Bullying does not lead to suicide

nope. mental state does not matter - as studies show.

Victims of bullying behavior were more likely to express suicidal ideation. This association was particularly strong for those who were bullied on a weekly basis and it was independent of the presence of psychiatric morbidity
(link above)

From your link.

Of particular importance is the reported association between bullying and suicidal ideation [13-19] since suicide is a leading cause of mortality in adolescents which is potentially preventable [20]. Previous studies have established strong associations with suicidal ideation, mainly for the victims of bullying behavior. Interpretation of this association however is quite difficult and several factors should be taken into account before any firm conclusions about causality can be reached. Perhaps the most important issue is the confounding effect of psychiatric morbidity which is quite prevalent in adolescence and is associated with both bullying behavior [5-8,10] and suicidal ideation [21,22]. Despite this, from the previous 18 studies of the association between bullying and suicidal ideation (most are reviewed by Kim et al. 2009) [19] only six adjusted for the presence of psychiatric morbidity [13,17,19,23-25] and two of them found no association after adjustment [23,24].

CHECK THE YEARS :rolleyes:

TWO OUT OF SIX WITH ADJUSTMENT FOUND NO ASSOCIATION - and the one form UK and Greece LATER and with a most representative sample proved no association as well.

Plus your shitty article did not provide ANY study. NONE. ZILCH.NADA.

Bullying LEADS to suicide, even if it affects vulnerable people - obviously not everyone can be bullied to death.

Or you suggest that let's bully on a regular basis, so the weaker ones will be weeded out?

You have an ideological need to believe that bullying causes suicide, and have provided no evidence that it does.

Here is the part of study that you consider the best at proving your point that actually proves you wrong.

(I)t is still uncertain whether victimization is a marker or a genuine risk factor of suicidal ideation or behavior.

There is no scientific evidence that bullying leads to suicide, period.

Is it a risk factor? Yes. Should it be dealt with? Yes.
And furthermore....the quote I put in is in context to the thread. YOU are the one that brought religion into it. And while I am at it, it is christians like you that make others run the other way.

I am totally irritated right now.
I disagree with you, Quantum. There is sufficient evidence to prove that bullying can lead the victim to suicide and therefore the answer is to make it a zero tolerance policy in schools / on school buses - social media - on the matter of bullying. If they can do that for guns? They can do it for bullies who are every bit as dangerous left unchecked.

- Jeri

There is no evidence that supports that, other than the cops claiming that some suicides are caused by bullying so that they can make people feel guilty.

Oh yes! Those crazy cops believing the suicide letters, the facebook dialogues, the youtube videos of them telling people they are taking their life due to the bullies who won't stop making their lives a living hell. The cops are to blame now. Right.

Do you have any idea how ridiculous your claim is? What is this really about anyhow? Do you know someone who has a son or daughter that is a bully? Get them help and quit vindicating the behavior, Quantum. That might alleviate some guilt. Try it. - Jeri

If someone writes a suicide letter blaming Lady Gaga for their death because she didn't write a song about how he felt does that prove that Lady Gaga killed him?
I don't think we can make a blanket statement that it leads or does not lead to suicide-- depends on the individual case.

But it's interesting to see who starts a thread trying to get bullying off the hook.

Just sayin'.

Funny, I didn't see anyone trying to get bullying off the hook.
From your link.

CHECK THE YEARS :rolleyes:

TWO OUT OF SIX WITH ADJUSTMENT FOUND NO ASSOCIATION - and the one form UK and Greece LATER and with a most representative sample proved no association as well.

Plus your shitty article did not provide ANY study. NONE. ZILCH.NADA.

Bullying LEADS to suicide, even if it affects vulnerable people - obviously not everyone can be bullied to death.

Or you suggest that let's bully on a regular basis, so the weaker ones will be weeded out?

You have an ideological need to believe that bullying causes suicide, and have provided no evidence that it does.

Here is the part of study that you consider the best at proving your point that actually proves you wrong.

(I)t is still uncertain whether victimization is a marker or a genuine risk factor of suicidal ideation or behavior.

There is no scientific evidence that bullying leads to suicide, period.

Is it a risk factor? Yes. Should it be dealt with? Yes.

What about cutting? Teenagers and some young adults cut themselves to deal with pain. Some of these teenagers have parents they can't deal with so they cut. Cutting releases endorphins in the brain and some get a momentary pleasure and when they experience stress, they sometimes cut themselves so much that they have to go the hospital to stop the bleeding.
CHECK THE YEARS :rolleyes:

TWO OUT OF SIX WITH ADJUSTMENT FOUND NO ASSOCIATION - and the one form UK and Greece LATER and with a most representative sample proved no association as well.

Plus your shitty article did not provide ANY study. NONE. ZILCH.NADA.

Bullying LEADS to suicide, even if it affects vulnerable people - obviously not everyone can be bullied to death.

Or you suggest that let's bully on a regular basis, so the weaker ones will be weeded out?

You have an ideological need to believe that bullying causes suicide, and have provided no evidence that it does.

Here is the part of study that you consider the best at proving your point that actually proves you wrong.

(I)t is still uncertain whether victimization is a marker or a genuine risk factor of suicidal ideation or behavior.
There is no scientific evidence that bullying leads to suicide, period.

Is it a risk factor? Yes. Should it be dealt with? Yes.

What about cutting? Teenagers and some young adults cut themselves to deal with pain. Some of these teenagers have parents they can't deal with so they cut. Cutting releases endorphins in the brain and some get a momentary pleasure and when they experience stress, they sometimes cut themselves so much that they have to go the hospital to stop the bleeding.

Like suicide, it tain't that simple. Self harm has a lot of causes, and different people do it for different reasons. My understanding, from speaking with actual cutters, is that it gives them a way to subsume their emotional pain into something they can deal with.
Cutters, ana's and mia's are just one of many aspects of depression and dealing with it. They are not committing suicide due to bullying.
In answer to the OP, I do believe bullying can lead to suicide, but those other problems have to be a factor in that decision to do such a thing. Bullying alone? I don't think so. Then again, I ain't no shrink so I could be wrong.
Sorry I snapped at you Jere. Just please don't preach in a non religious forum. If I wanted to be preached at I know where I can go.

Joel Osteen is leading people to hell every day. The absolute irony of his making such a statement is off the charts, Gracie. The reason new agers - animal spirit worshipers and such love Joel Osteen is because he is a false teacher. It's in the bible. False teachers are loved by the world because they are "of the world"...

It is written of the false teachers vs. true ministers of the Gospel:

They are of the world, therefore they speak of the world and the world heareth them. We are of God, he that knoweth God heareth us, he that is not of God heareth us not, Hereby we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. - 1 John 5: 5, 6

- Jeri

That is your opinion. I quoted him because what he said is right on. And, for your information, I AM AN ANIMAL SPIRITUAL WORSHIPPER. I am a pagan christian. I'd rather leave the Christian part out though because Christ was a cool guy....his worshippers are kinda kooky and very judgemental.
I follow MY path, woman. MINE. And I don't judge others about THEIR path. So stuff it.

No where in my reply did I mean to judge you about your path, Gracie. I made a statement about Joel Osteen being a false teacher ( merchandising gospel for millions of dollars ) and backed it up with scripture.

This is America and you are free to worship whatever you wish just as I am free to point out a false preacher wherever I am and I did use scripture to back up my claim. This isn't my opinion but rather the bibles opinion of Joel Osteen by his own actions. I'm sorry if you thought I was judging your religion. I will tell you though that pagan Christianity is not found in the bible, Gracie. According to scripture you are either a pagan or a Christian but it is impossible to be both. Whichever path you choose is completey your decision. I wish you God's best, Gracie. - Jeri
Sorry I snapped at you Jere. Just please don't preach in a non religious forum. If I wanted to be preached at I know where I can go.


I forgive you. :eusa_angel: I'm sorry if you took my disdain for Joel Osteen as disdain for you. I think you are a very nice woman, Gracie. As to the subject of bullying, I think it is horrifying that it is going on in schools, colleges, universities and most of the faculty don't seem to see it as a problem. It is as if they are completely oblivious to the harm they are doing by allowing it to go on.

Maybe if the parents start bringing lawsuits against the schools for the deaths of their children or against those in charge who are given the responsibility for the safety of these students that would change things. Even if one parent won such a lawsuit it would quickly change the policies they have now that open the flood gates to it. I'm sure there is something out there that would motivate them to do their job. - Jeri
Thank you for accepting my apology. And just briefly, I will say that I don't put much trust in the bible so whatever it says has no bearing on my relationship with God. Each person has their own personal affiliation with Him...or not. I do have one and it is not via organized religion or due to some book written long ago by men who had agendas, then was translated so many times no telling what was changed to fit the mode of those times.
God knows me. He knows my heart. And He speaks to me, helps me, loves me, through that which He knows I trust more than humans.....and the voice He speaks to me with is through His other creations...Animals. Oh, the things I could tell you about my experiences, but it would fall on deaf ears with you because you believe one way....I believe in another. You have your path and your book and follow your heart in what you read and hear and were taught. I follow my own path, via God and His direction that is meant for me...and me alone. It may not be everyone elses path...but it isn't supposed to. We are all individuals and have our own personal comraderie with God.

Concerning Joel...none of us know where his money goes and does it really matter? What if he gives to so many charities, he only has enough left over to pay his bills, drive his car, pay his crew for televised sermons, etc? We DON'T know, so who can really sit in judgement on him? I like what he has to say. All I have heard from him is kindness, understanding, fairness...and he reaches people who would normally run the other way....like I do. He caught my interest. Perhaps God sent him on this path because He knew Joel could reach the unreachable. Again, none of us know.

Anyway...just wanted you to know that yes, I CAN be pagan...and Christian as well. How? Because I believe His creatures are as loved by Him as his human children and sometimes...the only way to reach untrusting children is to speak through those they DO trust. And much of "christianity" has pagan roots. So yes..there is such a thing as a pagan christian. Google it. There are many like me out there. Pantheism as well. Anything living, God created in my opinion. And therefore, those living beings whether it is grass or trees or the stars or a flower or bird or wolf or owl, etc....those are all part of the big picture that God created. I like my path. I enjoy it. And I have company now and then from others who travel the same path..or similar to it and we walk together for a short time until it branches off for each individual. But always on that path, God is with me. I will never let Him out of my sight..nor He me. And for me...that's good enough.
Why the hell would they sue the school rmfaol.

Why shouldn't they, Politico? If the school has the responsibility of safety for the students and they have knowledge of a student being repeatedly bullied, emotionally harmed and do nothing about it? Isn't that gross negligence? What else would you call it if it leads to the death of a student? What about the gay student on a college campus whose room mate publicizes his romance with another young man at the college and the end result is the video is splashed all over the internet, facebook and throughout school campus leading to the young man jumping off a bridge and taking his own life. Imagine if there had been a former occurance of this room mate humiliating or bullying this gay student. Imagine if it had happened repeatedly and then escalated to the video event which led to his death. I'll bet you with the power of the gay community behind the parents they would quickly come to a settlement over the matter.

Look at what happened in the matter of George Zimmerman and he was found "not guilty".. yet his homeowners association paid out over a million dollars to the mother of Trayvon Martin in the case. Imagine if he had been found guilty! If a home owner association can be found liable and pay out over 1 million dollars before the vedict was even in on Trayvon imagine the accountability of a school that knew for weeks perhaps months and did nothing. Not a random incident but a premedidated one. Accountable? You betcha. - Jeri
Thank you for accepting my apology. And just briefly, I will say that I don't put much trust in the bible so whatever it says has no bearing on my relationship with God. Each person has their own personal affiliation with Him...or not. I do have one and it is not via organized religion or due to some book written long ago by men who had agendas, then was translated so many times no telling what was changed to fit the mode of those times.
God knows me. He knows my heart. And He speaks to me, helps me, loves me, through that which He knows I trust more than humans.....and the voice He speaks to me with is through His other creations...Animals. Oh, the things I could tell you about my experiences, but it would fall on deaf ears with you because you believe one way....I believe in another. You have your path and your book and follow your heart in what you read and hear and were taught. I follow my own path, via God and His direction that is meant for me...and me alone. It may not be everyone elses path...but it isn't supposed to. We are all individuals and have our own personal comraderie with God.

Concerning Joel...none of us know where his money goes and does it really matter? What if he gives to so many charities, he only has enough left over to pay his bills, drive his car, pay his crew for televised sermons, etc? We DON'T know, so who can really sit in judgement on him? I like what he has to say. All I have heard from him is kindness, understanding, fairness...and he reaches people who would normally run the other way....like I do. He caught my interest. Perhaps God sent him on this path because He knew Joel could reach the unreachable. Again, none of us know.

Anyway...just wanted you to know that yes, I CAN be pagan...and Christian as well. How? Because I believe His creatures are as loved by Him as his human children and sometimes...the only way to reach untrusting children is to speak through those they DO trust. And much of "christianity" has pagan roots. So yes..there is such a thing as a pagan christian. Google it. There are many like me out there. Pantheism as well. Anything living, God created in my opinion. And therefore, those living beings whether it is grass or trees or the stars or a flower or bird or wolf or owl, etc....those are all part of the big picture that God created. I like my path. I enjoy it. And I have company now and then from others who travel the same path..or similar to it and we walk together for a short time until it branches off for each individual. But always on that path, God is with me. I will never let Him out of my sight..nor He me. And for me...that's good enough.

God does love you and Joel lives in a 10.5 million dollar house and kept his smaller 2 million plus dollar house too. He's what the bible refers to as a hireling.
Have a good morning, Gracie. :eusa_angel: - Jeri
Amanda Todd commits suicide weeks after heartbreaking Youtube video | National Post

Weeks after posting haunting Youtube video on her years of torment at classmates’ hands, 15-year-old B.C. girl commits suicide.

In this story the torment went on for "years"... you can see the girl declining step by step in this news story. The end result? A 15 yr old girl takes her life.
I believe the Youtube video was her last cry for her help. How terribly sad.
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[ame=http://youtu.be/1Urx4fHm97g]Bullying Kills - Tribute to Bullycide Victims [OneVoice.] - YouTube[/ame]

Yes, look at these children. Look them in the eyes and tell them they were mentally unstable and that is why they took their lives. Tell them they could not possibly have taken their lives due to the torment of bullies. Tell their parents but I doubt you'll convince them or yourselves. Look at their faces. They look very normal to me! Who isn't normal in this picture? The bully. That's right. The bully and the people who excuse their behavior. Those are the sick ones so let's get it right because tonight I am staying up to get that record set straight. Once and for all. - Jeri

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