BREAKING: Trump fires Comey....YOU'RE FIRED!

time to impeach Pres Trump


He was afraid that Comey was getting too close.

Now Comey testifies to the Senate on everything, and the FBI will stone wall Sessions and leak everything to the Senate.

Jake Smarmy aka as Jon Lovitz's character "Tommy Flanagan, pathological liar...

Yeah! Comey was gettin' too close! That's the ticket! It was a massive conspiracy! Yeah, and....and....and they were after my wife....MORGAN FAIRCHILD...whom I've seen naked...that's the ticket....but then I got cold and had to put my clothes on."

Dude, this is all theater but if it isn't and Comey did as good a job investigating Trump as he did the Hildebeast? There ain't a fucking thing for Trump to worry about. What I want to know is why Comey didn't go after those involved in Pizzagate via the information gleaned from Anthony Wiener's laptop that was confiscated. Why is John and Tony Podesta not being investigated? James Alefantis? The pedophile neocons? According to the rank and file of both the FBI and the NYPD detectives, they are chomping at the bit to release the information that made even the most hardened detective break down. 1,500 low level pedophile arrests and various rings broken up since the first of January doesn't placate me. I want the ones at the top arrested...but will that happen? I have my doubts since Trump was pals with Jeffy "the pedo" Epstein.
So why didn't you advocate that when Petreas did it?

General Petraeus shared an email account with a woman who had a security clearance. Their correspondence was done in the "compose" section and never sent out onto the internet. He was only charged because COMEY claimed he tried to hide evidence in his attic or some shit. Petraeus has to be laughing his ass off today.
reminds me of Nixon

Not even close. The obummer corruption of the Intel community, for his political aims, is orders of magnitude worse than Watergate.

Your evidence is compelling


Your brainless acquiescence of well documented illegal behavior on the part of the obummer Admin is compelling evidence of your stalinist leanings.

HRC was investigated ad nausea by the Congress. A congress which hoped to find a smoking gun and could not. What evidence do you have, that they did not? Post it, or be known as a damn liar.

And she was protected by EVERYONE in the obummer Admin. Even comey was forced to admit that she had indeed violated the law, he just explained it away that she was too stupid to understand that what she did was a crime. And she is the person that you think was so qualified to be POTUS. The idiot couldn't even keep her emails protected, you think she was capable of protecting this country? You, my silly person, are a clown.
If only there had been a GOP majority in Congress to run congressional investigations of her. What a shame that that didn't happen.
It's great watching democracy disintegrate from the comfort of my couch.

Really? Which one has that been? We have always been a Republic.

Republicanism is a form of democracy.

Try again Junior.

View attachment 125841

It depends on how you define democracy and Republic, it's not that simplistic as your graphic would suggest.

It's not that simple.

Don't call me junior, it's disrespectful of someone you don't know. If you can't debate with civility, i have no issue muting you.

For all you know, i'm potentially either older or more educated than you.
BRAVO PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap::clap::clap:

Long time coming bye Comey!
When James Comey first learned he had been fired, he thought it was a fairly funny prank


gone gone gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:2up:
Wait until that Hillary indictment comes down. Mother of God will it be glorious!
General Petraeus shared an email account with a woman who had a security clearance.

David Petraeus shared classified info. Can he be secretary of state? -

Petraeus resigned as CIA direct in November 2012, was convicted of a misdemeanor in 2015, and is currently on probation for sharing classified information with his biographer and mistress, former Army intelligence officer Paula Broadwell.
Petraeus agreed to a plea deal that saw him sentenced to two years' probation and forced him to pay a $100,000 fine for sharing classified information.

According to court documents, Petraeus admitted removing several so-called black books -- notebooks in which he kept classified and non-classified information from his tenure as the commander of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan -- and giving them to Broadwell.
He was afraid that Comey was getting too close.

Now Comey testifies to the Senate on everything, and the FBI will stone wall Sessions and leak everything to the Senate.

Every time I get ready to put you on IGNORE, you come up with a Gem like this.

I generally put Leftist Loons with over 100,000 posts on IGNORE....but this, your #149,358, makes me hesitate.

Obviously Leftist loons with over 100,000 posts should all be put on IGNORE...not that you don't have a 100% right to Rave....but its just that in over 100,000 indications of your mind-set (or lack of it)...we just don't need anymore information, in order to draw our conclusions....which in your case, is a diagnosis and it has to be, regretfully:...Bat-Shit Crazy.

But, then you come with Post #149,358 and show us that Bat-Shit Crazy can occasionally have some artistic and entertainment value.

I am going to keep you around for a while longer.

There comes a point in the mind of a Conspiracy Theorist where EVERY event confirms his Conspiracy Theory. Its sometimes correctly called Insanity....but it usually skates by on Blind Partisan Passion.

You are and the rest of the Coastal Cocksucker/Rotting City Loons are there....and the Heartland of America is enjoying the spectacle.


Clinton BLAMES Comey for her loss and Schumer is sad he gets axed? The DEMS can't remember all their own spin!
[Crooked Hillary's first day in prison] Do you guys like Dungeons and Dragons?

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