Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

Ten year old trash talk. Like no one ever does it or did it in their entire lives.

uh-huh...whilst only a few months into their marriage with a pregnant wife?

I suppose after a third marriage & after a history of cheating whilst married & trying to get a woman to break HER vows with him is just par for the course for that orangutan.
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Let's not hear any more crying about Bill Clinton, who btw, newsflash! is not running for president.
and you had no problem with him being president you fucking hypocrite

Actually, when he was president, I was one of you right wingers who screamed "Impeach Clinton".

Then Dubya Bush came along and showed us just how badly things can get fucked up if you let the Republicans have all the levers of power.
If it was JUST talk most people could probably brush it off. But Trump is describing things he DOES. Actions, not just words.

So if I told you I conned somebody out of 20 grand by selling them a bridge, would you believe I actually did it?

Most all of the liberals here on USMB are either wealthy, work from home or have their own business. Yeah, I believe that too. Actually, I'm one of the few blue collar workers on USMB according to most here.

And of course, these wealthy liberal business owners come here supporting Democrat politicians that want to tax their business more, take more of their personal income, or make it more difficult to run their so-called business. How could anybody not believe that????
Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)
Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005
The tape obtained by the Post includes audio of Bush and Trump’s conversation inside the bus, as well as audio and video once they emerge from it to begin shooting the segment.

In that audio, Trump discusses a failed attempt to seduce a woman, whose full name is not given in the video.

“I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it,” Trump is heard saying. It was unclear when the events he was describing took place. The tape was recorded several months after he married his third wife, Melania.

“Whoa,” another voice said.

“I did try and f--- her. She was married,” Trump says.

Trump continues: “And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’”

“I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married,” Trump says. “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.”

At that point in the audio, Trump and Bush appear to notice Arianne Zucker, the actress who is waiting to escort them into the soap opera set.

“Your girl’s hot as s---, in the purple,” says Bush, who’s now a co-host of NBC’s “Today” show.

“Whoa!” Trump says. “Whoa!”

“I’ve gotta use some tic tacs, just in case I start kissing her,” Trump says.“You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful -- I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”

“And when you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

“Whatever you want,” says another voice, apparently Bush’s.

“Grab them by the p---y,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

Wow, is all I will say!
You need a safe space from guys talking like guys???? Grow a pair you pussy.
no...most guys do not talk about it being ok to grab women without their consent. most men in business do not harass the women in their employ by saying to the men around the table "you'd f**k her, wouldn't you? i'd f**k her".

you know what the problem is with that video, harry? it's EXACTLY who we knew donald is. he's a pig. And the minute he tries to talk about bill cltinon, he's done.... if he's not done already...

and before you say "monica".... monica never complained about their relationship and *he* never humiliated her.... that was the work of her "friend" linda tripp and her puppet master lucianne goldberg. and a "man" who cheated on all three of his wives and thinks you should walk up and grab women by the p***y has no business even mentioning it.

Sorry to disappoint you, but yes, many men talk this way. They never do it in front of other women of course, but because you've never seen or heard it, it must not happen. Typical liberal.

I think Hil-Liar will not bring this up tomorrow because it would prompt Trump to bring up her husband and her partnership with him. If she does bring this up, it would be the stupidest thing she could do. Trump (years ago) talked about a couple of women. Hil-Liar (recently) insulted millions and millions of voters.

really? m'k..... it certainly shows what a lack of respect he has to his own newlywed pregnant 3rd wife while he was playing alpha male to the little sausage fest inside that bus.
I thought you lefties would find that admirable....I mean you admire the sexual predator rapist Bubba Clinton.

Why not Trump too?

You forgot to call Trump a...whats the word? Ahh yes, Sexual Predator
Okay...but again you LOVE Bubba, the most notorious sexual predator living today. Why not Trump too?

IDK...why don't you love Bill then?
Not logical.

I was not a member of the foolish group that ignored, diminished, criticized, and silenced anyone who pointed out Bill's criminal behavior, but you were.

I don't suppose you know what hypocrisy means.

Those with the phony and artificial indignation Over what Trump said 11 years ago (Kelly Ayotte, Paul Ryan, Reince Rebus, Robert De Niro etc) should visualize a Clinton presidency and the next three Supreme court justices if Hillary wins. They should also remember that anything Trump SAID, the husband of the enabler bitch DID, and then some to this very day.
They should remember that the bitch will let the serial woman abuser, rapist run the country as he always did ran women.

On the other hand, Hillary is liable to ditch Bill forever, since, if she is President, Bill has obviously outlived his usefulness..

Bill isn't running for President. Trump is. No matter how hard you try and polish the turd that is Trump's presidential run, you can't get around that.

This is the man you want to lead our country. One that says that 'when you're a star you can grab them by the pussy'. This man so perfectly epitomizes the GOP its stunning. This is what true GOP 'family values' are.

No thank you.
Guy, you spent 70 million dollars going through the Clintons' underwear drawers and came up with nothing..

Like Eric Holder, Julian Castro, Harry Reid, the 'mastermind' behind the Benghazi attack, Barry & Hillary's Syrian arms dealer, the Taliban 5, most of the terrorists from Gitmo, and many violent illegals in the US - THE ONLY REASON HILLARY IS NOT IN JAIL RIGHT NOW IS BECAUSE OF BARAK HUSSEIN OBAMA AND HIS MOST CRIMINAL ADMINISTRATION IN US HISTORY!
Those with the phony and artificial indignation Over what Trump said 11 years ago (Kelly Ayotte, Paul Ryan, Reince Rebus, Robert De Niro etc) should visualize a Clinton presidency and the next three Supreme court justices if Hillary wins. They should also remember that anything Trump SAID, the husband of the enabler bitch DID, and then some to this very day.
They should remember that the bitch will let the serial woman abuser, rapist run the country as he always did ran women.

On the other hand, Hillary is liable to ditch Bill forever, since, if she is President, Bill has obviously outlived his usefulness..

Guy, you spent 70 million dollars going through the Clintons' underwear drawers and came up with nothing.

You all supported this mutant, this buffoon, this Nazi... don't go whining about the consequences.

Trump is going to be an albratross around the neck of the GOP for about a generation. The enormous Docalax/Nacho Bell Grande shit he's taking on the GOP brand, shredding their nonsense 'family values' platform, undoing a decades worth of minority outreach, changing the GOP platform to match Trump's sycophantic obsession with pleasing Putin, basing a presidential run on mindless conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory....

....the consequence is going to be the consensus among the rest of the general electorate that the folks that nominated this stupid fuck shouldn't be allowed to make any important decisions.

Its a bonfire of GOP credibility.
Guy, you spent 70 million dollars going through the Clintons' underwear drawers and came up with nothing..

Like Eric Holder, Julian Castro, Harry Reid, the 'mastermind' behind the Benghazi attack, Barry & Hillary's Syrian arms dealer, the Taliban 5, most of the terrorists from Gitmo, and many violent illegals in the US - THE ONLY REASON HILLARY IS NOT IN JAIL RIGHT NOW IS BECAUSE OF BARAK HUSSEIN OBAMA AND HIS MOST CRIMINAL ADMINISTRATION IN US HISTORY!

You know that switching to all caps doesn't make that deranged and steaming pile of conspiracy batshit any less batshit, right?

Though you demonstrate elegantly why your ilk are losing this election.
He was a newlywed at the time to Melania. Sick piece of shit!

no he was not...
He married melania January 2005, this lewd talk tape was in 2005 AFTER he was married.

He started living with melania in 1998, engaged in 2001 to her, married2005, January.

It appears its even worse. The woman that Trump tried to 'fuck' appears to have became his professional target after rejecting his advances. As he tried to have her fired from one of his pageants in 2007.
Bill isn't running for President. Trump is. No matter how hard you try and polish the turd that is Trump's presidential run, you can't get around that.

This is the man you want to lead our country. One that says that 'when you're a star you can grab them by the pussy'. This man so perfectly epitomizes the GOP its stunning. This is what true GOP 'family values' are.

No thank you.

So how many people actually consider family values as the sole reason to vote for somebody?

This is wishful thinking on your part. People are upset with these foreigners. They are upset about them coming here and working for nothing thus lowering our wages. We are upset because they are turning this country bilingual. They are upset by the countless terrorist attacks we've suffered under DumBama and nobody is doing anything about it.

But you go ahead and vote for a woman that is so sleazy she lied to you, the US Congress, and the entire country because Donald "SAID" he grabbed some woman.

The rest of us will vote on issues that actually concern this country like the Supreme Court nominations.
He was a newlywed at the time to Melania. Sick piece of shit!

no he was not...
He married melania January 2005, this lewd talk tape was in 2005 AFTER he was married.

He started living with melania in 1998, engaged in 2001 to her, married2005, January.

It appears its even worse. The woman that Trump tried to 'fuck' appears to have became his professional target after rejecting his advances. As he tried to have her fired from one of his pageants in 2007.
A guy wanted to "fuck" a woman???? Unpossible!!!!
Bill isn't running for President. Trump is. No matter how hard you try and polish the turd that is Trump's presidential run, you can't get around that.

This is the man you want to lead our country. One that says that 'when you're a star you can grab them by the pussy'. This man so perfectly epitomizes the GOP its stunning. This is what true GOP 'family values' are.

No thank you.

So how many people actually consider family values as the sole reason to vote for somebody?

For some, sure. For others it will be his call for the US military to commit war crimes. For others, his laziness and lack of preparation. For others his misogyny. For others his racism. For others his Birther idiocy. For others his absurd delusions that he 'knows more about ISIS than the generals do'. For others his lack of temperament for the job. For others his 3 AM twitter rants. For others his tax policy that will add trillions to the national debt. For others his ludicriously poor communication skills. For others his refusal to release tax returns. For others his sycophantic obsession with being in Putin's good graces'. For others his mindless conspiracy theories. And on, and on, and on.

That's the beauty of Trump: He almost personalizes for each voter his evidence that he's a disgusting human being and utterly unfit to be president.

Which might explain why he's so obviously losing the election.
News Flash:

Donald John Trump is a sexiest pig like most Americans!
News Flash: not Hillary. And not even close to most Americans.
She calls her Secret Service "Fucking Pigs." I find that more disgusting. They are trying to protect her.

Billy boy walks the talk where for all we know Trump just talks.

You know very well Trump does as he has stated in the past, so let cut the nonsense for once!
Interesting. Here we have a thread trashing Trump for the things he said about women, but here we also have Miss Esmaralda calling Trump's wife "a sleaze".

Another irony happens to be that many of the liberals on this thread espouse a woman's right to "do what she wants with her body". So how come it was wrong for Melania to use her body in that manner? I mean, women's rights, ya know? Power to the matriarchy!!

How pathetic.

You guys reek of double standards and hypocrisy tonight.

QUOTE THE SLEAZE part for me.

Easily obliged.

Fashion model. LMAO She did soft core porn. She's a sleaze.

Suddenly she's a "sleaze", however, I thought according to the hallowed liberal women's rights platform that women were/are supposed to be allowed to do what they wanted with their bodies, am I wrong? Isn't that the assertion you make when defending a woman's "right to choose"?

This is NOT what a fashion model does. 'Fashion' refers to clothing: she isn't wearing any. It's pornograpy. How many of you men would like your wife, sister, mother or daughter to do this kind of thing? Few I think. You'd have to say you would be more than fine with your loved ones doing this, or adimit you realize it is porn. Men jerk off looking at this kind of picture. It's porn.,

maybe I missed it because it wasnt there ...

Are you sure you want people knowing about your expertise on pornography? Creep.

All jokes aside, the only thing you missed was the point. In 2000 and 2002 she posed nude for a French men's magazine and GQ. This was well before she even met Trump. You defend the honor of women but resort to labeling them at the same time. Posing nude twice for two magazines hardly qualifies as a porn career.

But now she's a sleaze for doing it. Would she be if her husband happened to be the Democratic nominee? Can you answer that for me?
Where do you get this from? He started dating melania in 1998 when he was still married to marla, got engaged in 2001, married Jan of 2005.

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