BREAKING: Trump fires Comey....YOU'RE FIRED!

This is the culmination of Comey throwing himself under a slow rolling bus to protect himself and his family from the Clinton's.
He should have indicted her and he knows it.

Because the idiot was a Clinton kiss ass who thought they would cover his lying ass, but they didn't they sold him out.
Just like when military high ranks wouldn't play Obama's slaughter America game they sent them sailing Petreaus ring a bell, and a few other Generals who accused of some bs because they ratted them out they are and were the fall guys for the Elites in power.
"As a former prosecutor, I find Trump's firing of Comey SCREAMS consciousness of guilt and a cover up. We need a special prosecutor NOW." - Congressman Ted Lieu, the Democrat who also wants a White House pshychiatrist for Trump
This guy sells butt hurt creme.

Sen. Mark Warner, the senior Democrat on the committee, issued this statement:

"The administration insists there's no 'there there,' yet President Trump has so far fired the acting Attorney General, nearly every U.S. attorney, and now the Director of the FBI. In addition, this President's choice for Attorney General has been forced to recuse himself, and the National Security Advisor has resigned, as a result of undisclosed contacts with Russian officials. Now more than ever, it is vital that our ongoing investigation is completed in a credible and bipartisan way. We also need to hear directly from former Director Comey about the FBI investigation and related events."

Trump goes full Watergate—and threatens Russia investigation
Why are the libtards melting down? I thought you morons HATED Comey because he cost your old bag of bones to lose the election? Make up your minds. LMAO
The Orange One has truly screwed the pouch this time. Trying to turn down the fire on the investigations on the Russian ties with the administration and his campaign is going to backfire and keep an intense and redoubled focus on those links to Vlad and Company! Nixon tried firings as the noose was tightening, too!

Jeff Sessions as AG recommending Comey's dismissal while having to recuse himself from another investigation along the same lines is so fucking ironic while the Fool-in-Chief accepts that letter as grounds is so Nixonian!

Oh Yeah--the last person that fired the FBI Chief was Richard Nixon when they were closing in on Watergate. I heard that Comey was due to testify on this Thursday.

Now it's a coverup, and it's going to remain a coverup--until it turns into a BLOW UP. Intelligence agents will now start leaking bits of information to the media--and eventually it's going to burn this Administration to the ground.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -


Nope. The last person that fired an FBI chief was President Clinton.

Clinton wasn't under FBI investigation when he fired the FBI chief moron. That's the difference. Therefore, Richard Nixon is the ONLY one that fired an FBI TENURED chief while he was under investigation.

Irrelevant! Schumer wanted him gone back in November.

Schumer Says He Lost Confidence in FBI’s Comey Over E-Mail Probe
Sen. Mark Warner, the senior Democrat on the committee, issued this statement:

"The administration insists there's no 'there there,' yet President Trump has so far fired the acting Attorney General, nearly every U.S. attorney, and now the Director of the FBI. In addition, this President's choice for Attorney General has been forced to recuse himself, and the National Security Advisor has resigned, as a result of undisclosed contacts with Russian officials. Now more than ever, it is vital that our ongoing investigation is completed in a credible and bipartisan way. We also need to hear directly from former Director Comey about the FBI investigation and related events."

Trump goes full Watergate—and threatens Russia investigation
Didn't Hillary and lefties claimed that Comey cost them the elections?

They should be praising Trump for this. Had Hillary won, she would've fire him long ago.

It's not the action, it's the timing that's going to kill this administration. If Trump would have fired Comey on the first day he entered the Oval office, everyone would have been fine with that.

You can't get away for firing the head of an investigation when you're the SUBJECT of that investigation and white wash it away.

I wouldn't bet on that. The new director can slow down the investigation and just let it die. The FBI director is under no obligation to discuss an investigation. If Trump can get the right man in the job, he's home free.
Sen. Mark Warner, the senior Democrat on the committee, issued this statement:

"The administration insists there's no 'there there,' yet President Trump has so far fired the acting Attorney General, nearly every U.S. attorney, and now the Director of the FBI. In addition, this President's choice for Attorney General has been forced to recuse himself, and the National Security Advisor has resigned, as a result of undisclosed contacts with Russian officials. Now more than ever, it is vital that our ongoing investigation is completed in a credible and bipartisan way. We also need to hear directly from former Director Comey about the FBI investigation and related events."

Trump goes full Watergate—and threatens Russia investigation
lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha ROFLMAO @ the left turds.. "Elections have consequences." You beanheads loved it when your messiah Odumbo blabbered it .. now it's not so cool, is it?
Didn't Hillary and lefties claimed that Comey cost them the elections?

They should be praising Trump for this. Had Hillary won, she would've fire him long ago.

These Moon Bats are confused as hell about Comey. One day he is their Savior and the next day he is the Devil.

He got fired for that dumbass decision he made about Crooked Hillary. He succumbed to the pressure from the Obama administration that never had any intentions of indicting her, no mater what the facts were.

That little meeting with Lynch and Slick Willy aboard the airplane was when the deal was struct and shortly afterwards Comey did his pathetic little speech where he said that Crooked Hillary was guilty of sin but she had no intent to be guilty, or something.

Hopefully this will open the door for the Justice Department to review the case and file the charges against Crooked Hillary. She deserves to be in jail. Very corrupt and dishonest.

If Comey had done the right thing he would still have his job.
Trump is an ingrate! Comey got him elected , and this is how he's treated !?
We the people got Trump elected. We rejected the disease of liberalism.

Oh don't be silly. You know better.

Or maybe you can lie to yourself that he didn't lose by 3 million votes.


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Nobody gives a shit about your 3 million New Yorkers or Californians. That's what make the electoral college so great. The rest of the civilized country can tell you to fuck off.

Everyone knows comey fucked up the election . It's a fact . Go on and pretend he had nothing to do with Trump winning .
He had nothing to do with it. The people elected Trump, not your make believe boogey man.

Yeah just ignore the polls vs Comeys outbursts.
And there's NOTHING that isn't TRUE in Chuck Schumer's comment. You don't fire the head of an investigation when you are the subject of that investigation--without being accused of a massive coverup
You do if you are not afraid of an independent investigation. Comey was going to keep the investigation going for years. I'm sure Trump feels he will have a better chance at wrapping this stupid thing aside is for an independent investigator. Mr. Comey sure wasn't independent.
"Firing James Comey without notice was rude." David Gregory CNN

The Russian/Trump collusion investigation has come up empty. Everyone knows this now. So why is the investigation still ongoing? answer So Comey could keep his job. Comey knew Trump could not replace him if there was an ongoing investigation. It was a waste of time and tax dollars. There is no collusion, Trump knows there is no evidence so he feels comfortable in finally firing Comey. That must have felt good. Now the investigation will continue but expect it to come to an end soon. It was a BS accusation in the first place. Now the hands and eyes of justice will rightfully turn towards the Obama administration.
If there was nothing incriminating, the investigation would remove that cloud from his administration. Now regardless of the result of the investigation it will forever be tainted by firing Comey.

Nah, what, you think there's no hierarchy in the FBI?

I already read the investigation will go forward.

What there is of it.
The problem is that Trump first defends somebody, only to fire them days later.
Hey Stupid.. He's the POTUS.. He can fire Comey any time he wants, you damn idiot.

Trump is like a schizophrenic. First he says what a great job somebody is doing, only to fire them days later saying what a bad job they were doing. This isn't the first time Trump did a flip-flop 180 in the tuck position.

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