BREAKING: Trump fires Comey....YOU'RE FIRED!

turn on FOX News. it's the breaking story! WE WANT TREY GOWDY OR DAVID CLARKE AS THE REPLACEMENT!

Sheriff David Clarke: "If Trump made me his FBI Director I would be arresting Hillary Clinton today."

Trump fires FBI director James Comey



You're reading this one wrong. Nixon did the same thing over Watergate--it didn't work--it will make it much worse for this administration.

Comey is on record during his last testimony in front of the Senate--for stating over this Russian investigation--"It's as if they didn't even care if they caught." Meaning they've been caught.

This firing is over the Russian Investigation. Trump is trying to bury it--and it's not going to happen. This firing has absolutely nothing to do with what Comey did to Clinton, otherwise Obama would have fired him.


This is going to be a blood-bath for the Trump administration.
Hillary will win by a landslide.
reminds me of Nixon

Not even close. The obummer corruption of the Intel community, for his political aims, is orders of magnitude worse than Watergate.

Your evidence is compelling


Your brainless acquiescence of well documented illegal behavior on the part of the obummer Admin is compelling evidence of your stalinist leanings.

LOL, "Stalinist leanings",? Could you list them ... please?

Sure, you have stated many times that the American people should have guns taken away from them and you espouse authoritarian ideals whenever you think you can get away with it. You're a typical progressive government worker who thinks you're better than everyone else merely because you passed a test that my ten year old daughter would Ace.
This is not Nixon, no Saturday night massacre, not Archibald Cox. This was a long time coming & Comey giving bad testimony was last straw.
I'm just throwing darts here, but does this at all have anything to do with him possibly being less than forthright about the spying activities against Trumps campaign by former administration? Anything to do with him NOT going hard against Clinton for obvious abuses of her email and Foundation?

One final point to consider, will the next Director now decide to reassess the free pass (in my opinion) that Clinton was given in coordination with the former AG Lynch, especially considering the last few days in which Clinton proudly announced "I am now part of the resistance".

If any of the above are true, she might want to reconsider her position on this matter...
Or perhaps he acted objectively given the information he had and your POV is skewed from a ton of campaign propaganda and overblown rhetoric. The difference between you and Comey is he has seen all the evidence. You have only seen a small fraction.

This is true and I always gave him the benefit of the doubt and respect as he seemed to be an honourable man.

However, I will say until the day the Good Lord takes me, that Clinton committed some serious infractions. Whether chargeable offenses or even provable by law or not, these aren't just smash and grabs she was engaged in, these are possible National Security breaches. Knowingly or not.
You could be right, but if I can push back on one point. Hillary communicated important classified information through secure phones, meeting rooms, and email communication systems. When there was a national security issue those were the systems that were used.

She conducted her regular business communications with her personal email account which was careless, however, most of the "classified" emails were classified retroactively, and we don't really know what kind of information it was that was on her server. I agree that it was reckless and should not be simply excused, but without seeing the type of information that was communicated on her private server you can't really qualify a decision on how serious of an offense was made or what kind of a threat exposing that information could cause.
reminds me of Nixon

Not even close. The obummer corruption of the Intel community, for his political aims, is orders of magnitude worse than Watergate.

Your evidence is compelling


Your brainless acquiescence of well documented illegal behavior on the part of the obummer Admin is compelling evidence of your stalinist leanings.

LOL, "Stalinist leanings",? Could you list them ... please?

Sure, you have stated many times that the American people should have guns taken away from them and you espouse authoritarian ideals whenever you think you can get away with it. You're a typical progressive government worker who thinks you're better than everyone else merely because you passed a test that my ten year old daughter would Ace.
Perhaps he'll be one the many rightfully canned by the Trump admin?
turn on FOX News. it's the breaking story! WE WANT TREY GOWDY OR DAVID CLARKE AS THE REPLACEMENT!

Sheriff David Clarke: "If Trump made me his FBI Director I would be arresting Hillary Clinton today."

Trump fires FBI director James Comey



You're reading this one wrong. Nixon did the same thing over Watergate--it didn't work--it will make it much worse for this administration.

Comey is on record during his last testimony in front of the Senate--for stating over this Russian investigation--"It's as if they didn't even care if they caught." Meaning they've been caught.

This is over the Russian Investigation.


This is going to be a blood-bath for the Trump administration.

It will be a cut by a thousand knives, all held by those who need to cover their ass. Soon, Trump and his inner comrades with be tossed under the bus by those in the know.

Guys, I think he's going to find someone who will lie for him, work for a lot of extra pay off the books. Someone as dirty and corrupt as the rest of his people.

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I think it was time.

Comey was out of control.

I don't think anyone with a brain believes a word he (or any other spy agency spook) says.

Good riddance.
Trump fired the Son Of A Bitch because he was blocking several investigations on who leaked to the press. It was either Obama or Susan Rice on Obama's orders.
Comey was blocking an investigation.
He also was blocking any reasonable investigation into Hillary and Huma's espionage.
"White House source tells me ranking DOJ officials suggested to Comey that he resign after his recent botched testimony. Comey declined." - Erick Erickson
reminds me of Nixon

Not even close. The obummer corruption of the Intel community, for his political aims, is orders of magnitude worse than Watergate.

Your evidence is compelling


Your brainless acquiescence of well documented illegal behavior on the part of the obummer Admin is compelling evidence of your stalinist leanings.

LOL, "Stalinist leanings",? Could you list them ... please?

Sure, you have stated many times that the American people should have guns taken away from them and you espouse authoritarian ideals whenever you think you can get away with it. You're a typical progressive government worker who thinks you're better than everyone else merely because you passed a test that my ten year old daughter would Ace.

Gross arrogance, a belief that they are an elite class above the people is the bedrock of liberalism.
Trump is an ingrate! Comey got him elected , and this is how he's treated !?
We the people got Trump elected. We rejected the disease of liberalism.

Another lie by the damn liar, a minority of people voted for Trump. Millions more were cast for his opponents.
Indeed. that's why Trump is president now and the Anti-Christ is not. Perhaps you need to take a powder before you pop a blood vessel with all this "truth" you're giving us. :)
Well, that'll slow down the Trump/Russia collusion investigation.
No it won't. That investigation is about crimes that may have been committed by members of the Obama administration to support his Russia hoax and it will continue.

You RWNJ traitors are creative.
I'll give you that.

But that's just plain dumb.


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It is a truth you just don't like.
Trump fired the Son Of A Bitch because he was blocking several investigations on who leaked to the press. It was either Obama or Susan Rice on Obama's orders.
Comey was blocking an investigation.
He also was blocking any reasonable investigation into Hillary and Huma's espionage.
Too bad Obama didn't fire him last summer huh? I bet you totally would have supported that. :)

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