BREAKING: Trump Shared Highly Classified Info With Russians!

Is donnie begging for impeachment?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 52.9%
  • No

    Votes: 24 47.1%

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McMaster already straightened this out unequivocally. You kids are losing it.

McMaster was made to look the fool and is trying to save face.

Yep, Trump has destroyed another reputation. McMaster should have known better. Trump is the fool who makes everyone around him look like fools.

Look at you, you already have those talking points for today memorized!!!!!!
They discussed what both sides know about ISIS (a mutual enemy and enemy of the entire civilized world).

this story is BULLSHIT

In some areas regarding ISIL, ours and Russia's goals run parallel. In most they do not.
You assume a lot. Russia is helped by the uncertainty that international terrorism provides. That's why they try to get extreme right parties elected in Europe; Because the fear of terrorism makes individual European nations more isolationist. A divided Europe is a boon for Russia. So unless you are suggesting that the US strategy is a strong Russia and and a weak Europe the interests are not the same. And regardless of that little problem with your post, is that Trump's little slip up, will undoubtedly hamper both US recruitment of HUMINT and willingness of allies to share their sources
McMaster already straightened this out unequivocally. You kids are losing it.

McMaster was made to look the fool and is trying to save face.

Yep, Trump has destroyed another reputation. McMaster should have known better. Trump is the fool who makes everyone around him look like fools.

Look at you, you already have those talking points for today memorized!!!!!!

Yes, I do! BTW, you better have that clap looked at.
It is amazing that none of these Useful Idiot Moon Bats were concerned about classified material when it was Crooked Hillary being in violation of the security laws of this country? Now all of a sudden they are getting on their high horse about it.


And you were all over Hillary, but giving a pass now. Very funny.

I am not giving anyone a pass Moon Bat. I didn't vote for Trump.

I am just pointing out the hypocrisy of you Useful Idiot Moon Bats that didn't give a shit about Crooked Hillary violating just about every every security law in the government but still voted for the corrupt bitch.

Just shows what partisan pig assholes you are. You spout your Trump hate without even knowing what you are bitching about most of the time.

This is what Comey said about Crooked Hillary's crimes. It was stupid of him to let her off the hook because of "intent", wasn't it? Every criminal that has ever been investigated by the FBI would love to have a sugar daddy in the agency that would let them off the hook on intent, wouldn't they? Very despicable of Comey to do that for a rich and powerful bitch like Crooked Hillary, wasn't it? Two sets of laws in this country, isn't it? Maybe he was afraid of winding up like Seth Rich, Jim McDougal or Vince Foster, just to name a few.

Here's what James Comey said about Hillary Clinton's emails back in July
  • Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.”
  • Clinton’s emails included seven message chains with information classified as top secret.
  • “None of these emails should have been on any kind of unclassified system.”
  • “The security culture of the State Department …was generally lacking in the kind of care for classified information found elsewhere in the government.”
I'm all in favor of prosecuting Clinton is wrongdoing was involved. Prosecution is due as well for war crimes in voting for the illegal Iraq invasion, but, of course, she would have a lot of company on the bench at that trial.

Suggesting war crimes for voting the use of force in Iraq is foolish, that's what Congress does. The action was also sanctioned by the United Nations.

As for Hillary Clinton being on the bench, the judge sits on the bench. Unless you are suggesting that Hillary would be overseeing the trial.
What concerns me more is the apparent collusion in the media to try to destroy a president before he even gets settled into the office..

my concern also - regardless of who is in office. all the media is doing is saying they do indeed play favorites. for now the libs love it cause they share a common "enemy". but if the media would ever turn on them (and face it, if you're willing to do this to trump, you're willing to do this to anyone) they would HATE IT and cry foul.

if hillary won for example and for whatever reason the media crucified her, i admit at first i'd love it. but if that's all there was then i'd have to ask myself if i'm basing my emotional stance about her on misinformation. i would then take hillary out of the picture and say this is wrong to do - to anyone.

we've trusted our media to be honest, not back a party they like. that is no longer the case and we don't have news anymore, we have corporate blogs with tons of advertising catering for the most hits.

we all share come blame in this but as long as we let it happen - especially to someone we can't stand, we have zero footing to say it's wrong when done to someone you like.

the action is right, or wrong. not partisan.

I just know if I were Trump I'd ban the media from the WH grounds. Let them submit questions in writing and wait on written responses. That would put a stop to all this gotcha bullshit and dissecting every spoken word. Every reporter gets the same written answer sheet at the same time, no exclusives and no scoops.

What concerns me more is the apparent collusion in the media to try to destroy a president before he even gets settled into the office..

my concern also - regardless of who is in office. all the media is doing is saying they do indeed play favorites. for now the libs love it cause they share a common "enemy". but if the media would ever turn on them (and face it, if you're willing to do this to trump, you're willing to do this to anyone) they would HATE IT and cry foul.

if hillary won for example and for whatever reason the media crucified her, i admit at first i'd love it. but if that's all there was then i'd have to ask myself if i'm basing my emotional stance about her on misinformation. i would then take hillary out of the picture and say this is wrong to do - to anyone.

we've trusted our media to be honest, not back a party they like. that is no longer the case and we don't have news anymore, we have corporate blogs with tons of advertising catering for the most hits.

we all share come blame in this but as long as we let it happen - especially to someone we can't stand, we have zero footing to say it's wrong when done to someone you like.

the action is right, or wrong. not partisan.

I just know if I were Trump I'd ban the media from the WH grounds. Let them submit questions in writing and wait on written responses. That would put a stop to all this gotcha bullshit and dissecting every spoken word. Every reporter gets the same written answer sheet at the same time, no exclusives and no scoops.

tempting yes but that's only making this crap sandwich bigger. the media / trump war hurting the country.
I'm all in favor of prosecuting Clinton is wrongdoing was involved. Prosecution is due as well for war crimes in voting for the illegal Iraq invasion, but, of course, she would have a lot of company on the bench at that trial.

Like, the "group W bench", from "Alice's Restaurant", but with another meaning to 'W'. And it was a war crime because it was against international laws that Congress recognized and, as such, fall under Constitutional obligation. Congress can operate and has operated illegally.
What concerns me more is the apparent collusion in the media to try to destroy a president before he even gets settled into the office..

my concern also - regardless of who is in office. all the media is doing is saying they do indeed play favorites. for now the libs love it cause they share a common "enemy". but if the media would ever turn on them (and face it, if you're willing to do this to trump, you're willing to do this to anyone) they would HATE IT and cry foul.

if hillary won for example and for whatever reason the media crucified her, i admit at first i'd love it. but if that's all there was then i'd have to ask myself if i'm basing my emotional stance about her on misinformation. i would then take hillary out of the picture and say this is wrong to do - to anyone.

we've trusted our media to be honest, not back a party they like. that is no longer the case and we don't have news anymore, we have corporate blogs with tons of advertising catering for the most hits.

we all share come blame in this but as long as we let it happen - especially to someone we can't stand, we have zero footing to say it's wrong when done to someone you like.

the action is right, or wrong. not partisan.

I just know if I were Trump I'd ban the media from the WH grounds. Let them submit questions in writing and wait on written responses. That would put a stop to all this gotcha bullshit and dissecting every spoken word. Every reporter gets the same written answer sheet at the same time, no exclusives and no scoops.

tempting yes but that's only making this crap sandwich bigger. the media / trump war hurting the country.

Yeah, it would hurt the babies bottom line, can't have that.

So that would be no one. Hillary gave no one classified intel who wasn't cleared to receive it. Thanks for confirming what I already knew.

She didn't have to hand it over as she just left it all on a server in her basement (which was illegal) for them and whomever to just help them selves to. And her excuse ? " I was to stupid to know better". Yeah.

Point is to even one of those emails that have surfaced from anywhere other than the server.
Like on the laptop sitting on Weiner's weiner as he sexted a 15yo girl...?!

Surfaced from hacking, retard.
Who needs to hack it when Hillary and her circle are sending it al lover the place and while Seth Rich is sending 44,000 e-mails to Wikileaks...?
Who needs to hack it

That's what the conversation was about.

Where are they? Not a single one has ever surfaced.

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