Brits Sound Just Like OUR Generals

Why yes, the Iraq Shia vs. Sunni never didn't happen until Oblama.....Same with the Golden Khanite...
Billy_Kinetta, et al,

I'm not sure I understand this theory.


Maybe the rise of DAESH (AKA IS/ISIS/ISIL) has more to do with the unintended consequence of destabilizing the military balance in the region; allowing the growth and expansion of Salafi jihadist extremist militant groups that would have otherwise been restrained by regional strongmen. Remember, these evil forces like DAESH do not play by Customary International Humanitarian Rules, or the Geneva Convention.

“There is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it.”
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

It is sometimes the case that "fire" must be fought with "even a hotter fire." If "The West" plucks-out a despicable despot, that leaves a void to be filled by the next strongest "rival power," then this becomes the unintended consequence of involvement. I'm not sure that the "liberal agenda" had anything to do with the rise of DAESH. Certainly, the lack of stability in Iraq was an American Legacy and contributing factor to the rise of DAESH; in which the seeds of conflict were left unrestrained and unchecked.
  • What is the theory behind the idea that the "liberal agenda" somehow gave rise to DAESH?
  • How does this theory work?
Most Respectfully,
Billy_Kinetta, et al,

I'm not sure I understand this theory.


Maybe the rise of DAESH (AKA IS/ISIS/ISIL) has more to do with the unintended consequence of destabilizing the military balance in the region; allowing the growth and expansion of Salafi jihadist extremist militant groups that would have otherwise been restrained by regional strongmen. Remember, these evil forces like DAESH do not play by Customary International Humanitarian Rules, or the Geneva Convention.

“There is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it.”
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

It is sometimes the case that "fire" must be fought with "even a hotter fire." If "The West" plucks-out a despicable despot, that leaves a void to be filled by the next strongest "rival power," then this becomes the unintended consequence of involvement. I'm not sure that the "liberal agenda" had anything to do with the rise of DAESH. Certainly, the lack of stability in Iraq was an American Legacy and contributing factor to the rise of DAESH; in which the seeds of conflict were left unrestrained and unchecked.
  • What is the theory behind the idea that the "liberal agenda" somehow gave rise to DAESH?
  • How does this theory work?
Most Respectfully,
Obama said Iraq was secure when he pulled our troops out, and let the situation deteriorate...

Then he decided to have two illegal wars in Libya and Syria, where ISIS could get a foothold there...

And don't forget Obama's stunt in Egypt, where he backed a terrorist organization... Obama and Hillary are lucky we haven't been asked to extradite them...

Oh, and the situation in the Sinai is really looking up after Obozo's stunts, too...
Will ISIS find fertile ground in Egypt's Sinai? - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
I thought more of a reason to get oil prices higher, but you go with that...

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