BREAKING: Trump fires Comey....YOU'RE FIRED!

AG Yates tells Trump he should fire Flynn because he could be blackmailed by the Russians and that he lied to Pence which caused Pence to look like an idiot. Trump takes 18 days to fire him. AG Sessions tells Trump he should fire Comey, and Trump fires him on the same day... Anyone else see a problem with this?
Easiest decisions come quick
Gotta love her moxy for taking it upon herself to decide what is "blackmailable" and setting this mess in motion
Who empowered her to make such a judgement call and what is her special skill set for doing so?
Adolf Trump is gonna need a lot of turd polish after this clusterfuck.

Gotta love her moxy for taking it upon herself to decide what is "blackmailable" and setting this mess in motion
Who empowered her to make such a judgement call and what is her special skill set for doing so?
When we finally get the whole story it will all make sense dear :itsok:
Gotta love her moxy for taking it upon herself to decide what is "blackmailable" and setting this mess in motion
Who empowered her to make such a judgement call and what is her special skill set for doing so?

So if someone knew you told a HUGE lie to your boss...of which made your boss tell that same lie to a HUGE group of BILLIONS of Americans... and that it would get you fired... you don't think it would be information that you could be blackmailed with?
Comey has been notified that 3 million Clinton voters living in California have nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Didn't Hillary and lefties claimed that Comey cost them the elections?

They should be praising Trump for this. Had Hillary won, she would've fire him long ago.

It's not the action, it's the timing that's going to kill this administration. If Trump would have fired Comey on the first day he entered the Oval office, everyone would have been fine with that.

You can't get away for firing the head of an investigation when you're the SUBJECT of that investigation and white wash it away.

I wouldn't bet on that. The new director can slow down the investigation and just let it die. The FBI director is under no obligation to discuss an investigation. If Trump can get the right man in the job, he's home free.

You can be sure Sessions will hand pick for Trump.
Sight what laws prohibit the president from picking the FBI director or prohibit the Attorney General from recommending someone to the president.

Again the problem is--when you're the SUBJECT of an ongoing investigation--(meaning Trump and Company--and their frequents contacts with not only the Russian ambassador but Russian Intelligence officers also) and you FIRE the lead investigator--there is a COVER-UP involved.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Comey was due to testify this Thursday (2 days from now) in front of the Senate Intelligence committee. He fires Comey the day after Sally Yates testified and during her testimony she was asked several questions specifically related to the Russian investigation--that she refused to answer and basically stated you'll have to ask those questions of James Comey and other intelligence sources involved in this Russian investigation.

Now if Trump would have fired Comey immediately upon walking in the Oval office door citing his improprities regarding what he did to Hillary Clinton--there would be no issue right now. But the biggest toothless dumbass in this country is not going to believe that Trump fired James Comey over what he did to Hillary Clinton "now." That is absolutely LAUGHABLE.


Everyone remembers this:

As far as Jeff Sessions, he was forced to recuse himself from this Russian investigation because he also lied to congress regarding his contact with the Russian ambassador. Now he will be picking the new FBI chief. That's also laughable.

I have a little voice that is sitting on my shoulder that says--Jeff Sessions probably dragged James Comey into his office yesterday after Sally Yates testified and stated---If you will get off of this Russian Investigation--I will stop the General Inspector's investigation into your malfeasance for interferring into the election. James Comey says no, and today--and very suddenly he's fired. That wouldn't surprise me in the least.

To take this action is sheer panic coming out of the Trump administration. Only one other President has fired the FBI Chief while he was under investigation--and his name was Richard Nixon.
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Gotta love her moxy for taking it upon herself to decide what is "blackmailable" and setting this mess in motion
Who empowered her to make such a judgement call and what is her special skill set for doing so?

So if someone knew you told a HUGE lie to your boss...of which made your boss tell that same lie to a HUGE group of BILLIONS of Americans... and that it would get you fired... you don't think it would be information that you could be blackmailed with?
No what ifs when we got a big what is right in front of us
Plus your comparison is unknown as to being comparable to the situation because she has the convenient cloak of national security to prevent us from knowing what dastardly deed made him blackmailable
Gotta love her moxy for taking it upon herself to decide what is "blackmailable" and setting this mess in motion
Who empowered her to make such a judgement call and what is her special skill set for doing so?

So if someone knew you told a HUGE lie to your boss...of which made your boss tell that same lie to a HUGE group of BILLIONS of Americans... and that it would get you fired... you don't think it would be information that you could be blackmailed with?
No what ifs when we got a big what is right in front of us
Plus your comparison is unknown as to being comparable to the situation because she has the convenient cloak of national security to prevent us from knowing what dastardly deed made him blackmailable

You're right, there were no ifs, it happened. So WTF is your argument?
turn on FOX News. it's the breaking story! WE WANT TREY GOWDY OR DAVID CLARKE AS THE REPLACEMENT!

Sheriff David Clarke: "If Trump made me his FBI Director I would be arresting Hillary Clinton today."

Trump fires FBI director James Comey





Good riddance to that POS Obama hack that did everything he could to protect the corrupt Democrats like Hillary and the wiretap conspirators.

Gotta love her moxy for taking it upon herself to decide what is "blackmailable" and setting this mess in motion
Who empowered her to make such a judgement call and what is her special skill set for doing so?
She did NOT make the decision alone that Flynn was compromised/blackmail-able due to what was said in Flynn's conversations with the Russian Agent ambassador.

Who told you that...?

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