BREAKING --- United States tells Citizens: Leave Russia Immediately!

Russia is safer than any liberal infested urban shithole in America.

You obviously have never been to Russia, nor do you have any fucking clue about comparative crime statistics.

Question remains though - why shill for Russia and shit on America?
They actually identified what the first one was, deemed not a threat, then blew it up anyway. What message does that send beyond extreme leadership failure? Now they blow up anything without first identifying what it is or it's potential payload. We have embassies around the world for a reason. This failed administration doesn't even bother with diplomacy and appears to constantly be acting after the fact with irrational responses.
Seem inconsistent. Kind of looks like you guys just want to complain about what he does regardless of what he does.

If he waits to shoot it, you guys complain that he waited. If he shoots them down quickly, you guys complain that he’s shooting them down too quickly.
You obviously have never been to Russia, nor do you have any fucking clue about comparative crime statistics.

Question remains though - why shill for Russia and shit on America?
Provide some links to prove me wrong, I'll wait.
Seem inconsistent. Kind of looks like you guys just want to complain about what he does regardless of what he does.

If he waits to shoot it, you guys complain that he waited. If he shoots them down quickly, you guys complain that he’s shooting them down too quickly.
Hardly, proclaiming something isn't a threat then destroying it anyway is inconsistent. Shooting first and asking questions later is inconsistent after the first incident.
Hardly, proclaiming something isn't a threat then destroying it anyway is inconsistent. Shooting first and asking questions later is inconsistent after the first incident.
Yea. I guess it’s not inconsistent to complain that he’s acting too late and then complain that he’s acting too quickly.
Yea. I guess it’s not inconsistent to complain that he’s acting too late and then complain that he’s acting too quickly.
That's the consequence of this failed administration's lack of diplomacy. We didn't even identify what these things are much less where they came from. Assuming they all Chinese is foolish and dangerous. Worse, this administration lacks the diplomatic power to stop anyone from sending more. If any of them were carrying a dangerous payload, we just paid for the privilege of spreading across our country and upon our own unsuspecting citizens.
Diplomacy with WHO?

Youi just said we can't assume they are Chinese
Diplomacy with anyone these objects may belong to. Through diplomatic means we could set forth a tangible set of consequences for violating our airspace. Simply blowing things up after the fact and hoping we find evidence is not a valid deterrent.
Diplomacy with anyone these objects may belong to. Through diplomatic means we could set forth a tangible set of consequences for violating our airspace. Simply blowing things up after the fact and hoping we find evidence is not a valid deterrent.
We know the first one came from China. What should Biden have done?
We know the first one came from China. What should Biden have done?
If Biden had any global clout he should have set forth consequences, demanded the Chinese land that craft in the desert to be inspected, possibly returned if it was benign. Instead the fool let it fly across the country and we can only hope we can recover some it from the ocean. Failure at every level. If the Chinese did not accept our terms it should been destroyed immediately.
If Biden had any global clout he should have set forth consequences, demanded the Chinese land that craft in the desert to be inspected, possibly returned if it was benign.
China denied it came from them and then said something about it being from a civilian.

What kind of consequences should Biden have laid out under those circumstances?

Seems like you just want to complain about Biden regardless of what he does.
China denied it came from them and then said something about it being from a civilian.

What kind of consequences should Biden have laid out under those circumstances?

Seems like you just want to complain about Biden regardless of what he does.
Aside from what was already said? Wow.
Uh oh! What's the Usurper up to now?

Edit Update! Looks like a full blown war is about to happen. They don't want Americans in Russia in case they're rounded up and detained as prisoners.

People are always claiming on this message board that some one is a paid to be a poster & political propaganda spreader.
This the first time I personally agree that you are in fact here for the money.
Yea. Looking for specifics.

You: Hey China. Don’t do that. Otherwise there will be consequences.

China: Fuck you. We didn’t do anything.

You: …

Nothing specific. Seems like you just want to shit on anything Biden does because Biden did it.
You need to learn how to read.

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