Breaking! White House Urges Donald Trump Supporters to ‘Remain Peaceful’ After FBI Raid

We do take the threats seriously.

We understand that there will be even more sporadic right-wing terrorism and murder now. Especially more attacks on women, since conservatives take special joy in attacking women, children, the elderly and the disabled.

We understand how every Trump cultist on this board will go into a state of rapture when they see such terrorism.

We know they'll keep trying to justify it, which is what they're attempting to do on this thread.

However, the alternative to seeing more right-wing terrorism is surrendering to those terrorists, and that's not going to happen.
"conservatives take special joy in attacking women, children, the elderly and the disabled."
You really are fucking demented.
And how appropriate that bodecea gives your bullshit a thumbs up.
Playground bully punches kid in the face, blood pours out his nose

Bully: "Don't be mad! Don't tell! don't be mad! Don't tell!"

IOW, these cretins know the messed up huge and all they can do now is beg us not to retaliate. Oh. We will. But it won't be riots. Because we're not Leftists.
You're the bullies in this fantasy.
This is a declaration by the WH that what the DOJ & FBI just did was a massive screw up.

Instead of explaining why the raid went down they ask Americans not to protest / revolt over the unprecedented, historic, unwarranted abuse of power.
They want us to remain calm and accept their abuse of power.. These bastards need to be taken behind the woodshed and dealt with.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The big terrorism in this country was the BLM assholes spending six months burning, looting, murdering and destroying 200 American cities while you Leftest shitheads were showing solidarity with the Insurrectionists.
-Can you cite the 200 American cities that were destroyed?
-Also destroyed American cities would be a state matter. Where are the Red states in prosecuting to avenge their destroyed cities?
The primary threat is some lib mouthing off to the wrong Trump Supporter.
If they try to arrest Trump....that's when the violence will start.
Most of us are so angry right now that Democrats are not safe in our cities anymore.
It'll be like an Eagles game. but the kitchen sink.
Well, liberals DID start the American Revolution.
The American Revolution was initiated by people who were deliberate in thought and felt revulsion over excessive taxation, proving once again that you are the dumbest poster here.
-Can you cite the 200 American cities that were destroyed?
-Also destroyed American cities would be a state matter. Where are the Red states in prosecuting to avenge their destroyed cities?
Imma gonna go waaaay out on a limb here and suggest that you are taking some hyperbole a bit too literally.

Yes. I agree that it is hyperbole and that no cities were burned down. But I suggest that it is nevertheless true that the numerous riots in many cities were a far cry from being “mostly peaceful.”

The next mostly peaceful arsons should provide free marshmallows, at least.

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