BREAKING: Trump fires Comey....YOU'RE FIRED!

Trump is an ingrate! Comey got him elected , and this is how he's treated !?
We the people got Trump elected. We rejected the disease of liberalism.

Oh don't be silly. You know better.

Or maybe you can lie to yourself that he didn't lose by 3 million votes.


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Since when does the popular vote elect the president? keep lying boy, no one believes a word you fools say.

After the epic beating we put on the left the last 7 years they grasp for made up shit like the "popular vote". Tune in next week when they claim to have won the pantsuit vote.
Trump continues to sweep up shit that Obama should have taken care of...Syria, Afghanistan, Korea, China, Mexico, Comey.

I hope Trump picks the fat Gov of New Jersey as Comeys replacement. That will stir up some Dems.
turn on FOX News. it's the breaking story! WE WANT TREY GOWDY OR DAVID CLARKE AS THE REPLACEMENT!

Sheriff David Clarke: "If Trump made me his FBI Director I would be arresting Hillary Clinton today."

Trump fires FBI director James Comey



You're reading this one wrong. Nixon did the same thing over Watergate--it didn't work--it will make it much worse for this administration.

Comey is on record during his last testimony in front of the Senate--for stating over this Russian investigation--"It's as if they didn't even care if they caught." Meaning they've been caught.

This is over the Russian Investigation.


This is going to be a blood-bath for the Trump administration.

It will be a cut by a thousand knives, all held by those who need to cover their ass. Soon, Trump and his inner comrades with be tossed under the bus by those in the know.

Guys, I think he's going to find someone who will lie for him, work for a lot of extra pay off the books. Someone as dirty and corrupt as the rest of his people.

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The leaks are going to start flying out of the Justice department on the classified information they've been holding over this Russian investigation. A lot of Justices are friends of James Comey and Pay Backs are hell.

This is exactly what Nixon did.
reminds me of Nixon

William Jefferson Clinton fired FBI Director Bill Sessions in the 90s
it was recommended by the attny general in the bush1 admin, before bill Clinton's inauguration that FBI Director bill sessions be fired for improprieties.

Bill Sessions was NOT INVESTIGATING President Clinton

No, he wasn't. Why do you make these things up?
president trump's campaign /administration employees....
Hopefully this now means that the Justice Department will bring charges against Crooked hillary.
The Justice Department can and always could bring charges against Hillary, Sessions could do so at any time. Comey and the FBI don't press charges, they conduct investigations.

Banana Republics arrest and put in prison opponents of a current dictators. It's classic, gulags and ovens, in the most egregious states and the Tower of London in the others. It seems you approve(?)
Comey hasn't been sent to prison. Stop lying. They way Trump is getting rid of worthless gov employees, you may wanna start looking for a job. MeDonalds needs help.... Comey got what he deserves, now suck it up and stop lying.
Wow! At least Trump didn't wait until a Saturday Night for the massacre. And he had the cover of his yes men(?) in the AG's office.

Oh the timing is obvious. Sally Yates' presentation got way too uncomfy. Gotta wipe it off the front page.

Plus -- when she's getting attention.............. he's not. Tantrum time.
Omg I told you guys that he was just giving comey enough line to hang himself.

Go Trump. Draining the swamp.
turn on FOX News. it's the breaking story! WE WANT TREY GOWDY OR DAVID CLARKE AS THE REPLACEMENT!

Sheriff David Clarke: "If Trump made me his FBI Director I would be arresting Hillary Clinton today."

Trump fires FBI director James Comey



You're reading this one wrong. Nixon did the same thing over Watergate--it didn't work--it will make it much worse for this administration.

Comey is on record during his last testimony in front of the Senate--for stating over this Russian investigation--"It's as if they didn't even care if they caught." Meaning they've been caught.

This is over the Russian Investigation.


This is going to be a blood-bath for the Trump administration.

It will be a cut by a thousand knives, all held by those who need to cover their ass. Soon, Trump and his inner comrades with be tossed under the bus by those in the know.

Guys, I think he's going to find someone who will lie for him, work for a lot of extra pay off the books. Someone as dirty and corrupt as the rest of his people.

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The leaks are going to start flying out of the Justice department on the classified information they've been holding over this Russian investigation. A lot of Justices are friends of James Comey and Pay Backs are hell.

This is exactly what Nixon did.
No it isn't. Comey was fired for incompetence.
You know, just a few days ago when Spicer was asked about Comey, he said that Comey has Trump's full support.

This morning when asked, he said he'd have to get back to them on that.

This afternoon? Comey was fired.
Comey firing is a red herring to distract from the fact that Trump hasn't started building the wall.
turn on FOX News. it's the breaking story! WE WANT TREY GOWDY OR DAVID CLARKE AS THE REPLACEMENT!

Sheriff David Clarke: "If Trump made me his FBI Director I would be arresting Hillary Clinton today."

Trump fires FBI director James Comey



You're reading this one wrong. Nixon did the same thing over Watergate--it didn't work--it will make it much worse for this administration.

Comey is on record during his last testimony in front of the Senate--for stating over this Russian investigation--"It's as if they didn't even care if they caught." Meaning they've been caught.

This is over the Russian Investigation.


This is going to be a blood-bath for the Trump administration.

It will be a cut by a thousand knives, all held by those who need to cover their ass. Soon, Trump and his inner comrades with be tossed under the bus by those in the know.

Guys, I think he's going to find someone who will lie for him, work for a lot of extra pay off the books. Someone as dirty and corrupt as the rest of his people.

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The leaks are going to start flying out of the Justice department on the classified information they've been holding over this Russian investigation. A lot of Justices are friends of James Comey and Pay Backs are hell.

This is exactly what Nixon did.
No it isn't. Comey was fired for incompetence.

Wrong. We only know that Comey was fired. The WH still has to tell the press why he was fired.
Hopefully this now means that the Justice Department will bring charges against Crooked hillary.
The Justice Department can and always could bring charges against Hillary, Sessions could do so at any time. Comey and the FBI don't press charges, they conduct investigations.

Banana Republics arrest and put in prison opponents of a current dictators. It's classic, gulags and ovens, in the most egregious states and the Tower of London in the others. It seems you approve(?)
Of course not unless there is cause. We, the public, are nothing more than uninformed idiots who think we know it all.
One final point to consider, will the next Director now decide to reassess the free pass (in my opinion) that Clinton was given in coordination with the former AG Lynch, especially considering the last few days in which Clinton proudly announced "I am now part of the resistance".

If any of the above are true, she might want to reconsider her position on this matter. There is a large number of Americans who believe Clinton engaged in nefarious activities at best, treasonous criminal behaviour at worst. These aren't just Trump supporters either who have this opinion.

I hope so! During that one debate, what did Hillary say? Something like: "I can't imagine Mr. Trump having the reigns of power?"

And Trump replied something like: "Because you would be in jail!"


He was appointed three years ago by Obama.

I'm still waiting to see why Trump fired him. FBI directors are appointed for 10 year terms to keep that position from being a political football, and while a president CAN fire an FBI director, it has to be for cause.

Trump hasn't said why he fired him yet.

The talking heads on Fox are saying that Trump was waiting for the newly appointed assistant FBI Director to get on board and get up to date on the real reasons why Comey didn't proposed an indictment for Crooked Hillary.

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