British Man Beheaded

By the by , I like your quote about entertainers and athletes Zander !!
ISIS knows it has the upper hand. They can do anything they want secure in the knowledge that Americans will do their part by removing bibles wherever they are found.
I really fear for this country , not necessarily attacks on the USA but the lack of will and understanding of many Americans.
Americans care more about removing bibles from hotels than radical islam. It's something radical islam counts on.
The silence from the Muslim community is deafening.
What exactly is it we're supposed to do? I say ignore them and let them have a temper tantrum once they realize we don't care about their beheadings
The only reason for a non Muslim to be in a Muslim country is to kill Muslims...their families...and their goat. Any questions?

C'mon, pismoe: you have got to start givin' us more to work with in your opening posts, homie.

Simply startin' a thread and then postin' a link in the OP isn't terribly respectful of your fellow posters, guy.

Matter of fact, it was not so very long ago that doing that would get you negged by a bunch of folks.

Just sayin', man. :thup:
if they keep this up, we will have a coalition lickedy split...

Obviously this IS WHAT ISIS WANTS, they want to pull us back in to another war, so they can rile the middle east against us and recruit more, it seems?
What we really need is a global restraining order. These Westerners wouldn't have been beheaded if they hadn't been captured in the region.

Put an invisible wall (bureaucratic) around the Middle East, let them develop the types of societies they want and to live with what they create. If the Middle East ventures out beyond the invisible wall, that is, violates the restraining order, we attack and destroy what is outside the wall and push them back into their own Islamic Kingdom.
sunni man

^^^^^^ that means you are an ass**** sunni man
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