British Police arrest Christian preacher for preaching the gospel.

i think that a street Preacher can Preach on the streets of the USA same as they can knock on doors to share their Christian message of HOPE , Salvation and Love :afro:Penny . [so , just get used to it Penny]

No I will call the cops and complain about them. They do more to harm Christianity than anything else.

You can complain all you want about any and everything under the sun....means nothing in you are not the one who gets to say what is legal or what is not legal.

As has been previouslly pointed have no legal right to be free from religion. You may not like that ....which means you have a personal problem and that is all.
What law say 'faith' is supposed to be personal?

That's a stupid question. Perhaps refrain from asking stupid questions.

Anyhow, what you are trying to say most likely is that you want to be free from religion.

Yep. And exactly what can you do about it? Nothing.

The word will continue to be preached....people still have the right to kinock on your door and tell you about Jesus....

You may have nightmares because of this, it may scare you to hear the gospel truth....but hear it you will....unless you want to go live in a cave somewhere.... you have a personal problem...and your problem is for you to deal with.
Muslims are allow to preach Quran on any corner

Leftwingers do not have a problem with Islam....nor do they seem to have a problem with homersexuals being hung till dead in muslim nations.
What law say 'faith' is supposed to be personal?

That's a stupid question. Perhaps refrain from asking stupid questions.

Anyhow, what you are trying to say most likely is that you want to be free from religion.

Yep. And exactly what can you do about it? Nothing.

North Korea awaits you with open arms. Based on your posts, I’m sure you’ll fit right in there.

The lefties think that just because they are offended by religion that preaching should not be allowed.....that is how self absorbed they are.
What law say 'faith' is supposed to be personal?

That's a stupid question. Perhaps refrain from asking stupid questions.

Anyhow, what you are trying to say most likely is that you want to be free from religion.

Yep. And exactly what can you do about it? Nothing.

North Korea awaits you with open arms. Based on your posts, I’m sure you’ll fit right in there.

Yeah, just try removing me from the country I am a citizen of. We'll see how well it turns out for you.
I’m actually amazed at the level of anti-freedom hostility toward faith that some of these statists here are displaying. It is truly ugly and disgusting. Whether they realize it or not, their mindset is much more in line with a government like North Korea or the former Soviet Union.

Yes....they are all about state control and especially they would like to see the state control and or abolish naturaly their view point or mindset fits in well with totalitarian states.

They seem not to understand that in America we have freedom of speech and freedom of religion..

That the gospel is being preached everyday....some of it on street corners and that will continue because the law may harrass the preachers but it cannot silence them.
What law say 'faith' is supposed to be personal?

That's a stupid question. Perhaps refrain from asking stupid questions.

Anyhow, what you are trying to say most likely is that you want to be free from religion.

Yep. And exactly what can you do about it? Nothing.

North Korea awaits you with open arms. Based on your posts, I’m sure you’ll fit right in there.

Yeah, just try removing me from the country I am a citizen of. We'll see how well it turns out for you.
It was a suggestion. Unlike you, I don’t believe in forcing people I disagree with to go away.
What law say 'faith' is supposed to be personal?

That's a stupid question. Perhaps refrain from asking stupid questions.

Anyhow, what you are trying to say most likely is that you want to be free from religion.

Yep. And exactly what can you do about it? Nothing.

North Korea awaits you with open arms. Based on your posts, I’m sure you’ll fit right in there.

Yeah, just try removing me from the country I am a citizen of. We'll see how well it turns out for you.

If you want to be free from religion you will have to go somewhere like N. Korea or China

Why, with your personal problem---do you want to live in a free country?....perhaps you are just coinfused....not understanding the law nor the constitution.
You may have nightmares because of this, it may scare you to hear the gospel truth....but hear it you will....unless you want to go live in a cave somewhere.... you have a personal problem...and your problem is for you to deal with.

The tenets of your faith do not 'scare' me and I will politely tell you I am not interested in hearing them. Suffering any harassment afterwards is a problem I will most certainly 'deal' with swiftly.
What law say 'faith' is supposed to be personal?

That's a stupid question. Perhaps refrain from asking stupid questions.

Anyhow, what you are trying to say most likely is that you want to be free from religion.

Yep. And exactly what can you do about it? Nothing.

North Korea awaits you with open arms. Based on your posts, I’m sure you’ll fit right in there.

Yeah, just try removing me from the country I am a citizen of. We'll see how well it turns out for you.
It was a suggestion. Unlike you, I don’t believe in forcing people I disagree with to go away.

Bully for you. Want a cookie?
What law say 'faith' is supposed to be personal?

That's a stupid question. Perhaps refrain from asking stupid questions.

Anyhow, what you are trying to say most likely is that you want to be free from religion.

Yep. And exactly what can you do about it? Nothing.

North Korea awaits you with open arms. Based on your posts, I’m sure you’ll fit right in there.

Yeah, just try removing me from the country I am a citizen of. We'll see how well it turns out for you.

If you want to be free from religion you will have to go somewhere like N. Korea or China

Why, with your personal problem want to live in a free country....perhaps you are just coinfused....not understanding the law nor the constitution.

I am religion-free and I don't have to do any of those things. So, wrong again. :21:
You may have nightmares because of this, it may scare you to hear the gospel truth....but hear it you will....unless you want to go live in a cave somewhere.... you have a personal problem...and your problem is for you to deal with.

The tenets of your faith do not 'scare' me and I will politely tell you I am not interested in hearing them. Suffering any harassment afterwards is a problem I will most certainly 'deal' with swiftly.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........You cannot even deal with a couple of ladies knocking on your door to tell you about Jesus.

You should try and be honest at least with yourself. You are a weakling who gets frightened by the truth....quite obvious.
We had an incident in my home town a few years back that may be similar. A bus driver called the cops on a passenger that was singing hymns at the top of his lungs. The cops removed the passenger, and churches all across town had a field day the next Sunday preaching on the War against Christianity. What they overlooked was that our hymn singer was dead drunk and hitting other passenger up for money with threats...all among choruses of "Amazing Grace". After all those sermons against the bus driver and the police and their intolerance of Christians we finally got ( my best Paul Harvey voice..) the rest of the story.

After the recent Smollet story, we should maybe step back and take a closer look before making condemnations. I got 'took' on that one too.

Probably drowned out the 20 boom boxes blaring out 'ho' songs by rappers. I cans see where left wingers would find that objectionable. Xians don't have the same rights to panhandle captive 'customers' that black thug extortionists do by trying to intimidate people on public transportation, either.

Keep the preaching in the churches. That is what they are for, street preachers should all be arrested and fined.

Rubbish. They should have freedom of speech like anybody else. You should just stay in the sewers where you feel safe, is all. Nobody forced Muslims to imigrate to free countries. If they don't like what they see and hear, tough shit; deport them back to where they feel important. you should go with them.

The guy who was arrested briefly is Nigerian. Who invited him to the UK or forced him to come?

Who forced you to immigrate to a country where GASP!!! XIANS might actually have rights!!!! OMG OMG!!!

I never immigrated, dingbat. I was born about 260 miles from where I'm sitting. Both of my parents were born here, too. My parents and grandparents were all Christians. There are millions of Christians in the U.S. and in the world. Stop your bellyaching about how "persecuted" you are. Your theatrical nonsense has become very boring to Christians and many others.
What law say 'faith' is supposed to be personal?

That's a stupid question. Perhaps refrain from asking stupid questions.

Anyhow, what you are trying to say most likely is that you want to be free from religion.

Yep. And exactly what can you do about it? Nothing.

North Korea awaits you with open arms. Based on your posts, I’m sure you’ll fit right in there.

Yeah, just try removing me from the country I am a citizen of. We'll see how well it turns out for you.

If you want to be free from religion you will have to go somewhere like N. Korea or China

Why, with your personal problem want to live in a free country....perhaps you are just coinfused....not understanding the law nor the constitution.

I am religion-free and I don't have to do any of those things. So, wrong again. :21:
What law say 'faith' is supposed to be personal?

That's a stupid question. Perhaps refrain from asking stupid questions.

Anyhow, what you are trying to say most likely is that you want to be free from religion.

Yep. And exactly what can you do about it? Nothing.

North Korea awaits you with open arms. Based on your posts, I’m sure you’ll fit right in there.

Yeah, just try removing me from the country I am a citizen of. We'll see how well it turns out for you.

If you want to be free from religion you will have to go somewhere like N. Korea or China

Why, with your personal problem want to live in a free country....perhaps you are just coinfused....not understanding the law nor the constitution.

I am religion-free and I don't have to do any of those things. So, wrong again. :21:
You may have nightmares because of this, it may scare you to hear the gospel truth....but hear it you will....unless you want to go live in a cave somewhere.... you have a personal problem...and your problem is for you to deal with.

The tenets of your faith do not 'scare' me and I will politely tell you I am not interested in hearing them. Suffering any harassment afterwards is a problem I will most certainly 'deal' with swiftly.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........You cannot even deal with a couple of ladies knocking on your door to tell you about Jesus.

You should try and be honest at least with yourself. You are a weakling who gets frightened by the truth....quite obvious.

I'm a normal person that has absolutely no good reason to listen to your spiritual musings - religious or non. Quite obvious.
That's a stupid question. Perhaps refrain from asking stupid questions.

Yep. And exactly what can you do about it? Nothing.

North Korea awaits you with open arms. Based on your posts, I’m sure you’ll fit right in there.

Yeah, just try removing me from the country I am a citizen of. We'll see how well it turns out for you.

If you want to be free from religion you will have to go somewhere like N. Korea or China

Why, with your personal problem want to live in a free country....perhaps you are just coinfused....not understanding the law nor the constitution.

I am religion-free and I don't have to do any of those things. So, wrong again. :21:

You live in a fantasy definitely are not free have been enslaved by Satan.
North Korea awaits you with open arms. Based on your posts, I’m sure you’ll fit right in there.

Yeah, just try removing me from the country I am a citizen of. We'll see how well it turns out for you.

If you want to be free from religion you will have to go somewhere like N. Korea or China

Why, with your personal problem want to live in a free country....perhaps you are just coinfused....not understanding the law nor the constitution.

I am religion-free and I don't have to do any of those things. So, wrong again. :21:

You live in a fantasy definitely are not free have been enslaved by Satan.

LOL. :21: K.
You may have nightmares because of this, it may scare you to hear the gospel truth....but hear it you will....unless you want to go live in a cave somewhere.... you have a personal problem...and your problem is for you to deal with.

The tenets of your faith do not 'scare' me and I will politely tell you I am not interested in hearing them. Suffering any harassment afterwards is a problem I will most certainly 'deal' with swiftly.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........You cannot even deal with a couple of ladies knocking on your door to tell you about Jesus.

You should try and be honest at least with yourself. You are a weakling who gets frightened by the truth....quite obvious.

I'm a normal person that has absolutely no good reason to listen to your spiritual musings - religious or non. Quite obvious.

Yet, here you are.
Anyhow, the good news of the gospel will continue to be spread over the whole world until the messiah returns.

It is even preached in totalitarian societies governed by folks who think like you. .....many Christian missionaries have suffered severe penalties up to and including death to follow the command of Our Lord to share the gospel.

Yet you think that just because yo do not want to hear it that will somehow have any effect on anyone?

Again we all have freedom of religion. in one in America has a legal right to be free from may succeed in hiding from those who want to tell you the good news to a certain extent....but in a free society you will still hear it way you can isolate yourself that much.

Obviously you have heard it and you are frightened by it as well as you should explains your destiny in exquisite detail....yes you should be scared.....very scared.

The Lord shall judge his people: It is a fearful thing to fall into the Hands of the Living God.
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