Breaking: Trump To Seat Jennifer Flowers On Front Row During Debate

^^ Yes, like a majority of voters, I've been on the receiving end of psychological torture at a time or two in my life. So...yeah...thanks for supporting my points in this thread..

No, this is about Clinton supporters not being able to think of anything good to say about Hillary so you make things up to say about Trump. All of the women who have worked for Trump talk about how there has never been any gender bias in the Trump Organization in hiring, compensation or promotions - more than half the executives are women - and how he encouraged women he hired to to grow and take on more responsibility even when they doubted their own abilities, and all this at a time when most CEO's thought women were only fit to do clerical work.

What Hillary promises, Trump has delivered all his life.
Again, you need to study "visceral reactions" and get back to us when you've caught up with the topic...

There is no point here.

Most women understand that a serial cheater is a low life and anyone that stays with same is doing so for reasons other than love.

She is viewed by most as the ultimate gold digger. Flowers appearance would simply solidify that.
Tell us more about what "most women understand"....... :lol:
I was single until I was 40, and you wouldn't believe what some of the castrating harpies I dated were capable of. If women are running around single after the pass 30, there's a reason for it.
Sounds like you have lost all faith in domestic models.

Maybe you need to look at some imports with larger dealer installed headlights and some expanded trunk space?
A slime who has an affair with a married man, who tapes him and then blackmails him. So Bill Clinton had an affair, Trump had many as well while married.

Wonder how much Trump is paying her?

Hillary has not had an affair , has she?

I dunno. She and Huma do matching outfits.


You people are fucking sick. You will believe anything.

Only that which observation suggests and evidence presents.
There is no evidence. Apparently you don't know what the term 'evidence' means. You don't know how to think rationally. What kind of a pathetic mind do you have anyway?

Matching outfits certainly raises questions about levels of chumminess.

I mean, mother and daughter, maybe. But this says girlfriend in neon.
:cuckoo::cuckoo: You are pathetic.
There is no point here.

Most women understand that a serial cheater is a low life and anyone that stays with same is doing so for reasons other than love.

She is viewed by most as the ultimate gold digger. Flowers appearance would simply solidify that.
Tell us more about what "most women understand"....... :lol:

They're not going to spin their way out of this blunder. It's an issue that hits most American women right in the gut: having the mistress paraded around in front of them when they're down and out or ill. Men too, shrinking in horror at the outrageous pain that would evoke in any woman....

...There's no putting lipstick on this pig of a dick move...and it will be evidenced in polling soon to come..
It is obvious you are infatuated with Hillary.
Now back to Hillary defending her rapist husband...
You are one of those RW misogynists who believe that a woman is only the sum total of her husband, aren't you? :lol: That's will be great to bring up a reminder of adultery during the debates.....perhaps some will remember Drumpf's adultery too. Better yet...have Flowers sit next to the "current" Mrs. Drumpf.
I'm a Blue Dog Democrat.
I'm not one of those settling for Trump.
If it was Hillary vs any of the other Republicans, I wouldn't be voting in this election.

Doesn't it bother you that your fellow dems have nothing but contempt for you?
No...Liberals call me a Conservative and Conservatives call me a Liberal.
To be labeled such all one has to do is disagree on ONE talking point.
I'm not a goose-stepper.

I didn't say you were.

But I have seen how liberals deal with anyone who disagrees with them on anything.

So, does it bother you to side with people who have nothing but contempt for you?
I don't side with people as much as hold by my convictions.
If someone is being a jerk with me because I disagree with them on 2 or 3 out of 10 points, I still have to side with myself on the rest of the points with which I agree.
Her stand beside him.....Yep! A winner with women voters.

Her Reaction.... To accept his repeated immoral and unethical acts without any consequences or expectation of it stopping. To hide his indiscretions and attempt to vilify the women who came forward.

That's not a winner with any woman whose opinion I would listen to.
Well, that explains it many women do you listen to?
You are one of those RW misogynists who believe that a woman is only the sum total of her husband, aren't you? :lol: That's will be great to bring up a reminder of adultery during the debates.....perhaps some will remember Drumpf's adultery too. Better yet...have Flowers sit next to the "current" Mrs. Drumpf.
I'm a Blue Dog Democrat.
I'm not one of those settling for Trump.
If it was Hillary vs any of the other Republicans, I wouldn't be voting in this election.

Doesn't it bother you that your fellow dems have nothing but contempt for you?
No...Liberals call me a Conservative and Conservatives call me a Liberal.
To be labeled such all one has to do is disagree on ONE talking point.
I'm not a goose-stepper.

I didn't say you were.

But I have seen how liberals deal with anyone who disagrees with them on anything.

So, does it bother you to side with people who have nothing but contempt for you?
I don't side with people as much as hold by my convictions.
If someone is being a jerk with me because I disagree with them on 2 or 3 out of 10 points, I still have to side with myself on the rest of the points with which I agree.

Fair enough.
Trump imports Genifer Flowers, he will come off as a dick and Hillary will come off as a victim

Especially with Trumps history of cheating
^^ Yes, like a majority of voters, I've been on the receiving end of psychological torture at a time or two in my life. So...yeah...thanks for supporting my points in this thread..

No, this is about Clinton supporters not being able to think of anything good to say about Hillary so you make things up to say about Trump. All of the women who have worked for Trump talk about how there has never been any gender bias in the Trump Organization in hiring, compensation or promotions - more than half the executives are women - and how he encouraged women he hired to to grow and take on more responsibility even when they doubted their own abilities, and all this at a time when most CEO's thought women were only fit to do clerical work.

What Hillary promises, Trump has delivered all his life.
Again, you need to study "visceral reactions" and get back to us when you've caught up with the topic...

There is no point here.

Most women understand that a serial cheater is a low life and anyone that stays with same is doing so for reasons other than love.

She is viewed by most as the ultimate gold digger. Flowers appearance would simply solidify that.
Tell us more about what "most women understand"....... :lol:

Most hetro women that is. Gays,they wouldn't understand
Well, that explains it many women do you listen to?

Some. It largely depends on the lifestyle of the women and the topic of the conversation
ANY woman is going to get pissed of, hurt and destroyed by having her husband's mistress paraded in front of her. And if it were reversed, the man would come after his rival with bare fists or worse..such is the depth of the emotional angst of this visceral torture.

Have fun pretending this didn't hurt Trump. Denial will help you in the short run..
You left out the 13 year old Trump allegedly raped.

For you, that's almost an intelligent response.

Hillary is not a rapist running for president. You make the call.
Her Husband is
the woman who claims this now, has given completely different testimony under oath....which story can truly be believed her earlier versions or her later revised versions?

And Hillary has continually covered for him!
Now just to be fair.....

America has had eight years of having an Apologist-in-Chief.

Now is it NOT the time for a change?

Hillary could be that change. America's first Enabler-in-Chief!
And Hillary has continually covered for him!

You're just straight-up missing the point. This isn't going to be a political reaction of intellectual processing. It's a visceral one from the Jerry Springer crowd. THEY SEE THEMSELVES IN THE SHOES OF ANY WOMAN MADE TO FACE HER HUSBAND'S MISTRESS UNDER CONDITIONS OF STRESS OR ILLNESS. It's a Jerry Springer thing, no matter how much disdain they have for Hillary. Hillary or Trump don't even matter as distinct people in this reaction. It's A MAN beating up A WOMAN, in the most insidious and ruthlessly psychologically-cruel, dickish moves EVER seen in a political theater..

Your messiah just pulled a blunder that would get a chorus of hisses and boos from the Springer crowd. And that's who was behind him 100% up until now. There will still be some die-hard misogynists and Hillary-haters clinging on to Trump's buttocks. But the audible gasp from those on the fence or lukewarm about Trump will be able to be heard in your sleep..
YUGE FAIL. I hope he does it. It will cost him millions of votes; and may even spell the end of his campaign.
Yeah. Bad enough that he even threatened it, but doing it will make Hillary look like the victim.

His fans are all for it.

Hillary was too vicious with those women and is too obviously powerful to look like the victim.
Well, that would be up to the viewer. They're gonna be wrestling for the undecideds, and if Trump goes anywhere near what Rick Lazio did, that could pretty easily turn some off. And if gets this personal - and it wouldn't be a shock given his past statements - that would almost certainly turn some off.

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