BREAKING: Trump fires Comey....YOU'RE FIRED!

What will become of the Russia investigation? I see a shit storm on the horizon...

lol What Russia investigation?
30 minutes ago the liberal press was damning Comey, now the same media is defending him. Hilarious. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real.
Fox says it was on the direct recommendation of the AG and Deputy AG. Good, maybe we can get somebody who's not got an agenda and we can then have faith in these investigations.
Apparently Comey said yesterday that Huma Abadin SYSTEMATICALLY transmitted classified emails to her husbands email address....and officials corrected him, to provide cover for Huma, saying Comey overstated during his testimony. They changed it from "systematically" to "infrequently", probably a Clinton tactic to change the testimony after the fact.


Why can't you ever make a factual statement?

You always lie.


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reminds me of Nixon

William Jefferson Clinton fired FBI Director Bill Sessions in the 90s
it was recommended by the attny general in the bush1 admin, before bill Clinton's inauguration that FBI Director bill sessions be fired for improprieties.

Bill Sessions was NOT INVESTIGATING President Clinton

If Comey was fired for the "alternative facts" he made up during his testimony the other day, that is a bar which Donald Trump would miserably fail to hurdle himself.

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™
Hillary blames her loss on Comey........a few days later Trump fires him.

Billy calls Trump a fascist pussy.....

I can't make this shit up....:muahaha:
I don't give two shits what Hillary said about Comey. Trump only fired him because of his investigation into Russia. He can't be a man and face the consequences. If he is innocent of any Russian meddling, he would be an adult and let himself be vindicated through a non partisan investigation.
reminds me of Nixon

William Jefferson Clinton fired FBI Director Bill Sessions in the 90s
it was recommended by the attny general in the bush1 admin, before bill Clinton's inauguration that FBI Director bill sessions be fired for improprieties.

Bill Sessions was NOT INVESTIGATING President Clinton

No, he wasn't. Why do you make these things up?
I'm just throwing darts here, but does this at all have anything to do with him possibly being less than forthright about the spying activities against Trumps campaign by former administration? Anything to do with him NOT going hard against Clinton for obvious abuses of her email and Foundation?

One final point to consider, will the next Director now decide to reassess the free pass (in my opinion) that Clinton was given in coordination with the former AG Lynch, especially considering the last few days in which Clinton proudly announced "I am now part of the resistance".

If any of the above are true, she might want to reconsider her position on this matter. There is a large number of Americans who believe Clinton engaged in nefarious activities at best, treasonous criminal behaviour at worst. These aren't just Trump supporters either who have this opinion.

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