Breaking! White House Urges Donald Trump Supporters to ‘Remain Peaceful’ After FBI Raid

Is this what happens when you get a red state education? You call slave holders "liberals"? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
That's what you are today. You enslave people with taxes and lies.

The Libertarians you speak of have nothing to do with you scum Satanic liberals of today.

Libertarians are not Liberals.
And here we have the sexual assault threats so common for MAGA-Republicans to give out.
The Irony!
Yep! The MAGAs are just like BLM! are a moron
I was going to post the word astounding, but the word astounding infers at least some minute amount of intelligence.
You do not exhibit even a minute amount of intelligence.
And what we see here is the complete delusion of MAGA-Republicans when faced with their own violent thuggishness on Jan 6th, 2021.
AntiFA and BLM tried to burn police cruisers and entire neighborhoods to the ground, robbed, looted, raped and pillaged, attacked police stations and Federal buildings causing Billions of dollars in damage.

To you that is just a mostly peaceful demonstration.

But set off a lone fire extinguisher and it's "DEMOCRACY IN PERIL!"

What a moronic little fascist DemNazi you are.
I am just going with what was said. I keep seeing on this board how BLM turned every city into a burning rad filled wasteland, and thats why we shouldn't go after Trump. But every city wasn't destroyed, and those are state, not federal crimes. I am sitting in one of those burned out cities (with below 3% unemployment and running out of places to build high rises) so...where do these posters live?
Good question. Red empty quarters.
So red states have failed to do their duty to bring these millions of criminals to justice? Sounds like the Red states are failing. But again, please cite the 200 cities that were destroyed. I mean, thats something Hitler could only dream of doing to us, yet I guess Trump just let it happen.

One location, a few blocks. Portland still exists. Also that was during Trump's admin. So following your logic, it again is your fault.
I never made that claim. Are you having comprehension problems?'s the red states that are third world dumps.
I got news for whatever brain cells you have left...
No matter the color of the state, leave the major cities and the other cities in any state look like third world dumps.
The Irony!
Yep! The MAGAs are just like BLM! are a moron
I was going to post the word astounding, but the word astounding infers at least some minute amount of intelligence.
You do not exhibit even a minute amount of intelligence.
Anyone who spent anytime online lately has noticed a certain segment of society has responded to a search warrant with particularly violent rhetoric.
Anyone who spent anytime online lately has noticed a certain segment of society has responded to a search warrant with particularly violent rhetoric.
As opposed to the other group that smashed store fronts and tore down statues and blocked traffic.
Any other observations you'd care to share?
We have taxation WITH representation now. You really need to brush up on your American History, Comrade. Your education is sorely lacking.
The only people with representation live in slums from generation to generation.
I am just going with what was said. I keep seeing on this board how BLM turned every city into a burning rad filled wasteland, and thats why we shouldn't go after Trump. But every city wasn't destroyed, and those are state, not federal crimes. I am sitting in one of those burned out cities (with below 3% unemployment and running out of places to build high rises) so...where do these posters live?
You’re allowed to take hyperbole as an expression of a claim, if you wish. But in the meanwhile, it’s still just hyperbole.
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The primary threat is some lib mouthing off to the wrong Trump Supporter.
If they try to arrest Trump....that's when the violence will start.
Most of us are so angry right now that Democrats are not safe in our cities anymore.
It'll be like an Eagles game. but the kitchen sink.
And then later you'll wine and cry to the press about how you are a "political prisoner" and about how "deplorable" the conditions in your prison are.

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