Breaking: Trump To Seat Jennifer Flowers On Front Row During Debate

"Hilly should be held responsible for what she did to those women"? Again...holding a wife responsible for her husband's actions? Big hit with women voters.

No. Read it this,time......

Holding her responsible for HER REACTION TO HER HUSBAND'S ACTIONS.
Any woman is going to flip the fuck out and do all sorts of nasty things to the "other woman" when she finds out her husband has been cheating with her. Try again. Just like a man would do the same thing if he walked in on his wife and another man in bed. If he murders the guy in that scenario, the jury goes really lightly on him. You'd be wise to do the same.

Votes are at stake.
It's not going to be refiled. You have trouble grasping reality. Ginnifer Flowers will not be in the front row and the fake rape case is dead.

Hilly should be held responsible for what she did to those women.

So....your contention is that it's OK for Trump to have invited Flowers to sit at the debate because "Hilly should be held responsible for what she did to those women"...

I offer that you'd be in a tiny minority for such a dick move. The women of the US (and many men) know this dick move for what it is...all too well. The women because they've been on the receiving end of it; or feared being on the receiving end of it...and the men because of the horror in their minds of finding themselves in a situation where the two women were facing off; the mistress poised to destroy their good and faithful wife by mere appearance.

It's going to backfire. Your support of it means you don't want Trump to win. You're aware I suppose at least that a candidate has to get a majority of votes in order to win, right? You like backing a loser do you?
Number one, there will be no backfire. Flowers won't be there no matter how much you have made up. Two, yes Hilly should have gotten what was coming to her years ago as she covered up for her lascivious husband.

Trump handled it brilliantly. He never asked Flowers to come. He planted a rumor that he was going to ask her. That was worthy of a grand master.
Maybe the woman suing & alleging Trump for raping her as a 13 year old can be invited by Hillary to sit in the front row too? Case Alleging Trump Raped 13 Year Old Girl Is Re-Filed In New York

This one is going to backfire on Trump. Women across the nation who have been cheated on *waves to about 90% of women in the US* will see this as psychological abuse of Hillary (or generally a man capable of one of the cruelest acts possible while a woman is down and not feeling well). Trump psychologically abusing women is something that has been accused before.

YUGE FAIL. I hope he does it. It will cost him millions of votes; and may even spell the end of his campaign.

Bullshit. The media will do everything possible to keep the public from knowing she was even there. Any mention of Flowers just brings up a subject they don't want the public to know about. The more they talk about it, the more curios the public will be.

It has no downside for Trump.
So Flowers won't be in the front row,

If Flowers is even in the parking lot outside at the invite of Trump, Trump's numbers are fucked. His invitation will be seen outside a political filter as "a dick move, the worse of its kind, against a woman (any woman) while she is recovering from an illness"...

Trump either showed the world what a total woman-hater and abuser he is; or he was tricked into doing so. Either way it's not going to bode well for him. Only a complete asshole would do what he has done.
So Flowers won't be in the front row,

If Flowers is even in the parking lot outside at the invite of Trump, Trump's numbers are fucked.

Please, here we go again with the double standards. Hillary and Dem's can play every dirty trick in the book and Trump as to be as pure as the pope that liberal talking point is 50 years old. Trump has made it clear, he can play just as dirty as Hillary AND it won't cost him votes. Look at this event, another example where Hillary attacked first and Trump simply responded. Where's the outrage over what Hillary did, instigating the entire episode.
Any woman is going to flip the fuck out and do all sorts of nasty things to the "other woman" when she finds out her husband has been cheating with her. Try again. Just like a man would do the same thing if he walked in on his wife and another man in bed. If he murders the guy in that scenario, the jury goes really lightly on him. You'd be wise to do the same.

Votes are at stake.

Yet Hillary didn't "flip out". She immediately went to work to cover it up and protect her husband's political life. Not a very emotional response. Kinda like she never really cared about him to begin with because he was simply the means to an end.

In that situation, I'd kill them both.
So Flowers won't be in the front row,

If Flowers is even in the parking lot outside at the invite of Trump, Trump's numbers are fucked.

Please, here we go again with the double standards. Hillary and Dem's can play every dirty trick in the book and Trump as to be as pure as the pope that liberal talking point is 50 years old. Trump has made it clear, he can play just as dirty as Hillary AND it won't cost him votes. Look at this event, another example where Hillary attacked first and Trump simply responded. Where's the outrage over what Hillary did, instigating the entire episode.
You can blow your pipes till the cows come home...and you still won't realize voters aren't going to process this act through a political filter.

They're going to see it as the lowest of low acts a man could do to a woman....who is ill and trying to get better. It shows the deepest of Trump's character outside the political arena. And that is going to directly translate into A LOSS OF VOTES FOR DONALD TRUMP.
Any woman is going to flip the fuck out and do all sorts of nasty things to the "other woman" when she finds out her husband has been cheating with her. Try again. Just like a man would do the same thing if he walked in on his wife and another man in bed. If he murders the guy in that scenario, the jury goes really lightly on him. You'd be wise to do the same.

Votes are at stake.

Yet Hillary didn't "flip out". She immediately went to work to cover it up and protect her husband's political life.

It devastated her behind closed doors. Your lack of empathy and realism with the pain this caused a woman is not going to win votes for Trump either. Try again. It's psychological torture and you would see nearly a 100% polling on that question characterized as such.

"Do you believe Trump inviting Flowers to the first debate is psychological torture of a woman (Hillary)?" 100% of the answers would be "yes" if they were honest. So about 10% of people (who are likely supporters of Trump) would say "no, it's fair game"...90% say it's outright a dick move. And that's going to cost Trump votes. Such a stupid blunder in his campaign means he can make equally as stupid of blunders if he took Office. Running this complicated country when we are deeply in trouble is not an episode of the Jerry Springer Show...
Talking about getting the evil eye... She should blow kisses to Mark Cuban...

Gennifer Flowers says she will attend debate as Donald Trump’s guest

A slime who has an affair with a married man, who tapes him and then blackmails him. So Bill Clinton had an affair, Trump had many as well while married.

Wonder how much Trump is paying her?

Hillary has not had an affair , has she?

Yes Blow Job certainly is a Slime, raping and sexually abusing at least a dozen women...and you, deranged bitch stick up for a cheater and criminal!

NO rape. No dozen women either. Flowers is a slime as well.

Another skunt rape supporter. You blow girl.

Who did he rape???????????
Stop your goddam spinning liar.
So your message is, feminist no more, give Hillary your pity vote.

This is a VISCERAL issue pal. You seem to have quite a bit of difficulty wrapping your head around the real, actual phenomenon of homo sapiens. You're about to get schooled, so keep an eye on Trump's fall in the polling.

This is about a transparently ruthless and cruel act against a woman (not merely Hillary), by a man who knows a woman (not merely Hillary) is sick and trying to recover from an illness. Politics aside, this dick move strikes the deepest cord possible with people. It's like Donald Trump would be the type of guy to be having sex with a bimbo on the couch in the room with his wife who is in the intensive care unit in a hospital. Yeah, it's that bad. No politics needed.
No, this is about Clinton supporters not being able to think of anything good to say about Hillary so you make things up to say about Trump. All of the women who have worked for Trump talk about how there has never been any gender bias in the Trump Organization in hiring, compensation or promotions - more than half the executives are women - and how he encouraged women he hired to to grow and take on more responsibility even when they doubted their own abilities, and all this at a time when most CEO's thought women were only fit to do clerical work.

What Hillary promises, Trump has delivered all his life.
^^ Yes, like a majority of voters, I've been on the receiving end of psychological torture at a time or two in my life. So...yeah...thanks for supporting my points in this thread..

No, this is about Clinton supporters not being able to think of anything good to say about Hillary so you make things up to say about Trump. All of the women who have worked for Trump talk about how there has never been any gender bias in the Trump Organization in hiring, compensation or promotions - more than half the executives are women - and how he encouraged women he hired to to grow and take on more responsibility even when they doubted their own abilities, and all this at a time when most CEO's thought women were only fit to do clerical work.

What Hillary promises, Trump has delivered all his life.
Again, you need to study "visceral reactions" and get back to us when you've caught up with the topic...
^^ Yes, like a majority of voters, I've been on the receiving end of psychological torture at a time or two in my life. So...yeah...thanks for supporting my points in this thread..

No, this is about Clinton supporters not being able to think of anything good to say about Hillary so you make things up to say about Trump. All of the women who have worked for Trump talk about how there has never been any gender bias in the Trump Organization in hiring, compensation or promotions - more than half the executives are women - and how he encouraged women he hired to to grow and take on more responsibility even when they doubted their own abilities, and all this at a time when most CEO's thought women were only fit to do clerical work.

What Hillary promises, Trump has delivered all his life.
Again, you need to study "visceral reactions" and get back to us when you've caught up with the topic...
No one is interested in your digestive issues.
^^ Yes, like a majority of voters, I've been on the receiving end of psychological torture at a time or two in my life. So...yeah...thanks for supporting my points in this thread..

No, this is about Clinton supporters not being able to think of anything good to say about Hillary so you make things up to say about Trump. All of the women who have worked for Trump talk about how there has never been any gender bias in the Trump Organization in hiring, compensation or promotions - more than half the executives are women - and how he encouraged women he hired to to grow and take on more responsibility even when they doubted their own abilities, and all this at a time when most CEO's thought women were only fit to do clerical work.

What Hillary promises, Trump has delivered all his life.
Again, you need to study "visceral reactions" and get back to us when you've caught up with the topic...

There is no point here.

Most women understand that a serial cheater is a low life and anyone that stays with same is doing so for reasons other than love.

She is viewed by most as the ultimate gold digger. Flowers appearance would simply solidify that.
It devastated her behind closed doors. Your lack of empathy and realism with the pain this caused a woman is not going to win votes for Trump either. Try again. It's psychological torture and you would see nearly a 100% polling on that question characterized as such.

I'm not a Trump supporter. I have no interest in winning votes for Trump. I simply want Hillary to be shown as the 100% politically motivated, Feminist Twat with no idea of what a real woman is, that she truly is.

Do you believe Trump inviting Flowers to the first debate is psychological torture of a woman (Hillary)?" 100% of the answers would be "yes" if they were honest. So about 10% of people (who are likely supporters of Trump) would say "no, it's fair game"...90% say it's outright a dick move. And that's going to cost Trump votes. Such a stupid blunder in his campaign means he can make equally as stupid of blunders if he took Office. Running this complicated country when we are deeply in trouble is not an episode of the Jerry Springer Show...

Politics is a contact sport. If you don't like it, don't play the game.
Or a dozen of the 16 year old sex slaves BJ Clinton met on Epsteins Lolita Security Slave Private Island?

Both Trump And Clinton Went To Jeffrey Epstein's Sex Slave Island.

Both Trump And Clinton Went To Jeffrey Epstein's Sex Slave Island.

While Clinton appears 26 times on passenger manifests, Trump is not even alleged to have appeared once. No one has even found a flight plan for Trump's own planes.

The fake lawsuit about the 13 year old girl is over. Voluntarily dismissed rather than go to a hearing.

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