Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

Looks like Trump will stay in. That commie pinko socialist Ryan has pulled out of an event in disgust. Pence is on suicide watch for having been a part of this.

Let's get this over with. Yuck.
Change your Tampon for God's sake.
.......but you can't make the American electorate ignore it. That's why Trump is losing and should lose.
How stupid do you think people are? The hysteria is all on the left. If you were confidient you wouldn't be shouting from the roof tops. People don't expect puritanical behavior from celebrities in this reality.
Bill is absolutely running for president, he's out on the campaign trail and Hillary has said he will be an important part of her administration. Let alone Hillary attacking the women Bill victimized. Its a strange world, Trump used some foul language ALARM Bill actually sexually abuses women plural and its crickets.

No, he's not. Trump is. You can try the same shit show that Trump did in blaming Bill Clinton for Trump's own loathsome behavior.

Laughing....tell us how that works out.
.......but you can't make the American electorate ignore it. That's why Trump is losing and should lose.
How stupid do you think people are? The hysteria is all on the left. If you were confidient you wouldn't be shouting from the roof tops. People don't expect puritanical behavior from celebrities in this reality.

Apparently not stupid enough to elect Trump. And as Trump's plummeting polling numbers demonstrate, the people expect *far* more than whatever shit show The Donald is.

This isn't even going to be close. The major question you have to ask yourself at this what excuse are you going to use when Trump has his ass handed to him by Hillary Clinton?

Trump's already picked his favorite, front loading his excuses for his loss: 'rigged elections'. Or you can just start insulting the electorate.
Guy, you spent 70 million dollars going through the Clintons' underwear drawers and came up with nothing..

Like Eric Holder, Julian Castro, Harry Reid, the 'mastermind' behind the Benghazi attack, Barry & Hillary's Syrian arms dealer, the Taliban 5, most of the terrorists from Gitmo, and many violent illegals in the US - THE ONLY REASON HILLARY IS NOT IN JAIL RIGHT NOW IS BECAUSE OF BARAK HUSSEIN OBAMA AND HIS MOST CRIMINAL ADMINISTRATION IN US HISTORY!
Joe lies with every post.
Trump did in blaming Bill Clinton for Trump's own loathsome behavior.
When did that happen?

When Trump's first instinct (before the not apology apology) was to blame what Bill Clinton said on a golf course.

I don't want a man in office that feels he needs to become a 'better man'. The oval office is not an episode of Intervention where we use the presidency as a form of extended therapy for an orange narcissist to become a better person.

Trump is in his 70s. If he's not responsible for his own behavior now.....then when?
Bill isn't running for President. Trump is.
I understand you can't handle your hypocrisy so you want to limit the conversation to what you dictate. Unfortunately you have no power or authority over me so I will point out your hypocrisy and stupidity for thinking you could pull it off.

Laughing......'power over you'? Dude, what kind of helpless personal baggage are you trying to work out?

It doesn't matter what you ignore. It matters what you can convince the *rest of us* to ignore.

And that's where you fail. You keep pretending that if you ignore Trump's loathsome behavior, his racism, his insane conspiracy idiocy, his call for war crimes, his urging of followers to check out sex tapes, his sycophantic obsession with Putin, his refusal to take responsibility for his own campaign, his unhinged 3am twitter rants, his absolute unsuitability to be POTUS.....

.......but you can't make the American electorate ignore it. That's why Trump is losing and should lose.
mind blowing that he has any supporters at all by the end of this vetting process!
Bill isn't running for President. Trump is.
I understand you can't handle your hypocrisy so you want to limit the conversation to what you dictate. Unfortunately you have no power or authority over me so I will point out your hypocrisy and stupidity for thinking you could pull it off.

Laughing......'power over you'? Dude, what kind of helpless personal baggage are you trying to work out?

It doesn't matter what you ignore. It matters what you can convince the *rest of us* to ignore.

And that's where you fail. You keep pretending that if you ignore Trump's loathsome behavior, his racism, his insane conspiracy idiocy, his call for war crimes, his urging of followers to check out sex tapes, his sycophantic obsession with Putin, his refusal to take responsibility for his own campaign, his unhinged 3am twitter rants, his absolute unsuitability to be POTUS.....

.......but you can't make the American electorate ignore it. That's why Trump is losing and should lose.
mind blowing that he has any supporters at all by the end of this vetting process!
You don't own your own mind to blow. The leftists own you. Your priorities are skewed towards the totalitarian state.
You forgot to call Trump a...whats the word? Ahh yes, Sexual Predator
Okay...but again you LOVE Bubba, the most notorious sexual predator living today. Why not Trump too?

IDK...why don't you love Bill then?
Not logical.

I was not a member of the foolish group that ignored, diminished, criticized, and silenced anyone who pointed out Bill's criminal behavior, but you were.

I don't suppose you know what hypocrisy means.

Those with the phony and artificial indignation Over what Trump said 11 years ago (Kelly Ayotte, Paul Ryan, Reince Rebus, Robert De Niro etc) should visualize a Clinton presidency and the next three Supreme court justices if Hillary wins. They should also remember that anything Trump SAID, the husband of the enabler bitch DID, and then some to this very day.
They should remember that the bitch will let the serial woman abuser, rapist run the country as he always did ran women.

On the other hand, Hillary is liable to ditch Bill forever, since, if she is President, Bill has obviously outlived his usefulness..

Bill isn't running for President. Trump is. No matter how hard you try and polish the turd that is Trump's presidential run, you can't get around that.

This is the man you want to lead our country. One that says that 'when you're a star you can grab them by the pussy'. This man so perfectly epitomizes the GOP its stunning. This is what true GOP 'family values' are.

No thank you.

The sleaze worked for Bill Clinton quite well. No reason - except for an ultra liberal press - that it should not work for Trump.
To this day, even this ultra liberal press can not come up with any evidence that Trump ever did anything as despicable as was the regular routine in the Clinton house hold i.e. the Clinton White House, nor can they offer any proof that a new Clinton White House would be any different from the old Clinton White House. Trash is trash regardless who the boss is.

No matter how you try to polish a piece of turd like Hillary, shit is shit, no matter what.
Okay...but again you LOVE Bubba, the most notorious sexual predator living today. Why not Trump too?

IDK...why don't you love Bill then?
Not logical.

I was not a member of the foolish group that ignored, diminished, criticized, and silenced anyone who pointed out Bill's criminal behavior, but you were.

I don't suppose you know what hypocrisy means.

Those with the phony and artificial indignation Over what Trump said 11 years ago (Kelly Ayotte, Paul Ryan, Reince Rebus, Robert De Niro etc) should visualize a Clinton presidency and the next three Supreme court justices if Hillary wins. They should also remember that anything Trump SAID, the husband of the enabler bitch DID, and then some to this very day.
They should remember that the bitch will let the serial woman abuser, rapist run the country as he always did ran women.

On the other hand, Hillary is liable to ditch Bill forever, since, if she is President, Bill has obviously outlived his usefulness..

Bill isn't running for President. Trump is. No matter how hard you try and polish the turd that is Trump's presidential run, you can't get around that.

This is the man you want to lead our country. One that says that 'when you're a star you can grab them by the pussy'. This man so perfectly epitomizes the GOP its stunning. This is what true GOP 'family values' are.

No thank you.

The sleaze worked for Bill Clinton quite well. No reason - except for an ultra liberal press - that it should not work for Trump.

Trump has no Ross Perot. Nor is Trump running against the GOP. He is the GOP. Meaning that the votes he has to syphon off.....are left leaning. Johnson is a republican in libertarian clothing. And Stein is pulling about 1%.

Perot in contrast was pulling in about 19%. Pulling largely from the base of Clinton's opponent.

Plus, Clinton had one of the highest favorability ratings of any US president. While Trump has the single largest unfavorability rating of any presidential candidate ever.

So there are plenty of reasons why what worked for Clinton won't work for Trump.

To this day, even this ultra liberal press can not come up with any evidence that Trump ever did anything as despicable as was the regular routine in the Clinton house hold i.e. the Clinton White House, nor can they offer any proof that a new Clinton White House would be any different from the old Clinton White House. Trash is trash regardless who the boss is.
Oh, Trump has tied his own noose around his neck. Calls for Muslim bans, insistence that Mexicans are rapists, insisting that if you're a star you can 'do anything you want to a woman', calls for war crimes to be committed by the US military, Trump's insistence in bringing back torture 'and worse', Trump's treatment of small businesses and subcontractors, his failure to produce his own tax returns, his delusions that he 'knows more about ISIS than the generals do', half a decade of mindless birther idiocy, Trump's reliance on insane conspiracy theories......the list go on and on.

You can try to blame that on an 'ultra-liberal' media. But all I have to do is quote Trump.
Here is the real problem - outside of Trump's words about women.

Here was Trump, knowing how he has treated women & cheated on his wives, bringing Bill Clinton's affairs into the campaign. This sent Democrat supporters searching for Trump's history with women & bringing his affairs & ill-treatment of women into the campaign.

It goes to Trump's stupidity. Added to by his apology "Bill made me do it".
That recording was made when Trump was 60 and had just married the love of his life Melania

How is Trump at 70 any different than Trump at 60?
Trump has no Ross Perot. Nor is Trump running against the GOP. He is the GOP.

Plus, Clinton had one of the highest favorability ratings of any US president. While Trump has the single largest unfavorability rating of any presidential candidate ever.
Trump is the GOP? That too stupid to even address.

Billy wanted to be popular and went along with the GOP congress, sometimes needed a nudge but he read the tea leaves and signed many of their bills into law. Hillary has very high unfavorable ratings as well and they would be much higher if the left wing media was remotely fair or honest.

Leftists are totalitarians and will do anything for power.
Trump has no Ross Perot. Nor is Trump running against the GOP. He is the GOP.

Plus, Clinton had one of the highest favorability ratings of any US president. While Trump has the single largest unfavorability rating of any presidential candidate ever.
Trump is the GOP? That too stupid to even address.

He most definitely is. The GOP now owns Trump's misogyny, Trump's racism, Trump's birther idiocy, Trump's wild conspiracy theories, Trump's insistence that 'when you're a star you can do anything you want to women'. Trump's call for the US military to commit war crimes.

These are the true values of the GOP. This is what they mean by 'family values.'

Alas, GOP values aren't necessarily American values. Which is why The Donald is having his ass handed to him by Hillary Clinton.
Here is the real problem - outside of Trump's words about women.

Here was Trump, knowing how he has treated women & cheated on his wives, bringing Bill Clinton's affairs into the campaign. This sent Democrat supporters searching for Trump's history with women & bringing his affairs & ill-treatment of women into the campaign.

It goes to Trump's stupidity. Added to by his apology "Bill made me do it".
When did he say Bill made him do it? If you think Dims haven't been sniffing around his ass all along you are dumber than I thought. They've probably had the tape for a while now and use the left wing media to time it strategically. Hillary's Wall Street speeches have just been leaked and they need to put Trump on the defensive to try to keep the heat off.

Bill has treated women far worse but the left doesn't care so that's all we need to know.
His campaign in in free fall. Members of his *own party* are dog piling on the shit show that is the Trump presidential run. He's pulling ad buys from key swing states including Ohio, Florida and North Carolina.....all must wins for Trump. Demonstrating either an acknowledgement that he can't win or that he's running out of money. He was just revealed to likely have paid no taxes for 18 years. And still refuses to release his tax returns.

He has the highest disapproval rate of any candidate in US history. And he's essentially out of independent and undecided voters to sway to his side. And the evangelicals that he's desperate to bring to the polls want little to do with him.

And that was BEFORE he became Mr. 'Grab them by the pussy'.

You can try and ignore his plummeting poll numbers, disastrous debate response, loathing of the man by the electorate, and outrage in his own party. But willful ignorance isn't going to change the outcome of this election.

Plummeting poll numbers? A few points is plummeting to you? What a dreamer.

And I see you cut out my question. Good move, because of course you have no honest answer for it.
This is the same Donald Trump who was up at three in the morning plotting how he was going to get even with that "fat pig" who dared to cross him

This is the candidate, women of America will have to question whether they should vote for
Trump has no Ross Perot. Nor is Trump running against the GOP. He is the GOP.

Plus, Clinton had one of the highest favorability ratings of any US president. While Trump has the single largest unfavorability rating of any presidential candidate ever.
Trump is the GOP? That too stupid to even address.

He most definitely is. The GOP now owns Trump's misogyny, Trump's racism, Trump's birther idiocy, Trump's wild conspiracy theories, Trump's insistence that 'when you're a star you can do anything you want to women'. Trump's call for the US military to commit war crimes.

These are the true values of the GOP. This is what they mean by 'family values.'

Alas, GOP values aren't necessarily American values. Which is why The Donald is having his ass handed to him by Hillary Clinton.
Every post looks increasingly bizarre with wilder statements. You can't see it but you think repeating your stupidity will turn them into a facts. You are hysterical, not confident. A toddler can see it plain as day.
He most definitely is. The GOP now owns Trump's misogyny, Trump's racism, Trump's birther idiocy, Trump's wild conspiracy theories, Trump's insistence that 'when you're a star you can do anything you want to women'. Trump's call for the US military to commit war crimes.

These are the true values of the GOP. This is what they mean by 'family values.'

Alas, GOP values aren't necessarily American values. Which is why The Donald is having his ass handed to him by Hillary Clinton.

So I guess you define family values as being a monk. Sorry, that's not what is meant by the right when we talk about family values. Getting together with a bunch of guys and doing the trash talk thing is not violating any family values you imagine for yourself.

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