Bush is just a beebee in a WAR he doesn't understand

dilloduck said:
DFresh said:
GotZoom said:
Tell you what - when you get out there, defending this country, saluting our flag, having someone die in your arms while defending this country

I guess you are the new token "toy" since the mods haven't canned you for flaming , huh?

Huh?? WTF u talking about Dildo?
DFresh said:
By those standards GWB shouldn’t have an option about the war

He has an option - and an opinion - about the war because he was elected President.

Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.

The people who elected him President gave him the right and duty to have an opinion.

Oh...and option.
GotZoom said:
He has an option - and an opinion - about the war because he was elected President.

Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.

The people who elected him President gave him the right and duty to have an opinion.

Oh...and option.

Thank you for pointing that out, I didn't realize that George Bush was the elected president. Wait!!! He's the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces!! Holy Shit, I thought that was Michael Moore's job. Wow, learn something new everyday. Thanks again.
DFresh said:
Thank you for pointing that out, I didn't realize that George Bush was the elected president. Wait!!! He's the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces!! Holy Shit, I thought that was Michael Moore's job. Wow, learn something new everyday. Thanks again.

Stick around-----you have lots to learn----dont be shy.
dilloduck said:
Hitler is dead for one----wanna start there?
and you were accusing the moderators of having a toy. Gee, if we don't ban, you get ruffled, if we do you get ruffled. Ah the unbelievable pressure...
Kathianne said:
and you were accusing the moderators of having a toy. Gee, if we don't ban, you get ruffled, if we do you get ruffled. Ah the unbelievable pressure...

I’ve actually gotten dumber by reading that statement.
Kathianne said:
and you were accusing the moderators of having a toy. Gee, if we don't ban, you get ruffled, if we do you get ruffled. Ah the unbelievable pressure...

I didn't say you were keeping him as a toy for yourself--I thought you might be keeping him as a toy for everyone. Take a deep breath now.
Semper Fi said:
Psychoblues, do you realize the treacheries of Saddam's regime? Women weren't allowed outside unless in a burka, females couldn't attend schools, the few schools were used as stockpiles for weapons, there was no freedom of press, one of Saddam's sons tortured olympic athletes, ethnic minorities were extinguished USING CHEMICAL WEAPONS, every room had to have a picture of Saddam in it, I could go on all day. Go to google and search for images of a chemical gas attack. I'll do it for you if you want me to when I get home from school.

The American's toppled this regime and are killing terrorists.

In what sort of twisted logic can you convince yourself we are the bad ones here?

And yet Saddam seemed like a nice guy compared to what the Taliban ran in Afghanistan. Yet psycho doesnt beleive in any war so he mustve been against that too.
As expected, psycho crawled back into his hole for another month or so. He'll be back when he sobers up enough to remember how to type. Then we can continue with his stimulating diatribes about how the world sucks and that its all Conservatives fault.
DFresh said:
If my freedom was threatened, I would fight. You missed the point entirely. Is this your lame way of telling everyone that you have fought for your country?

Can't believe I missed this. Busy, busy, busy ......

Nice avatar. Has anyone told you that you look just like the President?

Don't put words in my mouth when all you have is a cock in yours. I asked a simple question. Too tough was it?

If this Nation does not survive as this Nation, then your personal/individual liberties don't amount to a hill of beans.

Just how many more terrorist attacks do you think our National liberties are going to withstand? Your idea of when YOU think it's time to fight is my idea of too-damned-late.
GunnyL said:

Just how many more terrorist attacks do you think our National liberties are going to withstand? Your idea of when YOU think it's time to fight is my idea of too-damned-late.

What terrorist attack are you refering to? Let me remind you of something.

The FBI release of individuals believed to be the hijackers
of the four airliners that crashed on September 11, 01



1) Khalid Almihdhar - Possible Saudi national

-Possible resident of San Diego, California, and New York

-Alias: Sannan Al-Makki; Khalid Bin Muhammad; 'Addallah Al-Mihdhar; Khalid Mohammad Al-Saqaf

2) Majed Moqed - Possible Saudi national

-Alias: Majed M.GH Moqed; Majed Moqed, Majed Mashaan Moqed

3) Nawaf Alhazmi - Possible Saudi national

-Possible resident of Fort Lee, New Jersey; Wayne, New Jersey; San Diego, California

-Alias: Nawaf Al-Hazmi; Nawaf Al Hazmi; Nawaf M.S. Al Hazmi

4) Salem Alhazmi - Possible Saudi national

-Possible resident of Fort Lee, New Jersey; Wayne, New Jersey

5) Hani Hanjour -

-Possible resident of Phoenix, Arizona, and San Diego, California

-Alias: Hani Saleh Hanjour; Hani Saleh; Hani Hanjour, Hani Saleh H. Hanjour


1) Satam M.A. Al Suqami- Possible Saudi national

-Dates of birth used: June 28, 1976; Last known address: United Arab Emirates

2) Waleed M. Alshehri - Possible Saudi national

-Dates of birth used: September 13, 1974; January 1, 1976; March 3, 1976; July 8, 1977; December 20, 1978; May 11, 1979; November 5, 1979

-Possible residence(s): Hollywood, Florida; Orlando, Florida; Daytona Beach, Florida

-Believed to be a pilot

3) Wail M. Alshehri

-Date of birth used: September 1, 1968

-Possible residence(s): Hollywood, Florida; Newton, Massachusetts

-Believed to be a pilot

4) Mohamed Atta - Possible Egyptian national

-Date of birth used: September 1, 1968

-Possible residence(s): Hollywood, Florida; Coral Springs, Florida; Hamburg, Germany

-Believed to be a pilot

-Alias: Mehan Atta; Mohammad El Amir; Muhammad Atta; Mohamed El Sayed; Mohamed Elsayed; Muhammad Muhammad Al Amir Awag Al Sayyid Atta; Muhammad Muhammad Al-Amir Awad Al Sayad

5) Abdulaziz Alomari - Possible Saudi national

-Dates of birth used: December 24, 1972 and May 28, 1979

-Possible residence(s): Hollywood, Florida

-Believed to be a pilot


1) Marwan Al-Shehhi

-Date of birth used: May 9, 1978

-Possible residence(s): Hollywood, Florida

-Believed to be a pilot

-Alias: Marwan Yusif Muhammad Rashid Al-Shehi; Marwan Yusif Muhammad Rashid Lakrab Al-Shihhi; Abu Abdullah

2) Fayez Rashid Ahmed Hassan Al Qadi Banihammad

-Possible residence(s): Delray Beach, Florida

-Alias: Fayez Ahmad; Banihammad Fayez Abu Dhabi Banihammad; Fayez Rashid Ahmed; Banihammad Fayez; Rasid Ahmed Hassen Alqadi; Abu Dhabi Banihammad

Ahmed Fayez; Faez Ahmed

3) Ahmed Alghamdi

-Alias: Ahmed Salah Alghamdi

4) Hamza Alghamdi

-Possible residence(s): Delray Beach, Florida

-Alias: Hamza Al-Ghamdi; Hamza Ghamdi; Hamzah Alghamdi;

Hamza Alghamdi Saleh

5) Mohand Alshehri

-Possible residence(s): Delray Beach, Florida

-Alias: Mohammed Alshehhi; Mohamd Alshehri; Mohald Alshehri


1) Saeed Alghamdi

-Possible residence: Delray Beach, Florida

-Alias: Abdul Rahman Saed Alghamdi; Ali S Alghamdi; Al- Gamdi; Saad M.S. Al Ghamdi; Sadda Al Ghamdi; Saheed Al-Ghamdi; Seed Al Ghamdi

2) Ahmed Ibrahim A. Al Haznawi - Possible Saudi national

-Date of birth used: October 11, 1980

-Possible residence: Delray Beach, Florida

-Alias: Ahmed Alhaznawi

3) Ahmed Alnami

-Possible residence: Delray Beach, Florida

-Alias: Ali Ahmed Alnami; Ahmed A. Al-Nami; Ahmed Al- Nawi

4) Ziad Samir Jarrah

-Believed to be a pilot

-Alias: Zaid Jarrahi; Zaid Samr Jarrah; Ziad S. Jarrah; Ziad Jarrah Jarrat, Ziad Samir Jarrahi

My idea is not too late; it's about holding the right people responsible for their actions. I see a lot of Saudi’s on this list and no Iraqi’s?

I know your answer :gives: , kill'em all
DFresh said:
What terrorist attack are you refering to? Let me remind you of something.

The FBI release of individuals believed to be the hijackers
of the four airliners that crashed on September 11, 01


My idea is not too late; it's about holding the right people responsible for their actions. I see a lot of Saudi’s on this list and no Iraqi’s?

I know your answer :gives: , kill'em all

Links at site, with thousands more documents left to transcribe:


March 22, 2006
Guilty as charged
United Nations Security Council Resolution 687 (1991), passed under chapter seven of the charter and linked to the 1991 Gulf War ceasefire, operational paragraph 32:

Requires Iraq to inform the Security Council that it will not commit or support any act of international terrorism or allow any organization directed towards commission of such acts to operate within its territory and to condemn unequivocally and renounce all acts, methods and practices of terrorism;

According to Stephen Hayes of The Weekly Standard:

SADDAM HUSSEIN'S REGIME PROVIDED FINANCIAL support to Abu Sayyaf, the al Qaeda-linked jihadist group founded by Osama bin Laden's brother-in-law in the Philippines in the late 1990s, according to documents captured in postwar Iraq. An eight-page fax dated June 6, 2001, and sent from the Iraqi ambassador in Manila to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Baghdad, provides an update on Abu Sayyaf kidnappings and indicates that the Iraqi regime was providing the group with money to purchase weapons. The Iraqi regime suspended its support--temporarily, it seems--after high-profile kidnappings, including of Americans, focused international attention on the terrorist group.

According to the Center for Defense Information:

Abu Sayyaf-al Qaeda links are strong.

Some people will have to start laughing on the other sides of their faces.

Andrew Apostolou (pyjamas pongo).
Posted by Andrew Apostolou at March 22, 2006 10:43 PM

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