BREAKING: Trump fires Comey....YOU'RE FIRED!

turn on FOX News. it's the breaking story! WE WANT TREY GOWDY OR DAVID CLARKE AS THE REPLACEMENT!

Sheriff David Clarke: "If Trump made me his FBI Director I would be arresting Hillary Clinton today."

Trump fires FBI director James Comey





I'm trying to get the facts, so Fox News is out.

The Director has to be voted on by the Senate by advise and consent, and Mitch the turtle McConnell isn't going to get a reconciliation vote.
It's great watching democracy disintegrate from the comfort of my couch.

Really? Which one has that been? We have always been a Republic.

Republicanism is a form of democracy.
Republicanism is a form of Sharia law.
Trump can fire Comey

He fired Nancy Yates

But can he shut them up?
Clinton supporters spent last week cussing out Comey for causing Hillary to that Trump fires him they're wailing all over Capital Hill.

Gee, too bad she didn't have a stroke and keel over right there. Libs keep promising that a Trump presidency will be the end of their world, but I'd like them to prove it to me by several million of them either leaving the country or dropping over dead!
Next up get rid of that son of a bitch Deputy Director of Comey's. The one whose wife ran as a Democrat with hundreds of thousands of donations from the Governor Terry McAuliffe. Half a million. Completely in the DNC's pocket.

Fire that Democrat partisan bastard too.
Andrew McCabe!

Now Trump gets to appoint the person who will investigate his campaign's connections to Russian interference in our election process.

"If we don't get a special prosecutor, every American will rightfully suspect that the decision to fire #Comey was part of a cover-up." - Chuck The Clown Schumer

Agreed. Assign a special prosecutor to Trump . . . . just as soon as we also assign one to prosecute Hillary, Obama and Lynch. Let's see who is left standing after ALL the smoke clears!
Now Trump gets to appoint the person who will investigate his campaign's connections to Russian interference in our election process.


There aren't any, there never were any, it's a waste of time and money. Good riddance to it.
Why is Trump behaving like there is a connection? He and everyone around him have been throwing up one roadblock after another into the investigation.

He's behaving just like a guilty person.
Trump can fire Comey

He fired Nancy Yates

But can he shut them up?

Both have repeatedly claimed what they know is "classified".....I hope they do start talking to reporters....we'll indict their asses for espionage and treason.
Didn't Hillary and lefties claimed that Comey cost them the elections?

They should be praising Trump for this. Had Hillary won, she would've fire him long ago.

It's not the action, it's the timing that's going to kill this administration. If Trump would have fired Comey on the first day he entered the Oval office, everyone would have been fine with that.

You can't get away for firing the head of an investigation when you're the SUBJECT of that investigation and white wash it away.

I wouldn't bet on that. The new director can slow down the investigation and just let it die. The FBI director is under no obligation to discuss an investigation. If Trump can get the right man in the job, he's home free.

You can be sure Sessions will hand pick for Trump.

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