Breaking! White House Urges Donald Trump Supporters to ‘Remain Peaceful’ After FBI Raid

We have taxation WITH representation now. You really need to brush up on your American History, Comrade. Your education is sorely lacking.
We have no representation. We have thugs running this country who are illegitimately in power, COMRADE just like your beloved Soviet Union, just like your beloved Hitler, you DemNazi freak.

Free Speech and Due Process died the day your Obama Bin Spying got into office and every DemNazi after him sitting in any Government Office has been singularly minded to destroy America and transform it into a Communist Shithole just like you like it.
Remember when Obama BLM back down in Arizona when faced with arm patriots?
There were a ton of videos of armed communities backing the BurnLootMurder and PantyFa idiots down, all over the country! It was pretty glorious.

I'm ready to just give them the blue shithole cities and when they destroy them, looting and decimating food supplies, they will come out here to the smaller, tougher communities. It'll be fun!
There were a ton of videos of armed communities backing the BurnLootMurder and PantyFa idiots down, all over the country! It was pretty glorious.

I'm ready to just give them the blue shithole cities and when they destroy them, looting and decimating food supplies, they will come out here to the smaller, tougher communities. It'll be fun!
Say quiet brother let the leftists have their laugh.
Yes...rioting that was con-demned by Democrats (not excused as just "touristing"), people were arrested and charged and con-victed (not called martyrs).
You guys defended the rioting, you also downplayed it, hell, you guys even defended looting, AND your side was bailing out rioters, AND your prosecutors refused to charge rioters with crimes.
Nope...what we are going to do is put this anger into electing a tsunami of Trump Republican into the House and Senate.

You want to get in the streets?

Get in the streets and raise money for Trump Republicans.

Get in the streets and talk to folks about the Gestapo-fication of Federal Law Enforcement and the IRS.

Get in the streets and make a positive difference.

THAT'S how you defeat 5th generational warfare.

Whatever it is they are do the opposite.
SCARY indeed!
What a freak show!

Nope...what we are going to do is put this anger into electing a tsunami of Trump Republican into the House and Senate.

You want to get in the streets?

Get in the streets and raise money for Trump Republicans.

Get in the streets and talk to folks about the Gestapo-fication of Federal Law Enforcement and the IRS.

Get in the streets and make a positive difference.

THAT'S how you defeat 5th generational warfare.

Whatever it is they are do the opposite.
That's great! I haven't donated to Governer Noem's reelection campaign in a while. She's a Trump supporting WINNER!

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