BREAKING: Trump fires Comey....YOU'RE FIRED!

Here's just how stupid the left is:

Lets say Trump was guilty of collusion with the Russians. Now that Comey has been fired, he can tell all.

You don't have a clue how a security clearance works do you?

Sure I do. Unlike you, I have working brain cells. Not everything they collect is top secret dumbass, and if a conversation with the Russians is found to incriminate Trump there is such a thing as redacting words. The government does it all the time.

OMG OMG OMG! It's top secret! that's why we can't find anything out!

Its what you idiots tell yourselves every day to assuage your butthurt.
Trump is starting to sweat

Comey fired because of his treatment of Hillary?
More like Comey is able to testify about Trumps connections to Russia

Let's hear Comey testify on Trumps connections to Russia

Hey nutjob, your tin foil hat is cutting off the circulation to your brain.
It's no longer tin foil

Trump is showing the pressure is getting to him

Do you actually believe Trump fired Comey because of what he did to Hillary?

No, Trump fired Comey because he is incompetent.

I'll give way to your supreme knowledge of tin foil hats.
Trump is an ingrate! Comey got him elected , and this is how he's treated !?
We the people got Trump elected. We rejected the disease of liberalism.

Oh don't be silly. You know better.

Or maybe you can lie to yourself that he didn't lose by 3 million votes.


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Since when does the popular vote elect the president? keep lying boy, no one believes a word you fools say.

After the epic beating we put on the left the last 7 years they grasp for made up shit like the "popular vote". Tune in next week when they claim to have won the pantsuit vote.
"After the epic beating we put on the left the last 7 years".....and what have you gotten from that? Abortion gone? Obamacare gone? H. Clinton in prison? Smaller government? Balanced budget? Exactly what have you gained?
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reminds me of Nixon

Not even close. The obummer corruption of the Intel community, for his political aims, is orders of magnitude worse than Watergate.

Your evidence is compelling


Your brainless acquiescence of well documented illegal behavior on the part of the obummer Admin is compelling evidence of your stalinist leanings.
Even more compelling evidence...........the FBI should take that ball and run with it.

A year from now, two, and likely three years from now, you butthurt morons will be singing the same song and there will be exactly the same amount of evidence that there is today. None.
Sure I do. Unlike you, I have working brain cells. Not everything they collect is top secret dumbass, and if a conversation with the Russians is found to incriminate Trump there is such a thing as redacting words. The government does it all the time.

Lets say Trump was guilty of collusion with the Russians. Now that Comey has been fired, he can tell all.

Tell all means tell all.

Which means you are clueless.
Sure I do. Unlike you, I have working brain cells. Not everything they collect is top secret dumbass, and if a conversation with the Russians is found to incriminate Trump there is such a thing as redacting words. The government does it all the time.

Lets say Trump was guilty of collusion with the Russians. Now that Comey has been fired, he can tell all.

Tell all means tell all.

Which means you are clueless.

Pretty lame spin there. My point stands.
James Comey told Senators he had an in-depth knowledge of how Russia worked. But he didn't know Gazprom was a gas company.

If Hillary Clinton were President and she had fired the head of her investigation....SHE WOULD BE IMPEACHED RIGHT NOW!
Comey should have been fired eons ago, but hey baby.....better late then never!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY:biggrin:

He said Hillary is guilty but didn't prosecute. He is supposed to be politically agnostic but loyal to the law. He was not loyal to the law. He was made to look like a moron before congress, then axed. I expect more justice soon. The way he was fired made him look like a fool. Public humiliation is quite a weapon.
Comey never said Hillary was guilty of anything.
You can tell how well Trump is doing by the degree to which the media loses their minds. They are Defcon 1 NUTS over this

Lefties are shooting at anything that moves. They don't know wtf is going on now that their "messiah" no longer occupies the WH. GO TRUMP!
When the media, the political establishment, celebrities, & the pundits hate someone that person is a rock star. Aka Donald J Trump.
It should be quick to hang the Beast. Stupid Comey spent "years" going thru "evidence". If he didn't destroy it all......."they" let all her staff get immunity, gave "years" to destroy evidence, IT guy plead the 5th......Huma & weiner ignored for "years"? Textbook coverup-incompetence. Americans don't like special treatment for phony "elite"! Should have kicked door down and seized all w/warrant.
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Comey should have been fired eons ago, but hey baby.....better late then never!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY:biggrin:

He said Hillary is guilty but didn't prosecute. He is supposed to be politically agnostic but loyal to the law. He was not loyal to the law. He was made to look like a moron before congress, then axed. I expect more justice soon. The way he was fired made him look like a fool. Public humiliation is quite a weapon.
Comey never said Hillary was guilty of anything.

Negligent with classified info sure is guilty.
Remember that time Trump's admin. used the IRS as a political weapon to silence conservatives? Oh, that was Obama.

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