Bullying does not lead to suicide

ANYTHING can "lead to suicide".


It's idiotic to think that we can typically parse out one event or one series of events to explain a suicide's decision to kill himself.

Lots and lots and lots of us (probably every one of us) has been bullied, some of us have had lifetimes of it.

WE do not all kill ourselves.

But CERTAINLY being bullied can be one of the causes that make SOME people take their lives.
There is no scientific evidence that bullying leads to suicide, period.

Is it a risk factor? Yes. Should it be dealt with? Yes.

Yes, there IS. PERIOD.
And I have provided it. Contrary to your bullshit article, which is just a lie without ANY proof.
After reading this thread I am now confused.

Are we now denying Darwin?
Good. Hope the stupid school administrators reinstate zero tolerance policies for bullying ( as it was initially after columbine) instead of the crazy epidemic of ideologial agenda against guns
I disagree with you, Quantum. There is sufficient evidence to prove that bullying can lead the victim to suicide and therefore the answer is to make it a zero tolerance policy in schools / on school buses - social media - on the matter of bullying. If they can do that for guns? They can do it for bullies who are every bit as dangerous left unchecked.

- Jeri

Zero Tolerance Policies are Bullying.
That mother is the reason her son is a bully.
Dr. Phil is an idiot and he DOES take sides.
Good thing I was not the victims mother. The bullies mother would be picking up her teeth on playback.
I cannot tolerate bullies. And those that are speaking up for bullies here in this thread need to take a gander at themselves. One here seems to hide while bullying...until I post their disgusting comments in negs I give it. Then it isn't so hidden, is it?

Bah. I have no patience for hypocrits. Nor bullies. Those who do deride and say filth about something they know nothing about are pond scum.

So..in short....PFFFFFFFFFFFFFT on "Dr." Phil....who sucks.

Anyone who thinks TV has any redeeming social value at all need only turn on Dr. Phil-of-himself for ten minutes.

It's like Quantum Windbag... with sound. :eek:
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I have said this before, and will say it again, the problem is not that teens are bullies, the problem is that some of them need help they are not getting.

All suicides are tragic and complicated. And teen suicides are particularly devastating because as adults we recognize all that lost potential.
Yet, in perpetuating these stories, which are often little more than emotional linkbait, journalists are complicit in a gross oversimplification of a complicated phenomenon. In short, we’re getting the facts wrong.
The common narrative goes like this: Mean kids, usually the most popular and powerful, single out and relentlessly bully a socially weaker classmate in a systemic and calculated way, which then drives the victim into a darkness where he or she sees no alternative other than committing suicide.
And yet experts – those who study suicide, teen behavior and the dynamics of cyber interactions of teens – all say that the facts are rarely that simple. And by repeating this inaccurate story over and over, journalists are harming the public’s ability to understand the dynamics of both bullying and suicide.

Respectfully, you are wrong.
I was severely bullied in school and I was seeing a counselor after I tried to commit suicide by overdosing on pills. During the time I was being counseled, twice a week, as well as being on a strong dose of anti-depressants, I was still being bullied, and I tried to commit suicide twice more.

I was getting the help I needed, but sometimes, its not enough.

I don't speak for everyone, but I can say that it doesn't just come down to a person not getting the help they need - oftentimes, its the bullies who are directly responsible.

You also have severe mental problems. If you didn't, you wouldn't have tried to kill yourself.

At least 25% of kids are bullied, yet less than 1% of teens commit suicide. Divorce is actually a more common indicator of suicide than bullying, yet no one ever argues that divorce causes suicide.

I am not trying to belittle your personal story, just pointing out that, if we actually look, it is absurd to claim that bullying leads to suicide. We need to deal with the reality as it is, not delve into a fantasy realm where we wave a magic wand, end bullying, and expect teens to stop killing themselves.
There is no scientific evidence that bullying leads to suicide, period.

Is it a risk factor? Yes. Should it be dealt with? Yes.

Yes, there IS. PERIOD.
And I have provided it. Contrary to your bullshit article, which is just a lie without ANY proof.

Your article proved you are wrong, bullying does not lead to suicide. Yet you insist that you are right.
I have said this before, and will say it again, the problem is not that teens are bullies, the problem is that some of them need help they are not getting.

All suicides are tragic and complicated. And teen suicides are particularly devastating because as adults we recognize all that lost potential.
Yet, in perpetuating these stories, which are often little more than emotional linkbait, journalists are complicit in a gross oversimplification of a complicated phenomenon. In short, we’re getting the facts wrong.
The common narrative goes like this: Mean kids, usually the most popular and powerful, single out and relentlessly bully a socially weaker classmate in a systemic and calculated way, which then drives the victim into a darkness where he or she sees no alternative other than committing suicide.
And yet experts – those who study suicide, teen behavior and the dynamics of cyber interactions of teens – all say that the facts are rarely that simple. And by repeating this inaccurate story over and over, journalists are harming the public’s ability to understand the dynamics of both bullying and suicide.

Bullying is not on the rise and it does not lead to suicide | Poynter.

Most children who get bullied do not react with self violence. But bullying is not right, it is bad manners at the least and verbal assault at the most. It happens so easily in schools because teachers are chicken shit and let it happen.
There is no evidence that supports that, other than the cops claiming that some suicides are caused by bullying so that they can make people feel guilty.

Oh yes! Those crazy cops believing the suicide letters, the facebook dialogues, the youtube videos of them telling people they are taking their life due to the bullies who won't stop making their lives a living hell. The cops are to blame now. Right.

Do you have any idea how ridiculous your claim is? What is this really about anyhow? Do you know someone who has a son or daughter that is a bully? Get them help and quit vindicating the behavior, Quantum. That might alleviate some guilt. Try it. - Jeri

If someone writes a suicide letter blaming Lady Gaga for their death because she didn't write a song about how he felt does that prove that Lady Gaga killed him?

Well, I have found that some things are hard to prove but are nevertheless the truth, Quantum... like how some folks will use scriptures such as Thou art God to advertise to the world they serve God. They just never mention "which one". The god of this world has many bowing down to him, to do his will and his greatest pleasure is in those who will call him "God" and find more sacrifices to lay upon his altar. ( by their own evil deeds ) Bullying is just one of the methods his servants use in order to drive another dead body his way... it is all in a days work for some folks. You know? - Jeri p.s. I am Christian. I don't listen to Lady Gaga.
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I disagree with you, Quantum. There is sufficient evidence to prove that bullying can lead the victim to suicide and therefore the answer is to make it a zero tolerance policy in schools / on school buses - social media - on the matter of bullying. If they can do that for guns? They can do it for bullies who are every bit as dangerous left unchecked.

- Jeri

Zero Tolerance Policies are Bullying.

Wrong but there is a zero tolerance policy for trolls on this board. So watch out.
Oh yes! Those crazy cops believing the suicide letters, the facebook dialogues, the youtube videos of them telling people they are taking their life due to the bullies who won't stop making their lives a living hell. The cops are to blame now. Right.

Do you have any idea how ridiculous your claim is? What is this really about anyhow? Do you know someone who has a son or daughter that is a bully? Get them help and quit vindicating the behavior, Quantum. That might alleviate some guilt. Try it. - Jeri

If someone writes a suicide letter blaming Lady Gaga for their death because she didn't write a song about how he felt does that prove that Lady Gaga killed him?

Well, I have found that some things are hard to prove but are nevertheless the truth, Quantum... like how some folks will use scriptures such as Thou art God to advertise to the world they serve God. They just never mention "which one". The god of this world has many bowing down to him, to do his will and his greatest pleasure is in those who will call him "God" and find more sacrifices to lay upon his altar. ( by their own evil deeds ) Bullying is just one of the methods his servants use in order to drive another dead body his way... it is all in a days work for some folks. You know? - Jeri p.s. I am Christian. I don't listen to Lady Gaga.

Thou art God is a quote from a Science Fiction novel, and it is implying that everyone is God. I would try to explain it to you, but you would get even more offended than you already are.
I have said this before, and will say it again, the problem is not that teens are bullies, the problem is that some of them need help they are not getting.


Respectfully, you are wrong.
I was severely bullied in school and I was seeing a counselor after I tried to commit suicide by overdosing on pills. During the time I was being counseled, twice a week, as well as being on a strong dose of anti-depressants, I was still being bullied, and I tried to commit suicide twice more.

I was getting the help I needed, but sometimes, its not enough.

I don't speak for everyone, but I can say that it doesn't just come down to a person not getting the help they need - oftentimes, its the bullies who are directly responsible.

You also have severe mental problems. If you didn't, you wouldn't have tried to kill yourself.

At least 25% of kids are bullied, yet less than 1% of teens commit suicide. Divorce is actually a more common indicator of suicide than bullying, yet no one ever argues that divorce causes suicide.

I am not trying to belittle your personal story, just pointing out that, if we actually look, it is absurd to claim that bullying leads to suicide. We need to deal with the reality as it is, not delve into a fantasy realm where we wave a magic wand, end bullying, and expect teens to stop killing themselves.

This is probably one of the single most evil replies I have ever read on a message board. Sallows comment to Sunshine about not dying fast enough is another. I would advise anyone who has been the victim of bullying to not read your posts. Sociopaths are very dangerous people and should be avoided at all costs. ( Bullies )

Let me close this reply with the truth. Noomi does not have any mental disorders. She is a very bright, intelligent, compassionate individual who has overcome all odds to be here today with us and I for one celebrate the fact that she is still here. I would advise Noomi and the others here to not listen to a single word you say. You obviously do not have a teachable spirit and refuse to humble yourself when proven wrong. The numerous videos, judgments in favor of the Victims from courts, settlements out of court from schools districts, testimonies of parents, victims, youtube videos, website bullyonline that identifies people such as yourself - are all availabe material you could have used to admit you were wrong. Instead you blame a victim who has already survived & recovered from the nightmare of bullying.
Repent. ( Ezekiel 3: 18 )

- Jeri
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If someone writes a suicide letter blaming Lady Gaga for their death because she didn't write a song about how he felt does that prove that Lady Gaga killed him?

Well, I have found that some things are hard to prove but are nevertheless the truth, Quantum... like how some folks will use scriptures such as Thou art God to advertise to the world they serve God. They just never mention "which one". The god of this world has many bowing down to him, to do his will and his greatest pleasure is in those who will call him "God" and find more sacrifices to lay upon his altar. ( by their own evil deeds ) Bullying is just one of the methods his servants use in order to drive another dead body his way... it is all in a days work for some folks. You know? - Jeri p.s. I am Christian. I don't listen to Lady Gaga.

Thou art God is a quote from a Science Fiction novel, and it is implying that everyone is God. I would try to explain it to you, but you would get even more offended than you already are.

No, that was Anton Lavey's belief. Thou art god. Do what thou wilt. For his reward - leadership of the Church of Satan he got hell. His best friend witnessed the entire departure as Anton lay on his death bed screaming in terror ----> which led to his own conversion to Jesus Christ. I am well acquainted with the works of Satan because the serious Christian should always make a point of knowing their enemy and what strategies he will attempt to use. This is my final reply, Quantum. Repent.

- Jeri
Respectfully, you are wrong.
I was severely bullied in school and I was seeing a counselor after I tried to commit suicide by overdosing on pills. During the time I was being counseled, twice a week, as well as being on a strong dose of anti-depressants, I was still being bullied, and I tried to commit suicide twice more.

I was getting the help I needed, but sometimes, its not enough.

I don't speak for everyone, but I can say that it doesn't just come down to a person not getting the help they need - oftentimes, its the bullies who are directly responsible.

You also have severe mental problems. If you didn't, you wouldn't have tried to kill yourself.

At least 25% of kids are bullied, yet less than 1% of teens commit suicide. Divorce is actually a more common indicator of suicide than bullying, yet no one ever argues that divorce causes suicide.

I am not trying to belittle your personal story, just pointing out that, if we actually look, it is absurd to claim that bullying leads to suicide. We need to deal with the reality as it is, not delve into a fantasy realm where we wave a magic wand, end bullying, and expect teens to stop killing themselves.

This is probably one of the single most evil replies I have ever read on a message board. Sallows comment to Sunshine about not dying fast enough is another. I would advise anyone who has been the victim of bullying to not read your posts. Sociopaths are very dangerous people and should be avoided at all costs. ( Bullies )

Let me close this reply with the truth. Noomi does not have any mental disorders. She is a very bright, intelligent, compassionate individual who has overcome all odds to be here today with us and I for one celebrate the fact that she is still here. I would advise Noomi and the others here to not listen to a single word you say. You obviously do not have a teachable spirit and refuse to humble yourself when proven wrong. The numerous videos, judgments in favor of the Victims from courts, settlements out of court from schools districts, testimonies of parents, victims, youtube videos, website bullyonline that identifies people such as yourself - are all availabe material you could have used to admit you were wrong. Instead you blame a victim who has already survived & recovered from the nightmare of bullying.
Repent. ( Ezekiel 3: 18 )

- Jeri

I am not particularly troubled by Sallow's comment. The quote is just to show him for the jackass that he is. Others have said far worse. But then I am a successful, educated, adult and not a vulnerable child. So, you could make most any value judgment about me and it would fall on deaf ears. If children are being bullied in school then the people who should be intervening are not intervening. Teachers and school officials are supposed to be educated professionals. They certainly should have had the class detailing the fact that humans get their self esteem from other humans. As a child, a person doesn't really have a sense of him/herself. So if they get bullied all day long and they can't muster a sense of self worth then that child is at high risk for several dangerous behaviors. I agree that bullying doesn't 'cause' suicide. But it certainly raises the risk in a person with low self esteem or undeveloped self esteem. "I know who I am and who I may be if I choose." One of my all time favorite quotes from Literature.
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I have said this before, and will say it again, the problem is not that teens are bullies, the problem is that some of them need help they are not getting.

All suicides are tragic and complicated. And teen suicides are particularly devastating because as adults we recognize all that lost potential.
Yet, in perpetuating these stories, which are often little more than emotional linkbait, journalists are complicit in a gross oversimplification of a complicated phenomenon. In short, we’re getting the facts wrong.
The common narrative goes like this: Mean kids, usually the most popular and powerful, single out and relentlessly bully a socially weaker classmate in a systemic and calculated way, which then drives the victim into a darkness where he or she sees no alternative other than committing suicide.
And yet experts – those who study suicide, teen behavior and the dynamics of cyber interactions of teens – all say that the facts are rarely that simple. And by repeating this inaccurate story over and over, journalists are harming the public’s ability to understand the dynamics of both bullying and suicide.

Bullying is not on the rise and it does not lead to suicide | Poynter.

Suicide is a mental and emotional problem which is not caused by bullying, IMO. There are many factors involved in the suicidal person

Yes, this is true. But a person already overwhelmed and troubled would be a higher risk for suicide. Now that I think of it, I don't know of any assessment for a person having been bullied in a psych eval. We assess for abuse, which systematic bullying certainly is. We ask about history of abuse, and I have never had a patient mention that he/she was bullied in school.
There are many factors that contribute to suicide.

Bullying can certainly foster a bad emotional state, but it's ludicrous to try to single it out as the "cause".

I spent my entire career weighing 'risk factors.' And there are many, many risk factors for suicide. It is possible to predict when someone is more lethal than ordinary. However, teenagers are impulsive and that just goes along with their being teenagers. So, you cannot always predict suicide based on risk factors in adolescents.
I disagree with you, Quantum. There is sufficient evidence to prove that bullying can lead the victim to suicide and therefore the answer is to make it a zero tolerance policy in schools / on school buses - social media - on the matter of bullying. If they can do that for guns? They can do it for bullies who are every bit as dangerous left unchecked.

- Jeri

There is no evidence that supports that, other than the cops claiming that some suicides are caused by bullying so that they can make people feel guilty.

I think you have to give cops, firemen, and nurses some leeway. They see a lot of stuff the rest never see.
There is no scientific evidence that bullying leads to suicide, period.

Is it a risk factor? Yes. Should it be dealt with? Yes.

Yes, there IS. PERIOD.
And I have provided it. Contrary to your bullshit article, which is just a lie without ANY proof.

Your article proved you are wrong, bullying does not lead to suicide. Yet you insist that you are right.

I did not provide an "article."
I provided respectable clinical STUDIES ( three at a time) which proved my point to the letter.
But you never read either one, did you?

Or you do not understand the difference between the media article and a scientific one?
you should have said so :lol:

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