Bullying does not lead to suicide

I have said this before, and will say it again, the problem is not that teens are bullies, the problem is that some of them need help they are not getting.


I agree with you.. I know shocker.
I don't think kids should bully others but it has been going on for years. I also don't think we need some national campaign.
Our children are becoming sissies who can't deal with normal problems.
I developed early so boys loved to tease me and "bully" me, I never once thought about suicide.


The forum expert on nothing just weighed in with, well, nothing.

Troll say what?
Go back to playing WOW, it's almost time for your PB&J.
Respectfully, you are wrong.
I was severely bullied in school and I was seeing a counselor after I tried to commit suicide by overdosing on pills. During the time I was being counseled, twice a week, as well as being on a strong dose of anti-depressants, I was still being bullied, and I tried to commit suicide twice more.

I was getting the help I needed, but sometimes, its not enough.

I don't speak for everyone, but I can say that it doesn't just come down to a person not getting the help they need - oftentimes, its the bullies who are directly responsible.

You also have severe mental problems. If you didn't, you wouldn't have tried to kill yourself.

At least 25% of kids are bullied, yet less than 1% of teens commit suicide. Divorce is actually a more common indicator of suicide than bullying, yet no one ever argues that divorce causes suicide.

I am not trying to belittle your personal story, just pointing out that, if we actually look, it is absurd to claim that bullying leads to suicide. We need to deal with the reality as it is, not delve into a fantasy realm where we wave a magic wand, end bullying, and expect teens to stop killing themselves.

This is probably one of the single most evil replies I have ever read on a message board. Sallows comment to Sunshine about not dying fast enough is another. I would advise anyone who has been the victim of bullying to not read your posts. Sociopaths are very dangerous people and should be avoided at all costs. ( Bullies )

Let me close this reply with the truth. Noomi does not have any mental disorders. She is a very bright, intelligent, compassionate individual who has overcome all odds to be here today with us and I for one celebrate the fact that she is still here. I would advise Noomi and the others here to not listen to a single word you say. You obviously do not have a teachable spirit and refuse to humble yourself when proven wrong. The numerous videos, judgments in favor of the Victims from courts, settlements out of court from schools districts, testimonies of parents, victims, youtube videos, website bullyonline that identifies people such as yourself - are all availabe material you could have used to admit you were wrong. Instead you blame a victim who has already survived & recovered from the nightmare of bullying.
Repent. ( Ezekiel 3: 18 )

- Jeri

I could trot out all sorts of people that can prove that church's drive people to suicide, and argue that Christians are evil as a result. the numbers wouldn't back me up, but I can still do it. Just because you do not like the truth, that does not make it evil. In fact, Jesus said that truth shall set you free, or did you think that only applied to believing the Bible? The truth that shall set you free is that, even though bullying is bad, bullies are not responsible for choices other people make. You really need to think about the excessive load you are putting on them when you make that type of claim.

Unless, that is, you actually think the Pharisees were right.
Well, I have found that some things are hard to prove but are nevertheless the truth, Quantum... like how some folks will use scriptures such as Thou art God to advertise to the world they serve God. They just never mention "which one". The god of this world has many bowing down to him, to do his will and his greatest pleasure is in those who will call him "God" and find more sacrifices to lay upon his altar. ( by their own evil deeds ) Bullying is just one of the methods his servants use in order to drive another dead body his way... it is all in a days work for some folks. You know? - Jeri p.s. I am Christian. I don't listen to Lady Gaga.

Thou art God is a quote from a Science Fiction novel, and it is implying that everyone is God. I would try to explain it to you, but you would get even more offended than you already are.

No, that was Anton Lavey's belief. Thou art god. Do what thou wilt. For his reward - leadership of the Church of Satan he got hell. His best friend witnessed the entire departure as Anton lay on his death bed screaming in terror ----> which led to his own conversion to Jesus Christ. I am well acquainted with the works of Satan because the serious Christian should always make a point of knowing their enemy and what strategies he will attempt to use. This is my final reply, Quantum. Repent.

- Jeri

It may have been, that doesn't change the source I got it from. Nor does it change its actual meaning, anymore than calling Christmas a celebration of Jesus's birth changes the fact that it is a celebration of the winter solstice.

I disagree with you, Quantum. There is sufficient evidence to prove that bullying can lead the victim to suicide and therefore the answer is to make it a zero tolerance policy in schools / on school buses - social media - on the matter of bullying. If they can do that for guns? They can do it for bullies who are every bit as dangerous left unchecked.

- Jeri

There is no evidence that supports that, other than the cops claiming that some suicides are caused by bullying so that they can make people feel guilty.

I think you have to give cops, firemen, and nurses some leeway. They see a lot of stuff the rest never see.

I do, I just don't believe the fact that you see stuff I don't makes you more capable of judging objective evidence. If you need an example, the gull moon does not make people crazy, even if most cops, fireman, and nurses, think it does. All that anecdotal evidence is more of a self fulfilling prophecy than proof that the moon controls people.
I have said this before, and will say it again, the problem is not that teens are bullies, the problem is that some of them need help they are not getting.

All suicides are tragic and complicated. And teen suicides are particularly devastating because as adults we recognize all that lost potential.
Yet, in perpetuating these stories, which are often little more than emotional linkbait, journalists are complicit in a gross oversimplification of a complicated phenomenon. In short, we’re getting the facts wrong.
The common narrative goes like this: Mean kids, usually the most popular and powerful, single out and relentlessly bully a socially weaker classmate in a systemic and calculated way, which then drives the victim into a darkness where he or she sees no alternative other than committing suicide.
And yet experts – those who study suicide, teen behavior and the dynamics of cyber interactions of teens – all say that the facts are rarely that simple. And by repeating this inaccurate story over and over, journalists are harming the public’s ability to understand the dynamics of both bullying and suicide.
Bullying is not on the rise and it does not lead to suicide | Poynter.

Suicide or not, bullies make the lives of others miserable. AND they were the reason that Columbine happened. We make excuses for bullies and cover for them all too often.

Bullies are not responsible for Columbine, the whackos who shot up the school are.
Well, I have found that some things are hard to prove but are nevertheless the truth, Quantum... like how some folks will use scriptures such as Thou art God to advertise to the world they serve God. They just never mention "which one". The god of this world has many bowing down to him, to do his will and his greatest pleasure is in those who will call him "God" and find more sacrifices to lay upon his altar. ( by their own evil deeds ) Bullying is just one of the methods his servants use in order to drive another dead body his way... it is all in a days work for some folks. You know? - Jeri p.s. I am Christian. I don't listen to Lady Gaga.

Thou art God is a quote from a Science Fiction novel, and it is implying that everyone is God. I would try to explain it to you, but you would get even more offended than you already are.

No, that was Anton Lavey's belief. Thou art god. Do what thou wilt. For his reward - leadership of the Church of Satan he got hell. His best friend witnessed the entire departure as Anton lay on his death bed screaming in terror ----> which led to his own conversion to Jesus Christ. I am well acquainted with the works of Satan because the serious Christian should always make a point of knowing their enemy and what strategies he will attempt to use. This is my final reply, Quantum. Repent.

- Jeri

Actually, "Do what thou wilt" was Crowley, not LaVey.

And the urban legend about LaVey screaming in terror on his death bed and his "best friend" converting is nonsense.
I have said this before, and will say it again, the problem is not that teens are bullies, the problem is that some of them need help they are not getting.

Bullying is not on the rise and it does not lead to suicide | Poynter.

Suicide or not, bullies make the lives of others miserable. AND they were the reason that Columbine happened. We make excuses for bullies and cover for them all too often.

Bullies are not responsible for Columbine, the whackos who shot up the school are.

Nope. Bullies are directly responsible for Columbine. DIRECTLY
If we start prosecuting people for being assholes to someone who goes on to commit suicide, that is not justice. Unless the girls who tormented the other girl who killed herself, were themselves mentally deranged, they will one day understand what they did and will regret it. Putting them in prison for what the other girl did to herself, is unfathomable and will lead to further miscarriages of justice. If they broke laws, prosecute them, but as far as I know, calling people names and telling them you hate them is not against the law, nor should it be, no matter how repugnant those behaviors are.

we do prosecute people for being assholes and we should.

Bullying is a direct cause of suicide in a teenage group and since suicide in this group is the third most prevalent cause of mortality it should be addressed.

Including criminal prosecution.

No, we don't, we prosecute people for breaking the law.

Be careful what you wish for. If you seek justice by way of emotional reasoning you wind up with laws that are abusive to the concept of liberty, and the same laws that were enacted to "help" will become onerous to the vast majority. Are you going to start demanding "civility" laws? Laws where free exercise of thought is punished? They have that now in Canada and many European and South American countries. That's the eventual consequence.

exactly. and bullying can be regulated by law as well.
It used to be regulated by MANNERS and UPBRINGING.

But those are gone with the wind, so, nowadays it can be only law.

Cyberbullying IS a crime in several states and that is GOOD
I disagree with you, Quantum. There is sufficient evidence to prove that bullying can lead the victim to suicide and therefore the answer is to make it a zero tolerance policy in schools / on school buses - social media - on the matter of bullying. If they can do that for guns? They can do it for bullies who are every bit as dangerous left unchecked.

- Jeri

Zero Tolerance Policies are Bullying.

Wrong but there is a zero tolerance policy for trolls on this board. So watch out.

You do a wonderful job of proving my point ... Thanks!
I have said this before, and will say it again, the problem is not that teens are bullies, the problem is that some of them need help they are not getting.

All suicides are tragic and complicated. And teen suicides are particularly devastating because as adults we recognize all that lost potential.
Yet, in perpetuating these stories, which are often little more than emotional linkbait, journalists are complicit in a gross oversimplification of a complicated phenomenon. In short, we’re getting the facts wrong.
The common narrative goes like this: Mean kids, usually the most popular and powerful, single out and relentlessly bully a socially weaker classmate in a systemic and calculated way, which then drives the victim into a darkness where he or she sees no alternative other than committing suicide.
And yet experts – those who study suicide, teen behavior and the dynamics of cyber interactions of teens – all say that the facts are rarely that simple. And by repeating this inaccurate story over and over, journalists are harming the public’s ability to understand the dynamics of both bullying and suicide.

Bullying is not on the rise and it does not lead to suicide | Poynter.

Most children who get bullied do not react with self violence. But bullying is not right, it is bad manners at the least and verbal assault at the most. It happens so easily in schools because teachers are chicken shit and let it happen.

Ding ding. And that, friends and neighbors, is the crux of the matter. Your kid is at school all day. Parent(s) are at work...or not. But the kid is around other adults and other kids at least 8 hours, every day. Who is looking out for them? Nobody. Teachers don't get involved or don't want to get involved. It's kinda like being an administator or moderator of a board...I know, cuz I was both when I had mine. When one poster acted up, I dealt with it...and the victim as well. In short..I was a chickenshit and didn't punish the one doing the bullying. I focused on BOTH. Bad move on my part.
Anyway..teachers are there to teach. But also parenting comes with the territory and they know this when they become teachers
Teaching a child to be a kind person starts at home. Socializing begins in school, away from the parent. Teachers and Principles need to shit or get off the pot and deal with the problem immediately instead of ignoring what is going on. But...they won't. It's too much trouble.

Speaking from experience.
In the windbag world there is no "cause and effect."

A group of sociopath kids can pick out the smallest, most vulnerable kid they can find, torment this kid 24/7. on line, in person, at school events, everywhere they can torment and bully. And when the bullied kid has finally had enough, done what they could to stop the bullying, gives up and then kills themselves, wacked out fuckers like a windbag decides it ain't the bullies fault. Fuk you windbag.

I had a kid being bullied. I went to the school, demanded that I get to talk to both the kids and the kids parents. When the asst. Principal KNEW what I was going to do, he handled it himself. Immediately. Now those kids might have kept on bullying some other kid. But they sure as fuk didn't bully mine anymore.

You were a bully weren't you windbag? Got your ass kicked for doing it didn't you windbag. Fuk yea you got your ass kicked.
Zeke, I think you are right. Most here defending bullies were and are bullies. They are crying because they are metaphorically getting their collective ass hammered here.
I didn't read every post but bullying today is completely different from bullying when i was a kid.

I got bullied a bit in grade school but when school was over I got away from it until the next day or for a weekend.

Today with social media bullying isn't as easy to get away from. That constant pressure and stress has to be taken into consideration.
I didn't read every post but bullying today is completely different from bullying when i was a kid.

I got bullied a bit in grade school but when school was over I got away from it until the next day or for a weekend.

Today with social media bullying isn't as easy to get away from. That constant pressure and stress has to be taken into consideration.

Most lucid post I have seen you write. Congratulations.
I didn't read every post but bullying today is completely different from bullying when i was a kid.

I got bullied a bit in grade school but when school was over I got away from it until the next day or for a weekend.

Today with social media bullying isn't as easy to get away from. That constant pressure and stress has to be taken into consideration.

If you never had a bully who lived in your neighborhood you got off lucky, imagine running into your bully and his toadies no matter where you go.

There was no social media when I was in school so I'm a little bit confused by one thing: how is it that all of these kids are being bullied online? How are the bullies even getting access to them? In the case of Facebook you have to take action to even make it possible for someone you don't like to be able to get to you. Other social sites don't have ignore lists or friends lists?

It seems to me that online bullying should be the simplest thing in the world to deal with. When I was a kid I would have loved to have been able to just stick people on an iggy list.
I didn't read every post but bullying today is completely different from bullying when i was a kid.

I got bullied a bit in grade school but when school was over I got away from it until the next day or for a weekend.

Today with social media bullying isn't as easy to get away from. That constant pressure and stress has to be taken into consideration.

Most lucid post I have seen you write. Congratulations.

Fuck you.
In the windbag world there is no "cause and effect."

A group of sociopath kids can pick out the smallest, most vulnerable kid they can find, torment this kid 24/7. on line, in person, at school events, everywhere they can torment and bully. And when the bullied kid has finally had enough, done what they could to stop the bullying, gives up and then kills themselves, wacked out fuckers like a windbag decides it ain't the bullies fault. Fuk you windbag.

I had a kid being bullied. I went to the school, demanded that I get to talk to both the kids and the kids parents. When the asst. Principal KNEW what I was going to do, he handled it himself. Immediately. Now those kids might have kept on bullying some other kid. But they sure as fuk didn't bully mine anymore.

You were a bully weren't you windbag? Got your ass kicked for doing it didn't you windbag. Fuk yea you got your ass kicked.

as a typical leftard you just get your stupid leftard agenda without even analyzing the real reason you have just told us all about :lol:

When the asst. Principal KNEW what I was going to do, he handled it himself. Immediately.

It is the school administrators and teachers who are THE MAIN PERPETRATORS of bullying - they can stop it immediately - if they wanted to, but they do not, or react in a disgusting manner described above - they punish BOTH the bully and the victim.

If you want to stop bullying in schools - you have to put adults responsible for the school to be responsible for the bullying. it will all but disappear.
the reason bullying got so evil is that the adults got totally off any responsibility for it.
Which was not the situation in 70s or 80s.
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If you want to stop bullying in schools - you have to put adults responsible for the school to be responsible for the bullying. it will all but disappear.
the reason bullying got so evil is that the adults got totally off any responsibility for it.
Which was not the situation in 70s or 80s.

I don't know where you went to school but let me assure you that bullying was alive and well at the schools I went to in the '70's and '80's. Adults didn't get involved in what they saw as something kids needed to work out for themselves and really the only thing that would bring adult intervention was the lesson being interrupted, the drawing of blood or a clear winner and loser of a fight...that was pretty much it.

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