Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

He was a newlywed at the time to Melania. Sick piece of shit!

no he was not...
He married melania January 2005, this lewd talk tape was in 2005 AFTER he was married.

He started living with melania in 1998, engaged in 2001 to her, married2005, January.

It appears its even worse. The woman that Trump tried to 'fuck' appears to have became his professional target after rejecting his advances. As he tried to have her fired from one of his pageants in 2007.
A guy wanted to "fuck" a woman???? Unpossible!!!!
Not 'wanted to'. Tried to. And a married woman at that. One he later tried to retaliate against professionally after she had refused his advances. With Trump insisting that because he's a 'star' he can do anything he wants to women. Even grab them by the pussy.

But keep trying to polish that turd at 3000 rpm. All you're doing is demonstrating yet again why your ilk really shouldn't be allowed to make any important decisions anymore.
I wonder how big a diamond will tribbles be buying Melanie to make up for this little faux pas?
For some, sure. For others it will be his call for the US military to commit war crimes. For others, his laziness and lack of preparation. For others his misogyny. For others his racism. For others his Birther idiocy. For others his absurd delusions that he 'knows more about ISIS than the generals do'. For others his lack of temperament for the job. For others his 3 AM twitter rants. For others his tax policy that will add trillions to the national debt. For others his ludicriously poor communication skills. For others his refusal to release tax returns. For others his sycophantic obsession with being in Putin's good graces'. For others his mindless conspiracy theories. And on, and on, and on.

That's the beauty of Trump: He almost personalizes for each voter his evidence that he's a disgusting human being and utterly unfit to be president.

Which might explain why he's so obviously losing the election.

He's not losing anything just yet.

See if you could answer this question honestly: A person gets hired by a company for a job. They provide this person with cell phones to do the job which they accepted. The company suspects the employee of causing great harm to the company, so they demand to confiscate those cell phones to see what's going on.

The employee responds by smashing those company cell phones with a hammer.

The question: should this employee be fired and thrown out of their job, or should they be promoted to a top company official?
He was a newlywed at the time to Melania. Sick piece of shit!

no he was not...
He married melania January 2005, this lewd talk tape was in 2005 AFTER he was married.

He started living with melania in 1998, engaged in 2001 to her, married2005, January.

It appears its even worse. The woman that Trump tried to 'fuck' appears to have became his professional target after rejecting his advances. As he tried to have her fired from one of his pageants in 2007.
A guy wanted to "fuck" a woman???? Unpossible!!!!
Not 'wanted to'. Tried to. And a married woman at that. One he later tried to retaliate against professionally after she had refused his advances. With Trump insisting that because he's a 'star' he can do anything he wants to women. Even grab them by the pussy.

But keep trying to polish that turd at 3000 rpm. All you're doing is demonstrating yet again why your ilk really shouldn't be allowed to make any important decisions anymore.
A married man straying from his spouse? How can this be? I have no desire to polish Bill Clinton. He and everyone that supports the Clintons are turds.
For some, sure. For others it will be his call for the US military to commit war crimes. For others, his laziness and lack of preparation. For others his misogyny. For others his racism. For others his Birther idiocy. For others his absurd delusions that he 'knows more about ISIS than the generals do'. For others his lack of temperament for the job. For others his 3 AM twitter rants. For others his tax policy that will add trillions to the national debt. For others his ludicriously poor communication skills. For others his refusal to release tax returns. For others his sycophantic obsession with being in Putin's good graces'. For others his mindless conspiracy theories. And on, and on, and on.

That's the beauty of Trump: He almost personalizes for each voter his evidence that he's a disgusting human being and utterly unfit to be president.

Which might explain why he's so obviously losing the election.

He's not losing anything just yet.

His campaign in in free fall. Members of his *own party* are dog piling on the shit show that is the Trump presidential run. He's pulling ad buys from key swing states including Ohio, Florida and North Carolina.....all must wins for Trump. Demonstrating either an acknowledgement that he can't win or that he's running out of money. He was just revealed to likely have paid no taxes for 18 years. And still refuses to release his tax returns.

He has the highest disapproval rate of any candidate in US history. And he's essentially out of independent and undecided voters to sway to his side. And the evangelicals that he's desperate to bring to the polls want little to do with him.

And that was BEFORE he became Mr. 'Grab them by the pussy'.

You can try and ignore his plummeting poll numbers, disastrous debate response, loathing of the man by the electorate, and outrage in his own party. But willful ignorance isn't going to change the outcome of this election.
no he was not...
He married melania January 2005, this lewd talk tape was in 2005 AFTER he was married.

He started living with melania in 1998, engaged in 2001 to her, married2005, January.

It appears its even worse. The woman that Trump tried to 'fuck' appears to have became his professional target after rejecting his advances. As he tried to have her fired from one of his pageants in 2007.
A guy wanted to "fuck" a woman???? Unpossible!!!!
Not 'wanted to'. Tried to. And a married woman at that. One he later tried to retaliate against professionally after she had refused his advances. With Trump insisting that because he's a 'star' he can do anything he wants to women. Even grab them by the pussy.

But keep trying to polish that turd at 3000 rpm. All you're doing is demonstrating yet again why your ilk really shouldn't be allowed to make any important decisions anymore.
A married man straying from his spouse? How can this be? I have no desire to polish Bill Clinton. He and everyone that supports the Clintons are turds.
Bill isn't running for president.

It sounds like you are contemptuous of marriage, and people who choose to stay married in spite of marital infidelity.
no he was not...
He married melania January 2005, this lewd talk tape was in 2005 AFTER he was married.

He started living with melania in 1998, engaged in 2001 to her, married2005, January.

It appears its even worse. The woman that Trump tried to 'fuck' appears to have became his professional target after rejecting his advances. As he tried to have her fired from one of his pageants in 2007.
A guy wanted to "fuck" a woman???? Unpossible!!!!
Not 'wanted to'. Tried to. And a married woman at that. One he later tried to retaliate against professionally after she had refused his advances. With Trump insisting that because he's a 'star' he can do anything he wants to women. Even grab them by the pussy.

But keep trying to polish that turd at 3000 rpm. All you're doing is demonstrating yet again why your ilk really shouldn't be allowed to make any important decisions anymore.
A married man straying from his spouse? How can this be? I have no desire to polish Bill Clinton. He and everyone that supports the Clintons are turds.

Bill isn't running for President. Trump is. And yet as is so typical of the party of 'personal responsibility', your ilk try to blame someone *else* for the shitty behavior in your own party. Trump is responsible for his own actions. And he's exploded the GOP myth of being the 'family values' party.

As he perfectly represents what the GOP actually believes and actually values.

"If you're a star you can do anything you want to women' may be GOP dogma. But its dangerously loathsome with everyone else. And its the rest of us that you are trying to convince to vote for your orange piece of shit.

No thank you.
Interesting. Here we have a thread trashing Trump for the things he said about women, but here we also have Miss Esmaralda calling Trump's wife "a sleaze".

Another irony happens to be that many of the liberals on this thread espouse a woman's right to "do what she wants with her body". So how come it was wrong for Melania to use her body in that manner? I mean, women's rights, ya know? Power to the matriarchy!!

How pathetic.

You guys reek of double standards and hypocrisy tonight.

QUOTE THE SLEAZE part for me.

Easily obliged.

Fashion model. LMAO She did soft core porn. She's a sleaze.

Suddenly she's a "sleaze", however, I thought according to the hallowed liberal women's rights platform that women were/are supposed to be allowed to do what they wanted with their bodies, am I wrong? Isn't that the assertion you make when defending a woman's "right to choose"?

This is NOT what a fashion model does. 'Fashion' refers to clothing: she isn't wearing any. It's pornograpy. How many of you men would like your wife, sister, mother or daughter to do this kind of thing? Few I think. You'd have to say you would be more than fine with your loved ones doing this, or adimit you realize it is porn. Men jerk off looking at this kind of picture. It's porn.,

maybe I missed it because it wasnt there ...

Are you sure you want people knowing about your expertise on pornography? Creep.

All jokes aside, the only thing you missed was the point. In 2000 and 2002 she posed nude for a French men's magazine and GQ. This was well before she even met Trump. You defend the honor of women but resort to labeling them at the same time. Posing nude twice for two magazines hardly qualifies as a porn career.

But now she's a sleaze for doing it. Would she be if her husband happened to be the Democratic nominee? Can you answer that for me?
Where do you get this from? He started dating melania in 1998 when he was still married to marla, got engaged in 2001, married Jan of 2005.
But Bill didn't bother you?

Bill isn't running for President. Trump is.
I understand you can't handle your hypocrisy so you want to limit the conversation to what you dictate. Unfortunately you have no power or authority over me so I will point out your hypocrisy and stupidity for thinking you could pull it off.
Bill is absolutely running for president, he's out on the campaign trail and Hillary has said he will be an important part of her administration. Let alone Hillary attacking the women Bill victimized. Its a strange world, Trump used some foul language ALARM Bill actually sexually abuses women plural and its crickets.
..."pussy" ??? he actually said "pussy" ?? I have heard lots of vulgar crap----from all sorts of people-----the inebriated, the nuts on speed, psychotic and inmates of the prison ward for the insane-----but "pussy"??
You have obviously never hung around a mens' locker room or a car full of guys cruising down Main Street on a Saturday night or an all-male military unit...

well-----I have, almost, sorta------I did not hear the specific word "pussy"----
the sailors used-------other words
Generally speaking, young men have just such a mentality and use just such language, amongst themselves, as surely as the sun rises in the east.

Generally speaking, men hold onto both the mentality and the language throughout their early adult years, mellowing a bit as the years begin to pass.

Generally speaking, men hold onto the mentality well into middle age, although the language tends to disappear in favor of more congenial substitutes.

Generally speaking, old men look back fondly on the mentality, and, although most cringe a bit at the memory of the language, the memory still invokes a wink and a grin.

Any man claiming differently - plus or minus a bit as variations on the theme or variations of degree - is either a Saint or a Liar or a Fruit-Loop.

It's the way the species is hard-wired.

Civilized behavior is a very thin veneer, indeed.
Where are the leftists? WHERE IS YOUR PUBLIC MELTDOWN?
It's not the same context and you know that. Trump was discussing on trying to sleep with married women (while being recently wed) and telling people that with fame you can do anything; even just grab a girl by her genitalia. It's not the same context.

And don't call me a liberal just because you're mad. I'm pro traditional marriage, believe in Jesus Christ, believe in gender being something set before coming to this life

I've had worse discussions with girlfriends at a sex toy party by far.. Give it a rest.. NO ONE, and I mean no one but you liberals buy your load of crap and lies.

OBAMA USED THE P WORD and took God's name in vain.. WHERE'S THE MELTDOWN?
Another false equivalency! Trump's admission to another of what he attempted and DID and his attitude of and total disrespect toward women WHILE BEING A MARRIED MAN is far from comparing Obama reading words from a book! Actions speak volumes, shit for brains. You fucking Trump apologists are going to be singing a different tune about that narcissistic piece of shit when Trump is going to be watching the next President being sworn in on TV this January whether it's going to be Clinton, Mike Pence or Paul Ryan!
Listening to someone who vote for Slick Willy the rapist twice wax sanctimonious about Trump making a lewd comment about women is the ultimate irony. There is no bar so low that you won't slither under it.
Shut the fuck up you petulant damn child...your fucking crystal ball is broken and your assumptions are fucked, too, you Gawd Damn TROLL!!
Bill isn't running for President. Trump is. No matter how hard you try and polish the turd that is Trump's presidential run, you can't get around that.

This is the man you want to lead our country. One that says that 'when you're a star you can grab them by the pussy'. This man so perfectly epitomizes the GOP its stunning. This is what true GOP 'family values' are.

No thank you.

So how many people actually consider family values as the sole reason to vote for somebody?

This is wishful thinking on your part. People are upset with these foreigners. They are upset about them coming here and working for nothing thus lowering our wages. We are upset because they are turning this country bilingual. They are upset by the countless terrorist attacks we've suffered under DumBama and nobody is doing anything about it.

But you go ahead and vote for a woman that is so sleazy she lied to you, the US Congress, and the entire country because Donald "SAID" he grabbed some woman.

The rest of us will vote on issues that actually concern this country like the Supreme Court nominations.

Women are going to enter the voting booth and think......This is the same type of jerk I have dealt with my whole life
Bill isn't running for President. Trump is.
I understand you can't handle your hypocrisy so you want to limit the conversation to what you dictate. Unfortunately you have no power or authority over me so I will point out your hypocrisy and stupidity for thinking you could pull it off.

Laughing......'power over you'? Dude, what kind of helpless personal baggage are you trying to work out?

It doesn't matter what you ignore. It matters what you can convince the *rest of us* to ignore.

And that's where you fail. You keep pretending that if you ignore Trump's loathsome behavior, his racism, his insane conspiracy idiocy, his call for war crimes, his urging of followers to check out sex tapes, his sycophantic obsession with Putin, his refusal to take responsibility for his own campaign, his unhinged 3am twitter rants, his absolute unsuitability to be POTUS.....

.......but you can't make the American electorate ignore it. That's why Trump is losing and should lose.

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