Bush is just a beebee in a WAR he doesn't understand

DFresh said:
As intriguing as Michael Totten's interpretation of international law is in his “Middle Eastern Journal,” I found it hard to read more then a few lines before remembering that you’re an idiot.

Go back to fbi.gov

Thank you

Not exactly. A non-idiot that is giving you a day to cool off and read the rules. :bye1:
DFresh said:
What terrorist attack are you refering to? Let me remind you of something.

The FBI release of individuals believed to be the hijackers
of the four airliners that crashed on September 11, 01



1) Khalid Almihdhar - Possible Saudi national

-Possible resident of San Diego, California, and New York

-Alias: Sannan Al-Makki; Khalid Bin Muhammad; 'Addallah Al-Mihdhar; Khalid Mohammad Al-Saqaf

2) Majed Moqed - Possible Saudi national

-Alias: Majed M.GH Moqed; Majed Moqed, Majed Mashaan Moqed

3) Nawaf Alhazmi - Possible Saudi national

-Possible resident of Fort Lee, New Jersey; Wayne, New Jersey; San Diego, California

-Alias: Nawaf Al-Hazmi; Nawaf Al Hazmi; Nawaf M.S. Al Hazmi

4) Salem Alhazmi - Possible Saudi national

-Possible resident of Fort Lee, New Jersey; Wayne, New Jersey

5) Hani Hanjour -

-Possible resident of Phoenix, Arizona, and San Diego, California

-Alias: Hani Saleh Hanjour; Hani Saleh; Hani Hanjour, Hani Saleh H. Hanjour


1) Satam M.A. Al Suqami- Possible Saudi national

-Dates of birth used: June 28, 1976; Last known address: United Arab Emirates

2) Waleed M. Alshehri - Possible Saudi national

-Dates of birth used: September 13, 1974; January 1, 1976; March 3, 1976; July 8, 1977; December 20, 1978; May 11, 1979; November 5, 1979

-Possible residence(s): Hollywood, Florida; Orlando, Florida; Daytona Beach, Florida

-Believed to be a pilot

3) Wail M. Alshehri

-Date of birth used: September 1, 1968

-Possible residence(s): Hollywood, Florida; Newton, Massachusetts

-Believed to be a pilot

4) Mohamed Atta - Possible Egyptian national

-Date of birth used: September 1, 1968

-Possible residence(s): Hollywood, Florida; Coral Springs, Florida; Hamburg, Germany

-Believed to be a pilot

-Alias: Mehan Atta; Mohammad El Amir; Muhammad Atta; Mohamed El Sayed; Mohamed Elsayed; Muhammad Muhammad Al Amir Awag Al Sayyid Atta; Muhammad Muhammad Al-Amir Awad Al Sayad

5) Abdulaziz Alomari - Possible Saudi national

-Dates of birth used: December 24, 1972 and May 28, 1979

-Possible residence(s): Hollywood, Florida

-Believed to be a pilot


1) Marwan Al-Shehhi

-Date of birth used: May 9, 1978

-Possible residence(s): Hollywood, Florida

-Believed to be a pilot

-Alias: Marwan Yusif Muhammad Rashid Al-Shehi; Marwan Yusif Muhammad Rashid Lakrab Al-Shihhi; Abu Abdullah

2) Fayez Rashid Ahmed Hassan Al Qadi Banihammad

-Possible residence(s): Delray Beach, Florida

-Alias: Fayez Ahmad; Banihammad Fayez Abu Dhabi Banihammad; Fayez Rashid Ahmed; Banihammad Fayez; Rasid Ahmed Hassen Alqadi; Abu Dhabi Banihammad

Ahmed Fayez; Faez Ahmed

3) Ahmed Alghamdi

-Alias: Ahmed Salah Alghamdi

4) Hamza Alghamdi

-Possible residence(s): Delray Beach, Florida

-Alias: Hamza Al-Ghamdi; Hamza Ghamdi; Hamzah Alghamdi;

Hamza Alghamdi Saleh

5) Mohand Alshehri

-Possible residence(s): Delray Beach, Florida

-Alias: Mohammed Alshehhi; Mohamd Alshehri; Mohald Alshehri


1) Saeed Alghamdi

-Possible residence: Delray Beach, Florida

-Alias: Abdul Rahman Saed Alghamdi; Ali S Alghamdi; Al- Gamdi; Saad M.S. Al Ghamdi; Sadda Al Ghamdi; Saheed Al-Ghamdi; Seed Al Ghamdi

2) Ahmed Ibrahim A. Al Haznawi - Possible Saudi national

-Date of birth used: October 11, 1980

-Possible residence: Delray Beach, Florida

-Alias: Ahmed Alhaznawi

3) Ahmed Alnami

-Possible residence: Delray Beach, Florida

-Alias: Ali Ahmed Alnami; Ahmed A. Al-Nami; Ahmed Al- Nawi

4) Ziad Samir Jarrah

-Believed to be a pilot

-Alias: Zaid Jarrahi; Zaid Samr Jarrah; Ziad S. Jarrah; Ziad Jarrah Jarrat, Ziad Samir Jarrahi

My idea is not too late; it's about holding the right people responsible for their actions. I see a lot of Saudi’s on this list and no Iraqi’s?

I know your answer :gives: , kill'em all

When Islamic jihadists/terrorists don't care about specific Nationality, why is it you try to make an issue of it? They consider the entire ME theirs and move pretty freely throughout.

So the point you are trying to make is irrelevant.

When it's a choice of us or them, "kill 'em all" works for me. When I have snakes in my yard, that's EXACTLY what I do. Works like a charm.
Kathianne said:
Not exactly. A non-idiot that is giving you a day to cool off and read the rules. :bye1:

Damn .... I wasted my time and energy on response to a non-entity.
Kathianne said:
Not exactly. A non-idiot that is giving you a day to cool off and read the rules. :bye1:

I just love watching my buddies get the temporary axe! :laugh:

Seeya later tonight, assmonkey! LOL
GunnyL said:
When it's a choice of us or them, "kill 'em all" works for me.

Thank you for proving my point and expressing an opinion on a subject you clearly do not understand.
DFresh said:
Thank you for proving my point and expressing an opinion on a subject you clearly do not understand.

You don't agree with his opinion so you automatically assume that he doesn't understand the subject?

Why don't you tell us your opinion...what would you solution be?
DFresh said:
Thank you for proving my point and expressing an opinion on a subject you clearly do not understand.

Which puts him one point ahead of you for at least knowing who he is.
I challenged the USMB leadership to combine the previous threads of WAR ON TERRORISM with WAR IN IRAQ. To the credit of jimnyc, they reluctantly agreed. At that time, many Americans believed that WAR in IRAQ was tantamount to WAR On TERROR. They don't believe that now. jimnyc certainly supports the WAR. The nation, the United States of America, does not.

Maybe you ought to reseparate the threads. WAR ON TERROR and WAR IN IRAQ. They are, very simply, WARS of very different American persuasions.

Psychoblues said:
I challenged the USMB leadership to combine the previous threads of WAR ON TERRORISM with WAR IN IRAQ. To the credit of jimnyc, they reluctantly agreed. At that time, many Americans believed that WAR in IRAQ was tantamount to WAR On TERROR. They don't believe that now. jimnyc certainly supports the WAR. The nation, the United States of America, does not.

Maybe you ought to reseparate the threads. WAR ON TERROR and WAR IN IRAQ. They are, very simply, WARS of very different American persuasions.


You put up no challenge, you simply suggested that the forum would be better titled to honor those fighting terrorism in other places than Iraq, which I fully agreed with and made the change. There was no reluctance whatsoever and the change was nearly immediate after reading your post.

The war in Iraq IS about war on terror. How much do you read about general firefights? Typical combat? All 'normal' signs of fighting and a 'war' are only saw when reporting on the allied forces. The overwhelming majority of problems faced by the troops are terror related and most 'enemies' are terrorists, and many from other countries. Most attacks are later admitted to by terrorist organizations.

Those that don't believe that reality now are those that get caught up in the liberal media and politics. And YES, I DO SUPPORT THE WAR, OUR TROOPS AND OUR GOVERNMENT. And I think it's safe to say that the majority of Americans support our troops and support the protection of individual liberties throughout the world.

No splitting of forums/threads as they are all related to the war on terrorism. To give different values to different places or stages of combat would be an insult to all of those in our armed forces. I salute those in Iraq and Afghanistan, and I salute those in the forces not currently in harms way. As a team, a government, and a nation together as one will be the only way to defeat terrorism. Ridiculing, politics, conspiracies... they will only hurt our efforts. I know if I were in Iraq/Afghanistan/Pakistan... and I read this board, or even worse, DU, I would not only be insulted but it would probably make me wonder sometimes about why I was out there fighting for THEM.
DFresh said:
Thank you for proving my point and expressing an opinion on a subject you clearly do not understand.

Wow. How so very impressive a response. :smoke:
Psychoblues said:
I challenged the USMB leadership to combine the previous threads of WAR ON TERRORISM with WAR IN IRAQ. To the credit of jimnyc, they reluctantly agreed. At that time, many Americans believed that WAR in IRAQ was tantamount to WAR On TERROR. They don't believe that now. jimnyc certainly supports the WAR. The nation, the United States of America, does not.

Maybe you ought to reseparate the threads. WAR ON TERROR and WAR IN IRAQ. They are, very simply, WARS of very different American persuasions.


Get off the Busch beer and put the purple microdot down. I just don't get it Psycho, you are the most discredited piece of shit we have here yet somehow you still feel that you matter and have valuable input, what gives?

The war in Iraq, although its completely obvious to everybody except the most ardent Bush lovers that it has deteriorated into a Shiite vs Sunni conflict, is a part of the WOT, ever hear of a little group called Al Qaeda in Iraq you yellowbellied coward?
Psycho, your the biggest joke on these boards. You start threads, make accusations based on nothing, then when someone provides you the evidence disproving your opinions, you disappear into the night. Then you return weeks later starting a new thread hoping everyone else forgot the previous one.

You my friend are :bsflag:
Tragic comedy and witless remarks. How about addressing the original statements. Do you have an argument or are you just exercizing your rights to shit upon truth? I stand by my original post.

Psychoblues said:
Tragic comedy and witless remarks. How about addressing the original statements. Do you have an argument or are you just exercizing your rights to shit upon truth? I stand by my original post.

:laugh: You would, fool.
I would suggest that some of you re-read this thread or at least re-examine some of the stated opinions. Bullshit against truth. You decide.

Psychoblues said:
I would suggest that some of you re-read this thread or at least re-examine some of the stated opinions. Bullshit against truth. You decide.

I have. You suck.
Another useless tirade of unimpressionable remarks made by small minded jerks who think their contributions that only seek to belittle the former poster is somehow "smart".

The original topic once again goes unchallenged by a bunch of thugs that think their bullshit can outweigh the truth.

Psychoblues said:
Another useless tirade of unimpressionable remarks made by small minded jerks who think their contributions that only seek to belittle the former poster is somehow "smart".

The original topic once again goes unchallenged by a bunch of thugs that think their bullshit can outweigh the truth.

:laugh: :duh3: :eek2: :bong420: :stupid:
I guess it's attitude. Maybe it's just simple mindedness. I'll call it simplitude. Some of you just don't get it and, even worse than that, will probably never "get it".

You live with your simplitude and I'll live with mine. Get it?

I've spoken many, as proven countless times, truths here that even to this day have not been disproven. I'm no prophet, but I do pay attention. Maybe the American People love and want lies, innuendo and broken promises. I, for one, expect truth, honesty and an attitude of Pro American Society. I've yet to see any of that from the present administration.


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