Breaking: Van mows down people walking on London Bridge.

Should the practice of Islam be banned in Western / civilized nations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
There is a growing spike in hatred, that's being felt all around the world. Btw Brexit and our election of Trump, the hatred has only intensified. This is the consequence of globalization and some of us not prepared to deal with it. Ever since the British chose to Exit from the rest of the world, notice how the attacks have gotten worse??? The US, since the clown child has taken office, notice how intense our country has become....I contribute all of this TO WHITE HATRED. Be careful what you wish for, guys.....some people aren't as passive as America's sell out negro's...this is after all the 21st century, not the Dr. King or Ghandi days

The 15 year old white kid pretending to be a retarded old black woman strikes again.

Good stuff, kid!
Immediately trying to hide the horror caused by the Islamic savages! grrrrrr:mad-61:

Use restraint in circulating pictures and videos of incidents' - police
There is a growing spike in hatred, that's being felt all around the world. Btw Brexit and our election of Trump, the hatred has only intensified. This is the consequence of globalization and some of us not prepared to deal with it. Ever since the British chose to Exit from the rest of the world, notice how the attacks have gotten worse??? The US, since the clown child has taken office, notice how intense our country has become....I contribute all of this TO WHITE HATRED. Be careful what you wish for, guys.....some people aren't as passive as America's sell out negro's...this is after all the 21st century, not the Dr. King or Ghandi days
Wrong again, dipstick, the London bus attacks, the Paris attacks, etc. happened way before Brexit. This is the legacy of Hussien Obama, enjoy.
Well it is Ramadan. They can eat now. It is dark over there. Maybe these savages will stop for a meal. I am sure they "follow to the letter" the Koran that is.

Certainly the British are not foolish enough to put up with this sort of nonsense are they?
You overstate the threat and understate our greatness. It's what you do.

Tell that to those still going through surgeries in Manchester. Strapped down to a bed on drugs. Shower by a rag wipedown. Bathroom in a pan. PAIN 24-7....doctors afraid to give OXY. You try it for 6 months. Muscles into Atrophy. Learn to walk again. Life changed forever.

for what reason again?

Ooooh! Tell that to the victims! So persuasive and original!
This is ludicrous.

You value the constitution so much yet here you are so easily willing to defy it.

Government (Congress) shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.

And Islam is a religion, no matter what you think it is.
It's as much religion as -->
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
Careful what you call a Religion. You can call worship of money a religion and then make Banks tax free zones due to being religious institutes.
just stop the immigration of future foreign muslims into the Western world and USA . Let existing muslims in the USA practice as they wish but no reinforcements .
To be honest, I'm not sure it's that's going to help, especially with regards to the British and French. They have tens of thousands that are already in.

Islam is a cancer to modern humanity.
Who is militarily occupying the planet shoog? Who sold North Korea nuclear reactors from a company Rumsfeld once sat on the board of directors of and ponied up US taxpayer funding to complete the deal? Who provides the Wahabist Saudis with the cluster bombs, known to have a 90% casualty rate in the field, that they rain down on Yemen? Who just completed another $110B arms deal selling weapons to the Wahabist Saudis?
Because people representing us in the past did stupid things we should just roll over and let them do whatever they want to do.
I thought the Brits outlawed the right to self-defense so that people couldnt hurt each other.

Oh, well, so all t hey have accomplished is to make a target rich environment for every Jihadist with a knife and a suicide wish.
How would having a gun prevent your being run down by that van?
There is a growing spike in hatred, that's being felt all around the world. Btw Brexit and our election of Trump, the hatred has only intensified. This is the consequence of globalization and some of us not prepared to deal with it. Ever since the British chose to Exit from the rest of the world, notice how the attacks have gotten worse??? The US, since the clown child has taken office, notice how intense our country has become....I contribute all of this TO WHITE HATRED. Be careful what you wish for, guys.....some people aren't as passive as America's sell out negro's...this is after all the 21st century, not the Dr. King or Ghandi days
Wrong again, dipstick, the London bus attacks, the Paris attacks, etc. happened way before Brexit. This is the legacy of Hussien Obama, enjoy.
Perhaps, but it was the anti muslim sentiment that caused the exit and the carnage in both countries, which is what created this environment. Own your hate and get over yourselves.
Details are sketchy but multiple reports claim some number of people have been hit by a van on the London Bridge. But this is the new normal, right? Just get used to it.
Oh no dude! It MUST be the crazy presbyterians!
Probably seven dead and

Welcome to the cultural enrichment of Europe
Is this what you Liberals want. Where everyone is afraid to go to a concert for fear of a terrorist attack? Paranoia in the streets. Fear to go to any crowded venue. I say hell no! arm up and take your streets back.
Why do you think we have not had the same kind of attacks here. Our attacks are sporadic and far apart.

Even to muslim terrorists Americans are crazy muslim haters who only want an excuse to rampage against Islam killing everything in a beard or hijab. We are racists. We hang innocent people.

CAIR will issue a statement.
Dude, London has a Muslim mayor, England forbids any speech anti-Muslim. England promotes Sharia bullshit. and yet they still do shit like this there. Appeasement doesn't work.
I thought the Brits outlawed the right to self-defense so that people couldnt hurt each other.

Oh, well, so all t hey have accomplished is to make a target rich environment for every Jihadist with a knife and a suicide wish.
How would having a gun prevent your being run down by that van?

Someone could have taken out the driver by shooting him
Sky News

A female who was with Jamie said: "We were in the restaurant and we just saw three guys come into the restaurant, stabbed someone in the face and someone in the stomach.

"One of them had a big knife, then he came in and walked around the restaurant, I guess they just kind of stabbed anyone that they saw and knocked things on the ground and then we just hid."

Jamie, a witness who was in a restaurant near London Bridge, told the Press Association: "We were in the Black and Blue restaurant, we heard a fight and everyone got up and everyone rushed out of the restaurant and we heard a massive, massive bang.

"Then we hid under the table and people came into the restaurant and knocked a bunch of stuff over, like the till.

"And then we ran into the restaurant into the kitchen, where there was a bunch of other people and a guy had been stabbed and he was cut and he was bleeding quite a lot."
They succeeded because you didn't fight back. If you all rose up against his ass it would've been a totally different story.
Probably seven dead and

Welcome to the cultural enrichment of Europe

and despite how many of these incidences occur, the special needs portion of the authoritarian left will still sing the same tune.

For these self-absorbed little narcissist snowflakes, receiving props from their equally stupid peeps for their political correctness is all that matters. They can't be bothered to show compassion for the victims since they are too busy preening.

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