British Police arrest Christian preacher for preaching the gospel.

he did not get into theirs.
He clearly did, and he even had to be restrained.

Nonsense....he did not seek out the police they sought him and got in his face. He did not have to be restrained....he had broken no law....thus when cooler heads prevailed at the police station and they realized they had made a big mistake....he was released.

It was a fraudulent arrest.
Exactly......they are being used as instruments by the powers that be to deny basic freedoms.

What is the next step?

When a government goes 'totolatarian' it is done in increments or stages.

True, and evidently we have some totalitarian-minded people here in this thread, due to their hatred for theism.
I see a sentiment emerging here and it is a quite common one on most message boards....though it is a fallacious one.

Many (especially atheists) believe they a right to be free from religion. aka should not be preached to on the streets, no one should knock on their door and try to talk to them about religion etc

There is no constitutional right to be 'free from religion' we do have a constitutional right to have freedom of religion. Two very different things.
The British police of today, is becoming more and more like the Nazis of the 1940s

In fact they are surpassing their former enemies.

Who would have thought.

Not sure many of these guys would make good Nazis.


But they do.
-------------------------------------------- THEY'LL do as they are ordered to do and they'll do it for the paycheck .
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Exactly......they are being used as instruments by the powers that be to deny basic freedoms.

What is the next step?

When a government goes 'totolatarian' it is done in increments or stages.

True, and evidently we have some totalitarian-minded people here in this thread, due to their hatred for theism.

One sees Christian hatred expressed more and more in our society....the logicl develpment of this will be more and more persecution of Christians right here in is already happening in other nations.

The warning signs are everywhere....a great persecution is coming.

click>>>>>>Christians, Get Ready for Persecution in the West
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Apparently it did happen and they released him.

Its usually the other way around - christians harassing people for being Black. Black person gets shot and RWNJs applaud. Ignorant slime yelling or worse at women if they dare war a headscarf. Same ignorant assholes harassing someone for speaking Spanish.

Those who are all in a hissy fit over this ... Do you feel the same about others? Or is it only "christians".
As we have seen so many times, such stories are all hoaxes. No one harasses black people or Indians. The only time anyone applauds a black person getting shot is when he's obviously a thug. No one harasses people for speaking Spanish or wearing a head scarf.
The first amendment to the Constitution........................

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech ..........

England has sent preachers all over the world but now right in their homeland....Christianity and those who preach it are being harassed and it can happen can happen anywhere.

THE MISSIONARY by Emily Bronte

LOUGH, vessel, plough the British main,
Seek the free ocean's wider plain;
Leave English scenes and English skies,
Unbind, dissever English ties;
Bear me to climes remote and strange,
Where altered life, fast-following change,
Hot action, never-ceasing toil,
Shall stir, turn, dig, the spirit's soil;
Fresh roots shall plant, fresh seed shall sow,
Till a new garden there shall grow,
Cleared of the weeds that fill it now,
Mere human love, mere selfish yearning,
Which, cherished, would arrest me yet.
I grasp the plough, there's no returning,
Let me, then, struggle to forget.

But England's shores are yet in view,
And England's skies of tender blue
Are arched above her guardian sea.
I cannot yet Remembrance flee;
I must again, then, firmly face
That task of anguish, to retrace.
Wedded to homeI home forsake,
Fearful of changeI changes make;
Too fond of easeI plunge in toil;
Lover of calmI seek turmoil:
Nature and hostile Destiny
Stir in my heart a conflict wild;
And long and fierce the war will be
Ere duty both has reconciled.

What other tie yet holds me fast
To the divorced, abandoned past?
Smouldering, on my heart's altar lies
The fire of some great sacrifice,
Not yet half quenched. The sacred steel
But lately struck my carnal will,
My life-long hope, first joy and last,
What I loved well, and clung to fast;
What I wished wildly to retain,
What I renounced with soul-felt pain;
Whatwhen I saw it, axe-struck, perish
Left me no joy on earth to cherish;
A man bereftyet sternly now
I do confirm that Jephtha vow:
Shall I retract, or fear, or flee ?
Did Christ, when rose the fatal tree
Before him, on Mount Calvary ?
'Twas a long fight, hard fought, but won,
And what I did was justly done.

Yet, Helen ! from thy love I turned,
When my heart most for thy heart burned;
I dared thy tears, I dared thy scorn
Easier the death-pang had been borne.
Helen ! thou mightst not go with me,
I could notdared not stay for thee !
I heard, afar, in bonds complain
The savage from beyond the main;
And that wild sound rose o'er the cry
Wrung out by passion's agony;
And even when, with the bitterest tear
I ever shed, mine eyes were dim,
Still, with the spirit's vision clear,
I saw Hell's empire, vast and grim,
Spread on each Indian river's shore,
Each realm of Asia covering o'er.

There the weak, trampled by the strong,
Live but to sufferhopeless die;
There pagan-priests, whose creed is Wrong,
Extortion, Lust, and Cruelty,
Crush our lost raceand brimming fill
The bitter cup of human ill;
And Iwho have the healing creed,
The faith benign of Mary's Son;
Shall I behold my brother's need
And selfishly to aid him shun ?
Iwho upon my mother's knees,
In childhood, read Christ's written word,
Received his legacy of peace,
His holy rule of action heard;
Iin whose heart the sacred sense
Of Jesus' love was early felt;
Of his pure full benevolence,
His pitying tenderness for guilt;
His shepherd-care for wandering sheep,
For all weak, sorrowing, trembling things,
His mercy vast, his passion deep
Of anguish for man's sufferings;
Ischooled from childhood in such lore
Dared I draw back or hesitate,
When called to heal the sickness sore
Of those far off and desolate ?
Dark, in the realm and shades of Death,
Nations and tribes and empires lie,
But even to them the light of Faith
Is breaking on their sombre sky:
And be it mine to bid them raise
Their drooped heads to the kindling scene,
And know and hail the sunrise blaze
Which heralds Christ the Nazarene.
I know how Hell the veil will spread
Over their brows and filmy eyes,
And earthward crush the lifted head
That would look up and seek the skies;
I know what war the fiend will wage
Against that soldier of the cross,
Who comes to dare his demon-rage,
And work his kingdom shame and loss.
Yes, hard and terrible the toil
Of him who steps on foreign soil,
Resolved to plant the gospel vine,
Where tyrants rule and slaves repine;
Eager to lift Religion's light
Where thickest shades of mental night
Screen the false god and fiendish rite;
Reckless that missionary blood,
Shed in wild wilderness and wood,
Has left, upon the unblest air,
The man's deep moanthe martyr's prayer.
I know my lotI only ask
Power to fulfil the glorious task;
Willing the spirit, may the flesh
Strength for the day receive afresh.
May burning sun or deadly wind
Prevail not o'er an earnest mind;
May torments strange or direst death
Nor trample truth, nor baffle faith.
Though such blood-drops should fall from me
As fell in old Gethsemane,
Welcome the anguish, so it gave
More strength to workmore skill to save.
And, oh ! if brief must be my time,
If hostile hand or fatal clime
Cut short my coursestill o'er my grave,
Lord, may thy harvest whitening wave.
So I the culture may begin,
Let others thrust the sickle in;
If but the seed will faster grow,
May my blood water what I sow !

What ! have I ever trembling stood,
And feared to give to God that blood ?
What ! has the coward love of life
Made me shrink from the righteous strife ?
Have human passions, human fears
Severed me from those Pioneers,
Whose task is to march first, and trace
Paths for the progress of our race ?
It has been so; but grant me, Lord,
Now to stand steadfast by thy word !
Protected by salvation's helm,
Shielded by faithwith truth begirt,
To smile when trials seek to whelm
And stand 'mid testing fires unhurt !
Hurling hell's strongest bulwarks down,
Even when the last pang thrills my breast,
When Death bestows the Martyr's crown,
And calls me into Jesus' rest.
Then for my ultimate reward
Then for the world-rejoicing word
The voice from FatherSpiritSon:
' Servant of God, well hast thou done !'

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I take the story with a grain of salt but it's important to remember that no other country in the world has the guaranteed freedoms listed in the Bill of Rights aka the first ten Amendments to the Constitution as we have in the U.S. There is no 1st Amendment guaranteed freedom of speech or freedom of religion in any other country so we should be aware and thankful for what we have in the greatest Country on earth.
I take the story with a grain of salt but it's important to remember that no other country in the world has the guaranteed freedoms listed in the Bill of Rights aka the first ten Amendments to the Constitution as we have in the U.S. There is no 1st Amendment guaranteed freedom of speech or freedom of religion in any other country so we should be aware and thankful for what we have in the greatest Country on earth.

The pertinent question being for how long........

The Roman Empire lasted 500 yrs. perhaps we can last a while longer but we are under assault like neve before and much of it from right here in America.....there are many trying to tear us down, to fundamentally change America....into what?

They really do not care....they just want change for the sake of a change would improve anything at all.

A lot of these kids preaching revolution have no idea how bad things can get.
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he did not seek out the police they sought him and got in his face.
No, they stood near him. He did, in fact, put his hand near the cop's face, and had to be restrained.

Now, what happened befopre that, you are right, I do not know. But you are a fraud to claim this guy was arrested merely for preaching christianity.
he did not seek out the police they sought him and got in his face.
No, they stood near him. He did, in fact, put his hand near the cop's face, and had to be restrained.

Now, what happened befopre that, you are right, I do not know. But you are a fraud to claim this guy was arrested merely for preaching christianity.

He posed no threat to the policeman and he did not touch the policeman.....there was absolutely no reason to restrain him......the video makes that clear.

If he had committed some crime they would not have released him when they got to the police station.

It was a fraudulent arrest....something like that happens here and the police dept. would have a major lawsuit on their hands....not sure how that works in the U.K.
“Geller Report”


Absent a reliable source, this should be presumed to be yet another rightwing lie, particularly given the OP.

The arrest was likely for reasons other than ‘preaching the gospel.’
Dud that post issue forth from your Leftist intellect or your Islamic news censorship center?

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
The British police of today, is becoming more and more like the Nazis of the 1940s

In fact they are surpassing their former enemies.

Who would have thought.
Enoch Powell.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
Nah, it's about not harassing people. Some street preachers get arrested, and others do not. And it pretty much comes down to whether or not they are getting in people's faces.

Well that video of that Muslim 'preacher' corking off and acting like a crazed baboon pretty much comes down to actually getting in people's faces. Yet, he didn't get arrested and the Judeo preacher who was quite passive, did. Don't believe your lyin' eyes FF, believe what you are told to believe eh?.
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Britain's new name is North Pakistan. Christianity is now essentially illegal in Britain, because they don't treat filthy disease ridden faggots like royalty and still oppose groups of men butt raping boys, a big and wildly popular Muslim tradition. This is considered 'uncivilized' and 'bigoted' over most of modern Europe now.
I take the story with a grain of salt but it's important to remember that no other country in the world has the guaranteed freedoms listed in the Bill of Rights aka the first ten Amendments to the Constitution as we have in the U.S. There is no 1st Amendment guaranteed freedom of speech or freedom of religion in any other country so we should be aware and thankful for what we have in the greatest Country on earth.

The Constitution was done away with by 1860. The 1st Amendment isn't guaranteed by anything any more. Almost no precedents before 1947 or ever cited in religious freedom cases, and right wingers in the U.S. are just as adamant about doing away with Da Evul Xians and left wingers are, they are on the same page as all sociopaths are, so don't be surprised that over half the U.S. is just as fine with killing them off as any Muslim vermin are.
“Geller Report”


Absent a reliable source, this should be presumed to be yet another rightwing lie, particularly given the OP.

The arrest was likely for reasons other than ‘preaching the gospel.’

They love going into Muslim areas and preach the gospel. The Evangelicals do it all the time in Dearborn at the festivals.

Preach in church not on a street corner.
I take the story with a grain of salt but it's important to remember that no other country in the world has the guaranteed freedoms listed in the Bill of Rights aka the first ten Amendments to the Constitution as we have in the U.S. There is no 1st Amendment guaranteed freedom of speech or freedom of religion in any other country so we should be aware and thankful for what we have in the greatest Country on earth.

The pertinent question being for how long........

The Roman Empire lasted 500 yrs. perhaps we can last a while longer but we are under assault like neve before and much of it from right here in America.....there are many trying to tear us down, to fundamentally change America....into what?

They really do not care....they just want change for the sake of a change would improve anything at all.

A lot of these kids preaching revolution have no idea how bad things can get.

Who is assaulting us, and how bad can it be?

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