Bullying does not lead to suicide

I disagree with you, Quantum. There is sufficient evidence to prove that bullying can lead the victim to suicide and therefore the answer is to make it a zero tolerance policy in schools / on school buses - social media - on the matter of bullying. If they can do that for guns? They can do it for bullies who are every bit as dangerous left unchecked.

- Jeri

There is no evidence that supports that, other than the cops claiming that some suicides are caused by bullying so that they can make people feel guilty.

yes, THERE IS. There are tons of SCIENTIFIC evidence.

what cops claim is irrelevant.

NUMEROUS studies prove the DIRECT link between the suicide and bullying.
the ones I have provided the links to are only the first few in the tens of pages with links in google scholar

There is no scientific evidence.

From the OP.

There is no scientific evidence that bullying causes suicide. None at all. Lots of teenagers get bullied (between 1 in 4 and 1 in 3 teenagers report being bullied in real life, fewer report being bullied online). Very few commit suicide. Among the people who commit suicide, researchers have no good data on how many of them have been bullied.
It's difficult to understand how bullying alone could lead someone into taking their own life.
IMO that person was mentally unhealthy already.

nope. mental state does not matter - as studies show.

Victims of bullying behavior were more likely to express suicidal ideation. This association was particularly strong for those who were bullied on a weekly basis and it was independent of the presence of psychiatric morbidity
(link above)

From your link.

Of particular importance is the reported association between bullying and suicidal ideation [13-19] since suicide is a leading cause of mortality in adolescents which is potentially preventable [20]. Previous studies have established strong associations with suicidal ideation, mainly for the victims of bullying behavior. Interpretation of this association however is quite difficult and several factors should be taken into account before any firm conclusions about causality can be reached. Perhaps the most important issue is the confounding effect of psychiatric morbidity which is quite prevalent in adolescence and is associated with both bullying behavior [5-8,10] and suicidal ideation [21,22]. Despite this, from the previous 18 studies of the association between bullying and suicidal ideation (most are reviewed by Kim et al. 2009) [19] only six adjusted for the presence of psychiatric morbidity [13,17,19,23-25] and two of them found no association after adjustment [23,24].
Your study claims that bullied who are psychically morbid are more likely to think about suicide. That is not proof that bullying causes suicide, all it really proves is that people who need help are more vulnerable.

NO IT DOES NOT. You clearly did not go to read the links.

I listed 3 studies and the first one actually proved that there is no correlation with psychiatric disorder - bullying leads to suicide ideation independently of those.
That study had THE LARGEST sample and the most representative of all others.

And it was also the most RECENT.

And these are just a FEW of the studies PROVING the direct causative effect of bullying and suicide.
However, it is most pronounced with girls - so whoever suggested that beating the bully to a pulp will help ( I kind of agree with this, though ;) ) is pertinent for boys only. It does help. However, the bullied person is not always able to do that - because of the physical incapability.

Plus, I provide studies and the shitty article you gave the link to - did not provide ANY studies, it is just some stupid lies by some ignorant paper pusher.
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It's difficult to understand how bullying alone could lead someone into taking their own life.
IMO that person was mentally unhealthy already.

nope. mental state does not matter - as studies show.

Victims of bullying behavior were more likely to express suicidal ideation. This association was particularly strong for those who were bullied on a weekly basis and it was independent of the presence of psychiatric morbidity
(link above)

From your link.

Of particular importance is the reported association between bullying and suicidal ideation [13-19] since suicide is a leading cause of mortality in adolescents which is potentially preventable [20]. Previous studies have established strong associations with suicidal ideation, mainly for the victims of bullying behavior. Interpretation of this association however is quite difficult and several factors should be taken into account before any firm conclusions about causality can be reached. Perhaps the most important issue is the confounding effect of psychiatric morbidity which is quite prevalent in adolescence and is associated with both bullying behavior [5-8,10] and suicidal ideation [21,22]. Despite this, from the previous 18 studies of the association between bullying and suicidal ideation (most are reviewed by Kim et al. 2009) [19] only six adjusted for the presence of psychiatric morbidity [13,17,19,23-25] and two of them found no association after adjustment [23,24].

CHECK THE YEARS :rolleyes:

TWO OUT OF SIX WITH ADJUSTMENT FOUND NO ASSOCIATION - and the one form UK and Greece LATER and with a most representative sample proved no association as well.

Plus your shitty article did not provide ANY study. NONE. ZILCH.NADA.

Bullying LEADS to suicide, even if it affects vulnerable people - obviously not everyone can be bullied to death.

Or you suggest that let's bully on a regular basis, so the weaker ones will be weeded out?
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Obama bullies the GOP in Congress. Right now they are on suicide watch...waiting to see if they will break into two parties.

Maybe they will grow a pair of balls...maybe not.
I disagree with you, Quantum. There is sufficient evidence to prove that bullying can lead the victim to suicide and therefore the answer is to make it a zero tolerance policy in schools / on school buses - social media - on the matter of bullying. If they can do that for guns? They can do it for bullies who are every bit as dangerous left unchecked.

- Jeri

There is no evidence that supports that, other than the cops claiming that some suicides are caused by bullying so that they can make people feel guilty.

Oh yes! Those crazy cops believing the suicide letters, the facebook dialogues, the youtube videos of them telling people they are taking their life due to the bullies who won't stop making their lives a living hell. The cops are to blame now. Right.

Do you have any idea how ridiculous your claim is? What is this really about anyhow? Do you know someone who has a son or daughter that is a bully? Get them help and quit vindicating the behavior, Quantum. That might alleviate some guilt. Try it. - Jeri
It's difficult to understand how bullying alone could lead someone into taking their own life.
IMO that person was mentally unhealthy already.

nope. mental state does not matter - as studies show.

Victims of bullying behavior were more likely to express suicidal ideation. This association was particularly strong for those who were bullied on a weekly basis and it was independent of the presence of psychiatric morbidity
(link above)

Makes you wonder if kids just simply do not understand the finality of suicide.

some do, some do not.

the studies obviously can not focus on those who have already attempted successful suicide.
But they consistently prove the direct causative link between bullying and suicide ideation and they also prove that psychiatric disorders do not have association with suicide ideation caused by bullying.

Contrary to the popular perception depressed mood is not always a sign of a disease.
It is much more often a sign of unresolved problems in life - family, school, friends, significant others.
Vox has soundly and roundly batted aside the unfounded opinions of QWB and other supporters of bullyism with facts and concrete evidence.

Any who side with those who bully are a danger to the community.
Bullying leads to suicide.
Sometimes to homocide.
I prefer to not take cides!

That is true. I know of one story where a man who was bullied as a young boy in school met up with the bully when he was an adult. The bully didn't recognize him but he recognized the bully the moment he walked up to him. He owned the business and told his workers to lock the gates and leave. ( I believe he told them to leave - can't remember but they did lock the gates ). I won't say what happened to the bully but I can tell you the person who told me the story told me the truth about it. It was pretty terrifying. That is what happens when you bully the wrong person. Problem is as a young kid who knew the victim was going to turn into a cartel boss one day? You see, what bullies lack is vision for the future. They have no idea what is coming which is why they need to think before they leap.
  • Thanks
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Makes you wonder if kids just simply do not understand the finality of suicide.

A lot of gun nutters don't have a clue about the possible and probable damage done by guns.

Kids know death is final. Kids who shoot people know its final.

What is going on with kids who kill themselves is that they have the brain of a kid. What they don't know is that the sun will come out tomorrow and they WILL survive what the assholes are doing to them.

rw hater's have fought against this fact - that young people do not have adult brains.

But, if you ignore the willful ignorance the r's are known for, you can understand why young people kill themselves.

Bullying does not lead to suicide
I have said this before, and will say it again, the problem is not that teens are bullies, the problem is that some of them need help they are not getting.

Bullying may not "lead" (cause?) suicide but it certainly contributes.

But, I do agree that kids usually don't get the help they are crying out for. We expect teens to be moody so we don't pay attention.
Vox has soundly and roundly batted aside the unfounded opinions of QWB and other supporters of bullyism with facts and concrete evidence.

Any who side with those who bully are a danger to the community.

I agree with you, Jake. Vox definitely did a brilliant job of making the point on bullying leading to suicide. It does. It also as another person pointed out here - leads to violence. I heard many stories from the prisoners I used to do prison bible study correspondence with by mail - and at least one who is on death row for murder for paying someone back as he would put it. Pay back is pay back - the stories are all the same and it proves the bible scripture that violence begets violence......

It is a sure thing that bullies do reap what they sow and if they die without repenting for what they have done they get hell in the end as well. Parents who do not discipline their children and teach them by example that bullying is an evil behavior are actually complicit in their childs evil behavior.

By doing nothing they are actively taking part in it. It is an evil thing all the way around. Anyone who blames the victim for their own suicide - claiming they are mentally imbalanced - are only adding to the grief of that individuals surviving family members sorrow. It is quite heartless to suggest such a thing although I realize some do it in ignorance and not malice. Nevertheless, as for the ones who say it while knowing better?

Such people remind me of the holocaust deniers who said, There were no gas chambers. The Jews are exaggerating.. or Auschwitz was not a death camp as they claim it was - the claim of the Jews is highly exaggerated.....or the holocaust never happened.......to me this is the same type individual that can shrug off the suicide of a child and say........Ah?? That one had issues -----let's not blame it on the bully! You see? It is what I refer to as "missing a sensitivity chip"... but let it happen to their own child and you'd soon here something different. No question about it.

I know a holocaust survivor who survived Auschwitz and I believe she would be the first to tell you the nazis appeared very normal to those they encountered on the outside but to the Jews inside the death camps they were monsters... bullies... sociopaths. I will tell who is sick. The bullies are sick. They are mentally deranged sociopaths and they should be treated as such. Removed from society for the good of society. Let's put the diagnosis of mental illness where it belongs for heaven's sakes. Stop blaming the victims, people. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Seriously.

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It's difficult to understand how bullying alone could lead someone into taking their own life.
IMO that person was mentally unhealthy already.

It is more of a self fullfilling prophecy. They bullied person doesn't think they are worth anything because of low self esteem and the bully just comes along and helps ease their conscience and makes them believe they are worse less.

Examples of Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

* You expect your new roommate to be shy so you don�t speak much to him after he moves in, and he therefore does seem shy

* A coach expects his freshmen to be uncoordinated and unskilled so he does not play them often, and when he does they are rusty and do not perform well

* Your professor expects you to do well and she spends extra time with you preparing for the exam, so you get an A

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy:
It's difficult to understand how bullying alone could lead someone into taking their own life.
IMO that person was mentally unhealthy already.

nope. mental state does not matter - as studies show.

Victims of bullying behavior were more likely to express suicidal ideation. This association was particularly strong for those who were bullied on a weekly basis and it was independent of the presence of psychiatric morbidity
(link above)

What embarrasing thing could someone do to you that you wouldn't be able to live down?

My stepsister was mentally ill and someone judged her with a comment and it was like she never recovered because when you get labeled as something, it is hard to overcome.

Take actors for example. When you get typecasted, it is hard to get a job. One example was Henry Winkler who played "The Fonz" on Happy Days. He said he had a hard time getting an actor's role because everyone saw him as "The Fonz". If you are typecasted or labeled with an embarrasing incident, it is hard to live down especially if someone makes you feel like a failure.
Makes you wonder if kids just simply do not understand the finality of suicide.

A lot of gun nutters don't have a clue about the possible and probable damage done by guns.

Kids know death is final. Kids who shoot people know its final.

What is going on with kids who kill themselves is that they have the brain of a kid. What they don't know is that the sun will come out tomorrow and they WILL survive what the assholes are doing to them.

rw hater's have fought against this fact - that young people do not have adult brains.

But, if you ignore the willful ignorance the r's are known for, you can understand why young people kill themselves.

Bullying does not lead to suicide
I have said this before, and will say it again, the problem is not that teens are bullies, the problem is that some of them need help they are not getting.

Bullying may not "lead" (cause?) suicide but it certainly contributes.

But, I do agree that kids usually don't get the help they are crying out for. We expect teens to be moody so we don't pay attention.

Adult brains? Really, Luddly?! How about this one? Another story from the AOL news stories some time ago. It was about a young man who was gay and had a relationship with another young man on a college campus. The room mate of the young man thought it would be funny for him to video tape the young man and his friend embracing - I do not know all of what was on the video but as I recollect he put this video / photographs on facebook or youtube and publicized this in order to shame the young man - later it was thought to be an act of bullying, Luddley. No political affiliation was ever mentioned so we can leave the RW comments off this tragedy... So let me continue......

This young gay man had no history of mental illness, no history of any depression in his past behavior whatsover but when he saw that he was publicized in this way before his peers at school? All over the internet?

He jumped from a bridge and took his own life.

Did he think about his future? Perhaps not. On the other hand as his gay lifestyle was a secret - perhaps he did think about it and said in his heart - no way do I want my parents to know this ever - I prefer to be dead..... his room mate surely knew this.

So why would he do such a thing to the young man? It was a horrific story and troubled me for a long time. I don't know how the young man who did this to his roommate ever reconciled this in his mind - I don't know how anyone who would do such a thing to destroy another young life would say ..... he had issues! I didn't do anything wrong!

How could anyone say such a thing and believe it? I tell you the truth, Luddly. They could not. I do not care what you say. You will never convince me that what that roommate did to the young man was not a malicious act and not the very cause of his death. It most certainly was.

It grieves me to the core of my being to know that anyone could do that to another human being and then use it for entertainment. Bullies humiliate, intimidate, threaten and seek to destroy their victims. By any means possible. Truly the conscience is missing in such individuals. The sick are not the victims. The sick are the bullies. So let's put the blame where it belongs. With the bully!

- Jeri
I don't think we can make a blanket statement that it leads or does not lead to suicide-- depends on the individual case.

But it's interesting to see who starts a thread trying to get bullying off the hook.

Just sayin'.
I don't think we can make a blanket statement that it leads or does not lead to suicide-- depends on the individual case.

But it's interesting to see who starts a thread trying to get bullying off the hook.

Just sayin'.

I think what we can say is that bullying has led to the suicide of its victim before and therefore it should be treated as a deadly weapon on school grounds / bus stops / school buses / social media forums and a zero tolerance law be enacted - in other words - 1 strike and you are out.

Just as they do for students caught with a handgun or making dangerous statements on facebook.

If you have no conscience? You are as dangerous as the kid with a gun in his backpack! Let's send little Johnny the sociopath to a special needs school where they can address his problems and give him the help he needs - at his parents expense. Not our own childrens. - Jeri
Joel Osteen is leading people to hell every day. The absolute irony of his making such a statement is off the charts, Gracie. The reason new agers - animal spirit worshipers and such love Joel Osteen is because he is a false teacher. It's in the bible. False teachers are loved by the world because they are "of the world"...

It is written of the false teachers vs. true ministers of the Gospel:

They are of the world, therefore they speak of the world and the world heareth them. We are of God, he that knoweth God heareth us, he that is not of God heareth us not, Hereby we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. - 1 John 5: 5, 6

- Jeri
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Back to the bully topic.. if they do not want to enforce zero tolerance for bullies then they should enforce zero tolerance for weapons either. The schools, colleges, universities should be consistent in their message. Violence free should mean violence free. Period. - Jeri
Joel Osteen is leading people to hell every day. The absolute irony of his making such a statement is off the charts, Gracie. The reason new agers - animal spirit worshipers and such love Joel Osteen is because he is a false teacher. It's in the bible. False teachers are loved by the world because they are "of the world"...

It is written of the false teachers vs. true ministers of the Gospel:

They are of the world, therefore they speak of the world and the world heareth them. We are of God, he that knoweth God heareth us, he that is not of God heareth us not, Hereby we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. - 1 John 5: 5, 6

- Jeri

That is your opinion. I quoted him because what he said is right on. And, for your information, I AM AN ANIMAL SPIRITUAL WORSHIPPER. I am a pagan christian. I'd rather leave the Christian part out though because Christ was a cool guy....his worshippers are kinda kooky and very judgemental.
I follow MY path, woman. MINE. And I don't judge others about THEIR path. So stuff it.
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