British Police arrest Christian preacher for preaching the gospel.

Now, what happened befopre that, you are right, I do not know. But you are a fraud to claim this guy was arrested merely for preaching christianity.
We had an incident in my home town a few years back that may be similar. A bus driver called the cops on a passenger that was singing hymns at the top of his lungs. The cops removed the passenger, and churches all across town had a field day the next Sunday preaching on the War against Christianity. What they overlooked was that our hymn singer was dead drunk and hitting other passenger up for money with threats...all among choruses of "Amazing Grace". After all those sermons against the bus driver and the police and their intolerance of Christians we finally got ( my best Paul Harvey voice..) the rest of the story.

After the recent Smollet story, we should maybe step back and take a closer look before making condemnations. I got 'took' on that one too.
Now, what happened befopre that, you are right, I do not know. But you are a fraud to claim this guy was arrested merely for preaching christianity.
We had an incident in my home town a few years back that may be similar. A bus driver called the cops on a passenger that was singing hymns at the top of his lungs. The cops removed the passenger, and churches all across town had a field day the next Sunday preaching on the War against Christianity. What they overlooked was that our hymn singer was dead drunk and hitting other passenger up for money with threats...all among choruses of "Amazing Grace". After all those sermons against the bus driver and the police and their intolerance of Christians we finally got ( my best Paul Harvey voice..) the rest of the story.

After the recent Smollet story, we should maybe step back and take a closer look before making condemnations. I got 'took' on that one too.

Probably drowned out the 20 boom boxes blaring out 'ho' songs by rappers. I cans see where left wingers would find that objectionable. Xians don't have the same rights to panhandle captive 'customers' that black thug extortionists do by trying to intimidate people on public transportation, either.
Now, what happened befopre that, you are right, I do not know. But you are a fraud to claim this guy was arrested merely for preaching christianity.
We had an incident in my home town a few years back that may be similar. A bus driver called the cops on a passenger that was singing hymns at the top of his lungs. The cops removed the passenger, and churches all across town had a field day the next Sunday preaching on the War against Christianity. What they overlooked was that our hymn singer was dead drunk and hitting other passenger up for money with threats...all among choruses of "Amazing Grace". After all those sermons against the bus driver and the police and their intolerance of Christians we finally got ( my best Paul Harvey voice..) the rest of the story.

After the recent Smollet story, we should maybe step back and take a closer look before making condemnations. I got 'took' on that one too.

Probably drowned out the 20 boom boxes blaring out 'ho' songs by rappers. I cans see where left wingers would find that objectionable. Xians don't have the same rights to panhandle captive 'customers' that black thug extortionists do by trying to intimidate people on public transportation, either.

Keep the preaching in the churches. That is what they are for, street preachers should all be arrested and fined.
Now, what happened befopre that, you are right, I do not know. But you are a fraud to claim this guy was arrested merely for preaching christianity.
We had an incident in my home town a few years back that may be similar. A bus driver called the cops on a passenger that was singing hymns at the top of his lungs. The cops removed the passenger, and churches all across town had a field day the next Sunday preaching on the War against Christianity. What they overlooked was that our hymn singer was dead drunk and hitting other passenger up for money with threats...all among choruses of "Amazing Grace". After all those sermons against the bus driver and the police and their intolerance of Christians we finally got ( my best Paul Harvey voice..) the rest of the story.

After the recent Smollet story, we should maybe step back and take a closer look before making condemnations. I got 'took' on that one too.

Probably drowned out the 20 boom boxes blaring out 'ho' songs by rappers. I cans see where left wingers would find that objectionable. Xians don't have the same rights to panhandle captive 'customers' that black thug extortionists do by trying to intimidate people on public transportation, either.

Keep the preaching in the churches. That is what they are for, street preachers should all be arrested and fined.

Rubbish. They should have freedom of speech like anybody else. You should just stay in the sewers where you feel safe, is all. Nobody forced Muslims to imigrate to free countries. If they don't like what they see and hear, tough shit; deport them back to where they feel important. you should go with them.
Now, what happened befopre that, you are right, I do not know. But you are a fraud to claim this guy was arrested merely for preaching christianity.
We had an incident in my home town a few years back that may be similar. A bus driver called the cops on a passenger that was singing hymns at the top of his lungs. The cops removed the passenger, and churches all across town had a field day the next Sunday preaching on the War against Christianity. What they overlooked was that our hymn singer was dead drunk and hitting other passenger up for money with threats...all among choruses of "Amazing Grace". After all those sermons against the bus driver and the police and their intolerance of Christians we finally got ( my best Paul Harvey voice..) the rest of the story.

After the recent Smollet story, we should maybe step back and take a closer look before making condemnations. I got 'took' on that one too.

Probably drowned out the 20 boom boxes blaring out 'ho' songs by rappers. I cans see where left wingers would find that objectionable. Xians don't have the same rights to panhandle captive 'customers' that black thug extortionists do by trying to intimidate people on public transportation, either.

Keep the preaching in the churches. That is what they are for, street preachers should all be arrested and fined.

Rubbish. They should have freedom of speech like anybody else. You should just stay in the sewers where you feel safe, is all. Nobody forced Muslims to imigrate to free countries. If they don't like what they see and hear, tough shit; deport them back to where they feel important. you should go with them.

No when I walk down a street the last thing I want to hear is some crazy fanatical fundamentalist or Evangelical.
Preach in church not on a street corner
That's not how life works.

You might as well say doctors should only treat the healthy..

"Go into all the world and preach the Good News"
--------------------------------- course , thats what the BIBLE says . While i may believe thats correct , well its not Secular Law but it is FREE SPEECH . Course , i have no problem with Christian street preachers or polite Christian door knockers because the principle is Free Speech .
The British police of today, is becoming more and more like the Nazis of the 1940s

In fact they are surpassing their former enemies.

Who would have thought.
Surpassing the Nazis?

How many jews have the british police put in gas chambers this month?
most everything starts out slowly . Course i think that you think you are being clever with your silly question or comment Biff .
I watched a video of this incident.This guy was simply asked to leave as he was causing a disruption, and he refused, at times gesturing very near the cop who was speaking to him. The cops were quite patient with him prior to his arrest. If he wanted to sound off loudly, he should have gone to Piccadilly Circus. They did release him later.

This reminds me of an incident at the Lincoln Memorial some years back. The Memorial has always had a sign requesting visitors to behave quietly and respectfully inside the memorial. Then some group of people started singing songs that they said were "patriotic" and "religious." The Park Police kicked them out, and some "Christian" groups bitched and yelled about it. But there were other people there who behaved quietly and respectfully.

Incidentally, the posted article mis-identified Richard Spence as an "Islamic scholar." He is no such thing. He is not even a Muslim. He apparently is an anti-Muslim propagandist.
most everything starts out slowly . Course i think that you think you are being clever with your silly question or comment Biff .
So the person saying the british police are surpassing the Nazis was correct?

And me pointing out the idiocy of that type of hyperbolic BS is silly? GTFOH
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Now, what happened befopre that, you are right, I do not know. But you are a fraud to claim this guy was arrested merely for preaching christianity.
We had an incident in my home town a few years back that may be similar. A bus driver called the cops on a passenger that was singing hymns at the top of his lungs. The cops removed the passenger, and churches all across town had a field day the next Sunday preaching on the War against Christianity. What they overlooked was that our hymn singer was dead drunk and hitting other passenger up for money with threats...all among choruses of "Amazing Grace". After all those sermons against the bus driver and the police and their intolerance of Christians we finally got ( my best Paul Harvey voice..) the rest of the story.

After the recent Smollet story, we should maybe step back and take a closer look before making condemnations. I got 'took' on that one too.

Probably drowned out the 20 boom boxes blaring out 'ho' songs by rappers. I cans see where left wingers would find that objectionable. Xians don't have the same rights to panhandle captive 'customers' that black thug extortionists do by trying to intimidate people on public transportation, either.

Keep the preaching in the churches. That is what they are for, street preachers should all be arrested and fined.

Rubbish. They should have freedom of speech like anybody else. You should just stay in the sewers where you feel safe, is all. Nobody forced Muslims to imigrate to free countries. If they don't like what they see and hear, tough shit; deport them back to where they feel important. you should go with them.

The guy who was arrested briefly is Nigerian. Who invited him to the UK or forced him to come?
most everything starts out slowly . Course i think that you think you are being clever with your silly question or comment Biff .
So the person saying the british policy are surpassing the Nazis was correct?

And me pointing out the idiocy of that type of hyperbolic BS is silly? GTFOH
----------------------------------------- yeah , when you ask a silly question about the 'brits' gassing Jews . As i said , things start out slowly Biff .
Now, what happened befopre that, you are right, I do not know. But you are a fraud to claim this guy was arrested merely for preaching christianity.
We had an incident in my home town a few years back that may be similar. A bus driver called the cops on a passenger that was singing hymns at the top of his lungs. The cops removed the passenger, and churches all across town had a field day the next Sunday preaching on the War against Christianity. What they overlooked was that our hymn singer was dead drunk and hitting other passenger up for money with threats...all among choruses of "Amazing Grace". After all those sermons against the bus driver and the police and their intolerance of Christians we finally got ( my best Paul Harvey voice..) the rest of the story.

After the recent Smollet story, we should maybe step back and take a closer look before making condemnations. I got 'took' on that one too.

Probably drowned out the 20 boom boxes blaring out 'ho' songs by rappers. I cans see where left wingers would find that objectionable. Xians don't have the same rights to panhandle captive 'customers' that black thug extortionists do by trying to intimidate people on public transportation, either.

Keep the preaching in the churches. That is what they are for, street preachers should all be arrested and fined.

Rubbish. They should have freedom of speech like anybody else. You should just stay in the sewers where you feel safe, is all. Nobody forced Muslims to imigrate to free countries. If they don't like what they see and hear, tough shit; deport them back to where they feel important. you should go with them.

The guy who was arrested briefly is Nigerian. Who invited him to the UK or forced him to come?
---------------------------------- sadly , the 'nigerian' probably has the RIGHT to import himself into 'england' and i think 'nigeria' was a 'british colony' at one time a hundred or so years in the past Lysis .
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We had an incident in my home town a few years back that may be similar. A bus driver called the cops on a passenger that was singing hymns at the top of his lungs. The cops removed the passenger, and churches all across town had a field day the next Sunday preaching on the War against Christianity. What they overlooked was that our hymn singer was dead drunk and hitting other passenger up for money with threats...all among choruses of "Amazing Grace". After all those sermons against the bus driver and the police and their intolerance of Christians we finally got ( my best Paul Harvey voice..) the rest of the story.

After the recent Smollet story, we should maybe step back and take a closer look before making condemnations. I got 'took' on that one too.

Probably drowned out the 20 boom boxes blaring out 'ho' songs by rappers. I cans see where left wingers would find that objectionable. Xians don't have the same rights to panhandle captive 'customers' that black thug extortionists do by trying to intimidate people on public transportation, either.

Keep the preaching in the churches. That is what they are for, street preachers should all be arrested and fined.

Rubbish. They should have freedom of speech like anybody else. You should just stay in the sewers where you feel safe, is all. Nobody forced Muslims to imigrate to free countries. If they don't like what they see and hear, tough shit; deport them back to where they feel important. you should go with them.

The guy who was arrested briefly is Nigerian. Who invited him to the UK or forced him to come?
---------------------------------- sadly , the 'nigerian' probably has the RIGHT to import himself into 'england' and i think 'nigeria' was a 'british colony' at one time a hundred or so years in the past Lysis .

I, too, am from a former British colony. I still have had to stand in a long line to present my passport, be asked what I was doing there, and behave myself when I was there.I even got a full hands-in-the-air pat-down search in London prior to boarding an Air Lingus flight to Dublin. Funny, when I arrived in Ireland, nobody asked any questions. When I mentioned this to a shopkeeper, she told me that I would have to do a lot to get kicked out of Ireland.
--------------------------------- course , thats what the BIBLE says . While i may believe thats correct , well its not Secular Law but it is FREE SPEECH . Course , i have no problem with Christian street preachers or polite Christian door knockers because the principle is Free Speech
"They" will argue that Britain doesn't have Free Speech. My point to the Christ haters is that it is the DUTY of the Christian despite Man's hate.
It is not about color it is about freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

Nah, it's about not harassing people. Some street preachers get arrested, and others do not. And it pretty much comes down to whether or not they are getting in people's faces.

The British police of today, is becoming more and more like the Nazis of the 1940s

In fact they are surpassing their former enemies.

Who would have thought.


skye, still as dumb as ever.

If this were a story about a Black, brown, Islam being shot in the back, you would have made excuses in order to rationalize it.

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