British Police arrest Christian preacher for preaching the gospel.

--------------------------------- course , thats what the BIBLE says . While i may believe thats correct , well its not Secular Law but it is FREE SPEECH . Course , i have no problem with Christian street preachers or polite Christian door knockers because the principle is Free Speech
"They" will argue that Britain doesn't have Free Speech. My point to the Christ haters is that it is the DUTY of the Christian despite Man's hate.
------------------------------ AGREE and i think that thats where Christian Martyrs come from D.A. . Nice thing about these 'nigerians' is that they MAY be willing to fight rather than just roll over like the 'brits' do D.Angel .
--------------------------------- course , thats what the BIBLE says . While i may believe thats correct , well its not Secular Law but it is FREE SPEECH . Course , i have no problem with Christian street preachers or polite Christian door knockers because the principle is Free Speech
"They" will argue that Britain doesn't have Free Speech. My point to the Christ haters is that it is the DUTY of the Christian despite Man's hate.

No its not the duty for the Evans to preach god on the street corners.
thats Your OPINION Penny .

No that is not my opinion. I as a RC do not want to listen to Evans and Fundys when they try and quote the bible on a street. They need to be fined and many people feel the way I do.
i think that a street Preacher can Preach on the streets of the USA same as they can knock on doors to share their Christian message of HOPE , Salvation and Love :afro:Penny . [so , just get used to it Penny]
No that is not my opinion. I as a RC do not want to listen to Evans and Fundys when they try and quote the bible on a street. They need to be fined and many people feel the way I do.
You don't have a say. Freedom of religion does not require YOUR approval. Any more than I can stop you from spouting RC nonsense. See how freedom works?!
This poor man was NOTHING like the fake black "Israelites" who SHOULD HAVE BEEN ARRESTED.
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“Geller Report”


Absent a reliable source, this should be presumed to be yet another rightwing lie, particularly given the OP.

The arrest was likely for reasons other than ‘preaching the gospel.’

They love going into Muslim areas and preach the gospel. The Evangelicals do it all the time in Dearborn at the festivals.

Preach in church not on a street corner.

The biggest problem is that we no longer have social rules, otherwise known as "manners," that everyone follows even though they were never incorporated in more than a vague manner in black-letter law. We used to know how to behave in public. For example, farting was never prohibited by ordinance, but everyone knew that they shouldn't do it.

Now all we have is black-letter law, with people screaming that they have the legal right to do this, that, and the other thing. So now we can be as uncivil as we want, as long as it does not violate some written law. Unfortunately, what the preachers are doing in Dearborn is legal, although it is crude and the height of rudeness.
i think that a street Preacher can Preach on the streets of the USA same as they can knock on doors to share their Christian message of HOPE , Salvation and Love :afro:Penny . [so , just get used to it Penny]

No I will call the cops and complain about them. They do more to harm Christianity than anything else.
Exactly......they are being used as instruments by the powers that be to deny basic freedoms.

What is the next step?

When a government goes 'totolatarian' it is done in increments or stages.

True, and evidently we have some totalitarian-minded people here in this thread, due to their hatred for theism.

One sees Christian hatred expressed more and more in our society....the logicl develpment of this will be more and more persecution of Christians right here in is already happening in other nations.

The warning signs are everywhere....a great persecution is coming.

click>>>>>>Christians, Get Ready for Persecution in the West

Yeah, bullshit. I've heard this bellyaching about Christian persecution most of my life and yet, I still don't care. Christians are the majority. You can't persecute a majority. It's illogical and indefensible. Faith is supposed to be personal. If Christians kept it that way, Christians wouldn't have a problem. I have zero sympathy for you.
Now, what happened befopre that, you are right, I do not know. But you are a fraud to claim this guy was arrested merely for preaching christianity.
We had an incident in my home town a few years back that may be similar. A bus driver called the cops on a passenger that was singing hymns at the top of his lungs. The cops removed the passenger, and churches all across town had a field day the next Sunday preaching on the War against Christianity. What they overlooked was that our hymn singer was dead drunk and hitting other passenger up for money with threats...all among choruses of "Amazing Grace". After all those sermons against the bus driver and the police and their intolerance of Christians we finally got ( my best Paul Harvey voice..) the rest of the story.

After the recent Smollet story, we should maybe step back and take a closer look before making condemnations. I got 'took' on that one too.

Probably drowned out the 20 boom boxes blaring out 'ho' songs by rappers. I cans see where left wingers would find that objectionable. Xians don't have the same rights to panhandle captive 'customers' that black thug extortionists do by trying to intimidate people on public transportation, either.

Keep the preaching in the churches. That is what they are for, street preachers should all be arrested and fined.

Rubbish. They should have freedom of speech like anybody else. You should just stay in the sewers where you feel safe, is all. Nobody forced Muslims to imigrate to free countries. If they don't like what they see and hear, tough shit; deport them back to where they feel important. you should go with them.

No when I walk down a street the last thing I want to hear is some crazy fanatical fundamentalist or Evangelical.

Ah, well then, many of us don't want to see your ass walking down a street when we visit North Pakistan, so that means you can never leave your basement.
--------------------------------- course , thats what the BIBLE says . While i may believe thats correct , well its not Secular Law but it is FREE SPEECH . Course , i have no problem with Christian street preachers or polite Christian door knockers because the principle is Free Speech
"They" will argue that Britain doesn't have Free Speech. My point to the Christ haters is that it is the DUTY of the Christian despite Man's hate.

No its not the duty for the Evans to preach god on the street corners.

We are all supposed to be sharing the gospel, outreach is central to the Christian faith. BTW, the way you don’t capitalize God speaks volumes, imo.
We had an incident in my home town a few years back that may be similar. A bus driver called the cops on a passenger that was singing hymns at the top of his lungs. The cops removed the passenger, and churches all across town had a field day the next Sunday preaching on the War against Christianity. What they overlooked was that our hymn singer was dead drunk and hitting other passenger up for money with threats...all among choruses of "Amazing Grace". After all those sermons against the bus driver and the police and their intolerance of Christians we finally got ( my best Paul Harvey voice..) the rest of the story.

After the recent Smollet story, we should maybe step back and take a closer look before making condemnations. I got 'took' on that one too.

Probably drowned out the 20 boom boxes blaring out 'ho' songs by rappers. I cans see where left wingers would find that objectionable. Xians don't have the same rights to panhandle captive 'customers' that black thug extortionists do by trying to intimidate people on public transportation, either.

Keep the preaching in the churches. That is what they are for, street preachers should all be arrested and fined.

Rubbish. They should have freedom of speech like anybody else. You should just stay in the sewers where you feel safe, is all. Nobody forced Muslims to imigrate to free countries. If they don't like what they see and hear, tough shit; deport them back to where they feel important. you should go with them.

The guy who was arrested briefly is Nigerian. Who invited him to the UK or forced him to come?
---------------------------------- sadly , the 'nigerian' probably has the RIGHT to import himself into 'england' and i think 'nigeria' was a 'british colony' at one time a hundred or so years in the past Lysis .

But these people don't think Xians have rights like other people do. That's her and the other left wingers' point.
Exactly......they are being used as instruments by the powers that be to deny basic freedoms.

What is the next step?

When a government goes 'totolatarian' it is done in increments or stages.

True, and evidently we have some totalitarian-minded people here in this thread, due to their hatred for theism.

One sees Christian hatred expressed more and more in our society....the logicl develpment of this will be more and more persecution of Christians right here in is already happening in other nations.

The warning signs are everywhere....a great persecution is coming.

click>>>>>>Christians, Get Ready for Persecution in the West

Yeah, bullshit. I've heard this bellyaching about Christian persecution most of my life and yet, I still don't care. Christians are the majority. You can't persecute a majority. It's illogical and indefensible. Faith is supposed to be personal. If Christians kept it that way, Christians wouldn't have a problem. I have zero sympathy for you.

What law say 'faith' is supposed to be personal?

Anyhow, what you are trying to say most likely is that you want to be free from religion.

On the other hand......................

In Christianity, the Great Commission is the instruction of the resurrected Jesus Christ to his disciples to spread his teachings to all the nations of the world. ... It has become a tenet in Christian theology emphasizing ministry, missionary work, evangelism, and baptism.
Now, what happened befopre that, you are right, I do not know. But you are a fraud to claim this guy was arrested merely for preaching christianity.
We had an incident in my home town a few years back that may be similar. A bus driver called the cops on a passenger that was singing hymns at the top of his lungs. The cops removed the passenger, and churches all across town had a field day the next Sunday preaching on the War against Christianity. What they overlooked was that our hymn singer was dead drunk and hitting other passenger up for money with threats...all among choruses of "Amazing Grace". After all those sermons against the bus driver and the police and their intolerance of Christians we finally got ( my best Paul Harvey voice..) the rest of the story.

After the recent Smollet story, we should maybe step back and take a closer look before making condemnations. I got 'took' on that one too.

Probably drowned out the 20 boom boxes blaring out 'ho' songs by rappers. I cans see where left wingers would find that objectionable. Xians don't have the same rights to panhandle captive 'customers' that black thug extortionists do by trying to intimidate people on public transportation, either.

Keep the preaching in the churches. That is what they are for, street preachers should all be arrested and fined.

Rubbish. They should have freedom of speech like anybody else. You should just stay in the sewers where you feel safe, is all. Nobody forced Muslims to imigrate to free countries. If they don't like what they see and hear, tough shit; deport them back to where they feel important. you should go with them.

The guy who was arrested briefly is Nigerian. Who invited him to the UK or forced him to come?

Who forced you to immigrate to a country where GASP!!! XIANS might actually have rights!!!! OMG OMG!!!
I’m actually amazed at the level of anti-freedom hostility toward faith that some of these statists here are displaying. It is truly ugly and disgusting. Whether they realize it or not, their mindset is much more in line with a government like North Korea or the former Soviet Union.

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