BREAKING: Trump fires Comey....YOU'RE FIRED!

Trump didn't even have the balls to fire Comey to his face

He let the media do it for him.....What a pussy
Comey should have been fired eons ago, but hey baby.....better late then never!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY:biggrin:

He said Hillary is guilty but didn't prosecute. He is supposed to be politically agnostic but loyal to the law. He was not loyal to the law. He was made to look like a moron before congress, then axed. I expect more justice soon. The way he was fired made him look like a fool. Public humiliation is quite a weapon.
Huh???????? The complaint was that Comey should not have come out at all and discussed her case...that Comey should not have blasted Hillary in the public, if the Justice dept decided not to prosecute...that was UNFAIR and unjust to any citizen/Hillary...and Comey should NOT have written that letter notifying congress and the press and Public, that he was reopening the Hillary email case 11 days before the election, he again broke FBI and Justice Dept protocol.....


Please for the love of God, be honest...our Nation is at stake....

Do you REALLY BELIEVE that Sessions and Trump believed Comey should be fired NOW, when the Russian Trump investigation is building up, for something Comey could have been fired for the day Trump took office??? Seriously???

Do you think the Trump team, including Trump, who used Director Comey's words against Hillary over and over and over and over and over and over again in the campaign, now believes it was wrong???

Sorry, I call bullshit!

Trump is trying to shut down the Russian investigation and the Trump campaign and Trump coordination with the Russians/Putin investigation...which we learned yesterday in a back handed way in the hearing, that Trump was a part of it, not just his staff.

This is Nixon all over again...the coverup is what is going to get him....
Mark Levin....the phony Russia nonsense is to try to get to 2018 election cycle with constant barrage on DJT. And to take heat off un-masking surveillance by obama.

Jarret tried to get Comey fired b4 obama was out.
As of this morning Democrats were blaming former FBI Director Comey for colluding with Trump in the election. Now he is a martyr. Comey should have been canned by Presidents Obama and Trump
reminds me of Nixon

How is it Nixonian? Honestly these are the childish remarks I expected out of liberals like you when the news broke. Seriously.

Democrats worshiped Comey when he didn't recommend indictment for Hillary, then they wanted him fired when he reopened the investigation. You don't exactly have a pristine track record in all of this. Nobody does.
Mark Levin....the phony Russia nonsense is to try to get to 2018 election cycle with constant barrage on DJT. And to take heat off un-masking surveillance by obama.

Jarret tried to get Comey fired b4 obama was out.

I agree with him regarding the 2018 mid term attempt, this is fairly clear. Drag it out, keep it in the news and deny Trump his voters wishes long enough to take back the House. Certainly the fact there is no focus or attention at all on the surveillance controversy speaks volumes to me.
Comey has been notified that 3 million Clinton voters living in California have nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Didn't Hillary and lefties claimed that Comey cost them the elections?

They should be praising Trump for this. Had Hillary won, she would've fire him long ago.

It's not the action, it's the timing that's going to kill this administration. If Trump would have fired Comey on the first day he entered the Oval office, everyone would have been fine with that.

You can't get away for firing the head of an investigation when you're the SUBJECT of that investigation and white wash it away.

I wouldn't bet on that. The new director can slow down the investigation and just let it die. The FBI director is under no obligation to discuss an investigation. If Trump can get the right man in the job, he's home free.

You can be sure Sessions will hand pick for Trump.
Sight what laws prohibit the president from picking the FBI director or prohibit the Attorney General from recommending someone to the president.
no law prohibited Nixon from doing it either
Weird. Obama acted more like Nixon than Nixon did.
Obama was a vindictive asshole who used the IRS in more abusive manner than Nixon.
Anyone who pissed off Obama got a visit from lawyers and government agents. I got a visit from the IRS personally.
I just saw a clip from November where Chuck Schumer was demanding Comey be fired for incompetence.
Mark Levin....the phony Russia nonsense is to try to get to 2018 election cycle with constant barrage on DJT. And to take heat off un-masking surveillance by obama.

Jarret tried to get Comey fired b4 obama was out.
It ain't going away, Trump just made it worse.... :eek:
Comey should have been fired eons ago, but hey baby.....better late then never!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY:biggrin:

He said Hillary is guilty but didn't prosecute. He is supposed to be politically agnostic but loyal to the law. He was not loyal to the law. He was made to look like a moron before congress, then axed. I expect more justice soon. The way he was fired made him look like a fool. Public humiliation is quite a weapon.
Huh???????? The complaint was that Comey should not have come out at all and discussed her case...that Comey should not have blasted Hillary in the public, if the Justice dept decided not to prosecute...that was UNFAIR and unjust to any citizen/Hillary...and Comey should NOT have written that letter notifying congress and the press and Public, that he was reopening the Hillary email case 11 days before the election, he again broke FBI and Justice Dept protocol.....


Please for the love of God, be honest...our Nation is at stake....

Do you REALLY BELIEVE that Sessions and Trump believed Comey should be fired NOW, when the Russian Trump investigation is building up, for something Comey could have been fired for the day Trump took office??? Seriously???

Do you think the Trump team, including Trump, who used Director Comey's words against Hillary over and over and over and over and over and over again in the campaign, now believes it was wrong???

Sorry, I call bullshit!

Trump is trying to shut down the Russian investigation and the Trump campaign and Trump coordination with the Russians/Putin investigation...which we learned yesterday in a back handed way the hearing, that Trump was a part of it, not just his staff.

This is Nixon all over again...the coverup is what is going to get him....

Funny, you lefties don't know if you're coming or going over Comey.

But I gotta express my admiration for how hard lefties are working, especially knowing that deep down they know there is no hope. I don't think I would ever be able to endure the utter despair day in and day out having to contort their thoughts into a increasingly complex knot of cognitive dissonance, double-think, and mental acrobatics.

The Russia angle shilling is especially admirable... to fully commit mind and body to the belief of its legitimacy with the determination and focus of Buddhist monks... it's inspirational.

I stated months ago that Comey should've been fired and today's firing is long overdue. He should have brought charges on Hillary and when Lynch refused to do anything about it, he and the rest of the FBI should have resigned. If so, he would have earned the respect. Instead we get a bullshit Russia conspiracy that goes on forever and leads nowhere.

I just saw a clip from November where Chuck Schumer was demanding Comey be fired for incompetence.
yep, in November BEFORE Comey and his counter intelligence team spent the last 6 months investigating the Trump collusion with Russia/Putin thing and when Obama would have selected a new FBI director....

NO ONE BELIEVES Trump fired Comey for the Democrats...

No one....

so stop the bull crap.
Or maybe you can lie to yourself that he didn't lose by 3 million votes.

Why not? You seem pretty good about lying to yourself about everything!

How about this, Hillary lost by ten states and 200 counties that Obama won in 2012.

You see, here in America, you win by the state, not by the popular vote. And each state carries with it a certain number of Electoral College votes. Ever who gets 270 votes wins. Trump got 306. Do the math. It wasn't even close. Hillary won shit.
Yes...trump won the election...but by less people voting for him. Fact.

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