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Building the wall is the most critical political issue in America, we must do it

Will you vote for Trump in 2020? This is best guess only

  • Voted for Trump in 2016 and will again in 2020

  • Voted for Trump in 2016 but won't in 2020

  • Didn't vote for Trump in 2016 but will in 2020

  • Voted for Hillary in 2016 and will vote Democrat in 2020

  • Voted third party in 2016 and will vote third party in 2020

Results are only viewable after voting.
In the end, if we don't build the wall, the Democrats will smother us.

I can't say I'd be happy to see Democrats win, but the thought of Trumpsters being smothered is appealing.
In the end, if we don't build the wall, the Democrats will smother us. They have already flipped California and New Mexico into solid blue States. Illegal voters have turned Nevada light blue. And they have turned Texas and Arizona from solid to light red.

The issue of illegal immigration has been an endless game of kick the can for decades. But this is it. The authoritarian leftist Democrat party is on the verge of a stranglehold on the country and the end of our freedom. That's why the Democrats fight so hysterically against the wall. They don't think it won't work, they know it will.

The reason this is THE issue is that for that reason, every other issue is dependent on the wall. If we don't build the wall, then Texas will eventually flip and with that alone we're done. Hispanics over time like all other Americans become more conservative as they become more successful. But that takes time and a million illegals coming here a year floods that.

I didn't vote for Trump last time for two main reasons. First, I'm a capitalist and he isn't. Free trade is the beating heart of capitalism. Second, he has been a pig to women. Unlike Democrats who voted twice for a sexual predator and again for his hoe who attacked his victims again, that does matter to me.

But now it's down to this. We must end the endless flow now. And for me, my decision of whether I will vote for him comes down to this. Build the wall and I'll vote for him. Don't, and I won't. I can't imagine what would make me flip from that. This is THE political question in our country. We must build the wall, and build it now.

I voted that I did not vote for 2016 but I will in 2020 because I believe/hope he'll actually do it.

Please explain your vote if you voted you will change your vote regarding Trump either way.
You didn’t vote? Then I’ve lost all respect for you loser.
In the end, if we don't build the wall, the Democrats will smother us. They have already flipped California and New Mexico into solid blue States. Illegal voters have turned Nevada light blue. And they have turned Texas and Arizona from solid to light red.

The issue of illegal immigration has been an endless game of kick the can for decades. But this is it. The authoritarian leftist Democrat party is on the verge of a stranglehold on the country and the end of our freedom. That's why the Democrats fight so hysterically against the wall. They don't think it won't work, they know it will.

The reason this is THE issue is that for that reason, every other issue is dependent on the wall. If we don't build the wall, then Texas will eventually flip and with that alone we're done. Hispanics over time like all other Americans become more conservative as they become more successful. But that takes time and a million illegals coming here a year floods that.

I didn't vote for Trump last time for two main reasons. First, I'm a capitalist and he isn't. Free trade is the beating heart of capitalism. Second, he has been a pig to women. Unlike Democrats who voted twice for a sexual predator and again for his hoe who attacked his victims again, that does matter to me.

But now it's down to this. We must end the endless flow now. And for me, my decision of whether I will vote for him comes down to this. Build the wall and I'll vote for him. Don't, and I won't. I can't imagine what would make me flip from that. This is THE political question in our country. We must build the wall, and build it now.

I voted that I did not vote for 2016 but I will in 2020 because I believe/hope he'll actually do it.

Please explain your vote if you voted you will change your vote regarding Trump either way.

I voted third party in every election since 1996, will continue that trend in 2020.

We do not need a wall, building a wall is moving backwards, not forwards. Trump wants a wall because he wants a viable, physical monument to his greatness and a wall is the only way he will get one.

According to Trump himself border crossings are down 80%, and that is without a wall and without a significant increase in the Border Patrol.

The wall is an expense we do not have the money to pay for and it will just become a bigger and bigger expense each year as the maintenance cost on it grow with time and age of the wall.

If you wish to control our southern border to keep the evil brown people out there are three easy steps to do it.

First, use our military for its base purpose, to defend the country. We have roughly 97,000 troops in Europe. Bring half of them home and station them along the border and give them the task of protecting the border.

Second, punish harshly those companies in the US that employ illegal immigrants. Make an example out of a couple of bigger companies and make it so painful that no other company will take the chance of using illegal immigrants as labor.

Third, have a real guest worker program so that those industries that do rely on cheaper labor (agricultural comes to mind) have access to those willing to work.

If you do the 2nd and 3rd thing then the only people trying to sneak across the border are people with ill intent and then they become easy targets for the military guarding the border.

On a side note, wanting to build a wall to keep the non-whites is about the most anti-libertarian thing I have seen in a long time. Thank you for dropping the charade.
I voted for Trump because our nations leaders were screwing up...stupid wars we either couldn't or wouldn't win or the ridiculous idea to rebuild nations that we destroyed even though they don't want us there...

Out of control spending...

We are on track to add 2.6 trillion dollars to the national debt this year. How did voting for Trump help with that out of control spending?

The deficit for this year, after only 79 days is 551 billion dollars. That is more than the deficit for the entire years of 2014 and 2015 and almost equal with the total added in 2016.

Seems out of control spending has not changed much.
Who is running in 2020 against Trump?

The poll asks for your "best guess"

It all depends on who is running. Your poll does not have the option of,"voted 3rd party but can be swayed to the mainstream vote."

No, I didn't put in 57 different options. Be an adult. The poll even says BEST GUESS.

You know Trump will be the Republican nominee
You know a Marxist will be the Democrat nominee
The Libertarians have three straight elections of not picking a libertarian candidate.

Even in my OP I said I will vote for Trump if he builds the wall. I won't if he doesn't. I'll probably vote Libertarian if he doesn't build the wall. No, I don't know yet. So I guessed he will.

How can I tell you who will be the nominees in three years? What is the point of this? It's an early guess
In the end, if we don't build the wall, the Democrats will smother us. They have already flipped California and New Mexico into solid blue States. Illegal voters have turned Nevada light blue. And they have turned Texas and Arizona from solid to light red.

The issue of illegal immigration has been an endless game of kick the can for decades. But this is it. The authoritarian leftist Democrat party is on the verge of a stranglehold on the country and the end of our freedom. That's why the Democrats fight so hysterically against the wall. They don't think it won't work, they know it will.

The reason this is THE issue is that for that reason, every other issue is dependent on the wall. If we don't build the wall, then Texas will eventually flip and with that alone we're done. Hispanics over time like all other Americans become more conservative as they become more successful. But that takes time and a million illegals coming here a year floods that.

I didn't vote for Trump last time for two main reasons. First, I'm a capitalist and he isn't. Free trade is the beating heart of capitalism. Second, he has been a pig to women. Unlike Democrats who voted twice for a sexual predator and again for his hoe who attacked his victims again, that does matter to me.

But now it's down to this. We must end the endless flow now. And for me, my decision of whether I will vote for him comes down to this. Build the wall and I'll vote for him. Don't, and I won't. I can't imagine what would make me flip from that. This is THE political question in our country. We must build the wall, and build it now.

I voted that I did not vote for 2016 but I will in 2020 because I believe/hope he'll actually do it.

Please explain your vote if you voted you will change your vote regarding Trump either way.
.The wall is thee most contentious issue to be used against the republicans in the 2020 election (if it is attempted to be built), and if huge dollars are spent, and then it fails.

Building specific barriers suitable for the landscape along the border in order to conform to the needs within the areas that are at risk is Ok, and repairing or upgrading other barriers already in place is also OK. Mix that with better technology, drones, new roads, sensors, troops where needed, unchained border patrol, e-verify (enforced big time), sanctuary cities stopped, and the deportation starts yielding great results, and then look for the instant results in everything associated with the issue.

If can do all this in concert, the elections in 2020 will be Trump, Trump, Trump.

Right now the wall is like a huge target that has been placed on the backs of the GOP.

The Demon-crats are locked and loaded for the failure or they will do their level best to cause the failure.

Americans overwhelmingly want the southern border secured. I just see no evidence of this
. Secured yes, but that includes a comprehensive attack on all things illegal. A wall in some areas is needed yes, but not a huge Jericho wall as was dipicted in the Bible. There's political hype, and then there is reality.

OK, I agree with that, but it isn't what you said the first time. The first time you said let's cower to the left and avoid it looking like a wall. Now you're saying we shouldn't build a wall just because wall. I agree with that. There are mountain ranges and such where a wall is not the best solution. I want the best solution. But I don't want to cringe and say please don't be mad at me. Cringing and caving to the left is a losing strategy, not a winning one
Yeah, um.... funny thing about that.. the blacks have been waiting a lot longer than the Hispanics have...

Okay, here's the real problem you guys have. You've spent the last few decades scaring white people into voting against their own economic interests by telling them the Darkies are out to get them.... which worked fine up until the 1980's, but really doesn't work now because there are too many of them, and some white people aren't really comfortable with racism.

The ironic thing is, Hispanics SHOULD be a conservative block now. religious, hard working and pro-family. They'll probably drag the Democrats closer to the center. But you guys have so thoroughly alienated them you've probably lost them for generations.
I'm half Hispanic. No reason for American Hispanics to go against Trump. He represents a protectionist stance for ALL Americans. Since when do American Hispanics get invulnerable against losing jobs to foreign invaders ? (wherever they may be from)

And since when do Americans (any of us) not lose out, when countries like Mexico and China pillage our economy for Billions$$ per year, as they've been doing ?

As for all your talk about race, for your edification, dark skinned people aren't the only foreigners that Democrats have been throwing at us, to build votes for themselves. >>>


Low end voters in every country are going to vote more socialist because politicians are going to always offer them other people's money.

That's why Democrats want to import low end Mexicans rather than the general population. It's a voter drive. The goal is to import poor Mexicans then keep them poor like they do to poor Americans
In the end, if we don't build the wall, the Democrats will smother us. They have already flipped California and New Mexico into solid blue States. Illegal voters have turned Nevada light blue. And they have turned Texas and Arizona from solid to light red.

The issue of illegal immigration has been an endless game of kick the can for decades. But this is it. The authoritarian leftist Democrat party is on the verge of a stranglehold on the country and the end of our freedom. That's why the Democrats fight so hysterically against the wall. They don't think it won't work, they know it will.

The reason this is THE issue is that for that reason, every other issue is dependent on the wall. If we don't build the wall, then Texas will eventually flip and with that alone we're done. Hispanics over time like all other Americans become more conservative as they become more successful. But that takes time and a million illegals coming here a year floods that.

I didn't vote for Trump last time for two main reasons. First, I'm a capitalist and he isn't. Free trade is the beating heart of capitalism. Second, he has been a pig to women. Unlike Democrats who voted twice for a sexual predator and again for his hoe who attacked his victims again, that does matter to me.

But now it's down to this. We must end the endless flow now. And for me, my decision of whether I will vote for him comes down to this. Build the wall and I'll vote for him. Don't, and I won't. I can't imagine what would make me flip from that. This is THE political question in our country. We must build the wall, and build it now.

I voted that I did not vote for 2016 but I will in 2020 because I believe/hope he'll actually do it.

Please explain your vote if you voted you will change your vote regarding Trump either way.
You didn’t vote? Then I’ve lost all respect for you loser.

I voted for Gary Johnson, liar. I never said I didn't vote.

And you are why I make people identify themselves. You're a leftist socialist and you claim to have voted for Trump. What a load
In the end, if we don't build the wall, the Democrats will smother us. They have already flipped California and New Mexico into solid blue States. Illegal voters have turned Nevada light blue. And they have turned Texas and Arizona from solid to light red.

The issue of illegal immigration has been an endless game of kick the can for decades. But this is it. The authoritarian leftist Democrat party is on the verge of a stranglehold on the country and the end of our freedom. That's why the Democrats fight so hysterically against the wall. They don't think it won't work, they know it will.

The reason this is THE issue is that for that reason, every other issue is dependent on the wall. If we don't build the wall, then Texas will eventually flip and with that alone we're done. Hispanics over time like all other Americans become more conservative as they become more successful. But that takes time and a million illegals coming here a year floods that.

I didn't vote for Trump last time for two main reasons. First, I'm a capitalist and he isn't. Free trade is the beating heart of capitalism. Second, he has been a pig to women. Unlike Democrats who voted twice for a sexual predator and again for his hoe who attacked his victims again, that does matter to me.

But now it's down to this. We must end the endless flow now. And for me, my decision of whether I will vote for him comes down to this. Build the wall and I'll vote for him. Don't, and I won't. I can't imagine what would make me flip from that. This is THE political question in our country. We must build the wall, and build it now.

I voted that I did not vote for 2016 but I will in 2020 because I believe/hope he'll actually do it.

Please explain your vote if you voted you will change your vote regarding Trump either way.
You didn’t vote? Then I’ve lost all respect for you loser.

I voted for Gary Johnson....

Who called Trump's wall "asinine".
In the end, if we don't build the wall, the Democrats will smother us. They have already flipped California and New Mexico into solid blue States. Illegal voters have turned Nevada light blue. And they have turned Texas and Arizona from solid to light red.

The issue of illegal immigration has been an endless game of kick the can for decades. But this is it. The authoritarian leftist Democrat party is on the verge of a stranglehold on the country and the end of our freedom. That's why the Democrats fight so hysterically against the wall. They don't think it won't work, they know it will.

The reason this is THE issue is that for that reason, every other issue is dependent on the wall. If we don't build the wall, then Texas will eventually flip and with that alone we're done. Hispanics over time like all other Americans become more conservative as they become more successful. But that takes time and a million illegals coming here a year floods that.

I didn't vote for Trump last time for two main reasons. First, I'm a capitalist and he isn't. Free trade is the beating heart of capitalism. Second, he has been a pig to women. Unlike Democrats who voted twice for a sexual predator and again for his hoe who attacked his victims again, that does matter to me.

But now it's down to this. We must end the endless flow now. And for me, my decision of whether I will vote for him comes down to this. Build the wall and I'll vote for him. Don't, and I won't. I can't imagine what would make me flip from that. This is THE political question in our country. We must build the wall, and build it now.

I voted that I did not vote for 2016 but I will in 2020 because I believe/hope he'll actually do it.

Please explain your vote if you voted you will change your vote regarding Trump either way.
Yes, let us build a wall around Trump, and install iron bars in the windows.

In the end, if we don't build the wall, the Democrats will smother us.

I can't say I'd be happy to see Democrats win, but the thought of Trumpsters being smothered is appealing.

Totalitarian authoritarian leftists just don't scare you.

And it's not good for us if either party smothers the other one. Stagnation in DC is our only hope since neither respects our liberty
Trump wants a wall because he wants a viable, physical monument to his greatness and a wall is the only way he will get one

Lost interest right here. Typical leftist. You need to start with ad hominem attacks on people you disagree with because you can't back up your positions with actual logical arguments. What you said is you're a bigot, don't bother reading the rest of your crap because it won't make sense either.

That's all the left has because your ideas are illogical and don't work.

This is a voter drive for you. You don't oppose the wall because you think it won't work, you oppose the wall because you know it will.

Then there's how drugs, guns, gangs, criminals, rapists and murderers come across the border with the illegal aliens and completely ignore that.

We are talking about ILLEGAL immigration, not immigration
Trump wants a wall because he wants a viable, physical monument to his greatness and a wall is the only way he will get one

Lost interest right here. Typical leftist. You need to start with ad hominem attacks on people you disagree with because you can't back up your positions with actual logical arguments. What you said is you're a bigot, don't bother reading the rest of your crap because it won't make sense either.

That's all the left has because your ideas are illogical and don't work.

This is a voter drive for you. You don't oppose the wall because you think it won't work, you oppose the wall because you know it will.

Then there's how drugs, guns, gangs, criminals, rapists and murderers come across the border with the illegal aliens and completely ignore that.

We are talking about ILLEGAL immigration, not immigration

I gave 3 steps to stop those things and you have no rebuttal to them so you choose to ignore them. What else would we expect from the most dishonest person on this forum.
On a side note, wanting to build a wall to keep the non-whites is about the most anti-libertarian thing I have seen in a long time. Thank you for dropping the charade.

Skimmed the rest. So you're a racist who thinks only brown people are criminals and enter our country illegally and white people only come here legally? Yeah. Only brown people are criminals. How Grand Wizard of you
In the end, if we don't build the wall, the Democrats will smother us. They have already flipped California and New Mexico into solid blue States. Illegal voters have turned Nevada light blue. And they have turned Texas and Arizona from solid to light red.

The issue of illegal immigration has been an endless game of kick the can for decades. But this is it. The authoritarian leftist Democrat party is on the verge of a stranglehold on the country and the end of our freedom. That's why the Democrats fight so hysterically against the wall. They don't think it won't work, they know it will.

The reason this is THE issue is that for that reason, every other issue is dependent on the wall. If we don't build the wall, then Texas will eventually flip and with that alone we're done. Hispanics over time like all other Americans become more conservative as they become more successful. But that takes time and a million illegals coming here a year floods that.

I didn't vote for Trump last time for two main reasons. First, I'm a capitalist and he isn't. Free trade is the beating heart of capitalism. Second, he has been a pig to women. Unlike Democrats who voted twice for a sexual predator and again for his hoe who attacked his victims again, that does matter to me.

But now it's down to this. We must end the endless flow now. And for me, my decision of whether I will vote for him comes down to this. Build the wall and I'll vote for him. Don't, and I won't. I can't imagine what would make me flip from that. This is THE political question in our country. We must build the wall, and build it now.

I voted that I did not vote for 2016 but I will in 2020 because I believe/hope he'll actually do it.

Please explain your vote if you voted you will change your vote regarding Trump either way.

I voted third party in every election since 1996, will continue that trend in 2020.

We do not need a wall, building a wall is moving backwards, not forwards. Trump wants a wall because he wants a viable, physical monument to his greatness and a wall is the only way he will get one.

According to Trump himself border crossings are down 80%, and that is without a wall and without a significant increase in the Border Patrol.

The wall is an expense we do not have the money to pay for and it will just become a bigger and bigger expense each year as the maintenance cost on it grow with time and age of the wall.

If you wish to control our southern border to keep the evil brown people out there are three easy steps to do it.

First, use our military for its base purpose, to defend the country. We have roughly 97,000 troops in Europe. Bring half of them home and station them along the border and give them the task of protecting the border.

Second, punish harshly those companies in the US that employ illegal immigrants. Make an example out of a couple of bigger companies and make it so painful that no other company will take the chance of using illegal immigrants as labor.

Third, have a real guest worker program so that those industries that do rely on cheaper labor (agricultural comes to mind) have access to those willing to work.

If you do the 2nd and 3rd thing then the only people trying to sneak across the border are people with ill intent and then they become easy targets for the military guarding the border.

On a side note, wanting to build a wall to keep the non-whites is about the most anti-libertarian thing I have seen in a long time. Thank you for dropping the charade.

How doesn’t the wall pay for itself over time?
You must be doing different math than we are...would you mind walking us through your arithmetic?
Trump wants a wall because he wants a viable, physical monument to his greatness and a wall is the only way he will get one

Lost interest right here. Typical leftist. You need to start with ad hominem attacks on people you disagree with because you can't back up your positions with actual logical arguments. What you said is you're a bigot, don't bother reading the rest of your crap because it won't make sense either.

That's all the left has because your ideas are illogical and don't work.

This is a voter drive for you. You don't oppose the wall because you think it won't work, you oppose the wall because you know it will.

Then there's how drugs, guns, gangs, criminals, rapists and murderers come across the border with the illegal aliens and completely ignore that.

We are talking about ILLEGAL immigration, not immigration

I gave 3 steps to stop those things and you have no rebuttal to them so you choose to ignore them. What else would we expect from the most dishonest person on this forum.

"We?" And your dick shrivels up further. It's not you, you have legions of posters following your every word cheering you on propping up your manhood.

Listen you race bating lech. We are talking about ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. Not immigration. You know that, you just don't have the wit to back up your stupid crap or the manhood to stand on actual principles. So that's how you roll.

Illegal alien is no more legal immigrant than shoplifter is customer.

Only Democrats want the illegal aliens because you know they will go on welfare, be chained to government, then you own them
In the end, if we don't build the wall, the Democrats will smother us. They have already flipped California and New Mexico into solid blue States. Illegal voters have turned Nevada light blue. And they have turned Texas and Arizona from solid to light red.

Some bigot like you said the same thing about the Irish 150 years ago.

And the Germans 100 years ago.

And the Poles 50 years ago.

The issue of illegal immigration has been an endless game of kick the can for decades. But this is it. The authoritarian leftist Democrat party is on the verge of a stranglehold on the country and the end of our freedom. That's why the Democrats fight so hysterically against the wall. They don't think it won't work, they know it will.

Yes, the right wing cares about the freedom of rich people to exploit working folks.

We are against the wall because it's a waste of money and it presents an ugly image of our country. (Most undocumented workers actually entered the country legally or through another route.)

The reason this is THE issue is that for that reason, every other issue is dependent on the wall. If we don't build the wall, then Texas will eventually flip and with that alone we're done. Hispanics over time like all other Americans become more conservative as they become more successful. But that takes time and a million illegals coming here a year floods that.

Yeah, um.... funny thing about that.. the blacks have been waiting a lot longer than the Hispanics have...

Okay, here's the real problem you guys have. You've spent the last few decades scaring white people into voting against their own economic interests by telling them the Darkies are out to get them.... which worked fine up until the 1980's, but really doesn't work now because there are too many of them, and some white people aren't really comfortable with racism.

The ironic thing is, Hispanics SHOULD be a conservative block now. religious, hard working and pro-family. They'll probably drag the Democrats closer to the center. But you guys have so thoroughly alienated them you've probably lost them for generations.

Nope, they came here legally.

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