Brits being arrested for anti religious twitter comments

police of thoughts?

"Israel practices “institutional and societal discrimination” against its Palestinian citizens: this is the conclusion of the US State Department in its newly-published Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2012."

This is not the Israel-Palestine board.

As a SM you should know trolling is hardly appreciated.:doubt::cuckoo:
Israel's racist occupation of Palestine drives many of the global acts of terror like the most recent savagery near London. Unlike 70% of Arabs living under Jewish laws, the people of England actually have a vote in the composition of their government.

On February 15, 2003 close to a million Brits voted with their feet:

"The British Stop the War Coalition (StWC) held a protest in London which it claimed was the largest political demonstration in the city's history. Police estimated attendance as well in excess of 750,000 people[33] and the BBC estimated that around a million attended.[34]

"The protest was organised under the slogan 'No war on Iraq - freedom for Palestine'".

Had England and the UN refused to allow 650,000 Jews to inflict a Jewish state upon 1.2 million Arabs in Palestine in 1948, Lee Rigby would still be drumming.

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