BREAKING: Trump fires Comey....YOU'RE FIRED!

The best one yet...


Julian Assange Twitter

I'm happy Comey was fired but I would love to see Julian hire him and go after the CORRUPT GOVERNMENT SYNDICATE.. Let the chips fall.. Unlike you lefty turds, I'm not a HACK.. Let them all fall.
We the people got Trump elected. We rejected the disease of liberalism.

Oh don't be silly. You know better.

Or maybe you can lie to yourself that he didn't lose by 3 million votes.


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Nobody gives a shit about your 3 million New Yorkers or Californians. That's what make the electoral college so great. The rest of the civilized country can tell you to fuck off.

Everyone knows comey fucked up the election . It's a fact . Go on and pretend he had nothing to do with Trump winning .
He had nothing to do with it. The people elected Trump, not your make believe boogey man.

Yeah just ignore the polls vs Comeys outbursts.
You still leaning on the polls? What's the matter with you? We all know the polls are rigged.
The problem is that Trump first defends somebody, only to fire them days later.
Hey Stupid.. He's the POTUS.. He can fire Comey any time he wants, you damn idiot.

Trump is like a schizophrenic. First he says what a great job somebody is doing, only to fire them days later saying what a bad job they were doing. This isn't the first time Trump did a flip-flop 180 in the tuck position.

Obongo said if you like your doctor, plan, insurance, you can keep your insurance then he changed his mind.. Full 180 flip- flop
Trump is like a schizophrenic. First he says what a great job somebody is doing, only to fire them days later saying what a bad job they were doing. This isn't the first time Trump did a flip-flop 180 in the tuck position
He is getting things done and that is a huge improvement from Obama.
The problem is that Trump first defends somebody, only to fire them days later.
Hey Stupid.. He's the POTUS.. He can fire Comey any time he wants, you damn idiot.

Trump is like a schizophrenic. First he says what a great job somebody is doing, only to fire them days later saying what a bad job they were doing. This isn't the first time Trump did a flip-flop 180 in the tuck position.

Obongo said if you like your doctor, plan, insurance, you can keep your insurance then he changed his mind.. Full 180 flip- flop

He didn't change his mind. He knew all along that you won't be able to keep your doctor, or plan, he lied to get support.
Roger Stone: "What Comey did to Hillary was disgraceful. I'm glad Trump fired him over it."

Or maybe they believe the Comey firing will end the Russia Trump investigation.

I would never think that. 23 years from now, democrats will still be sifting the ashes looking for something on Trump to blame their loss. Now if only they had 1/10th that investigative inquiry into the 50 suspicious things leading into Obama's past or actions in the Whitehouse, or just as many with Hillary.
Didn't Hillary and lefties claimed that Comey cost them the elections?

They should be praising Trump for this. Had Hillary won, she would've fire him long ago.

These Moon Bats are confused as hell about Comey. One day he is their Savior and the next day he is the Devil.

He got fired for that dumbass decision he made about Crooked Hillary. He succumbed to the pressure from the Obama administration that never had any intentions of indicting her, no mater what the facts were.

That little meeting with Lynch and Slick Willy aboard the airplane was when the deal was struct and shortly afterwards Comey did his pathetic little speech where he said that Crooked Hillary was guilty of sin but she had no intent to be guilty, or something.

Hopefully this will open the door for the Justice Department to review the case and file the charges against Crooked Hillary. She deserves to be in jail. Very corrupt and dishonest.

If Comey had done the right thing he would still have his job.

If lefties really believe what they're saying about Comey, why didn't they call on Barry to fire him?
turn on FOX News. it's the breaking story! WE WANT TREY GOWDY OR DAVID CLARKE AS THE REPLACEMENT!

Sheriff David Clarke: "If Trump made me his FBI Director I would be arresting Hillary Clinton today."

Trump fires FBI director James Comey





James Comey was terminated from his role as FBI director Tuesday, according to statements from both the U.S. Department of Justice and the president himself.
A letter obtained by NBC News from Trump to Comey states the president had been advised by administration officials to remove the FBI head.

“I have received the attached letters from the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General of the United States recommending your dismissal as the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I have accepted their recommendation and you are hereby terminated and removed from office, effective immediately,” Trump told Comey.

NBC Nightly News

✔ @NBCNightlyNews

White House says Pres. Trump informed FBI Director Comey "that he has been terminated and removed from office."

NBC Nightly News


BREAKING: Pres. Trump's letter to FBI Director Comey informing him that he has been fired -

2:51 PM - 9 May 2017

“While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgement of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau.”

“It is essential that we find new leadership for the FBI that restores public trust and confidence in its vital law enforcement mission.”



Full text of AG Jeff Sessions recommendation to fire FBI head James Comey and President Trump's letter firing him

3:10 PM - 9 May 2017

The White House Press Secretary’s office also sent out a statement informing the press of the president’s action.

NBC Nightly News

✔ @NBCNightlyNews

BREAKING: Pres. Trump has fired FBI Director Comey, White House says.

NBC Nightly News


BREAKING: White House statement on firing of FBI Director Comey.

2:46 PM - 9 May 2017

In a memorandum written by newly confirmed Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, numerous reasons are given for Comey’s dismissal.

Zoe Tillman


Newly confirmed DAG Rod Rosenstein lays out the case for firing Comey in memo sent out by the White House …

2:56 PM - 9 May 2017

Comey allegedly learned about his firing while speaking to FBI agents in Los Angeles.

Michael S. Schmidt


Comey learned of firing as he addressed FBI employees in LA. TV screens in background flashed news of firing. Letter was then given to FBI.

4:28 PM - 9 May 2017

The firing comes just as the director testified before the House Intelligence Committee Monday regarding allegations that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election.

Over the weekend, Comey also called on the Justice Department to refute a Tweet sent by Trump that claimed the Obama administration had ordered a wiretap on Trump Tower.

On Sunday, the White House issued a statement requesting committees also look into the possibility the previous administration may have abused its executive authority.

Comey was appointed FBI director by President Obama in 2013.

Breaking – Trump to Comey: ‘You’re fired!’
Next up get rid of that son of a bitch Deputy Director of Comey's. The one whose wife ran as a Democrat with hundreds of thousands of donations from the Governor Terry McAuliffe. Half a million. Completely in the DNC's pocket.

Fire that Democrat partisan bastard too.
Trump does what Obama should have done in Syria. Left complains. Same in Afghanistan. Left complains. Same at FBI. Left complains.

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