BREAKING: Trump fires Comey....YOU'RE FIRED!

turn on FOX News. it's the breaking story! WE WANT TREY GOWDY OR DAVID CLARKE AS THE REPLACEMENT!

Sheriff David Clarke: "If Trump made me his FBI Director I would be arresting Hillary Clinton today."

Trump fires FBI director James Comey



You're reading this one wrong. Nixon did the same thing over Watergate--it didn't work--it will make it much worse for this administration.

Comey is on record during his last testimony in front of the Senate--for stating over this Russian investigation--"It's as if they didn't even care if they caught." Meaning they've been caught.

This firing is over the Russian Investigation. Trump is trying to bury it--and it's not going to happen. This firing has absolutely nothing to do with what Comey did to Clinton, otherwise Obama would have fired him. Trump campaigned against Hillary Clinton on what Comey was releasing.


This is going to be a blood-bath for the Trump administration. Dumbest thing they could have possibly done.
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reminds me of Nixon

Not even close. The obummer corruption of the Intel community, for his political aims, is orders of magnitude worse than Watergate.

Your evidence is compelling


Your brainless acquiescence of well documented illegal behavior on the part of the obummer Admin is compelling evidence of your stalinist leanings.

HRC was investigated ad nausea by the Congress. A congress which hoped to find a smoking gun and could not. What evidence do you have, that they did not? Post it, or be known as a damn liar.
reminds me of Nixon

Not even close. The obummer corruption of the Intel community, for his political aims, is orders of magnitude worse than Watergate.

Your evidence is compelling


Your brainless acquiescence of well documented illegal behavior on the part of the obummer Admin is compelling evidence of your stalinist leanings.

LOL, "Stalinist leanings",? Could you list them ... please?
He won't fall for your commie tactics any more than I will. Whatever anyone posts when you make one of these "requests", all you do then is smoke spin and lie more. it's a proven tactic of a shill like you and it doesn't work anymore. Firing Comey was the best thing Trump could have done. I hope he puts David Clarke in.

In b4 all the conspiracy theories tomorrow.

I'm betting it was for just straight-up incompetence.

turn on FOX News. it's the breaking story! WE WANT TREY GOWDY OR DAVID CLARKE AS THE REPLACEMENT!

Sheriff David Clarke: "If Trump made me his FBI Director I would be arresting Hillary Clinton today."

Trump fires FBI director James Comey



You're reading this one wrong. Nixon did the same thing over Watergate--it didn't work--it will make it much worse for this administration.

Comey is on record during his last testimony in front of the Senate--for stating over this Russian investigation--"It's as if they didn't even care if they caught." Meaning they've been caught.

This is over the Russian Investigation.


This is going to be a blood-bath for the Trump administration.

It will be a cut by a thousand knives, all held by those who need to cover their ass. Soon, Trump and his inner comrades with be tossed under the bus by those in the know.
turn on FOX News. it's the breaking story! WE WANT TREY GOWDY OR DAVID CLARKE AS THE REPLACEMENT!

Sheriff David Clarke: "If Trump made me his FBI Director I would be arresting Hillary Clinton today."

Trump fires FBI director James Comey




Isn't that the silliest pile of [emoji90] ever? Even from trump, that's just a fantasy.

@Lahkota us right that the investigation will be slowed, if not stopped because the pussy grabber will find an FBI director as crooked and corrupt as drumpf is. (Eric, DonDon, Ivanka, Tiffany? Maybe even the littlest nazi?)

The fascists are doing quite well. You must be so pleased.

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reminds me of Nixon

Not even close. The obummer corruption of the Intel community, for his political aims, is orders of magnitude worse than Watergate.

Your evidence is compelling


Your brainless acquiescence of well documented illegal behavior on the part of the obummer Admin is compelling evidence of your stalinist leanings.

HRC was investigated ad nausea by the Congress. A congress which hoped to find a smoking gun and could not. What evidence do you have, that they did not? Post it, or be known as a damn liar.

And she was protected by EVERYONE in the obummer Admin. Even comey was forced to admit that she had indeed violated the law, he just explained it away that she was too stupid to understand that what she did was a crime. And she is the person that you think was so qualified to be POTUS. The idiot couldn't even keep her emails protected, you think she was capable of protecting this country? You, my silly person, are a clown.
If anything, this only adds further suspicion to Trump.

The swamp is up to America's neck.
This breaking news screwed up the last 20 min. of Jeopardy! this afternoon. I was PISSED, because the 5:00 news shows up right after Jeopardy. Couldn't they wait just a bit instead of rehashing everything that had gone on over the past few weeks?

But..............I suffered through and listened to it, even though I was screaming at the television to go back to Jeopardy!

And here is basically what they said. They said that Comey had just been fired by Trump. They also said that Trump has the ability to do this, even though the FBI director is an appointed position for a 10 year term, he can still be fired for cause. However, Trump has to specify the reason that he is firing him.

FBI directors are appointed in 10 year terms, because they didn't want that position to become a political football.

Guess we'll find out if it is or not. Trump still has to release the reason why he fired him.
CNN is having a meltdown right now over the Comey firing. In reality, that means Comey was terrible for America & a henchmen for the left.
Imagine the day, Trump and his family head out to Marine One and he makes his last statement as POTUS:

"I am not a crook" and the fake news will not have me to kick around anymore"

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