Bush GLAD Obama Health Care Passed!!!!!!!

....And, now.....Chucky Krauthammer (even) realizes de-funding would be political-suicide, for Republicans!!!!!

"I am skeptical about taking away the funds because what it will do, it will poke holes in the system. It will make it more chaotic it will allow some things to be enacted, others to be more slowly or clumsily enacted and in the end, if healthcare collapses or if it becomes utterly unworkable, the Democrats will have a way of saying ‘well, it was all these injuries inflicted by the Republicans that made it not work.’

How comical, to watch "conservatives'" paranoia (and, sophomoric-politics) working against THEMSELVES!!!! :tinfoil:

(I wonder who gets to forward this column to John Boner???? :eusa_shhh: )​
....And, now.....Chucky Krauthammer (even) realizes de-funding would be political-suicide, for Republicans!!!!!

"I am skeptical about taking away the funds because what it will do, it will poke holes in the system. It will make it more chaotic it will allow some things to be enacted, others to be more slowly or clumsily enacted and in the end, if healthcare collapses or if it becomes utterly unworkable, the Democrats will have a way of saying ‘well, it was all these injuries inflicted by the Republicans that made it not work.’

How comical, to watch "conservatives'" paranoia (and, sophomoric-politics) working against THEMSELVES!!!! :tinfoil:

(I wonder who gets to forward this column to John Boner???? :eusa_shhh: )​

It seriously is embarrassing to think you are "Liberal". "Chucky".."Boner"..really?

Do you think anyone takes this seriously?
When will the right realise their way of thinking is archaic?

the FAR right yes....as well as the FAR left.....BOTH are archaic and very divisive and do nothing to get things done.....both should be put to sleep.....quickly before its to late...
Has anyone noticed the fact ...

if it's a Bush, there's no thinking brain or high IQ?

Genetics ....

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