Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

His campaign in in free fall. Members of his *own party* are dog piling on the shit show that is the Trump presidential run. He's pulling ad buys from key swing states including Ohio, Florida and North Carolina.....all must wins for Trump. Demonstrating either an acknowledgement that he can't win or that he's running out of money. He was just revealed to likely have paid no taxes for 18 years. And still refuses to release his tax returns.

He has the highest disapproval rate of any candidate in US history. And he's essentially out of independent and undecided voters to sway to his side. And the evangelicals that he's desperate to bring to the polls want little to do with him.

And that was BEFORE he became Mr. 'Grab them by the pussy'.

You can try and ignore his plummeting poll numbers, disastrous debate response, loathing of the man by the electorate, and outrage in his own party. But willful ignorance isn't going to change the outcome of this election.

Plummeting poll numbers? A few points is plummeting to you? What a dreamer.

And I see you cut out my question. Good move, because of course you have no honest answer for it.

Get ready for a collapse. If you think his not paying taxes and Miss Piggy comments hurt him......wait till Sunday's debate over his recent comments
He most definitely is. The GOP now owns Trump's misogyny, Trump's racism, Trump's birther idiocy, Trump's wild conspiracy theories, Trump's insistence that 'when you're a star you can do anything you want to women'. Trump's call for the US military to commit war crimes.

These are the true values of the GOP. This is what they mean by 'family values.'

Alas, GOP values aren't necessarily American values. Which is why The Donald is having his ass handed to him by Hillary Clinton.

So I guess you define family values as being a monk. Sorry, that's not what is meant by the right when we talk about family values. Getting together with a bunch of guys and doing the trash talk thing is not violating any family values you imagine for yourself.
Is breaking up a family with young children so that you can chase a younger woman family values?
Get ready for a collapse. If you think his not paying taxes and Miss Piggy comments hurt him......wait till Sunday's debate over his recent comments

The hag is not even going to bring it up. Trump would be quick to point out that talk is cheap and actions are stronger than words; actions like her husband sleeping with a girl around the age of his own daughter.

If Hil-Liar brings up this idiotic tape, she will get a pounding like she never got before--and it won't matter if her millionaire daughter is right in front of him.
Coffman: Trump Should ‘Step Aside’ And ‘Do The Right Thing’
Source: CBS Denver

Republican Rep. Mike Coffman has broken from his party’s ranks and has said that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump should “step aside.”

Coffman released this statement on Friday evening: “For the good of the country, and to give the Republicans a chance of defeating Hillary Clinton, Mr. Trump should step aside. His defeat at this point seems almost certain. And four years of Hillary Clinton is not what is best for this country. Mr. Trump should put the country first and do the right thing.”

This comes hours after audio of Trump making lewd comments about women made headlines.

Read more: Coffman: 'Trump Should Step Aside'

Grade A Radio ‏@gradearadio 7h7 hours ago
@RepMikeCoffman <== a worm that will take your money and drift off of your supporters, but will stab you in back without remorse #TrumpTapes

Alpha Omega ‏@alphaomega80537 9h9 hours ago
@RepMikeCoffman - I'm looking forward to you losing your seat on 11/8. You're as fucked up as the average Democrat. #NeverEstablishment!
Here is the real problem - outside of Trump's words about women.

Here was Trump, knowing how he has treated women & cheated on his wives, bringing Bill Clinton's affairs into the campaign. This sent Democrat supporters searching for Trump's history with women & bringing his affairs & ill-treatment of women into the campaign.

It goes to Trump's stupidity. Added to by his apology "Bill made me do it".
When did he say Bill made him do it? If you think Dims haven't been sniffing around his ass all along you are dumber than I thought. They've probably had the tape for a while now and use the left wing media to time it strategically. Hillary's Wall Street speeches have just been leaked and they need to put Trump on the defensive to try to keep the heat off.

Bill has treated women far worse but the left doesn't care so that's all we need to know.
When he apologized & went after Bill Clinton. What was the relevance to his apology? Bill did it so its OK I did it?

Why would Democrats bring up the subject of infidelity with Bill Clinton in the news? Are you claiming they are as stupid as Trump?

Trump brought up the subject & now he gets what he deserves.
Is breaking up a family with young children so that you can chase a younger woman family values?

So when did Trump brag about family values before? Let me remind you that Trump is neither Tea Party or Establishment. That's why he's so disliked in his own party.
Here is the real problem - outside of Trump's words about women.

Here was Trump, knowing how he has treated women & cheated on his wives, bringing Bill Clinton's affairs into the campaign. This sent Democrat supporters searching for Trump's history with women & bringing his affairs & ill-treatment of women into the campaign.

It goes to Trump's stupidity. Added to by his apology "Bill made me do it".
When did he say Bill made him do it? If you think Dims haven't been sniffing around his ass all along you are dumber than I thought. They've probably had the tape for a while now and use the left wing media to time it strategically. Hillary's Wall Street speeches have just been leaked and they need to put Trump on the defensive to try to keep the heat off.

Bill has treated women far worse but the left doesn't care so that's all we need to know.
When he apologized & went after Bill Clinton. What was the relevance to his apology? Bill did it so its OK I did it?

Why would Democrats bring up the subject of infidelity with Bill Clinton in the news? Are you claiming they are as stupid as Trump?

Trump brought up the subject & now he gets what he deserves.
Pointing out hypocrisy isn't saying it's OK, it's just pointing out intellectual dishonesty. The fact that the left has to try to defend Bill Clinton in order to smear Trump with marriage infidelity is funny as hell.
I happened to catch "Mr Smith Goes to Washington" a few nights back and while I'm not saying for a second that Donald Trump is a modern day Jeff Smith...the way that the Taylor political machine operated in that movie seemed an awful lot like how the Clinton machine operates now! Just saying...

Odd, I don't remember 'Jeff Smith' alluding to the size of his dick in a nationally televised debate, encouraging all of his supporters to check out a sex tape, or insist that since he's a star he can get away with grabbing women by the pussy.

Just sayin'.

Gee Skylar...what do you think the private conversations of the Kennedy's were like when they were talking about women? But you'd vote for them...wouldn't you? Think Bill Clinton didn't use exactly that kind of locker room talk when he was sending his Arkansas State Police bodyguards out to pick him up some woman he thought was hot? Nah, Bill would never do something like THAT!

There wasn't anything particularly private about Trump's 3 am twitter rant calling on his supporters to check out a sex tape. Or alluding to the size of his dick on a nationally televised debate.

You can try the furious turd polishing on this latest Trump Dump, but you're only trading credibility for a lot of wasted effort. Trump is no Jeff Smith.
How many dicks have you had up your ass? It's a hoot watching a queer express disdain for sexual impropriety.
Here is the real problem - outside of Trump's words about women.

Here was Trump, knowing how he has treated women & cheated on his wives, bringing Bill Clinton's affairs into the campaign. This sent Democrat supporters searching for Trump's history with women & bringing his affairs & ill-treatment of women into the campaign.

It goes to Trump's stupidity. Added to by his apology "Bill made me do it".
When did he say Bill made him do it? If you think Dims haven't been sniffing around his ass all along you are dumber than I thought. They've probably had the tape for a while now and use the left wing media to time it strategically. Hillary's Wall Street speeches have just been leaked and they need to put Trump on the defensive to try to keep the heat off.

Bill has treated women far worse but the left doesn't care so that's all we need to know.
When he apologized & went after Bill Clinton. What was the relevance to his apology? Bill did it so its OK I did it?

Why would Democrats bring up the subject of infidelity with Bill Clinton in the news? Are you claiming they are as stupid as Trump?

Trump brought up the subject & now he gets what he deserves.
I asked you to support your statement that he said Bill made him do it, and you couldn't. That means you lied.
Hey! News Alert! Bill Clinton IS NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT

But his "wife" is.

Shut it.

Funny how you value the fidelity of marriage until it comes to the person you're voting for. Hillary is just as guilty as Bill is. She stood by and let it happen. Neither one has apologized for it.

I don't condone Trump's comments, but Trump had the guts to apologize to the American people for it. On the same day.
Sticking by your partner, despite infedilties is, in fact, the Christian thing to do: 'till death do you part. She did the right thing. She has nothing to apologize for. She has been a faithful wife. She is not in the wrong because she stayed in her marriage.

She didn't do it out of faith, dumbass. She did it because the only thing she cares about is her political ambition. The way you douche bags twist yourself into knots defending Hillary is hilarious.
what about melania, she's had to have known about Donald cheating on her with these younger women that he forces himself on....yet she still stayed with him....? Is Melania an enabler of Donald's predatory actions?
You seem to have forgiven Bill for his marital transgressions, how come you don't posses that same forgiving attitude for Trump?

Might it because you're a stark raving hypocrite? You focus on Trump's marital affairs yet ignore Clinton's. Both of the Clintons have a total disregard for the sanctity of marriage and yet you're focused on something Trump said. Said. Not what he's done, SAID.

What a load of crap. If marriage means that much to you, you should be just as equally upset with Bill and Hillary! You're condemning deplorable behavior from one while permitting it from the other.

Don't bother me with your double standards. People like you seriously piss me off.
Hey! News Alert! Bill Clinton IS NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT.

As well, all the allegations, and that is all they were, happened 20 some years ago. Give it up. Clinton is not running for office.

And, if we want to look at sleaziness in partners of those running, how about Trump's sleazy wife who did soft porn photoshoots and married a man 30 years her senior for his money?

Haven't you heard, Esmeralda? The Clinton's have always been a "two for one" deal! Hillary has already stated that she wants Bill to handle the economy for her.

Trump's wife was a fashion model. Their photo shoots aren't porn. If you don't know the difference between the two then you're showing either that you're wearing blinders or you're not that bright!
Fashion model. LMAO She did soft core porn. She's a sleaze.
This is NOT what a fashion model does. 'Fashion' refers to clothing: she isn't wearing any. It's pornograpy. How many of you men would like your wife, sister, mother or daughter to do this kind of thing? Few I think. You'd have to say you would be more than fine with your loved ones doing this, or adimit you realize it is porn. Men jerk off looking at this kind of picture. It's porn.,


Yes, actually, that is what fashion models do. Almost every famous model has such cheesecake photos. They publish this stuff in magazines like Vogue that are available in grocery stores where kids can read them.
Guy, you spent 70 million dollars going through the Clintons' underwear drawers and came up with nothing..

Like Eric Holder, Julian Castro, Harry Reid, the 'mastermind' behind the Benghazi attack, Barry & Hillary's Syrian arms dealer, the Taliban 5, most of the terrorists from Gitmo, and many violent illegals in the US - THE ONLY REASON HILLARY IS NOT IN JAIL RIGHT NOW IS BECAUSE OF BARAK HUSSEIN OBAMA AND HIS MOST CRIMINAL ADMINISTRATION IN US HISTORY!

Guy, go back and read what I said. I was talking specifically about Ken Starr's 70 million dollar panty raid. you've also had Comey's 20 Million dollar investigation into her emails and the 7 million dollars spent on Benghazi.

So the Republican Prosperity plan is to spend lots and lots of money investigating the Clintons, right?
Oh right, an $850,000 settlement say at least one wasn't unfounded. He diddled Monica with a cigar, and DNA or her dress proves that wasn't unfounded either.
Bill isn't running for president.
His accomplice in crime is running.
He wasn't convicted of a crime. And no she was not an accomplice. That is mind numbingly sexist and anti marriage.
"He wasn't convicted" is an endorsement for Democrat politicians.
Interesting. Here we have a thread trashing Trump for the things he said about women, but here we also have Miss Esmaralda calling Trump's wife "a sleaze".

Another irony happens to be that many of the liberals on this thread espouse a woman's right to "do what she wants with her body". So how come it was wrong for Melania to use her body in that manner? I mean, women's rights, ya know? Power to the matriarchy!!

How pathetic.

You guys reek of double standards and hypocrisy tonight.

QUOTE THE SLEAZE part for me.

Easily obliged.

Fashion model. LMAO She did soft core porn. She's a sleaze.

Suddenly she's a "sleaze", however, I thought according to the hallowed liberal women's rights platform that women were/are supposed to be allowed to do what they wanted with their bodies, am I wrong? Isn't that the assertion you make when defending a woman's "right to choose"?

This is NOT what a fashion model does. 'Fashion' refers to clothing: she isn't wearing any. It's pornograpy. How many of you men would like your wife, sister, mother or daughter to do this kind of thing? Few I think. You'd have to say you would be more than fine with your loved ones doing this, or adimit you realize it is porn. Men jerk off looking at this kind of picture. It's porn.,

maybe I missed it because it wasnt there ...

Are you sure you want people knowing about your expertise on pornography? Creep.

All jokes aside, the only thing you missed was the point. In 2000 and 2002 she posed nude for a French men's magazine and GQ. This was well before she even met Trump. You defend the honor of women but resort to labeling them at the same time. Posing nude twice for two magazines hardly qualifies as a porn career.

But now she's a sleaze for doing it. Would she be if her husband happened to be the Democratic nominee? Can you answer that for me?
Any woman who poses for pictures like that is not doing it for the honor of women but just the opposite. It doesn't matter what party she is: this is not someone who should represent the US as first lady. She has no dignity.

Oh puhleeze. Since when did Dims care about "dignity?" Was that after Bill put his cigar up Monica's pussy in the Oval Office?

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