you pretend that none of it happened, none of it exists.

Um, good luck with that.

Lauging harder ... WHAT did he implicate Trump in? All you listed are things that Cohen did.

Trump said write fake invoices and I'll pay them? That's your argument?

Laughing, laughing, laughing, rolling on the floor ...

You don't even know what Cohen has implicated Trump in.....and you expect us to do more than giggle when you give us your opinion on the case?

But tell us again about Cohen taking money 'from campaign contributions'. For the endorphins.
Cohen pleaded guilty to tax and campaign finance laws. Isn't that what Trump hired him to avoid?

Nope. Trump hired Cohen as a fixer. A man to take care of whatever problem Trump faced.

And per Cohen (and the records, audio recordings, paper trail and invoices that Cohen turned over to federal investigators), Trump directed Cohen to make over $400,000 in illegal campaign contributions.

I get the print version of the WSJ, I don't subscribe to the online version, so you're going to have to make your own point

No need for the online version to see that article. And I've already offered you the relevant quote.

You're just giving us excuses for why you are so poorly informed on this case. Remain ignorant. Its genuinely not important that you know what's going on.

Even to you, apparently.

Us? Sorry guy, you're still suffering from low self esteem, huh? You need hordes of imaginary people to hang on your every word to stiffen up your Johnson. I hope you're getting help with that. I'd say you shouldn't be so insecure, but probably with that stupid shit you should be.

And your quote said nothing about what Trump had to do with this, Martina

You continue to babble about 'Johnsons'.

I just keep quoting Cohen and the WSJ.

Cohen admitted that "in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office," he kept information that would have harmed Trump from becoming public during the 2016 election cycle.

Michael Cohen implicates Trump in hush money scheme - CNNPolitics

And Weisselberg....

President Trump’s financial gatekeeper was granted immunity by federal authorities in New York and testified before a grand jury, the third longtime confidant of Mr. Trump known to have provided information in an illegal hush-money investigation that has implicated the president.

Allen Weisselberg, Longtime Trump Organization CFO, Testified and Was Granted Immunity in Cohen Probe

But keep those eyes screwed shut, Kaz. It gets harder from here.

You're desperate now, you're going to Fake News. So here's what they say:

"The counts against Cohen included tax fraud, false statements to a bank and campaign finance violations tied to his work for Trump, including payments Cohen made or helped orchestrate that were designed to silence women who claimed affairs with the then-candidate."

There is nothing illegal about paying women to keep quiet about an affair. And I keep directly alluding to that Trump hired Cohen, a lawyer, to do it LEGALLY you stupid fuck.

Hello :1041::1041::1041: anybody in there?

Repeat after me.

Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Nope. Trump hired Cohen as a fixer. A man to take care of whatever problem Trump faced.

And per Cohen (and the records, audio recordings, paper trail and invoices that Cohen turned over to federal investigators), Trump directed Cohen to make over $400,000 in illegal campaign contributions.

I get the print version of the WSJ, I don't subscribe to the online version, so you're going to have to make your own point

No need for the online version to see that article. And I've already offered you the relevant quote.

You're just giving us excuses for why you are so poorly informed on this case. Remain ignorant. Its genuinely not important that you know what's going on.

Even to you, apparently.

Us? Sorry guy, you're still suffering from low self esteem, huh? You need hordes of imaginary people to hang on your every word to stiffen up your Johnson. I hope you're getting help with that. I'd say you shouldn't be so insecure, but probably with that stupid shit you should be.

And your quote said nothing about what Trump had to do with this, Martina

You continue to babble about 'Johnsons'.

I just keep quoting Cohen and the WSJ.

Cohen admitted that "in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office," he kept information that would have harmed Trump from becoming public during the 2016 election cycle.

Michael Cohen implicates Trump in hush money scheme - CNNPolitics

And Weisselberg....

President Trump’s financial gatekeeper was granted immunity by federal authorities in New York and testified before a grand jury, the third longtime confidant of Mr. Trump known to have provided information in an illegal hush-money investigation that has implicated the president.

Allen Weisselberg, Longtime Trump Organization CFO, Testified and Was Granted Immunity in Cohen Probe

But keep those eyes screwed shut, Kaz. It gets harder from here.

You're desperate now, you're going to Fake News. So here's what they say: I'm 'desperate' because I'm accurately quoting news sources and Cohen's statements in court?

Um, wow.

"The counts against Cohen included tax fraud, false statements to a bank and campaign finance violations tied to his work for Trump, including payments Cohen made or helped orchestrate that were designed to silence women who claimed affairs with the then-candidate."

There is nothing illegal about paying women to keep quiet about an affair. And I keep directly alluding to that Trump hired Cohen, a lawyer, to do it LEGALLY you stupid fuck.

There is....when the payment is made to directly benefit a political campaign (which makes it a campaign contribution) and the payment exceeds campaign contribution limits. $400,000 is way, way above the individual limit for campaign contributions.

And with Cohen admiting that it was in coordination and at the direction of Trump that these illegal contributions were made (with a paper trail and audio recordings to back it up), Trump is immediately implicated in federal felonies.

Remember....and this point is fundamental; you have no idea what you're talking about. Which tends to limit the utility of your 'legal analysis'.
Cohen pleading guilty is proof enough.
There is proof enough of Cohen's campaign finance violations, of Trump's campaign.

I'm afraid not.

Cohen's violation was contributing more than the maximum legal amount...Trump can legally contribute any amount...

it's not just about 'how much'... but also 'why' ...

If Trump had never made these kind of payments before he was a candidate, you might have something...but he did.

He'll say he made the payment to protect his marriage, just like he did before he was running.

Link to follow Did President Trump violate campaign finance laws?
Last edited:
Cohen pleading guilty is proof enough.
There is proof enough of Cohen's campaign finance violations, of Trump's campaign.

I'm afraid not.

Cohen's violation was contributing more than the maximum legal amount...Trump can legally contribute any amount...
None of us are lawyers, including myself.
Read what the experts say about the subject, from 6 different experts on subjects such as "trump arguing the money didnt come from campaign", or "personal vs campaign expenses", on the amounts of payouts. isnt a crime, etc.
Just mindlessly bantering about it here doesnt accomplish anything.
Cohen pleading guilty is proof enough.
There is proof enough of Cohen's campaign finance violations, of Trump's campaign.

I'm afraid not.

Cohen's violation was contributing more than the maximum legal amount...Trump can legally contribute any amount...

it's not just about 'how much'... but also 'why' ...

If Trump had never made these kind of payments before he was a candidate, you might have something...but he did.

Ah, the scumbag defense!That Trump was such a corrupt, lying piece of shit that making secret payments to his porn stars to keep them quiet was a regular thing and thus had nothing to do with the campaign.

Alas, its the benefit to the campaign that establishes if something is a campaign contribution. Not how regularly one is a piece of shit.

And of course, there is evidence of TWO such payments. Just two. Both immediately before the 2016 election. With the reimbursement to Cohen coming AFTER the election.

And since its Trump....of course the reimbursement occured with lies, deceit and fraud. With faked invoices, shell companies, false time lines and fraudulent work descriptions. Well in line with your 'Trump is lying sack of shit' argument from earlier.

He'll say he made the payment to protect his marriage, just like he did before he was running.

Link to follow in an edit.

Trump has lied repeated about this particular situation. Why would you believe anything he says? For crying out loud, he changed his story yet again only two days ago.
/——/ Let the DOJ come after you and threaten you with jail and bankruptcy. Let’s see what you do,

They can't make me be guilty if I'm not.
/——-/ oh yes they can.

Not at all, dope.
/—-/ Google perjury trap and get back to us.

You can't commit perjury if you tell the truth.
/——/ Sure you can. I posted examples already. You testify under oath that you own a silver Chevy Equinox then the prosecutor shows you the bill of sale stating your car is
Pepperdust Metallic. Bang, you’ve just contradicted your own testimony. Now you hire an attorney at $350 an hour to defend you. The prosecutor says it’s either 7 years in prison or you flip on your employer that you worked for for a decade and did nothing wrong.
Cohen pleading guilty is proof enough.
There is proof enough of Cohen's campaign finance violations, of Trump's campaign.

I'm afraid not.

Cohen's violation was contributing more than the maximum legal amount...Trump can legally contribute any amount...
None of us are lawyers, including myself.
Read what the experts say about the subject, from 6 different experts on subjects such as "trump arguing the money didnt come from campaign", or "personal vs campaign expenses", on the amounts of payouts. isnt a crime, etc.
Just mindlessly bantering about it here doesnt accomplish anything.

I agree with you in principle...but don't expecting to get the truth from the media. That's what got Hutch Starskey in a bind he can't extricate himself from.

I've already done the research. Trump paid zero dollars from his campaign. He has stated, and no one has refuted, that he made the payments to protect his marriage.

Until there is rock solid proof that statement is less than honest, the only acceptable conclusion at this time is that the payments are 100% legal.
Cohen pleading guilty is proof enough.
There is proof enough of Cohen's campaign finance violations, of Trump's campaign.

I'm afraid not.

Cohen's violation was contributing more than the maximum legal amount...Trump can legally contribute any amount...
None of us are lawyers, including myself.
Read what the experts say about the subject, from 6 different experts on subjects such as "trump arguing the money didnt come from campaign", or "personal vs campaign expenses", on the amounts of payouts. isnt a crime, etc.
Just mindlessly bantering about it here doesnt accomplish anything.

I agree with you in principle...but don't expecting to get the truth from the media. That's what got Hutch Starskey in a bind he can't extricate himself from.

I've already done the research. Trump paid zero dollars from his campaign. He has stated, and no one has refuted, that he made the payments to protect his marriage.

And Trump has lied repeatedly on the topic. So citing Trump with nothing to back him up is dubious at best.

Meanwhile, the payments directly benefited his presidential campaign. Making the payments presidential contributions. Which is what the prosecutors charged Cohen with. What Cohen admitted to doing at Trump's direction. And what the judge accepted the plea.

You insist that you know better than Cohen, the prosecutors or the judge on the law surrounding it.

No. You don't.
Trump has lied repeated about this particular situation. Why would you believe anything he says? For crying out loud, he changed his story yet again only two days ago.

You are just pulling that directly out of your ass.

There is a differnce between what you wish was fact and what is fact.

A candidate is free to contribute to his or her own campaign. It also is not criminal for a candidate to pay hush money to women whose disclosures might endanger his campaign. So if candidate Trump paid hush money to his two accusers, there would be no violation of any campaign or other laws. To be sure, if he did so for the purpose of helping his campaign — as distinguished from helping his marriage — his campaign would have to disclose any such contribution, and failure to do so might be a violation of a campaign law, but the payments themselves would be entirely lawful.

Did President Trump violate campaign finance laws?
IOW...intent is key, not incidentals...the exact opposite of what you claimed.

You can't commit perjury if you tell the truth.
/——/ Sure you can. I posted examples already. You testify under oath that you own a silver Chevy Equinox then the prosecutor shows you the bill of sale stating your car is
Pepperdust Metallic. Bang, you’ve just contradicted your own testimony. Now you hire an attorney at $350 an hour to defend you. The prosecutor says it’s either 7 years in prison or you flip on your employer that you worked for for a decade and did nothing wrong.

Can you show me a single case of perjury ever conducted on the difference between 'silver' and 'pepperdust metalic'?

Because you haven't 'shown me an example'. You've offered me an imaginary story. Backed by nothing.

Try a real world example. I'll show you: Clinton claimed that a blow job was not 'sexual relations'. Which, of course, is bullshit. And hardly the distinction between 'silver' and 'pepperdust metallic'.

Now you try.
Trump has lied repeated about this particular situation. Why would you believe anything he says? For crying out loud, he changed his story yet again only two days ago.

You are just pulling that directly out of your ass.

There is a differnce between what you wish was fact and what is fact.

A candidate is free to contribute to his or her own campaign. It also is not criminal for a candidate to pay hush money to women whose disclosures might endanger his campaign. So if candidate Trump paid hush money to his two accusers, there would be no violation of any campaign or other laws. To be sure, if he did so for the purpose of helping his campaign — as distinguished from helping his marriage — his campaign would have to disclose any such contribution, and failure to do so might be a violation of a campaign law, but the payments themselves would be entirely lawful.

Did President Trump violate campaign finance laws?'re claiming that Trump has never changed his story on the payments to porn starts? Really? Would you care to compare Trump's statements on the matter? Remembering of course that he changed his story yet again just 2 days ago.

As for the 'contributions to your own campaign argument....three huge problems with that idea.

1) Trump didn't make the payment to the pornstars. He directed Cohen to do it and reimbursed him AFTER the election.

You can't claim that Trump was making a payment to his own campaign when he didn't pay his own campaign. But instead, a lawyer to make secret payments through a shell company.

2) The payments were made by Cohen BEFORE the election. Trump reimbursed Cohen for the illegal campaign contribution AFTER the election.

You're literally arguing that Trump made payments to his own Campaign....AFTER the campaign was over. That's now campaign contributions work.

3) Such contributions to your own campaign have to be declared. Trump never declared any such payment. Instead, he lied and with Cohen created a shell company to make the payments through. Then Trump lied about the nature of the reimbursement to Cohen, insisting it was for services rendered in Febuary of 2017. Not for payments in 2016.

Trump had faked time lines, faked invoices, and fraudulent work descriptions. And the prosecutors have ALL these records.

And with Trump's CFO now having agreed to work with federal investigators, there's no one backing Trump on his lies on this issue.
And Trump has lied repeatedly on the topic. So citing Trump with nothing to back him up is dubious at best.

Meanwhile, the payments directly benefited his presidential campaign. Making the payments presidential contributions. Which is what the prosecutors charged Cohen with. What Cohen admitted to doing at Trump's direction. And what the judge accepted the plea.

You insist that you know better than Cohen, the prosecutors or the judge on the law surrounding it.

No. You don't.

Cohen has lied repeatedly on the subject.

The prosecutors and judge haven't made any accusations against Trump.
Holy shit! This guy worked for Fred Trump.
He's been around forever.
And he's flipping!!!!!!


Allen Weisselberg, Longtime Trump Organization CFO, Is Granted Immunity in Cohen Probe

"Mr. Cohen on Tuesday pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges and told a federal judge that Mr. Trump had directed him during the 2016 campaign to buy the silence of two women who alleged affairs with Mr. Trump, a move that implicated the president in a federal crime. That was the first time Mr. Cohen admitted to coordinating with the president on the hush-money deals, which Mr. Trump denied."

Jeff Sessions (crawls into his little turtle shell of not wanting to do /anything/ the slightest bit political throwing the guy who hired and believed in him under the wheels)
Rod Rosenstein (a conflicted man himself writing a one-sided "investigation" that totally protects the democrats needing investigated gives "unlimited scope" to everything else)
Robert Mueller (another conflicted person who should not be there unable to find a single bit of truth to Trump actually colluding with Russians turns to personal attacks and is shaking down every person who ever knew Trump now until he can get Trump on something, even if it was an unpaid parking ticket in 1973 or an affair he had in 1996).

What happened to Russia?

What happened to the election?

Proof once again this was never about the above but just a witch-hunt to go after Trump to overturn an lawful election. Welcome to Venezuela.

Question: Just what would he find if the Obamas or Clintons were subjected to such scrutiny, and what are the Democrats hiding to try to personally destroy a president sworn to investigate THEM? And what have they threatened or promised Sessions with that he won't do any of the investigating? All this and more coming this fall.

Are you fucking kidding?
The Clintons have been under scrutiny for almost 30 years.
Bill Clinton was fucking impeached!
Hillary sat for 12 hours and watched Trey Gowdy sweat to death over Benghazi.
Jeebus, where have you been?

Look you drooling moron, BIG DIFFERENCE between answering questions at a nice table sipping water before a bunch of impotent senators whom you can lie to, claim the 5th, not show up and even delay, stall and never deliver subpoenaed documents for YEARS until the whole thing just blows over---- and being investigated by a Special Counsel with unlimited legal scope to use the full weight of the DOJ and FBI to shake you down, threaten you, harass you, break into your offices, take all your computers and files, threaten legal action, prison, IRS investigation, you name it, of you and every person you ever met and threaten THEM with turning their lives inside out too unless they spill their guts.

The Clintons never faced Special Counsel investigation with unlimited power and the full weight of a government that WANTED to get them. They were protected. Even impeached, the Democratic senators saved him from being thrown out of office. Hillary sat through nothing. No Special Counsel. It was a farce. They are putting 10,000X more weight on Trump than they ever put on the Clintons in their entire lives because they are out to personally destroy Trump to stop him from ever getting at and revealing the truth they are hiding about themselves to the public, that the Deep State really controls this country, and you like a total jackass CELEBRATE being made a fool of!
So Ken Starr is just chopped liver then?
Instead, he lied and with Cohen created a shell company to make the payments through. Then Trump lied about the nature of the reimbursement to Cohen, insisting it was for services rendered in Febuary of 2017. Not for payments in 2016.

Trump had faked time lines, faked invoices, and fraudulent work descriptions. And the prosecutors have ALL these records.

And with Trump's CFO now having agreed to work with federal investigators, there's no one backing Trump on his lies on this issue.

Show me proof of any of this. That Trump set up a shell company. That there were fake invoices or fraudulent work descriptions. My understanding is Trump paid Cohen back via a $35,000 per month retainer reimbursement.
Instead, he lied and with Cohen created a shell company to make the payments through. Then Trump lied about the nature of the reimbursement to Cohen, insisting it was for services rendered in Febuary of 2017. Not for payments in 2016.

Trump had faked time lines, faked invoices, and fraudulent work descriptions. And the prosecutors have ALL these records.

And with Trump's CFO now having agreed to work with federal investigators, there's no one backing Trump on his lies on this issue.

Show me proof of any of this. That Trump set up a shell company. That there were fake invoices or fraudulent work descriptions. My understanding is Trump paid Cohen back via a $35,000 per month retainer reimbursement.

How the Trump Organization used false invoices to pay Cohen $420,000 for his efforts to silence women

Now tell you still want to hang your hat on the idea that Trump has never changed his story on these payments?
How the Trump Organization used false invoices to pay Cohen $420,000 for his efforts to silence women

Now tell you still want to hang your hat on the idea that Trump has never changed his story on these payments?

I only got through the first sentence and it is already provably Fake News. No payment came from the Trump Organization.

Cohen said so himself.

Cohen claimed he personally paid $130,000 to Daniels, and that he received no reimbursement from the Trump Organization or Trump campaign. His did not say whether Trump personally reimbursed him.

"Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly," Cohen said in a statement to the New York Times. "The payment to Ms. Clifford was lawful, and was not a campaign contribution or a campaign expenditure by anyone."

How the Trump Organization used false invoices to pay Cohen $420,000 for his efforts to silence women

Now tell you still want to hang your hat on the idea that Trump has never changed his story on these payments?

I only got through the first sentence and it is already provably Fake News. No payment came from the Trump Organization.

Cohen said so himself.

Cohen claimed he personally paid $130,000 to Daniels, and that he received no reimbursement from the Trump Organization or Trump campaign. His did not say whether Trump personally reimbursed him.

"Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly," Cohen said in a statement to the New York Times. "The payment to Ms. Clifford was lawful, and was not a campaign contribution or a campaign expenditure by anyone."


So you ignored the sources offered, and all the evidence cited about federal filings, faked invoices, shell companies, any of it.

Okay. But just because you ignore the paper trail and the federal filings doesn't mean that they don't exist. It just means that you're wholly ignorant of them.

Nor does your ignorance change the evidence implicating Trump in felonies. It just means you won't know what's going on.

And since you've cited politifact, you recognize it as a relaible source. Here's what Politifact has said on Trump's changing story:

Trump team’s shifting account of Stormy Daniels payment

And breaking down the charges against Cohen and what they mean for Trump:

What Michael Cohen's guilty plea means for Donald Trump

What's your next excuse for ignoring the evidence presented?
Holy shit! This guy worked for Fred Trump.
He's been around forever.
And he's flipping!!!!!!


Allen Weisselberg, Longtime Trump Organization CFO, Is Granted Immunity in Cohen Probe

"Mr. Cohen on Tuesday pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges and told a federal judge that Mr. Trump had directed him during the 2016 campaign to buy the silence of two women who alleged affairs with Mr. Trump, a move that implicated the president in a federal crime. That was the first time Mr. Cohen admitted to coordinating with the president on the hush-money deals, which Mr. Trump denied."

Jeff Sessions (crawls into his little turtle shell of not wanting to do /anything/ the slightest bit political throwing the guy who hired and believed in him under the wheels)
Rod Rosenstein (a conflicted man himself writing a one-sided "investigation" that totally protects the democrats needing investigated gives "unlimited scope" to everything else)
Robert Mueller (another conflicted person who should not be there unable to find a single bit of truth to Trump actually colluding with Russians turns to personal attacks and is shaking down every person who ever knew Trump now until he can get Trump on something, even if it was an unpaid parking ticket in 1973 or an affair he had in 1996).

What happened to Russia?

What happened to the election?

Proof once again this was never about the above but just a witch-hunt to go after Trump to overturn an lawful election. Welcome to Venezuela.

Question: Just what would he find if the Obamas or Clintons were subjected to such scrutiny, and what are the Democrats hiding to try to personally destroy a president sworn to investigate THEM? And what have they threatened or promised Sessions with that he won't do any of the investigating? All this and more coming this fall.

Are you fucking kidding?
The Clintons have been under scrutiny for almost 30 years.
Bill Clinton was fucking impeached!
Hillary sat for 12 hours and watched Trey Gowdy sweat to death over Benghazi.
Jeebus, where have you been?
I know right?
30 years of endless investigations with unlimited tax payer money. And what did they get? A BJ. He lied about a BJ because he didn't want his wife to know. He didn't know Monica would keep a souvenir.

And white Republicans against the first black president? If it were there, they would have found it.

And now, a year and a half into the Trump administration and endless felony convictions. And many more on the horizon.

Endless? They have people on crimes unrelated to Trump. Get a grip Rdean.
His campaign manager

His personal lawyer

His national security advisor

Yea, all completely unrelated to Donald Trump.

I'm not the one without a grip.

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